PHASES OF THE MOON. JANUARY. ' Day. Hr.m., New Moon 4 9.13 a.m. First Quarter ... It 1.23 a.m. Full Moon 1!) li 7 n.inLast Quartor 27 2.31 a.m. . HIGH 'WATER. To-day, 10.55 a.m.; 11.20 p.m. To-morrow, 11.46 a.m.; 0.0 p.m. . SUN.. . ; Sun rises to-day, 1.47 a.m.; sets, 7.13 p.m.' ARRIVALS. SATURDAY,. JANUARY 25. PUKAKI, 5.6. (3.55 a.m.), 114-1 tons, Renaut, from Westport. HUIA, s.s (6.50 a.m.), 127 tons, Dowell, from Motueka. ROTOMAHANA, s.s. (6.40 a.m.), 1777 tons, Collins, from Lyttelton. Passengers: SaloonMisses Coburn, Baron, Alexander, Rojre, M'Donnel (3), Dodgshun, Woodbury, Avis, Freeman, Inglis, Brady (2), Kerr, Cuddie, Owen. Webb, Calcult, Montgomerie, Patterson, Eon-e, Timms, Derry, Mathieson, Stewart (2), Little, Montgomery, Gibbons, Harding, Mesdames Tosswell, Rolley, Dodgshun, Gampbell, Price and child, Cuddie and child, O'Connor, Freeman, Connor, Carter and child, Webb, Jacobson, Bethune, Bowden and child. Kirk, Gibbons, PidgeonV- Freenian,' Rev. Williams, Rev. Mill, Messrs. Nicholl, Ilusch,' Carr, Scott, Ingate, Leak, Jolly, Rolley, Dudley, Steele, Rutherford,"Beaven, Max Cohen, Pirie, Perry, Robison, Croll, Best, Campbell, Coe, Pidgeon, Ward, Holston, Bowden (2), Athos, Kershaw, M'Arthur, Connor, Craddock r Wood, Seifert', Wilkinson, Holdswortli, Speight, O'Neill. Burson, Murdoch, M'Nicoll, Ritchie, Holloway, Yule, Duncan, Curtis, Carde, Wales, Waldron, Jameson, Wilkin, Harold. Bethune (2), M J>od, "Houlston, Sims, Blair, O'Neill, Hyde, Mackay, Munro, Cowan; sG'steerage. DECHMONT. ship (11 a.m.), 1642 tons, Henich, irom Sydney. BLENHEIM, s.s. (5.20 p.m.), 120 tons, Watson, from Blenheim. MAPOURIKA, s.s. (7.20 p.m.), ,1203 tons, Kennedy, from. Greymouth, Westport, and Nelson. Passengers: Saloon—Misses M Cormack, Mollery, Clark, Neilson, Bennett, Gibbs, Sampson, M'Guirc, Murphy, Brown, O'Leary, Cox, Batchelor, Price, Ainsworth, Ladley, Milligan, Bradley, Raven, Dement, Mesdames Tvmons and infant. Knell anu •> children. Priest. Morrish. Hall, -Jackson and 2 "children, Cresswell, 'Allen and 3 . children, Rickard," Nevo, Messrs. Warren, Tynions, Skinner, \Tibbles,. Knell 1 , Mornsh, Const. Thomasson, Restall, O'Donnell, J,cvo, Scott, Hinton, Ciesswcll, Taylor, Seymour, John, Rickard. Harrison, Ricknrd, Vester, Rothchild, KiMiiburgh. ,o'Key, Dodge," Snodgrass, Jones, Davis, Nalder, 'Adjms, Master Guy; 14 steerage. / . PATEENA, s.s. (8.40 p.m.), 1212 tons, Stewart, from Pieton. "Passengers.: Saloon —Misses Wild, Woodman. Mandl, Hoult, M'lvor. Valentino, -Weir, Esteourt, Woodward, Mason, Mesdames Stockbridge and 2 children, Esteourt, Messrs. Woodman, Mandl, Thomasson, Cameron', D'Emden., Fairchild, .Tone?, Rowley, Wakeliii, Powell, Brother, - Garlath, Gurnsey, Duncan, Allan, Lewis; I:steerage. . 1 , . ' PENGUIN; s.s. (11.55 p.m.),' 824 tons. Hunter, froni Picton. Passengers—sl excursionists.
