PHASES OP THE MOON. .APRIL. Day. Hr. m. Now Moon . 1 4.32 p.m. ~ First quarter 9 4. 1 a.m. Full moon '■ 17 4.25 a.m. Last quarter 21 G. 37 a.m. HIGH WATER. To-(lay, .8.42 a.m.; 9.0 p.m. To-morrow, 9.32 a.m.; 9.17 p.m. SUN. Sun rises to-day, G.lO a.m.; sets, G'JO p.m. ARRIVALS. SATURDAY, APRIL -4. MANA, s.s. (1.30 a.m.), 131 tons, .Corby, frc-m Patea. - teOTOITI, s.s. (2.15 a.m.), 1159 tons, Robertson, from Picton. Passengers: Saloon—Miss Bowden, Messrs. Pilmer, Lynch, Paul, Ealliuger, Anderson; 4 steerage. OPAAVA, s.s. (2.45 a.m.), 110 tons, Nicholas, from Blenheim. AOREItE, s.s. (3.20 a.m.), 77 '.ons, i'isk, from Patea. ORETI, s.s. (6 a.m.), 215 tons, I,'obcrtson, from AVanganui. . ' . PATEENA,. s.s. (6.15 a;.m.), 1212 tons, Hunter, from LytteUon. Passengers; Snloon--Slisses Clancy, I'arlune, Jones,' Koach, Trask, Murson, Caesar, AA'hitelaw, Ilawkius, Alfrey, Seymour, . M'Kollar, Mesdames Alexander, ShefFonson, Hern, Oliver, Krapp, Clarke, Newell, Rippan, Neil, Dixon, - M'Millan, Alfrey, Davis, Teary, Prestige, Carroll, Bowie, Leggett, Barlow and 4 children, Dr. Bowie, Dr. Makgill, Messrs. Hendry, Leggett, M'Donald, Clarke, Beattie, Jenks, Osborne, Moore, Loughnan, Mataggart, Pike, Burke, Hamilton, Marriner, Preston, Russell, Johnson, Ril-' stone, Pillingo, ICayne, Jones, Gray, Paterson, Gardiner, Montague, Hawthorne, Perry, ' Davis;-Robertson, Shirtcliffe, -Lowis, Barlow, Hayman, Smith, Gay, M'Millan, M'Kellar (2), Eiley; 42 steerage. AVHAKARUA, s.s. (7.40 a.m.), G440 tons, Felgate, from London, Melbourne, Sydney, Auckland, and Napier. I TASMAN, s.s. (9.30 a.m.), 179 tons, Cox, from Nelson and Motueka.. . STORMBIRD, s.s. (10.49 ' a.m.), 217 tons, M'lntyre, from Wanganui. BLENHEIM, s.s. (2.15 p.m.), 120 tons, Watson, from Blenheim. ; A7AIIII, s.s. (3.20 p.m.), 92 itons, Carey, from Blenheim. MAPOURIKA, s.s. (5 p.m.), 1203 tons, Stewart, from Greymouth, AVestport, and Nelson Passengers: Saloon—JJlsses Gold, . Worbovs, M'Naughton, L. Curry, Wildman, Hinlicks, Lines, Hnlbert, and G Sisters of Mercy, Mesdames Nicoll and 2 children, Pratt, Clarke and 2 children, Hathaway, Cooper, Alabaster, R. Mabin, Rod and child, Anyon, Hun-ter-Brown, Boyd, Hannan, Robinson, Flem- ! ing, ; Lines, Neame, Rollett, Dierks, Morrison, Messrs. Nicholl, Shrikloy,: Bnller, J. Petrio, Olson, Heinz, Penman, Rev. Pratt, A. M'Kay, Henry, Hannan, Camphill, Doreen, Murray, Smith, Brady, Alabaster, Dierks, Anyon, R. G. Ross, Hunter-Brown, Higgins, Lane, Melluish,' Trower, Hathaway, Levin, Cooper, Wilson, Leader, Boyd,-Lewis, Colter, Leahy, Master Linos; 13 steerage. SUNDAY, APRIL 5. PENGUIN, s.s. (1.15 a.m.), ,824 tons, Ald--1 well, from Nelson and Picton. Passengers; Saloon—Misses Milne, Fields, Parke, Willis, Conder, Maddison, Pankhurst, Jordan, Wilson, Clarston, Maisfield, Hick?,. Gullery, Mesdames Usher, Armstrong, Jaoknian, Perry, Rodwood, Messrs. M. Russell, Pritchard, Cordoza, Parke, Richordson, Churnside, Short, Riwni, Mander, Dennott, ' Armstrong, W. Thomas, Hogarth, Catter, Sandilands, Woodger, Pearson, M'Cann, Todd, Muir, M'Ginnity, Taylor, Mather, Thomas, Willis, Rabone, M'Farlane, Morcom, White; ; 