PHASES OF THE MOON. - '? UAHCII. . Day. Own.. New Moon : 3 G. 27 a.m. ~ iVi, l Ull rter ... ... 10 0.12 a.m> - J'ul! moon ' .;. • .... 18 ' 1.58 p.m. Last-quarter ... •- ... . 2G • 0. 2 a.m.; , HIGH WATER, To-day, 0.40 a.m.; 1.10 p.m. To-morrow, 1.25 a.m.; 1.50 p.m. ' ■ SUN. ■ • ;; ■ Sun rises to-day, 5.44 a.m.; sets, 6.16 p.m.
, -■ ARRIVALS. ; THURSDAY, MARCn 12. TE _ ANA U, s.s. (1.15 a.m.), 1652 tons, Lindtit u P Picton. Passengers: Saloon —Misses Watt, Speed, Hill, Topp, Edwards, Cargill, /o\ al ™ le ' Rutherford,' Maurice, Draper, Daly (-), Rutherford (2), Mesdames M'Kenzie, Astin, Hill, Hell.iwell, Filline, Brown and child, Anderson, 2 children and maid, Pierson, Langdon, Booker, Adams and 2 children, Rutherford, Draper, Pope and son, Daly, Lovell, M'Callum and child. Rev. M'Kenzie,, Dr. Anderson, Mr., Justice Edwards, Messrs. Mitchell, .Fieldhouse, Watt, Phillips, Gumming, Bal-four-Kinriear, Pilmcr, Baume, Brown, Hawkins, Manthel,' Wilkins, Crowther,_ Prittie, Troup, Thompson, Ivellow, M'Kenzie, Johnston, Iloultz, M'Lauchlan,. Onion. Reisley, Pcrano, Ford, Thompson, Ilancock, Beech, Johnson, Kelsall, Reed, M'Callum; 10 steerage. HAUROTO. s.s. (1.45 a.m.), 1988 tons, Jordan, from Westport. ROTOMAHANA, s.s. (7.5 a.m.), 1777 tons, Collins,, from Lyttelton. Passengers: SaloonMisses \ Linehan, Smith, Kibbel, Brader, Smellie, Murray, Dean, Sorenson, Horman, Wilson. -Glauvill. rfon. Kathleen Plunket, Lady Plunket and child and nurs<i, Mesdames Duignan, Kruise. Nixon. Bush ;and chilli, Clark, Coltman, Stokes, Laintjj Lenns, Cresting and. child. White and child. His Excellency the Governor, Captain Gathorne Hardy, Major Hughes, Captain Lyon, Dr. Pemberton, Bishop Julius, Rev. M'Dermott, Messrs. A rev, Shirtcliffe, Llo.vd, Williamson, Cromie, Dunlop. M'Clune. Nixon, Btish, M'Caffery, Murray, Pullin, White, Weston, Fatille, Pitcaitliley, Owen, Brader, Clayton, Eily.Bicgs, Patterson, Phelan, Murray, Summers; ftatger, Gray, Shaw, Butterworth, Lenns, East, Stokes, Roundy, Hughes. . . TASMAN, s.s. (7.20 a.m.), .178 _ tons, Cox, from Nelson • and Motueka. '* HTJIA, s.s. (7-35 a.m.), 127. tonsj Dowoll, from Wangar.ui: OPAWA, s.s. (8 a.m.), 110 tons, Dixon, from' Blenheim. , ,
,-MOK.OIA; s.s. (9.25 a.m.),' 3502 tons, Smith, from Pitnedin and Lyttclion: 1 Passengers :■ Saloon—Misses Fernie, Deschler,' Neill, Olivers, Anderson, Shaw', Wardlow, Duncan, . Mesdames Boyd, Bein, M'Leod. Horwood, Spurret, Clapgerton,' Reid, Smith, Were, Wilson, Anderson, ampbell, Warsley, Duncan, Messrs. Bullock, Boyd,: Jackman,' Williams, ' Cummings, Were, Scott, ; Hector, Horwood,. Michant, Anderson, Campbell, liallett, Warsley, Bell; 26 steerage. CLYDE, schooner (10.20 a.m.), 90 tons,' Smith,'from Greymouth. . ,1 , EITTAWA.' s.s. (10.50; 'a.m.), 1247 tons, Pennington, . from., Greymouth.;. WOOTTON',' s.s. (1.45 p.m.), 151 tons, John-, son, from Ilavelock. ' • ■■ RIJIU'I'AKA, . s.s! (5.15 p.m.), T765 tons, Greenstreet, from London, via Capetown and Hobart'. ' . \ ORETI, s.s. (5.25 p.m.),. 