PEASES OP THE MOON. • . • march . Day. Hr.m. New. Moon ... ... 3 . 6.27 a.m. First quarter ... ... 10 9.12 a.m." • Full moon IS 1.58 p.m. . Last quarter ... ; •.... .26 •. 0. 2 a.m. ... HIGH WATER. To-day, 3.20.a.m.; 3.48 p.m. To-morrow, 4.18 a.m.; 4.48 p.m. ■ • SUN. Sun rises to-day, 5.31 a.m.;;sots, 0.31 p.n). ARRIVALS. 'SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 29. vV. HINBMOA. s.s. (12.15 a.m.), 512 tons, 80llons, from Tata Island. OPAWA. s.s. (2.50 a.m.), 110 tons, Nicholas, from • ' ROTOMAHANA] s.s. . (6.25 . a.m.), 1777 ' tons, Collins,; from Lyttelton. Passengers: Misses Waddell, Creuden. Monquet, Jessop, Fraser, Oldham, Sandford, Shand, Cane,' Williamson, Pike, M'Leod, Charles, Potts, Ryder, Goodwin, Lynskey, Perham, Digby, Walton, Anderson, Gray, "Hunt, Wolff, Bloufield, Mesdames Robinson, Oldham. Redmaynei • Cheeseman and child, Bl.vth, Shipton and two children, Smith, Gough, Ryder, ICeetley; Shaiid; Dobson, Macdonald, Foote, Jenkinson, Gray, Woods, Stead, Paterson'and child; Rev. Dumbell, Rev. Thomson,' Messrs. Gore, Neat, Simpson, Burns, Eberlet, Armitage, Miller, Blytn, Macdonald, Henderson, Gould, Foster, Browne, Midlane; Jones, Reese, Scott, Gregg, Harris, M'Leod, Campbell, Barns, Ryder, Cook, Cox, Luxley, Cunningham, Harris, Iveetley, Hack, Huttoiv Baker, Dobson, Macdonald, Sprins, Buckley, Dimien, Plant, Cheeseman, Cockayne, Mayer,. Ncckler, Gasquoine, Long, Singleton, Stead, Paterson, Jenkinson, Canterbury Rowing Club (9), Union Rowing ' Club (6); 51 steerage: .
TE ANAU, s.s. (G. 50 a.m.), 1652 tons, Lindsay, from Nelson and Picton. Passengers: Sa : loon — Misses Sargent, Salmond (2)', Hopkins, Hughes, Parker, Morrow, Garnham, Philpqtts, Mesdames 'W. 11. Price, Odering (2), Candy, Webley;' Askew, Tanks, Monk, Wood, Biggnr, Thirkell, Kidd and 2 children, Woolley rind child;-Le Grove, Bowden, Lieut. Irving, fcergts. Ching and Buschel, Messrs., Wf.'lL Price, Odering, Lawton, O'Jirien, Tonks, Monk, Millar, Coombes, Clark, Wood, Biggar, Latter, Qistro, Chaytor, Thompson, Robertson (2),' Tussell, Green, Knight, Lory, Woolley. Le Grove, Carmine, r Freeth, Morgrove, Bowden,' Heffer, Leask, >M'Lenuan," Busli,-. Roache, -Godfrey, Pirani (2)/ ;' Carwick, ' Girling," -Brent, > 'Seott,' Smith, Shaw, Grillery, Burns,.- Petrie,' Girling, Paul, Griffiths, Mogridge, -Callow, Dunckley, Jordan,; Bentley, Hegglun, Jackson, Lucas, ;Manning; 9 steerage.
