SHEEP DOGS Routfli coafecK —""Dog: J. Douglas, i; Donald J. Grant, 2; Arthur Swift, 3. Bitch: ■D:'jM'Gillicucldy, 1: I l '. W. .Burling, 2. •.''.Bearded;—Dog: W. Abbott, 1; W. Mather, 2; S. Willoughby, 3. :Bitch: J. G. Daec. 1: G. Bubb, 2. .. : Smooth coated.—Dog: C. Wagland, 1: H. R. Cornford; 2; A]os...M , Lav, 3. Bitch :'S. ] , A. Icoii.s,:2; John M'Kenzie, 3. ' ; - CATTLE DOG. ;■ 'Dog or bitoli:. A.,Ankctell, 1: J. G. Dacrc;, 2, G L Sie\cri, 3 i COLBIES. ■Rough coated.—Dog or bitch: Miss J. Bairdj 2. . SPANIEL. . ' '': : :: ; - cocker.—l^ogj'or biloh: Miss Bidwill, 1';, AV.-'-Maxwellj-rZ;--Other variety.—Dbg or bitch :• Miss J. M. Legg, 1; E. ,H. Wacfdingtoh, 2. .- _ FOX TERRIER ' ' Smooth.—Dog: P. H. Foster, 1 and 2; Thomas Bubb, 3. Any variety—Bitch; Miss B.;E.;St'onoT7igg, Saxelby, 2; AV,-. ltenmcnt, 3.. Any variety.—Puppy: ',J.: Shutkoivsky, 1; H. Madolcy, 2;. ,A. Maguirc, 3. . :I- " , GREI'fIOUiN'D .■.-.Dog: Mrs. A. (Maguire. 1; T. C. Morris,-2; A. Stompa, 3. Bitch: T.- C...Morns, 1; 'J. Montgomery, 2 aik1 r 3.<;. ' ■■■•'■'. • . . \v IRIS-H TERRIER ■ Over 1 12 months: E. M. Bannister, 1; ■ vi' dairy produce. (Judgo, Mi.. D. Dickie, Wellington.) BUTTER FOR EXPORT. 1 ■ '■ Pts. ! I—Masterton. ,Co-0p.„., Dairy Co (J f Windle, ■ manngor) '■ 9G 3—Mauricovillo Co-op. Dairy Co. ■ (J. • Brasch, manager) )—Rangitikei Co-op, Dairy Co- ; — 95 . ■ Norsuwood Co-op.-?i,Dairy Co (H • ' ... 91J' ' '.-ry r l—Maugarama • Cheese^ Factory. (T C. ■ • 1 '■ '-.Irving,-'•••managcr)^fe.".\';.'".\ 94■ !—Rongokokaho Co-op. Factory 9'JJ I—Rongokokaho Co-op. Factory ■ 93 * -jßoek-. Inlet - Factory (Is.. J. Fitrv gorald, manager)..' . ... 92 JrLimfjbuslif Cheese: (F E ; Groubo,:managor) 92J • (J. Adainson, .... .... .. ' ... 92* ' Fcatliorstou -Dairy Co. (J. • Adamson, •' manager) , - 92$ LOCAL USE. - - Vpr local consumption; not less than 1 • 201b.-,:. Masterton Co-op.-. Dairy Co. ■ (J. Tvindle)',', 1. Mauricovillo Dairy Co. (James ! Norscwood Co-op.'bairy 00.-'( H. ;Gampbdll)v^3:^ '-, '• j* j 1 ■ -Farmers'-tablo butter: Mrs: H. T. Holder,-1 • ' .Mrs, : .J. -, J3illingtoiii 2; Mrs. C. A:' Wall; 3. ' POULTRY, PRESERVES, ETO. .•CJlftlfiCSjw W. Perry, Masterton; Miss J.Talbot, Wellington.) . _ ■ BREAD/ ETC. > ' Hoino-made, baked--in tins: Mrs. J. ,M'Hattio,! 1; MisLif.i Dixon, 2; Mrs. F. Wills, 3. Cottage, or "other than tin: Miss V. Dixon, .1; .Miss: M'Gregor, 2; Mrs- F H I . Wrigleyj 3. Brown:. Miss M'Gregor, 1: Miss Hilda Sutherland, -2. in.- -. ■ . Scones:. Miss ,J: Nicholson, I':' 'Miss" J. Wvoth, 2, Mrs Ij Nieol, 3 . Fruit, cake . Mrs. -J-. R. M'Kenzio, 1 and 2 . Mrs F. Wills, 3 Seed cako: Mrs. John I M Kcn7ip, 1, Mrs H. Bromlov, 2: Mrs. J. B. M'Kenzie, 3. .' .