215 tons, Robertson, from Wanganui. - ' • KENNEDY, s.s. (5.30' p.m.), 22fi tons, Vickerman.from Wanganui. ... • '• . ... REGULUS, s.s. (5.40 p.m.),. 585 tons,. Sellars; from Westport. . ; ■ DEFENDER, s.s. (6.10 p'.m;), 190 tons, >tfamie r son, put' back owing- to stress of, weather.' ;• : , FRIDAY, MARCH 13. ■ y . PATEENA, s.s. (1.45 a.m.), 1212 tons, Hunter, from Nelson and ricton. DEPARTURES. , ''. - THURSDAY; MARCH 12.. , KIRIPAK'A, s.s. (9.20 a.m.),'>'l33 tons, Dixon, for Patoa. ~ . AOREUE, s.s. (9.25 a.m;), -77 tons, Fisk, ■ for Patea..; ■ f ■ , . KOMATA, s.s. (10.15■< a.m.), 1994 tons): il'Keiizie.i for Westport. s MAN AROA, s.s. (11.10! a.m.), 122' tons,. Hart, for Mo|ueka. ' . . / ' • ! ' DEFENDER, s.s. (noon), 190 : tons, Jamieeon, for Hokitika. i.-: : PENGUIN, >.s.' (1.20 p.m.), 824 tons, Robert-' spn, for I'icton, Nelson, New Plymouth, and Oriehunga. ■' \ RUAPEHU, s.s. (2.15 p.m.), 7802 tons, Jaggard,/for Monte Video, Janeiro, Teneriffe, Plymouth,'and London.:' r ■. ... . '(5.30 p.m.),' 179 tons,. Cox, for Nelsoii. OPAWA';"K&-.(6:10 p.m:),i. 110.tons,".Nicholas, for Blenheim. x \1 1 ' !- BLENHEIM, s.s. (7 p.m.), 120 tons.'.Wft'tsbny for Blenheim! ' MOERAia, s.s. (7.55 p.m.), 4392 tons, Wor,' rail, for Melbourne, via Southern po'rt6 'and Hobart. v ROTOMAHANA, s.s. (8.15 p.m;)i'; 1777: tons,' Collins, for -Lvtfelton. • , MOKOIA,-s.s. .(6.25 p.m.), 3502 ..tons, Smith',; for Napier, Gisb'orne, Auckland, and. Sydney.! •» TE ANAU, s.s. (9.40 p.m.), 1052 toVs,'Lindsay, for.Nelson., ' . v ICAITUNA, s.s. (11.50 p.m.), 1977 tons, Stew-' art, for Greymouth. ■ , KOTUKU, s.s. (midnight), 1054 tons, Nicholson, for Westport. :
. EXPECTED arrivals. Tokomaru,' .Timaru,' March, 13.; /: Maheno. Melbourne,' via South,- March: 13. '. Koromiko,' Bunbury,. and Hobart, March 13, Wimmera, Sydney, via Auckland, Marcli'l'3. Maori, Lyttelton, March 13. Pateena,. Nelson, Picton, March 13. .v. Wakatu, 'Ivaikoura, March 13. Sto'rmbird, Wanganni, March 13. Moa; Wanganui,:, March, 13. , Te' Anau, Pieton and Nelson, March 13. Kiripaka; Paten,'Maroh 14. - Blenheim, '.Blenheim, .'.fMarch 14. ~• . v.;.: Mariaroa,' Motueka, March 14.- V ■ ■ -.; .•■' To Anau, Picton, March 14. Rotomahana, Lyttelton, March. Hi , Tasmau, .Motueka, ' March 14. ' • ; . , Aorere, Pateai March 14. ...>• Queen of the South, Fo:tfon, March 14. ■V' Kapiti, Lyttelton, March, 14. , Mana, Patca, March 14. ,-. •' Mapourika, West .Coast, Nelson, .March, 11. Mannroa, Motueka, March 14. _ . ; Waikaro, Lyttelton and Dunedin, March 15. Koonya,' Southern ports, March 15. Opawa, Blenheim, March' 15. - ;:.v Huia, Wanganui, March. 15. Manaroa, Motueka, March 15... ~ Takapuna, New Plymbuth, March 15. Defender, Hokitika, March 16. *