. ORETI, s.s. (7.10 a.m.), 215 tons, Robertson, from Wanganui. . . ' ... '.' ■ • TASMAN,-s.s. (7.20- a.m.), 179 .tons,-. Cox, from .Nelson and Motueka. ' '
\ i MARKRIC, s.s. (7.45* a.m;), .G413-. tons, - Firtli, from Loiuba, Melbourne, Sydney, Auckland, and' Napier. . ; ' • • KIRII'AKA, s.s. (10.50 a.m.), 133 tons, Dixon, from'Patea. ■ ' •< ' MAPOURIKA, s.s. (4.30 p.m.), 1203 tons, Kennedy, from Greymouth; Westport,- and Nelson. Passengers; Saloan—Misses Sampson, Lambert (2;, Jones, Weekes, Murphy, Dennehy, Russell, Baker, . Alesdnrars M'Doriald, M'lva'y, Griffeit, Rhodes, Williams and 2 children, Hislop, Manning, Neale, Hon. M'Nab, Messrs. Black,', Todd, M'Dougall, M'Donald, Patterson, Woodcock, Taylor, Williams, , Hog;in, Leuiban, . M'lCay, Griffin, Morris, , Christian,- .'Beeley,; Gilbert", Pair, Rowe, Slowey, Kerr, ..Rhodes;- Corpi, /IMtniasi, Pte. Patterson, Pte. ICidtV, Oapt. Brown 1 , Serjjt. Br jiviij : Lieut. . IJuncan, Cochrane, Stringer, Hale, Bartlctt, .Rowley, ,Byrne, Master Hobbs; 8 steerage.. ;• . KAIAPOT, s.s. (5.25 p.m.), 2003 tons, Dawson, from Westport. l . BLENHEIM, 5.5... (9.30 p.m.), 120 tons, Wat- 1 son, from Blenheim! •. •.. \ ' TJ3 ANAU,- s.s. -(10.50 . p.m.), ,1652 tons,"Lindsay,; from Picton. SUNDAY, MARCH.'I! , PATEENA, s.s. 2(.10;), ,12i2.tons; Evans, from . Nelson.' Passenger-;: Saloon—Misses Bowen, Thompson,' .Nicholson,' 'Jr'Bncn,' '.Mrs.; Radcliffe and', ' hild, Messrs.,\ Pike,' Johanseri, Ponder. Haig.-'Gilfillan. Mhiiton; Foster,'.Rosenberg, Griffiths) Thomas, Bates, Reith, Cranby; Radcliffe, Croxton, Livick, Stiibbs, l)e Renzy, Taylor;-. Dr. Aridrenv Rudman, Rifleman, Price, Cusehl, Milroy, Ederi, Milner, and Mausseii; G '"'.V'" ' CANOPUS,, s.s. (5.20 a.m.),' 1337 tons, Lobb; from Westport. 1 ; ■ . TAKAPUNA, S s.B. .(TV a.m.), .tO3G rtons,;:'Hutcbiiigs, from New.^Plymouth-,and.Onehunga. .
STORMBIRDjvs.s:'- (7:15* a.m.); .217; tons;' M'lm tyre, from Wangaaui. : v
MAORI, s.s. (8.45 a.m.), 3399 tons, Manning, from Lytteltori. Passengers: Saloon—Mis?ps Sutcliffe, Stout.(2),. Puller, Wav(lell,- Brown, S.tewiirti i: .Baxteiy. Sohtfcr,. Vniise, Berryman, .Briggs,'flatter j Oldham,' HiihSicky Johnson, Bolton. v ßrown, Corbett, Harding, M'Doriald, M'Lenrian, Mesdanies Sleish!h;Vmi, Ranford, .Fuller,;' Allan, ! Evan's, Taylor,' Biirrcughs, Brown, Steele, Harris, Varise, Jrhnsori, Godber and child, March, Wood : ai.d child, Billingham, Foster, . Elmos, •Gray-, Jacobs, M'Call, Levin, Messrs. Grange, Free, Stevens,' Bridson, Nortlicbote,'. Pratt,. Fuller, Evans, Phillips, Sergt...llill, Hill, Allan', Burrough, Sliarpe, Col. Knight, M'Eay, Mazs, Stoiit,. 3JT?CoiI,- ■. Riddiford, f : Hadley, , Buckley, Duns, Steven,' Woodford, Trieker, Shririiptoii. Wilson, March, Hon. Feldwick, Glanville, ;Maebvell,', Gaye, .Perry, • Thompson, Nicksbh, Taj'lor, Ilalligan, Gray, Maxwell,. Liiing, Smith, Jacobs, Thomas,- Adanis,-Dr. Batemen, and : Wellington Tennis Team (8), Bbbertsori, Watson, and 50 steerage: KAIPARA, s.s. (9.40 a.m., 7392 : tons, 'Corn-'-wall, from Picton. ; ,
