'• •- 4 r 1 ■; A SUCCESSFUL GATHERING. \ RESULTS. OF THE JUDGING. • []iy TKLI;GKAi Jl—i ASSC cjatiok ) 1 . ' ■ ' Napier, April B.' The autumn show 'df'tlio .-Hawke's Agricultural and PastorAl'Society , was'kelc at Hastings to-day. , A'few; light showers foil during the day, but. tlie: attendance in the afternoon was large. There were two entries for the district exhibit' competition, whicli was ,won by the Puketapu branch of ■ the Farmers'; Union with 357 : points, the' Hastings ; branch of the Farmers' Union;' being .'second with 3301- joints; , ' ' • .TH E PR i ' . VPOINTS PRIZES. ■ " The following were the winners, of" the points prizes:— '- • ' • ; Sheep—Osn-ald;". Is'clson,- ;iSO ■' points,.' 1 Douglas l M•Lean, 49 points£2.''- - - ■ - ■ - Honey and beeswax—o. R.- Bostock. . Dressed poultry—T;'Rol)inson. ; ,,., 1 Vegetables—,T. Holdsiyorth, • 77- poiiitfj," 1'• B. Chambers, 71, points, Sj,'Douglas'-M'Lean! 33 points, 3. '■ f V Field -potatoes—AV.. H. .Smith.' V.. . [ POULTRY. . Hamburgs—AY. Sinclair:-' White LeghornMrs.' W. H. Oppcrt. Silver: AA r yaridottes—Hi ll». Howard. . Black. Orpihgt'oris- — Mrs. : E Baldwin. • Buff I Orpingtons—Mrs. E. '.Baldwin. Ducks—AY..Alderman, jun. v . ; f :'; • competitions. • • ■'; ' Underhand chopping' — J. Pent i (20sec.) 2min. 45see.,' 1; E. Pdddc'r, flOscc.),: 2mi°n' 47.5ec.,. 2. . , -v' v; ■ , Singie-haivded sawing j. .' Pont ; '(3sec.), lniin. 135.ee.',.-1; E.' I'celder -.'(scratch), Irain 145 sec., 2. • - • '- - '.-. .• -/ Standing-' block chopping .—' E.. Pcdder «osec.),- 3min. 3oscc., 1;. J;' Pent (40sec.) •3min. -lOspc., 2. :, r ".; ; ' ■ Double-handed, sawing' Pedder and Fiveash (scratch); ,20sec;, '1; J. .Pent and mate, (2sec.), 27sec.J-2.. Ladies' leaping - m'r.tch—Mrs. • SuiiderlancPs | The-Sinner, 1; S. Groom's Dick Turpin,' ; 2: H.'E. Trout-beck's pirate, 3. - Stockmcu's competition—AA r . A. ' Alexander, 1; AV. C. A. M'Kcnzie, 2: J. 11. Tuxford,. 3. ' . ( ■' -Maiden leaping., match. H. M'Niven's Tzara, 1; W.. Raymond's; Cattistock, 2: J. H." M'Niven's..Tekohau,. 3.' <f, *' i .-Dismounting and mounting, competition— AY. J. Graham, I;\J. H. Tuxford, 2; H. Hassell, 3. '. . " " '■' , ' .; Motor car , competition—N. M'Kcrscy, 1 • "Jones and Sons, 2 ; Murray Nepe, 3. ". -- :. , -HONEY, PRESERVES, ETC. "V ■ Five pound of.'hoiioy in glass bottle's, 10 entries—o. 11. Bostock, 1, 2, and 3, and v.h.c. Five pound honoy in -comb, 4 entries—W. O: Taylor, 1 and 2; 0. R. Bostofek, 3. Beeswax, six pounds, 4 entries—o. R.,Bostock, I- and 2. ... ■ .- ■. , V Six bottles assorted and preserved I fruits, 4 entries—Marjoric' Russell, 1 and v.h.c.: Miss A. B. Jackson,. 2 ; E. Baldwin, -3. . Six bottles assorted preservc-s, fruits, 3 entries— Mariorie Russell, 1; D. 5. M'Lcod, 2: Three bottles preserved tomatoes,. 3, entries—Bobtock, lj Ella D.ayey, 2; A. B. Jackson, 3.' -■ ■ Best collect-ion" of,gains-and jollies, .