MABTERTOM RACING CLUB'S AUTUMN MEETINC... (BY TELEGIUnI—SrtCIAL COHRF.arOKDKNT.V Mastorton, March 26. The autumn meeting of the Masterton Racing Club was hold to-day. The weather was very wet, and a good deal of water stood on-parts of the track, but the jockeys report that tho going was fair, and if the weather breaks thojtrack should bo in good order to-morrov,'. Hie attendance was not quite so good as usual, and speculation oil the machine was anything but brisk. The total investments wero £'3874, a considerable falling-off. Eleven bookmakers wero licensed inside and seven outside, the fees being £15 and. £7 10s., with 10s.- for a clerk. Tho fields were very good in tho main, and several ■ exciting finishes took place. Tho concluding events on tho programme wero started a gpod deal behind time, and the South train left a lot of passengers behind. The results are as follow: — HACK HURDLES, of 70 sov's. One milo and three-quarters. Mr. W. Davidson's' oh. g. Reservoir, by Jet do Eaii—Cartoucha, Gyrs., lOst. • 71b. (J-, Jones!) 1 Mr. E. Marshall's Snip, 9st. (Prttchard) 2 Mr. It. Knox's Royal Blue, lOst.- 71b. (Cress) '■ 3 Also starter; Tilson, 9st. 01b. Royal Blue and Tilson led past tho stand, but going down tlm back Tilson drew out to a couple of lengths. Snip took the lead at the last hurdle, having come fl'olil tile rear of tlift field, but Reservoir caught him on the pobt) and won by a nose. Tim?; 3miu. 29 3-osSc. MAIDEN HACK, of 50 Sbvs; Weight for age. Fivo furlongs. Mr.' A. Donald's ch. g. Kelso, by PetroleUlli, oyrn. ....' - (Galbriiith) 1 Mr. CI. F. Vallance's Conquer (S. Reid) 2 Mr. A, Peters's Yineo (Hutch) 3 Also started: Tainui, Sandstbno, Knight, Commander, Sealer, Iranui, Epsom Downs, Roosevelt, Campaign. The first _to show out wore Conquer and Kelso. The first-named led to the straight, WliefO Vilico and Kelso challenged, and the latter won by two lengths, a similar dis-tance-between Second and third. Tiliio, lrnin. GHsec. MASTERTON HACK, of 80 sovs. Olio mile. Mr. W. Hume's b.m. Wailetho, by Letlio —Walhja,'«Bed, 7st. 131b. ' ' (R. Hatch) 1 Mr. J. Cress's Gaelic, VStl 12lb'. (earned Bst. 101b.) (O. Cress) 2 Mr. G. Hume's Stratheona, Bst. 121h.
(Keid) 3 Also started: Rangihacta, Set.; Nichcvo, 7st: 711>.; Lochiela, 7st; 21b. From n straggling stSirt Lbciliotaj AVailothc, and ltansihaeta took the lead. Wai' lethe eamo away in the straight, and won easily by three kngtbs. Gaelic just beating Strathcoila for second; v Locliiela fourth. Time, liliih.'G26oC. ■ • WAIPIPI Clip, of / 200 sovs.; second horso to rcceh"fe 20 sdVs,, and third 10 sovsi frflm the stake.. .Olio mile and ii quarter. Mr. J. Armstrong's br. m. Chatterer j by, St. Andrew—Whisper, nged, 7st. 4lb. . (George Priee) 1 Mr. W. Piatt's b. m, t Mei'rlq RosCj by Merrie England—l'dloiv Itose, syrs., , .7§t.. 4lb. ,\. (P. Cress) ; 2 Mr."\Y. .CfsibgU. b. g. lAbei'i-ation, by. PdS- ' I.Mblfrrfßibkie, fiyts., 7st. ,81b. (Olivet) 3 A)6o start-lid : TangiiiiOaliiij Ost. ■ (Voultg) j Waitapu, Bsti 131b. (M'Kny); Sail Julie, Bst.. 7lb. (C.' Cress) j Moldoli, Sst. ollj. (Lang-' stono); Mataari, Bst, 61b. (Williams); Tu-; pono, 7st. 31b. (Hatch). , A good start saw Tangimoiina talco tho lead, with Chatterer, Aberration, and ,Tupojio, while Vait-apu tfas. whipping iii the licld., At tho end of,two furlongs Moloch tfas'in tho lafet position. Taiigi'moana slid Chatterer raced together' doWll the . b&ck, ; and Waitapit gradually 'improved till iiß Was 'ill fourth position. Two furlbiigs fffllll home Chatterer ivfeilt to the frdl\t, hlld ftanlfl into the; straight. with .a. eloar lead. Half--way up the' straight Waitapu' nnd Aberration challenged Chatterer, - but could, not reach her. Merric Rose, however, came with a lato rtiii) andi jiist failed'to head .the St. Andrew lhare. ' Waitapu was fourth, and MolOch fifth. Tliiigimoana and Tupoiio were last to finish. Tiine, 2min. 15-l-ssec.