WAIHI, s.s. (10.45 a.m.), 92 tons, Carey, from Blenheim. • AOREEE, ..s.s, (11.20, a.m.), 77 ♦on'?, F:A, from Patea; .. '- QUEEN OF .THE SOUTH, s.s. (6.15 p.m.),' 189 tons, Harvey,-from Fbxtom KOONYA, s.s. (G. 50 p.m.), 1091 tons, Stewart, from Southern ports. . WAIKAEE, s.s. (8.55 p,m.); 3071 tons, jernech, from Lyttelton! Passengers: Saloon— Mesdanies Smith, Scott Smith,, Smith, Boole and 2 children, Owen, Wheeler,. Misses M'Coll, Eobiri, 'Moore, Burns, Borrow, Williams, Scott Smith," Lawton, Smith, Snow, Morrison, ,NurGe Brunhe, Col. Snow, Capt.. Cameron, Dr. 'Sibbald, Messrs. King, Norton, Gay. Smith,. Wilier, Wallace (2), Keestin, Hood, Francis, Eoscwarve, Coate, Poole, Ecdley, Woods, Campbell; Schubert, Gilmour, Martin, ( Biidd (2), -Allan, .Cooper, . Gherhin, Wayte, Bellamy, Beardsloy, Robertson, Eowne, Wirth's Circus and Menagerio (65), and 60 steerage. ..' , MONDAY, MARCH' 2. '■ KAHU, s.s. (12.15 a.m.), 182 tons, Thompson, from Napier. ."> ■ ; 'DEFENDEE, ; ; .s.s..- (12.15 a.m.), 190 ' -tonsJaniieson, from Karamea. \ DEPARTURES. ' ' SATUEDAY, . FEBRUARY 29. ' ■ ' WAIHI/ .s.s,. (7:30' a.m.), 92 ; ' tons, .Carey, for .Blenheim. • i-LOR® SEPTON, s.s. (noon), 4302'.t0n5/ Campbell, for,Lycteltou. ! TE AN'AU; s.s. (1-p.m.), 1652. tons; Lindsay; for Picton. 30 passengers. .. . > CONCORDIA, barque :(2.20' ; p.m.),-1031 tons, Haaver'se'ri, for Tiinaru.': :'■■■■; . ' CORIKTIiIC, : s.s. ; (4.25 'p.m.), 12,231' ;tonsi David, for London, x via Monte Video, Rio de Janeiro, Teneriffe, ;arid Plymouth..., , ■.. TOKOMAHU. s.s. (5.10 :;),' C 238 . terns; iM'Fie, for Timaru. ■! AEAHUEAV .s,sV'(ll.lo p.m';), 1596 tons,'Laik-' : bert, for Nelson and West Coast.-' ' . ROTOMAHANA, s.s. (11.10. p.m.),. 1777■ tpns, : Collins, for Lyttelton. Passengers: -Salboiv-' Misses Franklin, Brown, M'Clure, Whitelaw, Gahagau, Palmer, Cross, ' M'Donnell, Neill,' Hopkins,' Campbell/ Lusty, JJarkrow, Purnck, Buckler, Grubby,. Bruce, Bclloe,' K.. Brown, Newboid, Budge, Grant, Meikleham, E.-.N. Brown, .Young, Ford, Hunter, Moir, Mesdam'es M'.Donald,K:napman, Ellison, Druinmond, Ballantynn, Hinge and child, Smith, Haseldtm, i'risk, Brown, Medium, Pritchard-, Woodhairi, M'Kinlay, Burus and child, Luke, Maud, Webley, Candy,? Cordale, Edmonds, Eilev,..Orderney (2). Cupt. Symon, Capt. J. Watson', Hon. Balde.v, Justice Haseldon, DK . Lion, Capt. Eogers, Messrs. Wanklyn. M'Donald, Knapmaii, Bannerford, Brittian, Eoach. King, Foster, Latter, Ellison,• Drtimmond, C. Cooper,Jones, Binge, Bromi, Wood, Sheffield, Piiske, Brown. 'Midline, Woodham, Burns, Guthrie, (2), Collins, Hobbs,; Dougall, Hansen,- Porter,' Fraser, -M'Coll, Phillip, ~'Barton, Turner, Grubb, Byrnes,'' !Ross, Blackmore, Hopkins, Wallace, Clark, Chadwick, Buckley, Blanchett,Balliiiger, 'Salnionil, Brown-Saddler (2). M'Li>llaud, nalligan, Hobbs, ICestwiin, Gahagan, M'Allister, -Ramsay; Shaw, White, GilcJn ist; Fry, J. B. Clarkson, Thompson, Mahoriey,' Soth-Smitl), Raybono, Keist, O'Brien, Jtrcsen,' Rudder, Clayton, Beily, Tipling, Hall, Keir, Bister, Riley, Ridley, Blackmoro,. Mansfield, Hancock, Morris, Sullivan, Duggjan, Ji'Lollaud, Teaek, Lano, Fos, Burn, Fitzor.