PROJECTED DEPARTURES. >h; Kiripaka, Patea, March 13. New Orleans, Lyttelton, March 13. Kennedj - ,'Nelson and West Coast, March; 13. . Waihi, Blenheim, March. 13. . Storinbird, Wanganui, March 13. Kahu, Napier, March 13. , Malieno, Sydney direct/March 13. Pateena, Nelson, March 13. Maori, Lyttelton, March 13. . Aoten, London, March 13. Wimmera, Lyttelton and Dunedin, March'l3. Queen of tho South, Foxton, March 14. -•. Kapiti, Patea, March 14. ' v ' ■ Wakatu, Kaikoura, March 14. Kotomahana, Lyttelton, March 14. To Anau, Picton, March 14. • - Arahura, Nelson and West, Coast, March 14. Aorere, Patea, March 14.' . Blenheim, Blenheim, March 14. : Tasman, Nelson, March 14. New Orleans, Lyttelton, March 14." ' Te Anau, Nelson, March 15. Pateena, Nelson, vitp Picton, March 16.' : Waikare, Napier, Gisborne, Auckland, March IG. ■■ ■ Koonya, West Coast, March IG. ' Manaroa, Motueka, March' IG. . ; Opawa, Blenheim, March IG. '• Huia, Wanganui, March 16. Takapuua, New Plymouth and Onehunga, March 10. \ -
BTEAMEKS TO ARRIVE. MAHENO, b.b.; left Melbourne, March 1 4, for WelliHgtoi), via Hobart and Southern ports. Due Wellington March 13. Leaves for Sydney the same day. Due Sydney March 17. V WIMMERA,' s.s., left Sydney, March 4, for Wellington, via Gisborne, Napier. Dua Wellington March 13. Leaves for. Lytteltou and Duneijiu same day. MANUKA, 5.6., left Sydney, March 11, for Wellington, via Auckland, Gisborne, and NaSier. liue Wellington, March 20. Loaves 6anio ay, for Lyttelton and Dunedin. WARRIMOO, s.s., lef? Melbourne," March 11, for Wellington, via Hobart and Southern' ports.' Duo.-Wellington March 20. Leaves for Sydney direct eame day. Duo Sydney March 24,
MIOWERA, s.s., leaves Sydney, March 14, for ' Wellington ' direct. Duo Wellington, March 18. Leaves March 19, for Melbourne; via Southern ports and Hobart. - Due Mel- , bourne, March 2S. ULIMAROA, "s.s., leaves Melbourne, March : 18, for Wellington, via Hobart and Southern ports. Due' Wellington, March 27. Leaves same day for .Sydney direct. Due Sydney, March 31. VICTORIA, s.s., leaves Sydney, March 18, for Wellington, via Auckland, Gisborne, and Napier. Due Wellington, March 27. Leaves same day, for Lyttelton and Duncdin. OVERSEA SHIPPING. From London. • RAKAIA (due Wellington about March 14), nailed on January 11, via Auckland. (N.Z.S. Co.. agents.) ' KIMUTAICA (duo Wellington about March 12), sailed on January 2(i,. via Plymouth, Teluriffe, Capetown, and Hobart. (N.Z.S. Co., agents.) STAR OF SCOTLAND (duo Wellington about April 1), sailed on January 17, via Melbourne, Sydney, Auckland, and Napier. (Tyser Line, agents.) WHAKARUA (duo Wellington about April 12), sailed on January 31, via Melbourne, ■ Sydney, Auckland, and Napier. (Tyser Line, agents.) > MAMARI (duo Wellington about March 24), sailed on' February 7, Plymouth February 9, via Teneriffe, Capetown, and Hobart. (Shaw, Snvill, agents.) MAORI-(due Wellington about April 10), sailed on February 13, via Auckland. (Shaw,. Savill, agents.) TONGARIRO (due Wellington about April 8), sailed on February 20. Plymouth .-.via Teneriffe,-Capetown, and Hobart. (N.Z. snip* piiig Co., agents.) . NIWARU (due Wellington about May 15), sailed on February. 