Telegraph hack, of ro sovs. six. . ... furlongs/' Mr. W. Davis's br. ni. Yosanli, by Tho Pfficer —Elfj Cyrs,, 7st. 121bi ' , (George Price) 1 Mr*. H. Telford's First Mate, 7st. 71b. • ; (Oliver). 2 Hon. J. .-.Carroll's - Wharekura,. Bst. ,91b. .y.v, '' ' TileSo-;Wei;e the ..only. istartdrs, ;,- . 4-... Wharekiira atVd Yosami . went off' together, but Ybdanli took the lead at bhlWva.Yj aild Woii oasily : from First Matci who beat Wharekiira in the straight.; Time, lmiiu lDl'Ssec. . \. .' LADIES' BRACELET, of 50 sovs. One itiilo : - and A. qUafter. Mi's. J. Wi White's b. g. Colilniailder, by TliO Officer—Nwiie, ovrs., list. 21b. ; ;■ ... ■ . (Mr.. A. Hyde) ' 1 Miss Nixon's Anemone, lOst. 131b. •' '' (Mr. Moofe) 2 MisS -Beat-son's Defeat, lOat. lllb. (Mr. Beatsou} 3 i Also started: Killnriiey, list. 71b.; HiilU,pai, list. 21b.: Dulcinea, - list;; AneylOj lOst.. lllb.; Araliura, lOst. , 71b. 1 ; Grand Circle, iOst. 71b. . » . Tho start Was, all even Olie, and after going a furious Hitnlpai Was in front.. Then Ancyle joined issue, arid tho pair led down the back, with Araliura, Commander, and Anemone handy. Entering the straight, Aneinono took : the lead, and Defeat, and Commander commenced to close up. A'great rhce tb . the post . resulted-- in' Commander ■whining by a head, with. Defeat three-parts of a length away. Time, 2niin. 223-GSdc.. MARCH HANDICAP, of 100 sovs. Seven 'furlongs. Mr. W. Cooper's b.m. Sunbonnet, by Seaton DelaVal—Sunbeam, Gyrs., 7st. Olb. / (L. / Wilson) 1 Mr. G. Foreman's Full Rate, 9st....(Reid) 2 Mr. J. Armstrong's Chicane,' 7st. 3lb. • (carried ,7sti 71b (Price) 3 Also started : Hiro, 7sti 81b.; Shotfofik Holmes, 7st. 71b.; Waicola, 7st. 31b. :• Platypus, (3st. lllb.; Scotch Reel, 6st. 71b.j carried Gst. 131b.; Flfrida, 6st. 71b. The start Was a straggling ohe, and WliOn the field settled down Full Rate waS ill the lead. At the straight Suiibolinet came through and wort easily by Six lengths, Chicane being a length, behind Full Rate. Waicola Was fourth. Tilnc, liniii. 3Ssee. DASH HACK, of SO sovs. FiVo flirlOligs. Mr. .Wiri PoWehe's br. g. Naulnai, b,V Conqueror, 3.Vrs., 9st; (T. Pritchard) 1 Mr. Fred. Douglas's Ikon, Bst. 61bi (Ollivor) 2 Mr. W. E.Bidwill's.Consolation, Bs±. 21b. (Reid) 3 V Also started: Yosamii Bst. 41b. (inel. 101b. penalty); Miss Peaty, 7st. . Nalimai began very smartly alid secured a break of three lengths. Ikon just failed to catch hinl by a long neck. Time, lmili., 5 2-osec. ACCEPTANCES FOR. SECOND DAY. The following are the acceptances for the second day:— HACK HURDLES. Ono milo and a half —Reservoir, list. 61b.; Royal Blue, 103t. Oil).; Diilcinoa, 9st. 121b.; Commander, 9st. 121b.; Tilsbn, Ost. 71b.; Lady Adair, Dsfc. . OI'AKI HACK HANDICAP. Seven furlongs.