-2 entries—Strutliers, l,and v.h.c.; A". B Jackson, 2. Best collection of pickles and'condiments, 1 -'entry—Mrs., Davcy, 1. , " Bod wheat, 1 entry—C. Farmery, 1. Cape barley, 5 entries—A. .AVellwood, l\j -11. F a i-/ mery, 2; C. Farmery,. 3. Algerian' oats, 7 ! entries—T. Talboti.l' ; and 2; C; Farmery, 3. seeds. ; ' [ (Farmers' Classes.), . Perennial rye grass, 9'entries—JV Thompson, 1;' Nelson Bros., .2;' Sir. .William': Russell, 3. Italian- 1 1,70 grass, 1 entry—W..-A. M'lienzie, .1. .. -, ; - '-. .; : (Open Classes.) Maize, 2--' entries—l-lawke's- Bay -Farmers' Co-oporativo- Association,- 1; .'Williams-'and .Kettle, 2. llyo corn,,l entry—AA r illiams-and Kettle, 1. AA'liite wheat, 2 entries—Williams and Kettle, 1; • Hawko's. '.Bay. Fanners' Cooporativo Association, 2.' Red .wheat/ 2 entries—Williams and Kottlo,. 1. Chevalier barlfcy, 2 entries—AVilliams ,anel " Kettle, 1. Capo barley,; u oulriqs—Hawke's. Bay "Far'mers' Co-operativo Association, 1: -Williams, and Kettle, 2 and 3. . ■■ " Gartoh's- Tartar King oats, 3 "entries — Hawko's Bay Farmers? Co-oporativo Association, 1; AVilliams.arid'Kettle, 2; Hawke's Bay Farmers' . Co-operative . Association, -'S.' Garten's Storm King 1 entry—Williams' -and Kettle,'\r. ; Black, oats,.l. •liams and Kettle, 1/ DaYu'sli oats; 'l,'enti;ynA AVillianis and Kettle; 'oats,. l'.eiitrV— Williams and Kettle, l.y.'Spa'rrbwbill oats. 1 entry—^Williams and Kettle,. I. Algerian 0at5,.;,4 entries—AVilliaiiiS.' and Kettle, -1, Hawke's Bay Farmers' Co-operative Association, 2; Williams, and'"'Kettle, 3. . ■ Field peas, 1 entry—^Williams and Kettle, I.' • Field beans, 2 entries—AYilliams and' Kottlo, 1,;, Hawke's Bay; Farmers' Co-opera-tive Association; 2. . Perennial rye grass, ;J2^6jitrics—H.awke's Bay Farmers' Co-operative;; Associstjoii, 1 and 2;'AYilliams and Kettle;' 3, fv.li.C.;..:and. li.e: Cocksfoot, 3 entries—AYilliams ami. Kettle, I.Hawke's Bay, Fanners' Co-opera-' tivc Association, 2. Prairie grass, ij entries— Hawke's Bay :Farwere' Cp-opbnitivo'- Association,' 1 and 2; Williams and Kottlo, 3. Cow grass, 2> entries—Williams'and Kettle, I.' Rape, 1, entry—Hawko's . Bay Farmers' Cooperative' Association, 1. •- SHEEP.t..-' Five Down or crossbred Down wethers, under 2 years, most suitable for'frozen meat trade. 5 .'entries—o. Nelson, l~Tind "'2;' Douglas ji'Lean, 3. Five long-wool, or crossbred lohkwool wethers, under 2. years, most: (suitable for frozen meat trade, 3 entries—o. ? A'elson,. IDouglas M'Lean, 2. Five Down or cross--bred Down wethers, over 2 years, l most: suitable for frozen meat trade; -2 entries—Douglas M'Lean, 1; 0. Nelson, 2.' Five ewes,