PRESERVES. (Judges,-Mrs.: TV;: Perry, Miss Talbot.) , •Home-made; -jams Mils S. Tankersloy, 1Mr.v, II.; 1. pod,, 2. Bottled '.'raspberries, gooseberries; and rhubarb: Mrs. H. T. Wood, 1; Mrs 11 Hirper 2. Bottled peas,: apples, plums: .Mrs. Hl' Wood, 1;, Mrs. ; ,C. H. AnclofSQiij • |2. i.-Bottled quinces,., apricots, peaches Mrs H T Wood, 1; Mrs. C. 'h! Anderson, 2. KNITTING. , ...(Judgp, •;Mrs ;A Turner, Masterton.) , Rifybsd socks Mr- ;,G, M'Hattio, 1' and 2; Mrs. J. Strathers, 3. Plain sccke: Mrs: G. M Hattie, l and Mrs. J. Strutbors, 2. ■ j"J- ' ; , ' '■ AGRICULTURAL PRODUCE. GROWN BY EXHIBITOR. : .' (Judge, Mr. F.-S. Hodson; Wellington.) .comb: Groves Bros.,' 1 and 2. Hcrney, injars:• Groves Bros., 1 and 2. ■ ; W. Blatohford, 1 and 2. Whjto; Short: F. W. Blatohford, 1: P a KE Bros.,' 2.; Black: P. W. Blatchford. 1 •and;?,. : Grey r'Dagg Bros., 1; F. W. Blatch-ford,-2, .v ' ; . ...,, •• ;; Soring Wheat: Dagg' Bros., 1. Peas, Yorkshire .Horo: ;Dagg.Bros.,l. Rye Corn: iDagg Bros., 1. -"Ryo Grass: Dagg Bros., 1. Cocksfoot iDaggßros., 1. Potatoes, Up-to-date: J. Pickett/1. , ~.. OPEN GLASSES. Oats—Wliito Long::,,.Wairarapa Farmers' Co.-op., Crujokshank and Co., 2. ■White JShbrfcl 'Wairarapa Farmers' Co.-op., -1; J. D.• Gnuokslinnk-and Co., 2. BlackJ. D;. Cr.uick-shank;.and Co.,' 1; Wairarapa Farmers',;Oo.-0p.,, 2. ,prey: J. D. Cruickshank. and Co., IWairarapa 0p.,--3. • • Capo Barley: J. ». Cruicknhank and C0.,~ I;r \yaira,rapa ""Farmers': Co.-op., 2. Sprinc-Wheat;'; Cruickahank and' Co., 1; •'■"■AVairarSpa Co.-op., 2. Rye Grass: J. D. Cruickshank and Co., 1. > Cocksfqot: J. D. Cruickshank and Co., 1. Collection of Farm Seeds: J. D. Cruickshank and Co., 1.
. KORTICUJ.TURE. - . - i i-,. (Judge, Mr. A. M'Kny, Wellington.) . VEGETABLES. : Potatoes :,C, Roy, 'l-. R. J. Bailey, 2 Collection:.Mrs-. W.-B. Chennells; 1; Kone Fong.,2. Cucumbers: E. Halo, 1; Airs, \V. B. Cneunellg,.2; Cabbages: Kong FonV 1--Mrs. W. B. Chennells, 2. Turnips: M. Caselberg, 1 j Mrs. W. E. Cheniiulla, 2. Carrots ■ Mrs; W. B. Chennells, 1; Kong Pong 2' Lettuces: M.Caselljerg, 1 and 2. TomatoesW. Kidd, 1; B. H. Just, 2. French BemwYMi Caselberg u l;- ICoUß.]?oiig, 2, Runner BeansMrs.,>!\T, B,"'GlfitDnolli', 1, Onions: Mrs. W; B. Chennells, 1; 1). Robinson, 2. Marrows:' Kong Fong, 1; D. Rpbinsolt, 2. FRUIT. Reaches: M. Casolberg, 1; J. 0. Alpass, 2. Nectarines: M. Cnselborg, 1. Plums, Dessert: M. Cnselborg, 1; J. C. Alpass, 2. Plums, Culinary: J. C. Alpass, 1; It. Cnselbcrg, 2. Peai-s: J. C. Alpass, 1 and 2.