( , SUNDAY, MARCH 1. i-OPAWA, s.s. (10.10 a.m.), 110 tons,' Nicholas, for Blenheim. - ■' KIRIPAIvA, s.s. (noon), 133 tons, Disou, for Pa tea. - 1 • ' . . 'TASMAN, s.s. (2 p.m.), 179 tons, Cox, for .Nelson, and Motueka. HULA, s.s. (3 p.m.), 127 tons, Dowell, for Wanganui. OItETI, s.s. (4 p.m.), 215 tons, Eobertson, for Wanganui. 1 TE ANAU,-s.s. (midnight), 1652 tons, -Lindsay, for Nelson. EXPECTED ARRIVALS. -Charles Edward, Nelson, March 2. Waverley, Picton, March 2. Te Anau, Nelson and Picton, March 2. Ojpa'wa, Blenheim, March 2.- ■ • luripaka, Patea, March 2.. Ivoromiko, Bunbury, March 2. : Monowai, Auckland, March 3. Oreti,. Wanganui, March 3. Eotomahana, Lyttelton, March 3. Tasman, Motneka, March 3. Pateena, Nelson. March 3. Iluia, Wanganui, March 3. Wakatu, ICaikoura, March 3. Ulimaroa, Sydney, March 4. Arahura; West Coast, Nelson, March 4. Penguin, Onehunga, New Plymouth, March 4. Mokoia, Sydney,- via Auckland, March li. Marama, Melbourne, via South, March 6. PROJECTED DEFARTURES. Stormbird, Wanganui, March 2. Blenhoim, Blenheim, March 2. Waihi, Blenheim, March 2. ' Koonya, West . Coast, March 2.' : Hinemoa, Lyttelton, March 2. Defender, Ivaramea, March -2. Kaliu, Napier, East Coast, March 2. Queen of the South,. Foslon, March 2. Manaroa, Motueka, March 2. Maori, Lyttelton, March 2. Waikare, Napier, Gisborne, and Auckland, March 2. Pateena, Nelson, 'March 2;- . Takapuna, New Plymouth " and Onehunga, March 2. ' Iluia,. Wanganui, March 2. Waipori, "Westport, March/2. - ; ■ • Charles Edward, Nelson and West Coast. March 2. Waverley, Nelson: and West Coast, March 3. . Arawa, Lyttelton, March 3. : Monowai, Lyttelton- anil Duncdin, March 3. .Eotomahana, Lyttelton, March 3. • . i Picton, Nelson," and West Coast. March 3. ; Te Anau, Picton, March 3. ■ Wakatur Kaikoura, March-3 . Opawa, Blenheim, March ' 3. Iluia, Wanganui, March 3. . '< Tasman, Nelson and Motueka, March 3. Rotomahana,' Lyttelton, March .3. , ~ Patoena, Picton, and Nelson, March 4.' Ulimaroa, Melbourne, via South, March's. Zealandia, Sydney, via Auckland, March 5. Penguin, Picton, Nelson, New Plymouth, and March 5. , Marama, Sydrey,;- March' 8. ' •...