SUNDAY, JANUARY 25. ! ' MAORI, s.s. (7.30 . a.m.), ,3390 tons, Manning, from Lyttelton. • Passengers Saloon—Misses Hondei-son, Timms. Longshon, Carey, Hamilton, ' Ottcrson, Ellis. . Milne, ;Ainsj> Boril, Locline'r. Poulton, Williams, Tansley, DovJish, Gill, Burridgd, Noo, ' Pattinson,. M'Donald, Sommervillo. Bailey. Robinson. Molma, Warnock - (2), . Elder. Harrison,." Shaw,.. §atch?ll, Brewster.- Bollard, Bendall, Cox, Eames, Hill, Lockiiy, Gear, Smith, Mesdnmes Henderson, Andewon, Low, Veals, Kennedy. Luke, Guano,' Gill, Patrick Wilson, .Piatt, Buck, Nowlem, Temple, Pulton, Shaw,- Elder.- SatdioU. Robertson. Baker, Avison, Do. Eouffiguii, Hillary, Jackman, Hollis, Wilkins, Colonel Loveday, Dr. Temple,' Messi's. Henderson, Anderson, Jacobs, Colley, Marsh, Wragg,'.Shone,- Fletcher (2), Low, Madden, Morrison. Robertson. Last, Wynne, Bi own,-Baker, Brindley, Lukei Brand, Ramsay, I'ointer.-•-Yonng, Allan, Staccy. Sievewriarht. Hind, Gill, Wilson, Morris, Whetchoy, White, Temple, Bennett,, Christophus, Reich, Douglas, Luke. Baunehr. King, Johnston, Eider, Irvine. Griffiths,; Storey, Smith, Mason, Robertson, . Sims, - Pyc, Cook, .Wilson, M'Lcnnan, Ward, Barnett, Hillary, ; Alpheiv Webstor, Richards, Hollis;--74 ;steerage. . . • TAKAPUNA, sis. (8 a.m.).: 103G tons,-'Hutch-ings, from Onehunga and Neyr Plymouth. Passengers-® excursionists. • ■ i ' . MONOWAI. s.s. (14.10 p.m.). 3133 tons,; Bcr-' necli, from Dnuedin awl Lyttelton. Passengers: Saloon—Misses Rudd, Norman, Bush ton, Harcourt, Billons.. Ilarchess,. Young, ' Taisaine, Stephenson, Macdonald, Glasgow, . Wood (2), Matthews,. Mesdames Baldwin, Merfcdith, Masters Kennedy. Rushton and child, Fletcher, Cook, Oiiyen," Riteliie, Windmill, Harle. Spray aud child, Galliohane and cliild. Wood, Connell, Messrs. Masters, Rudd (2), Roberts,-Mas-ters. Bamber. Kennedy, Walker, ■ Morning, Rushton, Dall, Moult, Brassell. M'Millan, Sinis, Poole, Dalgleisli, Knight, Young, Law, Wilkes, Relse, Shanks,. .Stewart, •: Evans, Ritchie Kerr. Carsby, Smith, Council, Harle, Barrett; 22 steerage. TE ANAU, (12.40-p.m.),'1652 tons, Lindsay, from Southern ports. j WAIHT, e.s. (5 p.m.), 92 tons, Carey, from Blenheim. OPAWA. s.s. (5.10 p.m.), 110 tons, Nicholas, from Blenheim. ' HAWEA, s.s. (5.30 p.m.), 1758 tons, Tate, from Westport. REGULTJS, s.s. (10.30 p.m.), 585 tons, Sellars, from Westport. LARGO LAW. s.s. (10.30 p.m.). in Stream, 3974 tons, Henderson, from Newcastle. j QUEEN OF THE SOUTH, s.s. (10.50 p.m.), 198 tons, Harvey, from Foston. , MONDAY, JANUARY 27. STORMBIBD, s.s. (1.20 a.m.),' 217 tons, M'lntyro, from Wanganui. DEPARTURES. SATURDAY, JANUARY 25. WAIHI, s.s. (2 a.m.), 92 tons, Carey, for Blenheim. , ' FIFESIURE, s.s. (6 a.m.), 5672 tons, Pilkington, for Monte Video, Las Palmas, and Avonmouth. - PENGUIN, s.s. (1 p.m.), 824 tons, Hunter, for Picton; 35 passengers. KTRIPAKA, s.s. (2 p.m.), 133 tons, Dixon, for Pa tea. KOTUKU, s.s. (5.25 p.m.), 1054 tons, Nicholson, for Gieymouth. 7 ORETI, s.s._ (5.50 p.m.), 215 tons, Robertson, for Wanganui. ICAMONA, s.s. (8 p.m.), 1125 tons, Read, for Westport ROTOMAHANA, s.s. (11.5 p.m.), 1777 tons, Collins, for Lyttelton. Passengers: Saloon— 105 excursionists. ARAHURA. s.s. (11.35 p.m.), 1596 tons, Lambert. for Nelson, Westport, and Greymouth. Passengers—llo excursionists. SUNDAY, JANUARY 26. JANE DOUGLAS, s.s. (5.30 a.m.), 95 tons, Irvine, for Nelson. STAR OP AUSTRALIA, s.s. (6 a.m.l, 6825 tons, Kearney, for Gisbornc. lIUIA, s.s. (10 p.m.), 127 tons, Dowell, for Motueka. PENGUIN, s.s. (midnight), 824 tons, Hunter, for Nelson.