under - years; most suitable for frozen meat-' trade,, 2 entries—o. Nelson, 1 and 2. Fivo , fat owes, any woiglit, 4 entries—W. Bridgman, 1; 'A.-.-Millar, .2 and 3. . Five ewes for'butchers' trade, over two years, five entries—o. Nelson, 1; Thompson, Bros., 2; W,. Bridgman, .3. Five wethers for butchers' trade, over two years, three en. tries: 0. Nelson, .1;: Douglas M'Lean, 2; ■ ; Thompson Bros., 3. < - Five Lincoln crossbred hoggets, one entry. —Douglas M'Lean, 1. Five Roniney crossbred ..Hoggets, three entries: W. Bridgman, - 1; Thompson Bros., 2; W. Bridgman, 3. Five Bonier Leicester crossbred hoggets,; ! seven entries: G. Elliott, 1 and 2; Douglas M'Lean, 3f; W. Bridgman, v.h.c.; North British ■ and 11.8. Freezing Company, h.c. Five English Leicester crossbred hoggets, two entries: Douglas M'Lean, 1 and 2. Fivo j Shropshire Down crossbred hoggets, sevea entries: Douglas M'Lean; 1; 0. Nelson, 2; ;• North British and H.U. Freezing Company, 3; Douglas M'Lean, v.h.c.; 11. li. Tod, h.c. Five Southdown crossbred hoggets, five entries: Douglas M'Lean*, 1 and 2; Oswald Nelson, 3. . • ■ ' : Child's pet lamb; twenty-five entries.— Ernest' Wall, 1; Mary Franklin, 2; Gordon ./. Wall,' 3; Eileen M'Carthy, v.h.c.; Kitty Get -. ' v hooly, h.c. - . • Farmer's stock 1 : five fat jewes, ■ three en-, tries.—J. W. Bridgman, 1; W.i Sinclair, 2; J. W. Bridgman,. 3- Fivo fat wethers, two en- ;; tries: J. W. Bridgman, 1 arid 2. Five-fat .' lambs, three entries: J. W. Bridgman, 1 and 2; Wi.. Sinclair, 3. ! pigs. : '\ One bacon pig not-to' exceed 1401b:, seven entries.—J. Wall, 1;,2,- 3, and h.c. Pen'of /<.■ two norkers, liot^-to' exceed 701b.;'six en- ■ tries:" J. Wall, 1; W. Tree 1 , 2; J. Wall, 3. One fat pig, any weight, four cntries.j—N. J. ' Wijkely,, lj ,J.« Wall, 2 and 3;J.Barfy, h.o. Four sucking pigs, most suitable for tabla four, entries: J. Weston, 1: I!. Well wood, 2: J. Wall, 3 and h.c. . " . \ . T ; DAIRY PRODUCE. Cheese: Two.factory-made cheeses, suitable ••••• for export, two entries.—Norsowoud Co-op-erative Dairy Co:, 92} points, 1. . Butter: Box of factory-made butter," suit- : . able for export, .fivcfentries. —Norsewood Co- . operative Dairy : Co., 93 points, 1; Cheltenham .Co-pperativo Dairy Co.;" 92J .points,: 2; 'V-'-i -Hereiannga Co-operative Dairy Co., 1 89 points, • 1 3. Box of factory-miide powdered' butter, five entries : . Heretaunga Cooperative Dairy. ■Co.,'-92 'points;. 1; Cheltenham'.Co-operative ; Dairy Co., 91 { points', 2; Neils Niekolson,-.911' '•'■ points, 3.1! dairy powdeWd but-' , ter (non-separator), ten entries; Mrs. , 11. Wellwood, 1; Mrs; C. Farmery, 2; Mrs;. C.: El Twist, 3; Miss A. B.'Jaekson, 2, h.c.; Mrs.: ■ C. E. Twist; he.-. Three pounds, dairy salti ; butter (separatof), l two entries:' Sirs'. Am-' brose Wellwood, 1: Jfrs.' E. L6we,'2. Tlirea . pounds dairy powdered, butter (separator),; two entries: Mrs..Ambrose Wellwood, 1; Mra., E. Lowe, 2. • • •'■' " ' ' ( V- ■' ,'Y~, FRUIT,: y'.VV-' jvr.". , Dessert Apples.—R.. Taylor, 1 and 2j,8.'H./ ' Just, 3. 'Cooking apples, three entries: J; Gushing,: 1; R. Taylor, 2; J.'Ni 'Williams, 3. .-v.",' Keeping apple's, sixteen .entries: AV. Alder- , man, 1; J. Gushing, 2;■ Gulhrie'Bros., 3: .; Dessert pears' nine entries; —R. Taylor,.!; ; ; A. M00.r0,. 