—Gaelic, Osti; Wililethe, Bst. lllb.; Rangiliaeta, Bst. 91b.; Nichovo, 7st. 31b.; Kcisb, 7st.; Loehlclu, 7st. AUTUMN HANDICAP. One milo.-W.ii-thtni, Bst. lllb.; Tiiiiffimoana, ?st. Olb., Sail Julie, Bst. 31b.; Chatterer, Bst. lib.; Aberration, 7st. lllb.; Morris Rose, 7st. 91b.; Strathcona, 7st. HIGII-WEIGHT HACK HANDICAP. One milo.—Anemone, list. 71b.; Defeat, list. 31b.: Araliura, lOr.t. 71b.; Ancyle, lOat. ,71b.; .Tot do More, lOst. 71h.: Grand Circle, lOst. 71b.; Trnyloel;, lOst. 71b. RAILWAY HACK HANDICAP. Six furlongs.— Ikoti, Bsti, Olb.; Yosami, Bst. 21b,; iliiHiptii, 7st. 51b.; Blue Ribbon, 7st. TELEPHONE tIANM)ICA) J , Six furlan R n, —Sunbonnet, Bst.j Gawaiu, Bst. 101b. | Cliic-
ane, Sst. 211).; Waicoltf, ; Merrio Zealand, 7st. 111b.; Sherlock_ Holmes, 7st. 101b.; Platypus, 7st. 71b.; Valilila, 7st. 711).; Tliera, 7st. 51b.; Elfrida, 7st. 31b. •
WELTER HANDICAP:One > lio, 9st. 71b.; Wailothe, 9st. 41b.; Defeat, Bst. 31b.; Snip, 7st. 101b.'; lCpsom Downs, 7st. 71b.; Jet de More,--Tst. 71b.
FINAII HACK HASDICAP i .;..,©ye,Jur- 1 , longs.—Naumai, 9et. '61b.'; .Ikon; "B'st._'9lb"; Conquer, 7st. 01b.; Vinco, 7st. 31b.; Knight Commandor, 7st,; Hiiierangi, 7st.; Lady. Lctho,'7st. ' ,i.-.,
NOTES. . (By Gleticoc;)""Tho four starters iir ; tl;o ? "Hack" Hurdles, all ran well at different, stages.Reservoir,.; was the outsider on.. .the. .totalisator; -JjUt, with the bookmakers ho was a slightly, better favourite than Snip/ Reservoir' was''last' passing the staud, but a little" flirthW-oif lie passed Snip, \vho Was being saved for tho last quarter of a mile, Snip took lead' near .the lflst hurdle, but Was.jugt' caught on the post. Tilsou ran well for a nule'- arid ia half, but Royal Blue-was as'disappbintiugas ever. Tho journey was a triflo. too ,far for Snip. . . ..... i A horses lined up.' for ,the Hack, which proved •a. benefit'.for,'.'Kelso, the Hutt horso. Viifcb. ran';\v'p|l : '-at i foiir furlongs, but could not sustain "his'-fiilishiiig run. Conquer led at-lialf j way,'i but ,:could only "run a poor second..;, Campaign ,whs..left <:n the mark, and : merely., bdliiild tho field. '
Lethean, Defeat, and Welo Withdrawn from tho'""Mastert6n - "Hack. Niehevo was lcl'i> a got to i the . leaders.' ■, > Wailetlie, was' alivays near the front, and Won-easily,, at .the.. fiilis.U. Str.athcona, the favourite,_did not cqmnichee too well. 'Ho put in a ruh in straight, but died away near tllo •t)6st r 4nd""ffas bcftteK by Gaelic. Rangihaeta but iWell;' btlt commenced to drop back at .and finished lafet. - , .Vj ,-,\l All the acceptors starJed l ;in,,the.,3Yaipipi Cup. The field .was .little tp eiiablo a Hole' to. be! filled up ini'tlie.'Sthil^lft'.''"'MK A. C. M'Doncll sent tho fi^ld"eir : 't : ri'a boatl : tiflll start iiy front of Hhe.c stShd{ .Slid ,;if good raco resulted. . Thit -fiekl-moved j)ff together, but -Moloch and Waitapu'". gSt chopped out at'the first-'bsiul 1 . 