15:.steerage. RIMUTAKA, ■ s.s. (2.30 : a.m.), 7765. tons, Greenstrcet, from Waitara. MAORI, s.s. (7.15 a.m.), 3399 tons, Newton, from Lyttelton. Passengers; Saloon—Misses Wilkinson, Knight, Doyle, .Peck, Page (3), Galloway, Campbell, Goudie, Wilson, Hunter, Butler, Brown, Waddell, Mesdames Allw.orth, Stone, AYadruin, Mills, M'Grath and infant, East, Carmody and 3 children,, Connor and child, Page, Murrane, Lissington and 3 children, Farratch, Castle, Eastwood, Murrairo, Johnstono, Peacock ,nnd . child - and nurse, Scott, ' Lane,' Raynor, Dearsley and 2 children, Higgitt, M'Alister, Speight and child, . Grant,. Hutchison, ■ Duff, Piper, Messrs. Hedbcrg, Dr. Allworth, Wadrum, Stone, Spooner, Dalrymple, Mills, Hutchinson, East, Brice, Anderson, M'Grath, M'Ray, Beaver, White, Carmody, Cunningham, Mitchell, Douglas, Rigg, Edwards, Murrane, Sewell, Johnstone, Higgitt, Brewer, Ilott, Sir Geo. Clifford, Hood-Williams, Hyde, Peacock, Buckley, Scott,. Wren,. Fenner, . Seott, Betts, Tocker, Blakemore, Sedgar, Luinsden, Halton, Hector, Col. Ward, Skiffington, Lethem, Wliyborn, Denett, Sinclair, Griimersen, Pavitt, Lane, Allen, Grant, Toy, Burke, Piper, Douglas, - West's Picture -C'o. (12); 32 steerage. "IIUIA, s.s. (11.45 a.m.), 127 tons, Dowell, from Wanganui. •' MONOWAI; s.s. (12.10'''p.m.), 3433 "tons, Lacey, from Dunedin mid,'Lyttelton.' Passengers : Saloon—Misses M'Donald, Welch, Stark, Walker, Mesdames ■ Cambridge, Amos, Steel and infant, Rattray, Dnbenham, Elder; Wishart, Walsh,. Stirling,. Barclay, Messrs. Cambridge, - Duncan, Miller, Williams, Carr, Ballin, Malone, Beattie, Stevenson, Amos, Baigent, Anderson, Russell, Hunter, M'lCillop, Barker, Rattray, Sottina, Hearn, Cambridge, Craig, Bradshaw, Quatermain, Lee, Newman, Steele, Gray and son, O'Shea,. Goldstein, Crompton, Weir, Watson, H. Suggett. . IvAPITI, 5.6. (2.10 p.m.), 242 tons, Shaw, from Lyttelton. KENNEDY, s.s. (9.20 p.m.), 226 tons, Vjclterman, irom Foxton. QUEEN OF THE SOUTH, s.s. (11.15 p.m.), 198 tons, Harvey, from Foxton. DEPARTURES. SATURDAY, APRIL 4. PETONE, s.s. (6 a.m.), 708 tons, Dillner, for Greymouth. ' ARAHURA, s.s. (1.30 p.m.), 1596 tons, Lambert, for Picton, Nelson, and : West Coast. Passengers—Saloon: For Picton—Mesdames Moore, Rhodes, Hon. R. - Reeves, Messrs. Colvin, Kelton, Farmer, Moore, Cresswell, May, Bush, Dwyer. For Nelson—Misses Mair, Campbell, Allport (2), Mesdames Claridge, Wrigley, Angus, M'Keown, ■Williams,' Blick, Messrs. Lewis, Brooke, Graham,- Edwards, Headland, Martin, For Westport-rrMisses .Mailoy, O'Malley, Stitt, Cox, Wright, .Mesdames M'Mahon, Olliver, Graham,. Carroll, Apted, Messrs. M'Mahon, Graham, Dr. Mac Donald and son. For Greymoutli—Misses Morgan,Wakelin, Slattery, Mesdames 1 Keller and child, M'Gorman, Ainsworth, Brown, Tasker, Neilson, J. P. Coulson, Messrs. Holliday, Holder, Derricks