2;.1i. Brajy3; Cooking'pears, ; five entries: R. Taylor, 1; E. Hi Williams,; 2. and .3. ■'■..'A'. ..•'■'.Persimmons, three'entries.—B. Chambers,-.'. ,j. .1 and 2; ,T. N.i Williams, 3. Six orangesr ' Miss Beaimslij 1; Douglas M'Lean, 2 and 3,''; Six'freestone peaches.—B.' Chambers, -li' -... i'\Y.-Alderman, 2; E. H. Williams. 3. Sis. ' Clingstone peaches,/four entries; E.-H. Williams, 1 and 2; B.' Chambers, 3." ; -: Six: quinces,' seven entries.—B. H. JiistJ 1s: '. G.' Nottingham; 2; J. N. ; Wiliams, 3;. W. Alderman, v.h.c. . . . Grapes, outdoor grown, seven entries.—A. Moore, l.ji'.J N. Williams, 2; W. 0. TavlOr. '3.' ;■ ■ V': ; ;'V\ VJ • : ' Citron melons, three entries/— G. Netting- !• ham, 1; W. W. Adftius, 2 dnd 3. 'Pie melons, . threo entries: W. W. Adams, 1: B'. Chamliers, 2; 1). B. Hill, 3. ; : . ; Walnuts, large, six entries.—E. H. Wil ' liams,;l and :2;,;U.' H. Pickoring, 3; B. 11. ! Just, v.h.c. .Walnuts, small ten entries': Miss JSeainish, 1; E. 11. Williams,-2 and 3; J. H. •G. Murdoch;' v,li.c.: ; Filberts, three entries: . ■ ■Miss. Amy.- Watts, 1; J. ,'N. Williams, 2; Douglas M'Lean, ,3., Cob nuts, three entries: '■ Miss Daisy Watts, .1; Douglas,.M'Lean, 2;■ Miss Daisy Watts, 3. ; ' ' . . ';olh>cti«n of fruit, two entries.—J. .N, WiUiam.% I;'B.'H. Just, 2.; , ' ' :l :■ i. . VEGETABLES. '~'' ' k Artichoke; Jerusalem, so,veil entries.—B. . Chambers;' 1;■ J'. N.' Williams,- ■2; E. J. '. Watt, 3;.-G. Nottingham, c. ; Beet, long, eleven entries.—D. 8..Hi11, 1; B. Chambers,.' 2; W. W.-.Adams, 3; E. J/ Watt,'h.c.' Beet, turnip, three entries.—R. B. Hill, 1; J, Holdsworth, 2. ; Beans,' runners, eight 1 entries.—J. Holdsworth, 1 ;,J. H.vG; Murdoch, 2.; B. ChamborsJ , ■3. • Beans, .kidneys, seven entries.—J. Iloldswortii,, 1; E. J.Walt,' 2: G. 'Netting- ... ham, 3; J.' N. Williams, h.'c. fieans, broad, one entry.—Miss Letty. Bader, 1; : ■ Cabbage, table,, four entries.—G..Nettingham, .1; -E.. J. : Watt, 2;. J; .Holdsworth, 3; ■ W. W. Adams, h.c. : Cabbage, red, three on- v .... tries;—Ui Nettingham, : 1; E. J. Watt, 2; W. U. W. Adams, 3. ■ r Celerv/ nine' entries.—B. Chtiabers, 1"; J. Holdsworth, 2; W. B. Jones, 3; J. Holdsworth, h.c. .; . Carrots, 'shorthorn, six entries.—J I .' ' ' Holdsw'orth, 1 and 2;. E/ J. Watt,' 3W., W: Adams, li.'c. Carrots, intermediate, nino fen- ' tries.—-D., B. Hill,. 1; J. Hold»worth, 2; E, / J. Watt, 3; J. N. WilliircS) h.c. i .Lettuces, cos, one entry—B. Clmmbers;l. .cabbage, five entries.—J. Holds- ft , worth.fl and 2; G. Nettingham, 3.'' Leeks, ten entries.—J. IJoldsworth, 1; i Douglas M'Lcan,-/2J. Walden,'3. ..■
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Dominion, Volume 1, Issue 168, 9 April 1908, Page 9
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1,618HAWKE'S BAY SHOW. Dominion, Volume 1, Issue 168, 9 April 1908, Page 9
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