INTERCOLONIAL SERVICE. ■ STEAMERS TO ARRIVE. MOKOIA, s.s., left Sydney, February 20, for "Wellington, via Auckland, Gisborne, and Napier. Due 'Wellington March 6. Leaves same day for Lyttelton and Du'nedin. MAHENO, s.s.,'. leaves Melbourne, March 4, for Wellington, via Hobart and Southern ports. Due Wellington March 13. Leaves for Sydney the same day. Due Sydney March 17. . ULIMAROA, s.s., left Sydney, February 29, for Wellington direct. Due Wellington March 4. Leaves for Melbourne, via Southern iPorts and Hobart, following day. Due. Melbourne March 14. • . • VICTORIA, s.s.'leaves Sydney, March 4, for Wellington, via Gisborne,-. v Napier. Duo Wellington' March 13: Leaves.-foft Lyttelton and 'Diincdin same day. .... . MARAMA,. 5.5,,. left. Melbourne, February '26,'. for. Wellington, via.- Hobart and '<Southern ports.. Due. Wellington. March !G. Lbaves for Sydjiey'■ directr: '.same. ".day. ■ -Due.• Sydney •March JO.' ■ . . . ' ... ; V.-.., - -. ... i MOERAKI,s.s/, leaves Sydney, March 7, for - Wellington .direct.. Due Wellington. March 11. Leaves March 12, for. Melbourne, via Southern ports and .Hobart.'-Duo' Melbourne, March .-21. MANUKA,' s.s., leaves Sydiiev;' March '11,' for Welliugton, via Auckland, Gisborne, and, Napier. Due Wellington, March 20.' Leaves'same day, for Lyttelton'. and; Dunedin: - wi n-. i •%.. oi-.'.iuurtn ?! ; * ' OVERSEA SHIPPING. : - From London.;; ' ~ RAKAIA (duo .Wellington about .March 10), sailed on January 11, via: Auckland. (N.Si.S. Co.. agents.) . : RIMUTAICA (duo • Wellington about March 12), sailed on January 2C, via Plymouth, Tenjrilfc, Capetown; abd'Hobart. agents.) ..... ; STAR OF SCOTLAND (duo Wellington about Apriri);'sailed on January 17, via Melbourne. Sydney,- Auckland, and Napier. (Tyser Liiie, agents.) . '
-.WHAKARUA (due Wellington about April 12), sailed on January 31,j via Melbourne, Sydney, ; Auckland, and Napier; (Tyser Line, agents.)
MAMARI (duo Wellington about- .March 21), ■ sailed 1 on' February 7, Plymouth February 9, '■via Teneriffe, Capetown, and Hobart. (Shaw, Savill, agents.) ■ MAORI fdiio ' Wellington about Aprii. 10), : sailedon Fobruary 13, via Auckland. (Shaw, Savill, agents.) ■ TCINGARIRO (duo Wellington about, April B)j' sailed on February 20. .Plymouth 22, via Ipneriffe, Capetown, and Hobart.; (N.Z.- Shipping Co., agents.) t , , 'From Liverpool. . ' ' ' ' SURREY (due Wellington about March 25), Railed on January 18, via j Auckland. (LUl.ti. : Linn. agents.) ; :DEVON' (duo; Wellington about April 17), sailed on February 8, via Australia and Auckland. (F.H.S.. Line, agents.) ,• - . BY. TELEGRAPH. A J . '..7;; OVERSEA. ■ LONDON. ' " Friday, February-28. Arrived.—Rollo, from Kaipara. Sailed.—lndragliiri; for Auckland.- < ... MELBOURNE Saturday, .February 29. Arrived.—Brisbane, from Hokianga. Arrived!—Maheno. ... NEWCASTLE.. . Sailed.—Aldebaran, for Auckland. . ADELAIDE. Arrived.—Joseph Craig, from .Kaipara. - : J' SYDNEY. Sailed—Ulimaroa (2 p.m.), for Wellington. Arrived.—Maroro, from New Zealand. • COASTAL. ' - .1 :' j SATURDAY, FEBRUARY. 29. V''.,. ". ONEHUNGA. ' .Arrived.—Torgauten (8 p.m., Friday), from Kaiyhia .' Arrived.—Rarawa (8.45 ' a.m.), from New Plymouth. '.. Sailed —Rarawa' (4 . plm'., Sunday), for New .Plymouth. |V v : : AUCKLAND. ■, . Arrived.—lris (8 a.mi,-Sunday), from Norfolk Island. • ■ - Sailed.—Monowaii for Southern ports. Passengers for Wellington: Saloon—Misses Webb Lee,. Geesse, Best;'-Brunskill, l -.Mesdaiues Soldi' WAbb, Geesse, Pritchar'd, Graham, Hammond' Soldi, Maguirc, Rawon; 4 steerage. : ' v "" NEW 'PLYMOUTH. Arrived.—Takapuna. (3-a.m), from Onehunga •'Arrived—Penguin (G.a.m), from Nelson ; Sailed.—Penguin (9.5 p.m.), for Onohunga. ■ . ' NAPIER. Arrived— Kaliu (5 a.m.), from Wellington ■ Sailed.—Eahu (7 p.m.), for Wellington. ' ' NELSON, v. ■ i . Arrived.—Arahura (7.30 a.m., Sunday) from Wellington. . *" • • "Sailed.—Charles Edward : (3 p.m., SundavV for Wellington. • lh GREYMOUTII. > Arrived — Himitangi (2.30 a.m.), from Wei lington. - , . V. \ WESTI'ORT. Sailed.'—Waverley (6.30. p.m.), for Wellint? ton, via Picton. • • • - KAIKOURA. •(- Arrived—Wakatu (1.45 a.m.), from Wellington. 6 LYTTELTON. , Arrived.—Zealandia (8 a.m.), from' Wellinrton. . ° ■ Arrived, -OswestryGrange (1.55- p.m.), from Wellington. • ••• • " ■ An-ivccl.-Lord Sefton (7.10 a.m., Sunday), from Wellington. . > An-ived -Rotomahana (12.10 p.m., Sunday), from Wellington. TIMAUU. WemnSo'^ Tol:omarU (6 ' 30 p ' m " s ' Jnda y). f rom .