Melville, Taylor, • Barnett, Brown, Grimett, Biggs, Rapley, Carter. KOTUKU, s.s. (2.30 p.m.), 1054 tons, Crawford, for Westport. TASMAN, s.i. (3 p.m.J 179 tons, Cox, for Nelson and Motueka. TAVIUNI, s.s. (-1 p.m.), 1465 ton 6, Brophy, for Westport. TALUNE, s.s. (5.20 p.m.), 2087 tons, Burgess, for Westport. TE ANAU, ~s.s. (5.20 p.m.), 1652 tons, Nicholson, for Lyttelton. ✓' .MANA; s.s. (6 p.m.), 134 tons, Corby, for Patea. . PATEENA, s.s. (11 p.m.), 1212 tons, Hunter, for Lyttelton.—l3o passengers. SUNDAY, APRIL 5. .OPAWA, s.s. (2.30 a.m.), 110 . tons, Nicholas, ior J3lenheiin. , ROTOITI, s.s. (10 p.m.),'; 1159 tons, Robertson, for Nelson, * New Plymouth, and Onehunga. ORETI, s.s. (midnight), 215 tons, Robertson, for Wanganui, via The Grove. EXPECTED ARRIVALS. Torgauten, Kaipara, April 6. ' Pareora, Greymoutli, April 6. Manaroa, Ilavelock, April 6. Kamona, Southern ports, April 7. * Pateena, LytteUon, April 7. Tasman, Motueka, April 7., . Mana, Patea, April 7. Opawa, Blenheim, April 7.' / Taviuni, Westport, April 7. Wairuna, Lyttelton, April 7. AVaikare, Auckland, (iisborne, and -Napier, April 7. Ulimaroa, Sydney, April 8. g Takapuna, Onehunga, New Plymouth, April Maori, Lyttelton, April 8. Penguin, Picton, Nelson, April' 8. Tongariro, London, via Capetown and Hobart, April'B; Kittawa, Greymouth, April S. > Mamari, Picton, April 8. Araliura, West Coast, Nelson,'and Picton, April 9. Mokoia, Dunedin, Lyttelton, April s. Maitai, Melbourne, via Southern ports, April 10. . Wimmera, 'Sydney, via Auckland, April 10. Rotoiti; Onohunga, New Plvmouth. April 10. Haiyjiu, East J
PROJECTED DEPARTURES. Blenheim, Blenheim, April G. Aorere, Patea; April G. Stormbird, Wanganui, April 6. Surrey, Lyttelton, April G. : Kapiti, Patea, April G. ; Queen of the South, Foxton, April 6. Waihi, Blenheim, April 6. Kennedy, Nelson and West Coast, April G. lCiripaka, Patea, April G. \ Surrey, Lyttelton, April G. Maori, Lyttelton, April G. Huia, Wauganui, April G. Kahu, Napior, via Coast, April 6. Manaroa, .Motueka, April G. Monowai, Napier, Gisborne, and Auckland, April G. ■ : ■ . ■ ■ Penguin, Picton and Nelson, April C. Flora, Nelson and West Coast, April G. Wakatu, Kaikoura, April' 6. Waikare, Lyttelton, Dunedfn, April 7. Mapourika, Nelson and West Coast, April 7. Defender, Greymouth, April 7. Wairuna, Sydney direct, April.7. Opawa - , Blenheim, April 7. Pateena, Lyttelton, April 7. Tasman, Nelson and Motueka, April 7. Whakarua, Gisborne, April 7. 3 "Regulus, Westport, April 7. Corinna, Southern Ports. April '8. Maori, Lyttelton, April 8. , Takaprina, New Plymouth, Onehunga, April 8. Penguin, Picton and Nelson, April 8. t Mokoia, Sydney, via Auckland, April 9. Maitai, Sydney direct, April 9, Wimmera, Lyttelton and Dunedin, April 9. • Rimutaka, Monte Video, Rio de Janeiro, Teneriffe, Plymouth, and London, April 9. Penguin, Picton and Nelson, April 10. Star of England, London, April 11. Arahura, West Coast, April 11. V INTERCOLONIAL SERVICE. . j STEAMERS TO ARRIVE. ' » WIMMERA, s.s., left