. EXPECTED ARRIVALS. Kaituna Westport, January 27. Penguin. Nelson and Picton, January 27. : Aorcro, Patca, January 27. Mana, Patea. January 27. Tutanekai, Greymouth, January 27. Largo Law. Newcastle, January 27. Regulus. Westport, January 27. ■ Kahu, East Coast, January 27. Rotomahana, Lyttelton, January 28. Huia, Motueka, January 28. Oreti, Wanganui, January 28. Tasmau, Nelson and Motueka, January 28. Corinna, Onchunga and New Plymouth, January 28. Taliine,' Auckland, Gisborne, Napier, January 28. Wakatti, Lyttelton, via Coast, January 28. Alexamlet, Wanganui, January 28. Winimora Sydney, January 29. Maori, Lyltollon, January 29. A rah urn, Nelson and Motueka, January 29. Rotoiti, New Plymouth and Onehunga, January 30. Marama, Melbourne, via South, January 31.
PROJECTED DEPARTURES. Manavoa, Motucka, January 27. Tnkiipuna, New Plymouth and Ouchunga, January 27. Monowai. Napier, Gisborno, and Auckland, January 27. To Anan, Picton, Nelson, and. West Coast, January 2i. Knhu, Bast Coast, January 27. Queen of the South, Foston, January 27. Lj'ttelton, Jaa.uary 27,
Waihi, Blenheim,. January 27. ■ 'Stbrmbird.- Wanganui,-January '27. .'. . v;>V Opawa, Blenheim, January; 27. •' • Mana, P&tea,' January 27. ' Queon of the South, Foxton, January 27. . Patcena, Picton and' Nelson, January. 27',VAorerc,. Patea, January, 27; , ■: 'Blenheim, Blenheim,- January ; 27. ' Tn small, Nelson arid Motueka, January 28/ Taluno, Lyttelton. and Dunedin, January v .28. :Map6urika, Picton,; Nelson, and' West Coant,-' January 2S. 'Alexander, Nelson and West Coast,' January 28." v' .- ; -i■Rotomatiana, Lyttelton, January 28. . .> Penguin, Picton, January 28. \ Oreti,- Wangaiini, January 28. . , * *. : «i i Hui.v Motueka, January 28. , " ••••? Wakatu, Kaikoura,: January 29. \ Maori,. Lvttelton, .''January 2!). . i ,'Corrina, Timaru and Dunedin, January 29. . : Patecria,; Picton and Nelson, January 29. Manuka, Sydney,' via . Auckland;; Gisbornp,' l and Napier,' January 30. • Wimnicra, Melbourne, via South, . January. 30. • ••:.' }■. - Rotoiti, Picton, Nelson, New. Plymouth, and. Onehunga, January .30...- , ,'> . Penguin; Nelson,' January .30..;. . f Marama, Sydney, Janilary, 31. INTERCOLONIAL SERVICE. MAE AM A, left Melbourne, January 22, for Wellington, via iiobiut And. ooutlieiu ports.ADuo Wellington Jauuary 31. Sydney direct same day. Duo Sydnoy, x'eb- , ruary 4. ■ ' ZEALANDIA, s.s., left Sydney, January 22, for Wellington,. via Auckland, Gisbornc, and Napier. Arrives and icaves Wellington January 31. for Lyttelton and Dunedin. . ... WIMMERA, s.s.,' left Sydney, January' 2d, for Wellington direct. Due Wellington January 29. Leaves for Melbourne, via Southern