29, via Australian ports, Auckland, and Napier. (Tyser Line, agents:) lONIC (due Wellington about April 21), sailed on March 5, Plymouth March 7, via Capetown and Hobart. (Shaw, Savill, agents.) From Liverpool. . SURREY (due Wellington about' March 25), sailed on January 18, via Auckland. (Lm.ri. Line, agents.) ' / DEVON (duo Wellington about April 17)', sailed on February 8, via Australia and Auclc* land. (F.H.S. Line, agents.) INDRAGHIRI (due \yollin<rt'on ebout April 20), sailed on February 28, via Auckland. (Tveer Line,' atrenrs.) MORAYSHIRE (due Wellington about May 8), sailed on March 7, via Melbourne, Sydney, and Auckland. (F.H.S., Line, agents.) , ' From New York. J ABERLOUR (duo Wellington about March 21), sailed on, January 2, via Port Chalmers. .. .STAR OP'ENGLAND (due Wellington "April 5), sailed on v Januarv H. via Melbourne,. Sydney, and Auckland. (Tvser Line, agents.) RTRATIIAVON (duo Wellington about April 'B),"sailed on January 18, via Melbourne, Sydney, and Aucklond.' (A. and A. Line, agents.) AFRICAN, MONARCH - (due Wellington about May 15), sailed on February 29, via : Australia and Auckland. (New Zealand Shipping Co.', agents.) ; ■ ' i : , SAILING VESSELS' ARRIVE. . ;:, ; - '.WEATHERSFIELD; barque, leit Bunbury January 31, for -Wellington. .■■■'; RENFIELD, four-masted barquentine, .left ! Liverpool, February 20, for Wellington.'. • | PELOTAS. barquentine, left '-.Clarence River, March 2, for. Wellington. ./.PHAROS, barque, left Port Pjrie,: March 5, for Wellington. ' i i ' BY TELEGRAPH. ' ; V. ..- OVERSEA. ' ' NEWCASTLE. ' . Sailed.—Pendlehili, for Auckland. Sailed.—Rona, for Lyttelton. . COASTAL. V ..'THURSDAY, MARpII 12. AUCKLAND! ' ' , : Arrived.'—Ysabel, barquentine; from New- ' castle. Arrived.—Monowai, s.s., from South. Arrived—Manap'ouri; s;s, .from Society and Cook Islands. , PassengersSaloon—Mesdames • .Ellis,.Helic'.;and 4\childrbn, Hamilton and 5 i jchildr^n,;Misses;.Bain,;.Browne, Messrs.-,J.-.S. Arundel; 'A. :! H!'Browne, 'Buckingham, Boullier, Hon. F., D. Cheshire,-.Ellis,'J. Davis. H. Davenport, Flynn (2),: P.. A. l Garvie, Helic, , Hamilton, Jones;\.Groye, J: : H.; : Strykei, J. L.' ; Young, and 50"'steerage. '' '' \ ONEHUNGA. : , Arrived.—Rarawa (8.50 a.m.), : from- New Plymouth. ' -■>■ ; NEW PLYMOUTH. ... Arrived.—Takapiina . (4.30 a.m.), from Oner hunga. . / . ; Sailed.—Takapuna (9 p.m.), for- Oneliunga. 'V V WANGANiri. ' : ...• ' " Arrived.—Stormbird (4.10 a.m.), from Wei-. - lington. • . Sailed.—Moa (5.15 p.m.), for Wellington. . failed.—Stormbird (5.35' p.m.), for Wellington. ' . . ... ■ . '. : v \■ : V GISBORNE. "■ V," V, ' ; 'Sailed.'—'W'immera'-.(8 a.m.), for Napier. - ; ■ . • NAPIER, ' ' : ;', To. Sail.—Wimmera (8 p.m.), for/Welling'tori. i '.v .- ; • . picton. • ■ ''] Arrived.—Queen of. the .South 1 ,1(5.55. . a.m.), ■from Wellington. . .' ' '-- Grange (4;30 p:m.); from Port Chalmers.Arrived.—Penguin (5.40 p.m.),- from Wellington.' .''•'To (10.30 p.m.). for "Nelson., ■ . . To Sail.—Pateeua- (9:30-piin.), for' Wellington. ' NELSON. Arrived:—Pateena ' (12,10' a'.m.'),', from. Picton; Ngunguru (G a.m.), .frotn' .Wellington', i / i '... . JVESTEQRT. " Arrived.