1 '- Chatterer was among the leaders the..ivlipie Ayay, ? aiid came away before tho straight Was" roa6hed. Olle hundred yards from the ppst'it looked as if Morrie Roso was siire,.j;o beat her, but Geo. Price rode a magnificent finish with hands and heels, and, amid great-excitertpnt,. won by a head.' Merrio till the straight, but once gho.go't\yed a lot of. pace. •.Tanginipan& ) , bowling, along with the leaders'foi% six lurlpiigs,'' when the weight told' its tnle,' 'and. slio : -'relr right away. 'Aberration loolied'tb bo 'goingWell at a. inilo, and- evidently •■■fbuiid .thdi journey too far. Waitapu, iyas-v.rui)ning,.on, the,o«t6ido of the a,gop,d, portjon' of ; the. jjjnrhey.' Moloeh tfas iii tne. f rear of'tlio field until half a mile^Fforn 1 hfinicj' ivhtfii lie-' ))ut in a run, but coU]tl"RQfc*no;:-nearord;han; flftli.' An inquiry wasiheld intbr-the..running of tho .hbrso, and it.:wa.s,.; ( decided d ,..t,o.,dfe; qualify F, Laligstolie^the'., fpi 1 >the remainder of tho meeting,' b.lit' tlio' iioifsd 1 and his "owners and '.tfHihßfcOn» .Sidcred to be implicotcdin •wrHw'x ■ '•
Only thrco startei'sifeoiitijstal' the Tele' graph Hack. in frOlit at half* wiiv, and \voh Vol I }'.?as_il};, : by ; aboUt tllM6 lengths. . First Mate jjjjs ' last away, but lliauaged to beAt Whareluiraj who .fetopped to nothing in tho last fviVron^;""' 1 ;
Nintj shifters appbar(M'' s iii the liadits' Hracelet, fdMvhieh Coftftiiaridei- '\?as'lnstalled ■ ,favourite. Tlie Officer 'gbldiiigViraii'-' illto- a good position down t)iej-;baek, ; ;;and?"aftei-,;a< great fmisJl, lie iVoh by ; ,a : hefld.^,Defeat.,^as ih front for tl!6 first",htfl).dfed'"J>ara_Sj"" mid; aftei' that lie was AVhel6' Wa.V, blit had to 'go fb'uiid 'Aiieriion.e ill' tho> straight, and could olfly giit-tllifdr AllehlOHß ran' a very fine race, Klt''pv.-'erv4d''in tlie lfiSt; •liUittiretl yhfds, ahd,dhcB l '%ftii^.fiUttMls;se& 1 ond position. Th 6. maSbhW-'of-tliß £entleih6iY riders took too niany ftslftl affd .tliel-e. tPSif. considerable, cl-ovrding , A'tfd > 'blMplhi at 1 -dip' ferent sttigei of the accident' resulted.'. ' ■' ;
; Gawain, Merrie Zealand', v,an,i:.jibatft, the withdrawals; After, some' delay, caused,Jjjf•Wa'ieflTa _aiid. Full, Rate, breaking, aivayji ilif.,.,field jfts siSnt a stfaggiiiij; startr ( ;" K Sliei' f -toS, .among the leaders did not see the - finish out% - Imhl to the front early, but;.wheflvthe roached Snilbdnnet was mado favourite, 1 but jcticltoo well, and never l66k6dj<darigerous. <.riEU. .frida ran last the whota - jj?jty.*-,' wst
