RAILVVAYNOTICES. WELLINGTON A NDM AN AW ATU RAILWAY '.LIMITED. EASTER HOHDAYS, 190 S. FOR SPECIAL TRAIN--ARRANGEMENTS IN CONNECTION WITH'. MILITARY MANOEUVRES 'AT " JOHNSONVILLE SEE SEPARATE.. HANDBILLS... AND ADVERTISEMENTS.". .-.r EXTRA MA IL 1 ' TRAINS.'' ; ' On Wednesdav, 15th, .THURSDAY, - 16th, GOOD FRIDAY, 17, th.,' : SAT.URD.AY,' 18th, EASTER MONDAY,- .-20 th,.. '..TUESDAY, 21st,. and WEDNESDAY-,'''22ndApril,',;l9oß.f-In addition to other" trans as shown below, an extra Mail Train will run between. Wellington and Wanganui, leaving Wellington at 5.20 a.m., Johnsonville-8.43,-a.m.,-tPackaka-riki 9.40 a.m., Otaki 10.30 a.m., Levin 11.0 а.m., arriving Longburn' at '12 noon, running through to' Wanganui, reaching,-, there., at .3.53 p.m. This train will stqp only at Johhsonville, Porinia, Plimmerton, Paekakariki, AVaikanae, Otaki, Levin, and Shannon on Company's line, 'but .will .stoprat; ordinary. Mail Train stopping-places ron■ I. Government ; line. Passengers for Feilding, Wanganui, 'and-- intermediate stations, including tlie Hnnterville Branch, must travel by'this train and ,not by the ordinary Mail Train. Passengers for Palmerston may travel by this train. Tho 7.50 a.m. Mail Train from Wellington will take through passengers for Palmerston, the Napier section and, stations .beyond Wanganui only., . ■ -•-•-V. Note.—On these days passengers, will not bo booked from Wellington to any station south of Waikanae by the 7.50 a.m. Mail Train. The extra Mail Train, will ..leave Wanganui at 12.45 p.m., Palmerston 4.10 p.m., and run to Wellington 30 minutes after ordinary- Mail Train, stopping on Company's line only at stations at which Mail Train usually stops.. On these days the ; .ordinary. ..Mail Train, which leaves Palmerstqn- at . 3.37/ p.nn, will stop only at Otaki and--Paekakariki.:-Passen-gers from Government: lino for .other, stations,at which- Mail Train usually stops, must-. 'change' at Palmerston and wait; for extra- mail train, which leaves Palmerston at 4.11) p.m. .'• On EASTEII MONDAY. 20th April, 1903.— Tho ordinary time-table will.be suspended,and trains will run as under:—Wellington dep.," б.lO, 7.50*, 8.20*, ' 9.20. 10.10, 10.45 "a-.m., 4:15*; G. 20 p.m.; Croftpn.dep.; C!2O, 9.30, : -'10.55' a.m.,' 0.30 p.m.'; Khaudallah' (l6p:,' 9.35,';11.0: a.iri:, 4.30 5 , C.40 p.m.; Johnsonville' dep., Bio, 8.13*; 8.43* 9.45, 10.37, 11.10 a.m., 4.40*, G.SG p.m.; Porirua dep., 8.31*, 11.0, 11.40 a.m., 5.5* 7.22 p.m.; Plinimertoii dep., 7.8, 11.25, 12.55 a.m.,' 5.20*, 7.40 p.m.; Paekakariki dep., 7.35, 9.12* 9.15*, .11,55 a.m., 12.25, G.o* 8.10 p.m.; Waikaiuie dep., S.O, 9.32*, 10.8* a.iii., G.2G* p.m.;' Otaki dep., 8.25, 9.54*, 10.32*.a.m., 6.53* p.m.; Levin dep., 9.3, 10.25*, 11.4*' a.m.,' 7.43- p.m.; Shannon, dep., 9.33, 10.47*, -,11.26*-, a.m.-. -8:14* p.m.; Lougburn arr.;-:i0.25, 11.20*,. 