—Mapourika' (8 a.m.), from Nelson. •Sailed.—Talune (G a.m.), for. Auckland.. . , - To ,(3.p:m.), for-.Greymouth; '.' ■ : LYTTELTON. ■ ,i. Arrived.—Maori (7.10 a.m.), from- Wellington. •' Sailed—lvi'a 0ra'(3.50 p.m.), for Dunedm. r Sailed.—Maheno- (5.20 p.m.), for. Sydney, via Wellington.- ■ Passengers': Saloon—For Wol- - lington—Misses Ormerod • (2), Mrs. Ormerod, Master Ormerod, Messrs. M'Lean, „ Hartnell, Walker, Ormerod, Gordon,' Duff,' Gee' (2), Rienie, Webster, Rev.' Peck. For SydneyMisses Frver, Woodward, Colchester, Livingstone, Sutherland, Ferguson, Duckworth, Duff, Wuagh, Orchard, Mesdames Bowers, Orcjiard, Boyle, -Gossett, ' "Johnston, Gee, Hoppler, Mahoney, Forbes, Webster, O'Connell, Oxiord, Dr. Gossett; iDr.' Woodward, Rev. Lewis, Messrs. Pinkerton,- Gee, Rutherford, Hopper, 'Oxford, Marker, M'lntosh, Gurney, Iveefs, Hector, Orchard,-Johnston, Fryer.' ! Sailed—Maori (8.25 p.m.), for Wellington. Sailed.—Wakatu and Cygnet, tor 'Kaikoura. ■'Sailed.—Torgautin, for Onehunga: .. ■ TIMARU. Sailed.—Tokomaru (4.30 p.m.), for Wellington. V- ' . ' ' DUNEDIN. Arrived.—Waikare, from Auckland. ■ Sailed.—lCoonya,, for West Coast. Sailed.—Lord Sefton,- for Newcastle. / THE RAKAIA. The New' Zealand - Shipping Company's steamer Rakaia arrives in Wellington, from Auckland, oil March 20. From here she goes t'o v Wanganui and Oamaru for loading pffl--poses. Her' other loading ports are not yet announced. THE ABERLOUR. 'The New 1 Zealand Shipping Company advise that the. IJ.S. and A.S. Company's steamer Aberloiir, from New York, via Dunedin and Lyttelton, is expected to reach here to-morrow.. On completing discharge here the vessel proceeds to Auckland. THE DEN OF RUTHVEN. The Alley Line -steamer Den of Ruthven, from Vancouver, via Fiji and Auckland, is due in Wellington early next week. The vessel is duo to leave Auckland about Saturday next. Messrs. Johnston and Co. are the local agents of the steamer. PASSENGERS BY THE BREMEN. Messrs. Castendyk and Focke, local, agents for the Nord Deutscher Lloyd, adviso' having booked the following passengers, per s.s. Bremen, leaving Svdney on March /21 •— Mr. J. C. Tonks, Mr. and Mrs. E. Morris, Miss Morris, Mrs. lnclcdon, Mr,, and Mrs. Austin and child, Mr. T. .11. Stone, Mr. and Mrs. M. Hoar, Mrs. Tcichelmann, Mr. J. Schloss, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Knigge, Miss Stubbe, Mrs. W. G. Beard, Miss Beard, Mr. C. G. Beard, Mrs. J. W. Robertson, Mr. P. Rolsted, Mr. G. Campbell, Mr. J. Martinusscn,
WELLINGTON EXPORTS BY THE RUAPEILU. Tbo New Zealand f Shipping Company's' steamer Ruapeliu,. which sailed ' for'- London, via way ports, yesterday afternoon, took the following exports from. Wellington 7649 boxes butter, 8131 eases cheese, 1400' bales wool, 42 bales sheepskins,' 54 bales liuen basils, 1387 carcasses lamb, 5867 carcasses mutton, 109 sacks grass seed. For Monte Video—7, Rom-ney-Marsh rams, 4 merino rams.; The total amount of dairy produce taken from Nsw'Zealand.'ports is as follows From Auckland— BGO Ijoxes butter, 310 cases 