ports and Hobart, January- 30. Due Melbourne February 8. . VICTORIA, i s.s., leaves Sydney,- February 5, for Wellington, via Auckland, tri6borno, ana Napier. Due Wellington February 14. Leaves for Lyttelton and Dunedin same day. AIANUIvA, s.s., leaves Dunedin, January ,28, for Sydney, Lyttelton, Wellington, Napier, Gisborne, and Auckland. Due Wellington January 30, and sails same day. Duo -Syunpy. February 7.. . .. . MAHENO, s.s., leaves Melbourne, January 29* for Wellington, via Hobart and Southern ports. Due Wellington February 7., Leaves sa'rao day for Sydney direct. Due Sydney l'ebruary 11. ~ WVRRIMOO, s.s., leaves Melbourne, February 5, for Wellington, via Hobart and Southern ports. Due Wellington February) 14. Leaves for Sydney'direct same day. Duo. Sydney: February 18. MOERAKI, s.s., leaves Sydnoy, February 1, for Wellington direct. Due here February 5. q-iiU February 6 for Melbourne, via Southern ports and Hobart. Due 'Melbourne ■ February 15. OVERSEA SHIPPING. .STEAMERS TO ARIUVE. From > London. NEHEUANA (due Wellington about February 12), sailed on December 3, via Australian ports, Auckland, and 'Napier. (Tysei Line, agents.). - "... . CORINTHIC (quo Wellington about January 2!)) ' sailed on December 13, Plymouth December 15, via Capetown and Hobart. ,(£>ha\r, Savill, agents.) : -\ PAIHNUI (due Wollington about, Januarj 20), sailed on November 28, Plymouth December • 30, via' Capetown, and Hobart. -(N.Z.S. Co., agents.) ItUAPEUU (due Wellington about February 1G). failed on December 28, Plymouth December's!;, via Capetown and Hobart. (N.Z.S. C 0.," agents.) , • , ...' MAREItU (duo Wollington about February 29), on December 19, via Melbourne, Sydney, Auckland,' and Napier." (Tyser Line; agents.) V ' " \ TOKOMARU,.(due Wellington about. February 13), i-Ailed '.'on- December 14, via Auckland. (Shaw. Savill,; agents.)... ' ! , ARAWA (due Wellington about Febrfiarj 25), sailed oil January 9, Plymouth Jamiarj 11, via Capetown and Hobart. (Shaw, Savill agents.) RAKAIA (duo Wellington about March 10) sailed on January 11, via Auckland. (N.Z.S Co.. agents.) >' , .;. ' STAR ' OF SCOTLAND (duo : Wellingtor about April 2), sailed on January 17, via Melbourne, Sydney, Auckland, - and Napier , (Tyser Lino, agents.) From Vancouver. liAZEMBE (duo Wellington about Januarj 29), sailed on December 24, via Suva and Aucklr..-d. (N.Z. and A.S. Co., aj;onts.) 'From Liverpool. RIPPING HAM GRANGE (due Wellingtor about January 31), sailed on November 23, vit Auckland. (P. 11.5. Line, agents.) . OSWESTRY GRANGE (due Wellingtor about February llij, sailed on December 1G Auckland. (N.Z. and A.S. Co., agents.) KIA Oil A. (due Wellington about February 21), sailed on January 2, via Auckland. (Shaw, Savill, agents.) ■ SURREY (due Wellington about March 21), sailed on January 18, via Auckland. (F.H.S.' Line, agents.) From New York. LORD SEFTON (due Wellington about Feb-' ruary 10), sailed oil November 28,' via Australian ports and Auckland. (A. and A. Line, agents.) NEW ORLEANS (duo Wellington about February 15), sailed on' December 10,, for Auckland direct. (A. and A. Line, agents.) INDItALEMA (due Wellington about February 17), sailed on December 8, via Australia and Auckland. (Tyser Line, agents.) AHERLOUR (duo. Wellington about March 12), sailed on January 2, via Port Chalmers aud Lyttelton. (N.Z.S. Co., agents.) From Calcutta. SOFALA (duo Wollington about January 20), sailed on December 8, via Auckland. (U.S.S. Co., agents.) SAILING VESSELS TO ARRIVE. INVERMAY, barque, sailed from Liverpool November 19, via Dunedin. DANIEL, barque, sailed, from Clarence - River January 9. HELEN DENNY, barque, left Newcastle , January 18, for Wellington. ICONGSI3YRI), barque,' left Sydney, January 24, for Wellington. BY TELEGRAPH. OVERSEA. SYDNEY. . . Saturday, January 25. ' Arrived.—Mary Isabel, barque, from Whangapo. Sailed.—Wimmora (2 p.m.), for Wellington. Arrived.—Waihora, from the Bluff. , Arrived.—Aldebaran, from x Auckland. MELBOURNE. Saturday, January 25. ' Arrived.—Maheno, from Bluff. Arrived.—lndralema, from Now York. HOBART. Saturday, January 25/ ' Arrived.—Corinthic, from London, via Cape- ■ town. The Corinthic will sail on Monday night, for Wellington. Of her passengers, 69 landed here, r and 560 are proceeding to New Zealand. ; . ' COASTAL. , SATURDAY, JAN UARY 25. CAPE MARIA VAN PIEMAN Reports Sydney steamer passed (7 a.m., Sunday). . KAIPARA. Sailed.—Huia, auxiliary schooner (Friday), for Lyttelton. MANUKAU HEADS.- • Sailed.—Hinemoa (4 a.m.), for Wellington, -AUCKLAND. Arrived.—Waiwato, s.s., from Waitara. Arrived.—Victoria, s.s., from South. Arrived.—Waiapu, auxiliary schooner, from ' Niue. . ONEHUNGA. - Arrived.—Corrina (8.15 a.m.), from New Plymouth. Arrived.—-Rarawa (10.45 a.m.), from Now. Plymouth. Arrived.—Rotoiti (9 a.m., Sunday), from New Plymouth. i- Sailed.—Corinna (i.30 a.m., Sunday), for New Plymouth. [. Sailed.—Rarawa (4.5 p.m., Sunday), for Noiv Plymouth. • NEW PLYMOUTH. Sailed.—Rotoiti (9 p.m.), for Onehnnga. i, WANGANUI. . Arrived.—Oreti (1.50 p.m., Sunday), from '■ Wellington. Sailed.—Stormbird (1.15 p.m.), for Wolliugton. PATEA. To tnil.—Aorero and Maiia 2 p.m., Sunday), ..-JSfli .Wellington,
■ foxton.', ".To Fail.—Queen of the South (1-p.m., Sunday), for .Wellington.'- • ' ~S^ ' FAREWELL SPIT phased. east, for .Wellington; (1.45 p.m., 1 Sunday).' vv J PICTON irrived.—Alexander (5- a.m.), from. Nelson. .. ■ - • NELSON. ■ >/'■;{' ;', - Arrived.-:-Arahura (9.30 a.m., Sunday), from Wellington.' Sailed.—Alexander :(8 p.m.,. iriday), „fo.r Bicton. • ■' . . v■' ■ - : ( Sailed;—Kotoiti, for .New. Plymouth. . : KAIKOUIIA. .< Arrived.--Wakatu (4.15 a.m.), from Wellington:,- • ; 1 GREYMOUTII. v,' :/.i. :<■■■: Arrived.—Par'eora-(r p.m.), from. Wellington. : .Arrived.—Tiitanekai -(5.20 ■ a.m.), : from Wd-;'l^ail«i.-i-Tutanekai (6.20 a.m.),- for, .Westport. wkstport S'ailed.-Kaituna ;1(2.50 a.m., Sunday),,: for .Wellington., "«'• LYTTELTON. ;■ i-Arrived.—Rotomdhana' (12.20 p.m., Sunday)," -from Wellington. ■ -■' : . , Arfivetkr-ilanuka .(6.10 a.m.), Sofala (7 a.m.), and Papariui. (8.30 a.m.), from Wellington, t. DUNEDIN., . , . Arrived.—Taieri, from West Coast. . Arrived.—Kaikoura, from Lyttelton. . Arrived.—Warrimoo, from Sydney., Arrived.