Apples, Twelve Dessert: B.' H. Just. 1; ID. Hale, 2. Six Dp'ssort: K Hale, 1; B. IT. Just, 2. Six Culinary: 1!. H. Just, 1; G. M'Hattio, 2i Twelve Culinary: J. C. Alpass, 1; E. Hale, 2. : ' Hot-houso Grapes: J. C. Alpass, 1; M. Casclberg, .2. Collection: 1). H. Just, 1 and FLOWlittS: Sweet Peas: Mrs. W. 13. Cheniiells (W. Kemp, gardener), 1; Mrs. E. Harper, 2. Floral table decorations: Mrs. H. T. Wood, 1 and 2. Cut flowers, in glasses: J. Casclberg, 1; Mrs. H. 'J'. Wood, 2. Cut flowers,in basket: Airs. H. T. Wood, 1; Mrs. 13. Amott, 2. Threo button-hole bouquets: Mrs. H. T. Wood, 1'; Miss Vera Casclberg, 2. Asters: Mrs. G. Watson, 1; J. Casclberg, 2. Hand bouquet: Mrs. H. T. Wood, 1 and 2, Cactus dahlias: Mrs.'C. H. Anderson, 1; 11. Jncques, 2. Poliago plants: 13. H. Jur.t, 1; M. Casclberg (C. H. Anderson, gardener), 2. • Plants in bloom: W. J. Ilirschberg, 2. SCHOOL CHILDREN'S GLASSES. Judges: Messrs. T. P. Lett, G. Shaw (plots and gard'ns); Mr. A. M'Kay (horticulture). . VEGETABLES. Potatoes: Matahiwi School, 1; Clarcvillo School, 2; Herbert Bray, 3. Cabbage: Ihuraua School, 1; Matahiwi School, 2; Clarcvillo School, 3. ' Lettuce: Ihurnua Sohool, 1. Carrots: M.itahitfi School, IClarcvillo School, 2; Ihuraua School, 3., - Parsnips: Thomas Hancock, 1; Clarcvillo School, 2; Kaiparoro School, 3. . Turnips: Thomas Hancock, 1; Taucru School, 2; P.-Winisctt, 3. Scarlet Runners: Herbert Bray, 1: More-; dith Ewart, 2; Jas. All Hop, 3. French Beans: F. Delisle, .1; Clarevillo School, 2; Ihuraua, 3. Cucumbers: Masterton School, 1 Clarcvillo School, 2. Swedes: Kaiparoro School, 1: Taueru School, 2. ; FLOWERS, ETC. Sweet Peas: Matahiwi School, 1; Masterton School, 2. ' ■ Asters: Clarevillo School, 1. Flowors: Clarovillo School,' 1: Kaiparoro, 2; Tauoi-u School, 3. Heads of grain: Tauern School, 1. Grassos and clovers: Kaiparoro School, 1. Weeds : Kaiparoro School, 1. RING EVENTS. fiORSES AND PONIES IN HARNESS. (Judgo: Mr. W. Hajr.ard, Christchurch.)