•A' field of five Con'tcstecl' 1 thd'-Dasiv'Hadlir •TfoSami pttt'up a lOibrpenalt)', and''Mad<T;ll6fsfecond appearandej "til'xt felii>'vfailed. td'sctSUl'tf a place, being just beatpn- ; %'Go,liS()laHon-fof: third. Nanmai secius-tb"- flofamerice, faster • thin "over; He did Mot .appear ticular advantage bWbW the barrier ifoSe lie fairly^flbwJot'ef ;tho 'flfst two furlongs,, and at-onfe stiige'loolvtri-fo have four lengths-lead.'-'He grdUu&lly -tired]' and Ikon just failed. t'b' gfe'f 'Alp'."' TMiSs PtiiftJ: ran vdry badlyj and ObiVsdlatlOlj; show, to much advfttttagqrr';;- ; S. Reitl Was riding i'at.thq Wnipawa.jncpt-, ing-yestefday. . Ite motored |hrouglr,to Mas-' tertoii last night, rode. We, to-day;-: -/and leaves for Wellington tq-inori : ow,.inormiig ) ,.6H roiito to Sydiiey. .<*»■> Whilst at Opald to-"day-j A E.-'Bidwill received a telegram ,l fiVm- his-strainer, 1 -' J• - Farmer, stating tlulfc"'.Ctl'avltatlbf(' , liad' strifcl? himself whilst doing a'gulloji). and thb 'injUry was of such a serious nature-'as tb' > cbmpel him to spell the edit !: fbr'-'some tiineV ; i-Th'is'iS mdst unfortunate, as i&^ds-tn'te*ded r tb 'spnd' tho two-year-old .to Ilideartoh .tq T iit6i-rei\v v ' bV-'' • the •iiotoniahalia,-..t0 ; be;'specially -prepiired for tho. C.J.C. Champagne Stakes.-' Allrar-: rungenients had bedrt lfiMo tor tli'd' c6lt','.td"'g6' into. M'Guiimess.'s sthble^/aM' ; -LV. f Gi'-'-KjUg' had been engaged ,t-fi Df)okn\ftkdl'& ai'o advqrtisemelVti ill this issile that apportions, for; v liecnsis for the- ManaWatu ll'acing; OlUb's . Autuihli' : meeting at. Palmerstoh : ,jviir close bii;ApriUl' SOUTH r CANtERBORV- JDSkEV eHJS's MEETING. '.' (by : ■•ri TiiK&ru,lVLnrch ,26;.- . The auttinln meeting- of -the South - tbrbury Jockey Cliib .'was ."concludcd- -to-dayr I'ho'results are as follow . 'foin'uka Haiidicnp;-v-KeStlessj'., Bst.--. 61b.j-. i; The Orient) 7s. 7lbi;-2;. Salaam; '76k • lllb.f Pai'eora, ; linndioflp.—Octave, 21b.; •'1 ;■ Ard Heigh, 9st., 2; Cerise atidßhi(vßst.-: Oil).; Antuinh Haiidieap.^I i huiidbi'er, ) ';;7sL" 1311). ,i 1; Gwendolina, Sst. 101b., . 2Lndy .-Lfil'uloli, 7st. 131b., 3. £i:>y:. Juvenile /Mischief; <./Bst-..: 131b., lj Boneform, Bst."l3lbi/'2; Gli'yta, list. 9ib., 3. ' ■ r A ,,v, Stewards' Welter.-^Lady-Disdain, 85t.;91b.,. 1; Oi.Voi, Out. 21b., 2; -JlangO,' Bsfel2lb.j '3. . Seadoivn Trot.—Curfew ' . Bell,. > '3(jfceo.y 'i 1!" Battleaxe, lOsec., 2; JjUluofcte, : 22seely 3. Hack Race.'—Ayesh!i,'.-Bstr- 71b;, .1.; Eildy-: Zoin, Bst-. Oil). 1 , 2; Y.igrancrv"7st.-91b.-i'3.---' Farewell Halidicap.-rtLupUlite,!-lOsfc. .-tDlb. i--1; Zotland, 7st. 01b;, :2 ; ;..llarita, ,Bst.- Dlb.', 3...
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Dominion, Volume 1, Issue 157, 27 March 1908, Page 9
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2,182THE TURF. Dominion, Volume 1, Issue 157, 27 March 1908, Page 9
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