'cheese. From Tar- 1 auaki—49s4 boxes butter, 2010: cases cheese. From I'atca—lo2l boxes butter, 1582 cases cheese. From Wellington— 1074 boxes butter, , 1539 cases cheese. From - Lyttelton—SG boxes 1 butter, 161 cases cheese. From Dunedm—sß2 cases cheese! From Blurt—27B6 cases cheese. SEAMEN'S x WAGES.' V . \ , According to the "CliristchurCh Press 1 ," Mr. W-! ®'. Angus, formerly of the brigantine Rio .. Loge, -joined the .barque.; Loch Trool ori;:Monday iis-second male. Mr. Augu6 was desirous of sitting, for- his examination for a chiefmate's certificate, but as he had not completed his full time by-a few days, he decided to make the passage Homo in the Loch Trool as second mate. He signed on the, barquo in that capacity, and is to receive the exceptionally high. figure of .£7O fort the "run Home." These aro stated to be the highest wages ever paid to a second mate in a sailing ship for the run Home, from Lyttelton. ■ Years ago, when most, of i the wool was carried-from New Zealand to . London in sailing ships, men serving before the mast,'on many occasions,\were : paid largo • sums for the "run Home." From JMO to JiGO for the run was by 110 means an uncommon figure. Probably the highest was ,£9O each paid to two sailors who signed on a shin, which mado the run Home, from New" Zealand, in 91 days—in the "seventies"—prao- 1 tically JCI per day,for each man. v'- : NEW ZEALAND SHIPPING .COMPANY. ■ ' APPROXIMATE TIME-TABLE. ' The New Zealand Shipping _ Company's approximate time-table is follows Orari.—Now at Auckland. from Lyttelton March 21, for London. Rimutaka.—Arrived Wellington . March-12. : Sails for London from Wellington about April 9. -. Ayrshire.—Due Waitara, ' from -Brisbane,March .17. Leaves ■ Bluff, for London, April: 9. Rakaiai—Now at Auckland. Leaves ; New Zealand, for.London, early in April. ■ • Tongariro—Left London February . 22. Due Wellington April 8. Leaves New: Zealand May 7, ,for London. Wakanui.—Left London February 15. Due ' Dmiedin April G. Leaves -Nett 'Zealand,, for London, during May. . • . . Turakina.—Leaves. London/. March 15. Due Auckland- May .2. Leaves • New Zealand,, for London, June 4. - '. The Rimutaka and .Tongairiro-make Rio da Janeiro , an 'additional'|port:df:call.. ; :
' ARRIVAL 05 THE RIMUTAKA. . The '' NeH'. 'Zealand | Shipping v Company's stea.mer pi'mutaka, from , London, ...via Ply-' month, TerierifTe, .'Capetown'; ,aiid Hobart, ar- ~ vivod yesterday at 5.15 p.m. Pratique was granted, and the vessel was berthed at 6.30 p.m. The Rimutaka's departure from London w-as.'postponed,some' hours, on:account of a... .heavy'-fog, she finally: getting, away on -Janu-. v ary 21. - Plymouth"' was . reached ;• two ; days' . •> jiatcr, and, after : a"; few -hours'-.stay, the. voy-, „~ •'ago jras'' resumed':i..-In- crossing -.the /Channel an' exceptionally' heavy,'..westerly••• galeV accompanied with high seas;, prevailed,', but for the . remainder of the voyage'to :T?neriffe,''< which •port was reached on January 31, fine weather. - Was experienced. A stay .of three hours was ' . , made at Teneriifc. ' TheV Rimutaka. sighted •the Capo Verde"lslands on: February' 3;:; the •- voyage to there being'fine, but the remainder- ...'