Sydney, April 1, for " Wellington, via Auckland, Gisborne, and > Napier. Due Wellington Api;il 10. Leaves same day for Lyttelton and Dunedin. MAITAI, s.s., left Melbourne, April 1, for Wellington, via Hobart and Southern ports. Due Wellington April 10. Leaves samo i' day for Sydney direct. Due Sydney April li. MANUKA, s.s., leaves Sydney, April 8, for . Wellington, via Auckland, Gisborne,. and . Napier. Due Wellington April 17. Leaves same day for Lyttelton and Dunedin. , ULIMAROA, s.s., left Sydney, April 4, for Wellington direct. Duo April s. Leaves April 9'for Melbourne, via Southern ports and ' Hobart. Due Melbourne April 18. VICTORIA, s.s.' leaves Sydney, April 15. for Wellington, via Auckland, Gisborne, and Napier. Due Wellington, April 24. Leaves ' same day for Lyttelton and Dunedin. MAHENO, s.s., leaves Melbourne,' April, 8, for Wellington, via Hobart-and Southerii port#.. Due Wellington, April 16. Leaves following > day for Sydney direct. Due Sydney. April 21. ] W.-VRRIMOO, s.s., leaves Melbourne, April 15, * for Wellington, via Hobart and Southern ports. Due Wellington, April it. Leaves same day for Sydnoy direct. Due Sydney, April 28. MOERAKI, s.s., leaves Sydney, April 11. for Wellington direct. Due Wellington, April 15. ' Leaves April IG, for Melbourne, via Southern ports and Hobart.' Due Melbourne, April 25. MOKOIA, s,s., leaves Dunedin, April 7, for „ Sydney, via Lyttelton, Wellington, Napier, Gis- . borne, and Auckland. Arrives and leaves Wel- _ lington, April 9. Due Sydney, April 17. OVERSEA SHIPPING. STEAMERS TO ARRIVE.' ' From London. MAORI (due Wellington about April 10), Bailed on February 13, via Auckland. , (Shaw, > Savill, agents.) - ' • TONGARIRO (due Wellington about April *), sailed on. February 20. Plymouth 22, via ' Teneriffe, Capetown, and Hobart. (N.Z. SKip- ;* ping' Co., agents.) \ - ' NIWARU (duo Wellington abont May 75), ' sailed on February 29j via Australian ports,' Auckland, and Napier- (Tyser Line, agents.) '' IONIC (due Wellington about April 21), ■ sailed on March 5, Plymouth March 7, via' ' Capetown and'Hobart. (Shaw, Savill, agents.) s TORAKINA' (due Wellington about May 9), sailed on March It, via Auckland. New Zealand Shipping Co., agents.) ' PAPAROA (due Wellington about May 9), sailed on March 19, Plymouth, ,-March 21, via Capetown and- Hobart. (New Zealand Ship[.ing'Co., agents.) ' ' J STAR OF -JAPAN (due Wellington about jr June 2), sailed on March 24, via Australia, Auckland, and Napier. (Tyser Line, agents.) ' From Liverpool.' - ■ DEVON (duo Wellington about April 17), , sailed on February 8, via Anstralia and Auck- , land. (F.n.S. Line, agents.) , INDRAGHIRI (duo Wellington about Aprit r 20); ..sailed on February 28, via Auckland. , (lyper Line, agents.) > MORAYSHIRE (due Wellington abont May > 14), sailed on March 7, via Melbourne, Sydney, ' and Auckland. (F.H.S. Line, agents.) ' WHAKATANE (due Wellington abont May 22), sailed on March 21, via Auckland. (New Zealand Shipping Co., agents.) ■ From Now York. ; .I'STRATI!AVON (duo Wellington abont Anril 17), sailed on January 18, via Melbourne, Sydf liev.