LAND NOTICES. A, L. WILSON Si CO., No. 8, BRANDON STREET, -WELLINGTON. (Lato o£ ilacdonald, Wilson, and C 0.),,.,' '■ Will continue the' business of • - LAND, MERCANTILE, AND GENERAL . AUCTIONEERS, AT THE ABOVE ADDRESS. . M E - WILSON lias been known to you as a member of the Firm of Macdonald, Wilson arid Co. during the last 10 years, and his experience in Wellington extends to a period of nearly 15 years, and in'tlio colony for over 30 years. . ' AVE CAN OFFER YOU ABILITY, INTEG- ■ . RITY AND STABILITY. - . . C:H
W A I K A T 0. ! .. SPEND EASTEE HOLIDAYS. ' . T WILL Show- you tho Cheapest and moat Profitable Farms in the Market, 100 Acres to 10,000 Acres. Wiro mo when yoa expect to arrive, I will' meet you. A.' WHEATLEY, . HAMILTbN. . ' ! A MODEL FARM. ; ONLY J2500 CASH REQUIRED. WE have, for'immediato sale, a Model Farm of 200 l ACRES, situated in one of tho best districts in .North Island. Suitablo for either sheep or cows. Three-fourths ploughable, when stumped; bush has been down a long whilo; therefore, making stumping an« easy matter; 50 acres ploughed, G acres in crop, 100 acres flat, balauco undulating and easy hill' country; well fenced, anil .subdivided into 13 paddocks; permanent streams, 1£ acres orchard; present occupant took six first prizes for fruit and vegetables from tho farm, at recent show. THE ONLY'FARM THAT? STOOD THE : RECENT DROUGHT. Buildings consist of a new ind up-to-date 10roomed house, woolshed, stable, i G-bail cowshed and large' loft, fowlhouse, first-class incubator house, 'wliare, trapshed. ; Carrying 3 sheep and cattle to the acre, and doing them well; J milo . from school and post office, -i miles from rail. Plenty'of good timber: on the property. Creamery, on corner of .section. • ■ THERE IS A FORTUNE FOR YOU IN THIS. ' 1 . ' INSPECT IT AT ONCE. CO., ; ■ ' 65 WILLIS STREET. ■ /POST OFFiOE BLOCK. ' HEART OF KARORt. H* c.cirmlj leiteuu «• vkiouuiej tciNKf f r \ e no's si I u 111 | || || | |' ' -—- 17 16 15 V ?8 £9 30 31 32 33 * ——L > _J—— • TJ ' — " O x trt "" -r ™ «! ftAlflES ' •JH .» _ • * £5/ rmomci oo . • ro . '.'■•Ur. . < o«n o. . . m ps. *2 — ' - 2 *■ o ■ r-o o ON m O® ° — ■ • \ ZI„IE- 1 easy " o r " -rr J TERMS. Jls 4 : 1 I 1 I n H ° po M A I n • : K v AR 0 R I — ; ——i •<*, council t«! msuYAit c> |s | ™ CENTRAL, SUNNY. BUSINESS AND RESIDENTIAL, , SITES FROM £3 tOv • Apply to J. C. RAINE, NO. 2 HARBOUR STREET, CITJ. 'Phone 1280. Or W.- I'. NEWCOiIBE. KARORL TO SPECULATORS. YOU CAN HAVE THIS BARGAIN ON XOUE OWN TERMS. , FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. Q7Afi ACRES. 3J miles from good. Bolid OI "'-'town, Bay of' .Plenty, by first-class roads. About 5000 acres in grass; 3000 acres in good milling bush; balauco scrub, 110. J., and rough feed; Half the property is ploughable,' and balance rolling to easy hills. Well fenced, well watered, fences (post and wire) in good order. 9-roomed Homestead, also t; G-roomed and 5* roomed Houso. Up-to-dato woolshed, titled with oil eugine and shearing machined. Having personally inspected chiß, wo can thoroughly recommend it. Prica, XI 10s. per Acre; equity, .£23,000. Terms, .£IO,OOO cash; balanco at 41 per cent., Or would exchange fcr lirst-clasa city P' - ' perty. , , W. Hr LAMBERT AND CO Land Salesmen,. . PALMBRSTON NORTH,
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Dominion, Volume 1, Issue 185, 30 April 1908, Page 12
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548Page 12 Advertisements Column 5 Dominion, Volume 1, Issue 185, 30 April 1908, Page 12
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