„ of the Voyage to Capetown /was one' succession "of strong'winds and-seas from, the south-east. .. The vessel arrived' .'in.', Capetown'..-on'-'February-,l6, at ;p'.m.,„ and at 3 p.m., the voyage-'to 'Hobart' and New Zcala'ndiwas resumed. llbder- V; 1 ;. ate winds arid .'seas were 'experienced" until'; the n; Crozet • Islands were passed ou .;February 22,y.l The .Kergn'ellen Island was pass'e'd-;on Eebr'u-,... : . ary 25, then the':vessel encountered.'some .we&,terly gales, high seas,'and.heavy''snowstorms, but'theso had little,effect on tjje passengers, .who, by this time, 'had got' their:,sea : . legs.' Another gale .was met w r ith'the followinth'.day, . , ■but did no damage. : The Riniutak'a arrived 'tin, Ilobart -on March G,,, and, was , ■ :oerth'ed at 8 a'.m. the following morning: /.Some -, passengers were landed,'.and others ...embarked,., "■ and the vessel sailed from Hobart'ori thtf last' stage of her journeyi-about's a:nr.'"on March 8. The first day out from Hobart very heavy ■ /westerly weather was experienced, but the re'mninderof the voyage to' Wellington, excepting for rain .squalls, . was accompanied _ with rfiue weather.. Captain"' Greenstreet' is still in command of the Rimutaka, aud has associated with him the following ■: officers Mr. Squires; second,-Mr. Plumerj third, Mr. Scott; .fourth, Mr. Paris; chiif engineer, Mr. Wootton; second, Mr. Skakle; third,' Mr. Bvles; •.fourth, Mr. - Howie;, .'fifth, Mr. -Goodman; : "chief refrigerating;,' engineer, Mr.,: Halford; • 'second, Mr..'Paton';.electrical, engineer,-. Mr. Wood; ship's surgeon, Dr..'. Campbell-Duncan; chief'steward, Mr. JV. Harris... The-Rimu-:. v taka will proceed to Lytteltpn on, completing ; discharge'/at Wellington.' Her.- Homeward, ',' loading port's will be Timaru; Lytteltori;- and ' ■ Wellington. -She': is due'here from the •South-. : -'\ brii ports,on April 3, .to sail, finally for .<? * London, via Monte Video, '.&io:ide- Janeiro,. , Tenerift'e, and Plymbuth; on-Apnl I),fromWeLlingtoiij. ■ ; . THE 'AUSTRALIAN,, SQUADRON. . ... A The "British' Australian- of January 'soys:— _ ,:.i ' Tlie commission of- the cruiser- Challenger, ' Captain R. 'Bridson, will expire in i July jiext ;The cruiser. went' to' the station „;j| in May, 1901;' and.-was' renicimmissioned ,'at J.' Singapore ,on :.Jiily 21," 1906.' She-will remain on .the.'station,' it is: understood. ; • Engineer Lieutenant". W. P. Mitchell joins ' the cruiser, :Pyrariiius, - Commander ,T- F.' T. Mitchell." V Engineer - Lieutenant '; Mitchell.."" o'riginallv -joined the engine-room, service in 'V July; 18ji;-"and-was promoted lieutenant, in-, 1893. - v. A very, popular and distinguished officer of; y the engineer, branch,. Lieutenant : G. Herbert Cockey, D.S;O., wlio has been -doitg duty on ... the cruiser ' Cambrian, • Captain., P. VaughanLewes, 