- and Ancjili-iid. (A. and A. Line, agents.) - AFRICAN MONARCH (due Wellington - about May 15), sailed on February 29, via - Australia and Auckland: (New-'Zealand Ship. - ping Co.. agents.) MIMIRO, (dne Wellington about May 11), , sailed on February .29, via Australia and • i Auckland. SAILING VESSELS TO ARRIVFj. ' RENFIELD, four-masted barquentine, left Liverpool, February 20, for Wellington. . , PfiI.OTAS, barquentine, left Clarence River, March 2, for Wellington. MANUREWA, barquentine, left Newcastle March 23. for Wellington. HIPPOLAS, barque, left Clarence River, March 21. for Wellington.DARTFORD, ship, left Newcastle, April i, : for Wellington. . ' ' r ' BY TELEGRAPH. ' OVERSEA. LONDON. / , _ April 3. Soiled.—Atlienic, for Wellington. ; NEWCASTLE. ■ ■ i. .. 1 . April i. : Sailed.—Dartford, for Wellington. - - . Arrived.—Karamea, from . Wellington. ; SYDNEY. v • April 3. > Sailed. —Maroro, for Wanganui. April 4. : Sailed.—Ulimaroa (3.30), for Wellington. April 5. Arrived.—Star of Scotland, from Wanganui. MELBOURNE. ,i April 5. . from the.Bluff. COASTAL. ' J \ SATURDAY, APRIL 4. ONEHUNGA. Arrived.—Rarawa (8.30 a.m.), from New Plymouth. - ' Arrived.—Corinna (10 a.m.), from. New Plymouth. Arrived.—Takapuna (9 a.m. Sujiday), from New Plymouth. -. .. . Sailed.—Rarawa (3.45 p.m. Sundry), for New i Plymouth. - ' ■ NEW PLYMOUTH. Arrived.—Takapuna (1 ■ a.m.),. from One- ' hunga. . ' Arrived.—Kittawa (7.30 a.m.), from Onehunga. • Sailed.—Takapuna (9 p.m.), for Onehunga. \ TE KOPURU. Sailed.—Brisbane (11 a.m.), for Melbourne. ! Sailed.—Torgauten (4 p.m.), for Wellington. PATEA.' 1 Arrived.—Kiripaka (11.45 a.m.), from Wei- > lington.' ' ' - j To sail.—Kiripaka (noon Sunday), for Wdl-, lington. BLENHEIM. , ! } Arrived.—Opawa (10.30 a.m. Sunday), from, £ Wellington. s PICTON. 1 Arrived—Arahura (5.45 p.m.), from Wellington. - I NELSON. Arrived.—Waverley (5.35 p.m.), from Wei- t lington. t A rrived.—Tasman (4.35 a.m. Sunday), from Wellington. Arrived.—Arahura (7.30 a.m. Sunday), from 6 ■Wellington. ... J ' , ' GREYMOUTH. !J Arrived.—Pareora (10.30 a.m. Sunday), from b Wellington. n Arrived,—Petoao (4 p.m. Sunday), from 11 I .Welllngtoa. J?
Sailed.—Pareora (12.15 p.m. Sunday),. for Wellington. . WESTPORT. . ■ ' Arrived.—Talune (12.15 p.m.), Sunday), from Wellington.' Arrived.—Taviuni (5 p".m. Sunday), from Wellington. ■ . LYTTELTON. Arrived.—Mokoia (12.15 p.m.), from Wellington. Arrived.—To Anau (10.15 a.m. Sunday), from Wellington. Arrived.