Pair of- buggy horses: W. M'Konzie, 1; . R. Morrison, 2; T. Clancy, 3. Pair of ponias, bqtween'l3 and 14.2 .hands: J. Strang, 1; L Moore, 2. Pair of ponies, up to 13 hands: Mrs. A. R. Bunny,' 1. Single horse: W. D. Watson, lj Mrs. P.-M'Laren, 2; S. Haigh, 3. Single harness horse, up to 14.2 lianas:' F. W. Carey, 1; N. M'Laren, 2; W. Moore, 3.' Gig horse, up to 15.2 hands:]?. Hood, 1; R. J. Johnstone, 2; ,W: Mather, 3. Singlo. harness ; ho'rso in dog Icart: "J. : W, Comptdn, 1; J. M'Rao,.2, Pony in'harness, between 13 and 14.2 hands, driven by a lady :' E. 'T. Williams, 1; W. Darroll,: 2; Dr. A. Hosking, 3. Under 13 hands, driven by a lady : Mrs. A. J. Congdon, I,' Turn-out, single horse or pony, driven by, a lady: Mrs. P. iVt'Laren, 1; Mrs. J. C. Williams, 2; W. Darvell, 3. •' . ■ ' 7 SADDLE HORSES. Lady rider, . side saddle: Miss Jessio Campbell, 1; Miss' S. 'E. Paul; 2; Miss ■ lorns, 3. Reform dross; Miss Zona Vallance, 1.; Miss Jessio' Campbell, 2. Reform dross • (under 18 years): Miss E. Vallance, 1; Miss Mabel Shuto, 2; Miss Eiloon Dagg, 3,' Sido Saddle or Reform Dress: Miss Jessio Campbell, 1; Mis 3 liurnoit, 2. ' Cob, not over 15' hands: W. Mather, 1: 0. H. Beet-ham, 2; G. Hume, 3. HACKS. V' - ' (Judge : Mr. E. p.- O'Rorkc; ■ Auckland.). : Hack, to carry list..: i\lr. :F.' 0. Bunny's liopoki, '1;' Mr. Jas., Douglas's Robin, 2; Mr. J. p.: Fcnwick's. .Sein'iaoino;;3; To carry 13st.: Mr. D. M'Kcrizie'a Artful, 1; Mr. It. Boot-ham's Silver Heels,? 2 ; Mr. W. C. : Buchanan's'Rajah, 3. ; To carry . lost.'-. Mr; F; E; Price's Tommy j Atkins, 1; -'Mr. ■ Rupert Morrison's Rata, 2; Mr.' J, M'Rac'e Artomus, 3. .For cavalry: Mr. H. Clark's Sweoper, 1 ; Mr. J. N. Lawson's Mangapapa, 2; Lady's hack: Miss Boetham'a Pennant, 1; Mr. W. M'Kenzie's Mahomet, 2. COMPETITIONS. ' ' (Judge: Mr. E. D.' O'Rorke, Auckland.) Hunters' competition: Mr. R. Morrison's' Rata, 1; Mr. J. Sweeney's Corroboreo, 2: Mr. R,. Sanson's Mona, 3. ' Walking: Mr. C. F. V. Alliance's Kotiro, 1; Mr. J: Elloy's Guy Fawkcs, 2; Mr. Donald Grant's. H. 8., 3." • " Trotting in harnoss: Mrs. ,W. D. Watson's. Auctioneer, 1; Mr, J. L. Blundell's Jock, 2.' ■ Ladies' driving: Mrs.' C, J.' Bonuett, 1;' Miss-Jessie Campbell, 2; Miss Hilda Grant, Gentlemen's'driving: Mr. B. V. Skoct, 1; Mr. J. W. Compton, 2; Mr. W. D. Watson, 3. :Champion jumping; prize £40: Mr. A. Mitchell's Bushy Park, 1; Mr. R.' T. Sanson's Mona. 2; Mr. W. H. Buick's Dick Turpin, 3. There were 25 competitors, and the jumping was very fine. . Leading and jumping (Volunteors): Feildlng Mounted Rifles, 1; Masterton Mounted Rifles, 2; Manawatu -Mounted Rifles, 3;. Consolation jumping; prizo £16:' Mr; J. Sweeney's Corroboreo, 1; Mr. J. Douglas's Robin, 2; Mr. J. Hayward's Ned Kelly, 3.
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Dominion, Volume 1, Issue 126, 20 February 1908, Page 4
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1,565DOCS. Dominion, Volume 1, Issue 126, 20 February 1908, Page 4
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