12.0*.a.m. 8.52* p.m.; Palmerston am, 10.45, 11.34* a.m., 12.25*, 0.14* p.m.; Feilding arr., 11.42 a.m., 12.13*, 12.57 p.m.; Wanganui arr., 3.0*,' 3.53* p.m.; New Plymouth arr., B.o* p.m. Napier. Section—Woodville arr., I.o* p.m.; Napier arr., 6.50* p.m.. Trains for Wellington,' dep.;S.4o* a.m.; Woodville dep.,: 1.20* -p.m.; Now Plymouth dep., 7.10* a.in.;, Wangaiiui dep., 12.1*, 12.45* p.m.; Feilding dep., 4.40 .p.m.; Palmerston dep., 6.55* a.m., 3.37*, 4.10*, 5.30 p.m.; Longbuni dep.,: 7.15* a.m.,'3'.50*, 4.25* 5.50 p.m.; Shannon dep., 8.3* a.m., 4.55*, G. 35 p.m.; Levin dep., 8.37* a.m., 5.15* 7.15 p.m.; Otaki dep., 9.30* a.m., 5.10* 5.47*, 8.0 p.m.; Waikanae dep., 10.10*,: a.m., 6.5*, 8.28 p.m.; Paekakariki dep., G. 40, .lfaS?,:ii.k, 3.35, 4.15, 5.53 V 6.31*, 8.58 p.m.; .-riimmerton dep., 7.13, 11.20* a.m., 4.0, M5,".9!57"/-pjniy';iPorirua dep.,, 7.38, 11.30* a.m., '4.18, .5.6, 9.40 p.m.; Johnsonville dopi, 7.10, S.IC, 10.0 a.m.;' 12.3*, 4:45/ 5.3Gj 7.45*, 10.13 p.m.; Khandallah. dep;,- '7:14,. 8.23 a.m., 4.55, 5.44,. 10.18 p.m.; Crofton. dep.', 7.21 a.m., 5.2, 5.52 p.m.; Wellington arr.,-„7.35,.8.45, 10.35 a.m., 12.30®, 5.15, 6.5, 7.20*,' B.lo*, 10.40 p.m. ' x ; *Dining Car The G.lO a.in. train from Wellington" will not stop at Khandallah, Tav,a Flat, Pukerua, or Makerua. • 1 The 7.50 a.m.". train ;fr,om >Yellingtoh. will stop only at; Johnsonville, Pori-' raa, Paekakariki, Waikaiiiie',"Otaki'. Levin,'audShannon.- This ■ train'-will'takc- through' /pas-i sengers for Palmerston and stations, beyond only and Napier Scctioh". f ■ train.'will .'not take passengers for stations, south of Waikanae.- ™ ■ ;•: -■ • The 8.20 a.m. train'from Wellington willstop ONLY at Johnsonville, Porirua, Plimmertou, Paekakariki, Waikanae,.Otiild. Levin, Shannon, Longburn, on Company's line, but will make ordinary Mail Train stoppages at'-Government stations. ' .Passengersfor '...Feilding-.Wanganui, and all intermediate" stations; ■ including the Hnnterville branch, riiust', travel- by.. ;.thiß train, and not by the ordinary-Mail Train. Passengers fbr Palmerston may travel by this train. The 10.10 ■ a.m. traiii" will not stop at Crofton or Khandallah: ; • The 3.37 p.m.: train from Palmerston, will stop .ONLY, at Otakt'ialvd;;Paekakarilii. Passengers for other stations at which this train usually, stops must change "at Pajmerston, and oit for. the 4.10 p.iiv; train.: ■ ....... The 4.10 p.m. train i'rdiii: Pnlmerston-will stop - on Company's linoyONLY ,-.at'";stations it which Mail Train-usually,stops.';. The 5.-30 p.m. train 'from PaluVerstori will NOT stop at Makerua',-•Pukerua,'. or Tawa Flat; but. will stop at all other' stations as required.' Phis train connccts with'special traiiv •leaving 1 feilding at 1.40 p.m. . .. . On TUESDAY, 21sKAprij,jl9k-Thc• Extra' ifa.il Trains will run iVangauui. (See directions above ion with Mail, and extra%jrail. Trains. .--J, !,'•' : The ordinary 5.5. p.m..,ti;ain ; froii} Palmerston. .0 Wellington 'will be delayed'to'-leave.