—Pateena (12.45 p.m. Sunday), from Wellington. TIIE TYSER LINE. The Tyser Line steamer Star of England, it is expected, ivill complete Homeward loading at Wellington this week, arid is timed to sail at daylight next Saturday, for London direct. The Whakarua leaves Wellington early to-morrow morning, for Gisborne. I THE SYDNEY BOAT. The Huddart, Parker liner Ulimaroa left Sydney at 3 o'clock on Saturday afternoon, "for Wellington direct. She has a total of 191 passengers Zealand, and G42 tons of cargo for this port. The vessel is duo here on Wednesday, and will sail at 4 o'clock' on Thursday afternoon for Southern ports, Hoburt, and Melbourne. THE SHIP DARTFORD! The ship Dartford; under the command of ' Captain Chichester, left Newcastle last Saturday for The vessel is bringing a cargo of coal, and is making her last voyage, for on arrival she will be converted into a cnal hulk for the Union Company. The vessel has been lying in Sydney harbour, since last September, and was only recently purchased by the Union Company. . THE MAMAIiI'S MOVEMENTS. It is reported that the, Savill, and Albion ■ Company's steamer Mamari will omit Gisborne and Napier from those ports at which she was fixed to load for London. The alteration entails that the vessel proceeds from Picton, to Wellington, where she is expected on Wednesday. She is to remain anchorage in . the Stream for four days, and will then leave for. Lyttclton' to. resume loading. She is due to arrive back in Wellington on April IG, and a week later she is fixed to take her departure thence for London. - ■ ■' ■ THE TOFUA. The Union Company' steamer Tofua, specially built for the South Sea Islands trade, is expected to be ready to leave for the colonies about the middle of this month, says, an exchange. ', She will load general cargo at United Kingdom ports for South Africa, and will ship passengers- there for Australia ami New Zealand. She'will bo due in Sydney early in June, and will tranship her Now Zealand passengers and take up her island running from 'Sydney shortly after arrival. ✓ THE' HINEMO.-V. ; . The Government steamer Hinemoa, which is undergoing a thorough overhaul at, Lyttelton, will • be docked to-day for cleaning and painting and survey. It is expected that the vessel will be ready to resume running about the end of next week, when she will leave for Wellington.' Captain Bollons, who has been absent on holiday leave, is expected tc rejoin the Hinemoa to-day at Lyttelton. Mr Pyke, second engineer of the vessel, take up a corresponding position on the Tutanekai and will be succeeded in the Hinemoa by Mr, Johnston, the third engineer.' Mr. Petersen, fourth engineer of the Tutanekai, l(ns beer appointed third engineer of. the/E'nemoa, and his present' position will be filled by. Mr. -Mitchell', who has not been in the Government service before. ; THE BARQUE; PHAROS.< ■' - The barque Pharos, which arrived from Pori Pirie on • Friday evening, was berthed at the Wool Wharf on Saturday morning. She coni meticed her' voyage from South Australia ;br March 4, but owing to heavy- southerlj weather she- did not clear the gulf until c fortnight later: The wind still b!r">- sf-otigi' from , the southward until March. '22, when' il camo from an easterly direction, and nexl day it was . blowing from the north. Or March 25 the Pharos' was off Wilson's Promontory, and from there she scudded across; the Tasman