1 D.5.0., for sopic weeks, lias been promoted engineer' conifnandeiy and will ..continue . \ to, do duty ,in.that ,rank..on ! , the,same' cruiser as,from IsVw Year's Day; Engineer Commari- " der Cockey has the unique distinction of being ; the only engineer".officer./on.'rthe- active list !: holding .the D.S.O. -.He : -in. 1900 whilst v tlie Boxers were turning China upsido down; ' He was at that'period: the.'engineer of, the , Centurion, flagship of the' China -Squadron, and in the course of his-duty- he, landed with the Nava 1 Brigade, was present at. the capture ■' ' of the native town of /Tientsin,, and' afterwards .- - took part in holding it..against the enemy. "He carried out tlio 'work of. mounting a number of guns from the smaller-ships, of the squadron on the defences of Tientsin, and did duty as an. artillery company officer, not to. ' mention- the getting- up -of-'.armoured trucks ' for the fighting train and numberless other - valuable services 1 ".of-.,that trying period..' He was mentioned in despatches, and received a''- , well-earned D.S.O. ... ..... . ;• Sub-Lieutenant O. C, Warner has'been ap-. pointed to the cruiser ..Prometheus, Comman-f i der -J. C.' ; T. • Glossbp, to" fill"'a . vacancy (in her complement of officers. - . • .». Lieutenant J. W. Russell, late of tho Prorne-. » theus, lias arrived home. ... , Commander E. S. : Houseman, who is, pretty' . well known' on the station, has just gone' oa retired pay. .- ..'r-' . Three sub-lieutenants of the Squadron—Sub- • Lieutenants P.- C. 'Darle/, of the Pyramus, . :j and D. M. T., Bedford and ■ C. Pinseiit, of •-}:• the Powerful-rhave been promoted lieutenants ' and reappointed to tlioir. respective ships , for , duty. ■, .- The practice of sending "a'cruiser '.-to'"'the-.',., North.'Pacific-will be discontiiiued; as 'it' is " .: now certain that the old Pacific Squadron, which, was virtually abolished three years ago, will be revived in the near • future; ■ " " In addition to those'already noted, Assistant '■ Paymasters H. G. Cavannagh and R; .T, Cos- , way have been 1 appointed, to "the staff of Vice- ■ Admiral Sir Richard' Poore, Bart., as secre-. tary's clerks. '• ■ " ' '- \ . .' ■■■■'" The Shaw,' Savill .steamer- Tokomarii left :' Timaru yesterday, at*. .3 p.m.,'for: Wellingtbn. . ■ News liV 1 : be:n lvejivod that" the locally. .' owned' barque : W.M,th:r.sfield TißFted ; Wilson's Promontory on March 1. She is en route .' ", from 'Bunbiirv to Wellington, having"embarked on her vovage on February 2. '•
The Uhion Company's steamer Komatajy which . was to 1 load ( at .IVdstport for' Wolliiis-' ton .has had her londinsr fixlitve altered; Sho will now load at Westport, for Sydney, wti* coal for. the Admiralty. 1 ■
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Dominion, Volume 1, Issue 145, 13 March 1908, Page 10
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3,296SHIPPING NEWS. Dominion, Volume 1, Issue 145, 13 March 1908, Page 10
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