—Manuka (Sunday), from Sydney, via Auckland. . . - • „ ' Sailed.—Warrimoo (Sunday), for Melbourne, via Bluff. ; ' V THE OPAWA. The Neiv X Zealand Shipping' Company's steamer Opawa is' expected to- leavo Napier to-day for'Picton ' She is due, here on Wednesday, and is to sail finally for .London, from Wellington, on, Friday. .. : THE lONIC. I Tho: local agente, of tho.'.Shaw,Albion Company have received cabled advice ■ that the steamer lonic, en routo' to London, from Wellington, resumed her voyage from Monte Video on Thursday. , ; ' THE INDRALEMA. , '. ■ The Tyser Line steamer Indralema. which left New York on December 8, arrived at Melbourne on Saturday. Thence she proceeds x to Sydnev, Auckland, and Wellington, and is due to-arrive here about February 23.V . THE WAIMATE. " ' i After completing Homeward loading of Napier cargo the New Zealand Shipping Co/s steamer Waiiriate comes on to Wellington, arid is due hero on February. 3. She is ' timed • ,'to 'sail finally for'.London, two days later. 1 THE NEREIIANV < i The Ty'sei 1 Line "steamer , Nereliana,. which [left London on' December 3. for Wellington, ■ via Melbcurno, Sydney, and' Auckland,' is due .hero in about tVo weeks' time. She ha% 900 tons of cargo for discharge at Wellington. ;; ' : THE . SHIP DECIIMONT ' '■The ship Dechmont, ono of this.sailing craft ' under charter to Mr. G.-.'-H.'- Scales,- .tovgoi on the woo) berth for London,arrived-from ; Sxd- ■ ricy on Saturday. .The yesseLleft.-Sydney-. on - January' 9, : and on being passed by ; tho-Health, and Customs 'officers will ' be:-Berthed'; readiness for Homeward loading.: : iv v -\'o THE; CORINTHIC AT II OB ART. •: •' ; The local agents of. the- Shaw, Say ill. a_nd- ; Albion Company have- received cabled- advice" : thftt tho steamer Corin'thic, from London-, arrived at Hobart at 1.20 p.m. on Saturday. The Corinthic has over .500. passengers; for4he. Dominion,. and .vrill probaoly arrive .at Wellington about Thursday,- ; r "■> ... r/. THE BARQUE DANIEL. Tho barque Daniel was sighted off the Heads on Saturday afternoon, and at G p.m. the Duco proceeded outside to see if towing assistance was required. ■ The , Duco,. however, returned . to port about threo ;hoiirs lateKwithqut haxing evon sighted the vessel. Tile Daniel left Clarenco'River on January 0, and lias a cargo .of timber for Wellington.. 1 '.. .j ■ ■ THE SYDNEY BOAT. Cabled advice received by. the Huddart> 'Parker Company Proprietary, Limited, .states that the: steamer Wimmcra left Sydney at 3 p.m. on Saturday, for' Wellington direct. She has 000 tons of-cargo for , discharge at Wellingi ton, and is bringing 106 saloon'and 96 6teerago passengers for this port. The Wimmerais i due early oil Wednesday morning, and .is timed to take her departure for Melbourne, ' via Southern ports, on Thursday afternoon. .
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Dominion, Volume 1, Issue 105, 27 January 1908, Page 10
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2,462SHIPPING NEWS. Dominion, Volume 1, Issue 105, 27 January 1908, Page 10
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