Sea. On Thursday she sighted., the lighthouse, at, Farewell Spit. The passage ..was marked by a"st.rong"'gale, , -the"heavv-weather casing tho barque to roll a lot. The vessel arrived off Tongue • Point the same day she sighted tli.e Spit, but ominous clouds from the south warned Captain Tonkin to stand clear. On Friday. Wellington Heads were' reached, and the vessel was-towed to an anchorage the sann evening. It is two years since Captain Tonkin last visited Wellington, • and he was then in' command of tho same vessel. He was here : previously in command of the ShawSavill sailing vessel Glenlora. The Pharos will: load . at Wellington under, the auspices of ; the' Scales Line, of-'Sailing'Vessels. . ~ ; . /PASSENGERS' FRQM i ENGLAND. The New-'Zealand''Shipping Company's steamer Tongariro, which left Plymouth on February 22 for Wellington, via Capetown and Hobart, is'bringing tlie following passengers for the Dominion First saloon—Misses H. M. Cocks, M. E. Harris, G. Hatherley, H. .Teffcock, H. St. John, K. St. John, Mesdames Burdon, Foster-Melliar, M. Harris,' St.' John and maid, Waldron, Messrs. C. M. Burdon, R. , A. Foster-Melliar, G. Hall, Hon. M. St. John, Rev. G. P. D. Do Labilliere, Dr. F. T. Waldron, Masters.R. M. Burdon, G. L. Burdon, W. J. Harris, R. E. P. Harris, F. It. Waldron. Second-class—Misses R. Birrell, D.' C. Broom, K. Drowning, A. A. Dunn,' G. M. Kempton, M. Steven, Mesdames N. Broom, F. A. Corpe, M., A. Holmes, - Ivenjpton, Seaward, Messrs. E. Alden, W. T. Atyes, H. -A. Beever. Wm. D. Blair, G. Broom, A.' Chapman, W. W. Corpe, W. G. Cragg, Rev. 1?. H. K. Kempton, Wm. E. Mai-tin, W. B. -M'lCelvey, P. Naish, B. Seaward; P. R. Skelton, Dr. V. F. Usher, D. H. N. Wells, Master G. V. Broom, R. H. Kempton, J. J. Mur-ray,'.-F. G. Murray.- .Third-class—Misses -Andrews (2), L. Bairstow, E. Berry, M; Cochrane, J. Cook, J. Deas,- D. Edwards,' E. Firman, E. Fowler, D. Gaskell, Hendry (2), Hey (3), L. Hinsley, L. Kinsley, A. M'Donald, M. Morganti, A. -Novell, E. Pannifer, S. Paxton, M. Wright, A. Quigley, A. Russell,. L. Smith, E. Snell, J. Sparkes, Taylor (2), L. Tebbutt, A. Train, Trendell '(3), G. Watson, F. Woodward, E. Wills, Mesdames Andrews, Berry, Burgess, Butcher,' Cable, Dopson, M. Hendry, Hey, Inkster, E. James', Makepeace, E. Prout, Quigley (2), H. Riddell, Spencer, S._ Trendell, S. Way,-, Woodward, Messrs. T. Wright, W. Woolley, H. Vi 7 oodward, Webster (2), R. Watson, E. Ward, T. Walbourn, P. Tierney, Thompson (2), F. Tait, H. Sturge, P. Stewart, J. Spence, H. Sears, J. Scott, A. Saunders, W. Sandford, W. Rumble, J. Rodder, C. Robson, R. Riddell, J. Quigley, T. Proctor, Price (2), W. Parkinson, J. Parkins, Wi Ormiston, J. O'Connor, D. Neill, J. Moon, A. Milliken, W. Marsh, H. Makepeace, R. W. M'Killop, J. M'Auliffe, E. Lockc, J. Little, J. Lister, A. Lindsay,' T. Lenihan, H. Kinsley, Kidd (2), H. Iverr, J. Kellock, W. Jenkinson, H. Inkster, A. Huntingdon, H. Howard, J. Hooper, C. Holland, Hey (2), R, Gidloy, H. French, W- Fowler, A. Forsyth, R. Forster, E. Fleming, Firman (2), A. Favrcett, E. Dyson, Dopson (2), C. Aiiken, W. Andrews, A. Bell, J. Berry, W. Black, A. Brooks, J. Brosnan, J. Brown, J. Burgess, H. Burgess, R. Burnett, F. Butcher, M. Butcher, C. Cable, G. Clift, E. Collis,, J. Craig, A:! Critchlow, H. Davidson, W. Davies, R. Day, Master T. Andrews, Barber (2), J. Berrv, Cable (2), Dopson (2), Hendry (2); Hey (2), Holland (2), J. Makepeace, J. Prout, F. Trendell. The Tongariro arrived at Hobarc on Friday afternoon, and is due hero on Wednesday. Mr. H. A. Davey, late sccond officer of the Maheno, has joined the Wanaka as chief officer. , - The two colliers, Rakanoa aud Waipori, on completing discharge of their cargo at Wellington,, return to Wcstport.' The Union Company's steamer Wairuna, which leaves Wellington to-morrow for Sj'dnoy direct, is taking horses,, sheep, and cattle from Timaru, Lyttelton, and Wellington, for tho Sydney show. . Mr. Dyason, chief officer of the Navua, cornea ashore on private business at Auckland, and Mr. Dryden, 1 second officer, has been appointed acting chief officer in his place. Mr. Fletcher, second officer of the Whangape, has been appointed sccond officer of the Navua. The Union Company's East Coast trader Haupiri is expected to roach Gisborne on Wednesday, thence she comes on to Wellington, via Napier. From here,, the Haupiri proceeds to Lyttelton, whence she returns to Wellington, and resumes her usual running. The New Zealand Shipping Company's steamer Rimutakn loaded the following exports for London at Lyttelton:—2l72'bale? wool and skins, 1 package wool, 371' casks tallow and oleo, IG6 casks pelts, 1 live pony, 500 boxes kidneys and sweetbreads, 35,747 carcases mutton and lamb, 130 cases. cheese, 12G bales flax, 25 cases sheep's tongues, 4 bales clip- 1 giags, 3 oa£C6 sundries.
The captain of the Kennedy, which arrived fromVFoxtpn last night, reported that the Mariaroa was sheltering in Ohau Bay at. 6 o'clock last night, when he passed en route for Wellington. There was a; heavy southerly wind blowing at the time, /but moderate weather was experienced in tlie . Strait; The. Union, Company's "steamer Kamona is expected to reach Wellington early this week from Dunedin, Oamaru, Timaru, and Picton. From Wellington, tho Kamona proceeds to Westport. The Ivittawa is fixed to leave Greymouth, and the Taviuni, Westport, for Wellington, early this week. . The barque Bankfield, which'has been purchased by Messrs. A. H. Turnbull and Co., of Christchurch, for the New Zealand trade, will'load a cargo of salt. at Edithburg, South Australia, for Lyttelton. Captain . Douglas, ■, late of the barque Aldebaran, will bring tlio ' vessel to Lyttelton.
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Dominion, Volume 1, Issue 165, 6 April 1908, Page 10
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3,492SHIPPING. NEWS. Dominion, Volume 1, Issue 165, 6 April 1908, Page 10
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