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PRACTICAL' SUGGESTIONS BY AN EXPERT. 'i .-' (Specially Written for Tiie Dominion.) . WEDNESDAY. Cold Beef Salad. Potutoes. Moshed Turnips. Friars' Omelet. - • ■' FRIARS' OMELET. -. . Method of preparation.—Cook 21bi?.. of apples with jib. of sugar and { pint of water.' - Tnen add the prated rind and (he juice, of-a lemon, and put the apples, etc., through. a sieve or colander. Melt ail ounce of butter in a saucepan, and coolti tho apples in it again un'iirthe.v roak? a marmalndp. Butter a pie-dish, and with alternate layers of lnowried bread crumbs, and ,bakc it in'the oven'from ten to thirty, minutes,- putting breadcrumbs and' a few pieces tif.butter for the top layer. ' FOR TO-MORROW. Ingredients.—Oysters, stock, 1 pint of milk, onions, leg of mutton, ' red currant.jelly, thyme, parsley, vegetable marrow, potatoes,"' 2 tablespoonsfuls of hominy. ' .

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Bibliographic details

Dominion, Volume 1, Issue 101, 22 January 1908, Page 3

Word Count

TO-DAY'S DINNER. Dominion, Volume 1, Issue 101, 22 January 1908, Page 3

TO-DAY'S DINNER. Dominion, Volume 1, Issue 101, 22 January 1908, Page 3


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