. . DUNEDIN. . ' " StraTt V<=d.—VTarrim 00 , from' Sydney, -.via Cook " Arrived.—Zealandia (Sunday), from Svdnoy, via Auckland. ... . , , .... : Arrived.-Storin (Sunday),' from' Lyttdtori: (Sunday), f° r -Lyttelton. ■> bailed.—Connna (Sunday),-, for Onehunea vii ' way ports. . ~;? a w d S" Wa , rr -j? 1 ? 0 for "Melbourne via Bluff and Hobart:'-' - - . BLUFF. : ; > :' Arrived.—Erinerdale,- from- Wellington. • Amvcd.—Toroa, from Port: Ahuriri. Sailed.—Toroa, for Oamaru. ' bailed.—Orari, for Waitara. : ( ; 1 \ ' THE KIV CRA. . , ; ; ; '■ It is expected that, the Shaw,'Savill;. lin«. Jua Ora will proceed to Lyttelton about next llmrsday. The-vessel is timed to sail finally lor London on March 31. ■ ■' . the makeee. .••••• The Tyser liner Marcre arrived :on Sato day from London,-via Australian ports, 'Auck- . iv Nr • a P.' er - On. completing discharge the Marero will.take in Homeward corga - The - .vessel,-, while in Auckland! "loaded i quantity of gum, flax/ and wool. ' THE ULIMAEOA. ' ■ . ■ ' The local' branch of the Huddart; Parket ' and ; Company Proprietary,: Limited,-' have 'roraved advice that the new liner' Ulimaroa'. left Sydney at 2 p.m. on' Saturday for .Wei- " • lington direct. The Ulimaroa, which is- on' her maiden voyage v to the Dominion; is bring. \ mg ISO ■ passengers. She has a large cargo, GOO tons of'which are for discharge at Wellington. This includes a quantity of grapes" : that are being carried in the cool chamber. The Ulimaroa, is. .due early on Wednesday . morning, - and' snil.v'for, Melbourne, via South- \ em ports and.Hobaxt, on-Thursday^afternoon,
TASMANIAN TIMBER. : The "Hobart Mercury" says a large number of vessels .-have been engaged to load- timber at iasmaman • outpoi-ts- for- : various--destina-- . tions, including the United Kingdom, . India, - and Germany, and additional tonnago. is being i negotiated for. The shipments of by vessels, at present- under- bhnrter,will amount to between four and five million, feet. The turret' steamer ; Galavale alone, will, carry' 2.187,0D0ft. for., India. This will be'a record ' shipment-, from Tasmania. -'Tho- steamers which havo carried"the: biggest cargoes previously are the 'Trowbridge,' 310 ft:, and ' Elaine, 2,122,000 ft. - The' four-masted v barque Falls of Haladaleiholds=the record for sailing vessels, having' carried 1,130,510 ft. '■ i •, •
' WOOL CARGOES.. ': j Probably the - largest shipment' .'of . wool to leave New : Zealand in a single • bottom' thia •' season j,(according . to . • the '•? "Christchurch -> Press") is that carried by the Shaw,, Savill, : Whito Star 6teamer . Delphic,. which left Lyt-telton-'on Sunday, ■9, ; for : London. The big cargo . carrier has on board a very ' large general cargo, included in which thero are about- 17,000 bales , of-wool.