-Palmar-' iton at 5.30 p.m., Longburn 5.50 p.ni.. ; arriving rVcllington at 10.40 p.m. (Sop time-table above or same train' on Easter. Monday), stopping, at lll'station's as required.except Makerua,' Pukeua, and Tawa Flat. This train .connects at 'almerston with. special train, leaving Feildng at 4.40 p.in. ' ' . The 2.0 p.m. train from Joh'nspjiy'ille'"to.. Wei-, ' ingtoii'-will be cancelled - On; WEDNESDAY, 'ffin'd.T'ApfUr.' ISOfelho. : xtra Mail Trains i will :run between. Yfellingon and Wanganui. (See directions above in onnection with Mail and extra Jtail Trains); A special train will- leave-'Johnsoiiville at' 2 1.m., and run to Wellington, arriving at 2.30 • >.m. on this day. . ." . . FARES;—DAY RETURN .TICICETS';..wiII be ssued between .Wellington: and .Paekakariki, vailable for return on .day. of'-issue only,, by 11 trains on Good Friday, Saturday, Sunday, nd Easter Monday. ' •' 1 ' ■•■' "■• .. HOLIDAY EXCURSION TICKETS.—HoIi-. ay Excursion Tickets .will be issued from 14th 3 20th April, 1908, -bptli -days ■ inclusive,:, be-' n-een all stations on.the.Company's"Jine,.and, . 11 stations on' the Napidr-Taranaki ;Railways f with liberty to break-. the journey./after, the assenger has travelled:.2s. miles'„froin.:the, or- . jinal starting station), - available, forl-retuni '-. ill 20th May, 190S, : First. ; lass, 45.; Second Class, 2s. ■ Excursion Tickets',"via: Main, Trunk, ■ inclu- ; ing railway and coach .journey, .will be issued, , "om Wellington to Auckland or' Rotorua; be-. , .Veen the same dates and with the-same-cur-jncy as above. .' .: : : v., Holiday Excursion Tickets will also be issued om all Company's stations to Feilding by: tho 20 a:m. train from :and: the 6.40 i m. train from Paekakariki, on Tuesday, 21st pril, available for ' return until:'2ot'h Mav, 108. , - . ......... r Tickets may. be obtained any day before avelling, and intending passengers are relested to procure their tickets beforehand. W. M. lIANNAY, . " General Manager. Wellington, April 4, 1908. ■ 8570 ELLINGTON AND MANAWATU • RAIL- ' WAY CO;, LTD. , ';•.. ' ' EASTER HOLIDAY'S, 1908. MILITARY MANOEUVRES NEAR JOHNSONVILLE. . IHe following are train arrangements for the conveyance of Volunteers and the blic'during Easter;—' - 1 , ' EASTER, MONDAY (20th APRIL)— nins leave Wellington— : "' • - ?or Johnsonville—At 6.10 a.m., 8.20 a.m., ,9.20 a.m., 10:10 a.m.,' 10.45! a.m., 2.15 p.m., 4.15 p.m., .6.20 p.m.-; - --• »• .- • • Tot Porirua and Parcmata—At 6;io a.m., 10.10 a.m., 10.45 "ium. • ■ ;•- ains for- - veave Paremata—At 7.23-a.m., 11.26-a.m., 4.10 p.m., 4.50 p.m., 9.30 p.m.- ■' "" jeavo Johnsonville—At 7.10 a.m., 8:15 a m-, 10.0 a.m., 12 noon, 4.25 p.m., 4.45 p.m., , 5.35 p.m., 10.10 p.m. 'FIRES- jT; ' ; •' | Vollington-Johnsonville,* Ist- Class, Is. 6d-: 1 1 Class, Is. I Vellington-Paremata, Ist Class, 25.; 2nd I iss, Is. 6d. .'.'Ti , B W.'TS. HANNAYr *" ' 8 General Malinger. S Wellington, Cth April, .1903. j , . .. ; 8609.1 *
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Dominion, Volume 1, Issue 176, 20 April 1908, Page 3
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1,220Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 Dominion, Volume 1, Issue 176, 20 April 1908, Page 3
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