- This ,'huga. . shipment was loaded at the following-ports:—: Wellington 5015 bales,. Bluff 3754 , bales, Dun' edin 5235 bales, Gisborne 1036 bales, and Lyttelton 1033 bales. The record shipment from.. Australasia this, season:'was that, loaded ,by the steamer Hyson, which; had under hatches 24,410 bales of wool. Other big wool cargoes,' loaded in Australia this- season', were:—Yang. ' Tsze, s.s., 19,358 bales; Scottish Monarch', 18,39t bales; Goslar; ■ 17,102 'bales;: Kasama;', 15*762 bales; and Port Chalmers, 15,000 bales: . Mr._ W. S. Gordon has joined -the Fibre , ; as third officer... , The Italian-barque Gem-arrived in Auckland on Thursday morning iroui , Wellington . after a smart passage of fourdavs. The Union Company's. is due this morning from LytWlton, - and 'siils ' for Nelson, and West Coast at- noon to-day. • The - Government steamer' ffinemoa ' is ex« " pected to sail for "Lytteltoii' : ;this. morningj where she is'tf . undergo f-»- ; : Mr. P. Naylor,. late chief' ;: officbr ! -of!'the Pateena," is "acting "in"'a" itoiliirv oap'city on the Monowai; in'-placo -of Mr;" White-Parsons, " who is ashore on sick leave. . ■ ,y ' '
Captain.' 'John' ■ Bernecli 1 resu'med; comniand ! ' of the .Waikare at. Port' Chalmers'-' on Friday, relieving .Captain Newton, who tak'es' r command ' of the ;Maori' ; 'while" Captain'Mariiiing' is away on holiday leave. '• • Mr. Kane, chief "officer of " tKe" Koonya, ia ■ leaving'- that, vessel,to. proceed, to ,England- on sis months' 'leaVe!\bf abseilcc:"-' : hia ; position will be filled by Mr. J.. A/ Wallace, who resumes duty after a spell.ashore,on.sick leave. : ■ .! The Tarawera, of _the- Union' Company, fleet, which has been, laid up. at Port Chalmers, is to .'enter .the \coastal "sernce.again,, leaving, Port .Chajiners on Mai'ch .6 .'for .Auckland, via ' !.way.,ports.:. . : She:is.,'due/to Wellington next;' Sunday; ' The Union Company's.steamer.,Waikare aS .' rived at 1 9 p.m.'. ; yesterday; .with. Wir.ffi's -.circSs. The .vessel; left Lyttelton' at '6:30 , a.m. "oil Sunday, - and .encountered head seas' and' winds on the. -run,'up. ' She:,;is to sail-. Gisbqr'ne, and Auckland this afternoon: The ' departure -'of '.the ,-,Te >Anou: for /-Nelson was* postponed from 1 8 p.m. , to' midiiight yesterday, ... in, consequence of -the late <■ arrivals of., the. Waikare. : . . According to "Fair - Play," -'.f/esh ttojiblc ■: has arisen in' the "North" Atlantic"passenget trade between the White Star and the' Gunard Companies,.which.will. jio doubt spread to'other ' • companies: Tho White Star Line; it*is-stated, ' : complains Clunai'd .Company did, hot , charge , highdr raws bj. ,the. .Lusitania,. and Mauretanja than by;their,, slower boats: Last,, 1 iiiOnth. they; reduced the'-outward second-class . rates 1 , by 305.. and! the third-class rates', by; 15s.'. The : Cunard Company" at once ' announced similar.' reductions/and a 'further i-eduction by,- the- Whito > Star, boats .of 15s. on l the second-class and ss: on the steerage was ; advertised,.-which -was followed by/the'Cunard Company. ; Other -lines' are'.' deferring red,uetions iii. hopes of a speody settlement satisfactory to.botli, of the big;.companies: concerned; ■
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Dominion, Volume 1, Issue 135, 2 March 1908, Page 10
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2,789SHIPPING NEWS. Dominion, Volume 1, Issue 135, 2 March 1908, Page 10
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