t>—— . ' PHASES OF THE MOON. 1 > JANUARY. ; 1 Day. Itr.m. ] Now Moon >• ... 4 . 9-13 a.m. First Quarter ... ... ... 11 1.23 a.m. Full Moon ... 19 ■!. 7 a.m. Last Quarter ... 27 2.31 a.m. HIGH WATER. To-day, 5.34 a.m.; C p.m. To-morrow, G. 15 a.m.G.42 p.m. / SUN. . . Sun rises to-day, 4.39 a.m.; sets, 7.23 p.m. ARRIVALS. SATURDAY, JANUARY 18. MANAROA, s.s. (12.10 a.m.), 122 tons, Hart, from Motueka. KENNEDY, i s.s. (3.45 a.m.),-226 tons, Vickerman, from Wanganui. '' ROTOIUIIANA, s.s. (G. 15 a.m.), 1777 tons, Collins, from Lyttelton. Passengers Saloon Qu'alter, Lister, Treadwell, Adams, M'Gavin, Gill, M'Bratney, Begg, Wilson, Jones, Maekajv Henderson, Jacobs, Bartlett, Francis, Brown, Raymond, Townsend, Wilson, Halliburton, O'Brien, Mesdames Drew, Devlin, Harris and child, Lysaght, Treadwell and child, Scott, Humphreys* and 2 children. Don, Stewart and child,. Turner, Evans,' Buxton, Goodsire, Boag, Brown, Buckley, Brandon, Piper, Murdoch and child, Revs. Cos'sum, Clover, Begg, Cocker, Dr. Tizard, ■ Messrs. Banks, Devlin, Bagley, Robinson, Collingwood, Reid, Bayden, ;Hoare, Wright, Mairs, Colter, ■Palmer and son, Glover, Gill, Grant, Dixon, Sheppard, Denham;'Moul, llayward, Davis, M'Millan, Livesey, Sellars, "Tucker,: Batchelor, Mason, Cotton, Amoretty, Brown, Turner, Denehey, Raymond, . M'Donald, Campbell, Granger, Robinson, Teney, Clarkson, Knight, Spitz, Grange, Price, Bastan, Byrne, Goodsir, Ivraetzer, Ncttleford, Carl, M'Kenzie, Holmes, Cha'ndley, Juttrell, Watson, Fielder (2), Donovan, Morris, Hadfield, Squire, Herman. Sullivan, Campbell and 2 sons, Harold, Parker, Mason, Prestnall, Stock, Buckley, Shields, Piper, Buxton; Barnes, North, Free, Vivian, Law, Brandon; G5 steerage. ~ . PAREORA, s.s. (G. 45 a.m.), 650' tons; Black, from Grejruouth. PENGUIN, s.s. (6.50 a.m.), 824 tons, Hunter, from Nelson and Picton; 95 passengers. lIUIA, s.s.' (8.40 a.m.), 127 tons, Dowel, from Motueka. ... TOMOANA, s.s. (8.40 a.m.), 5987 tons, Corby, from Wanganui. ' TASMAN, s.s. '(10.30 a.m.), 179 tons. Cox, from Nelson and Motucka. WOOTTON, s.s. (11.25 a.m.), 151 tons, Johnson, from Kaiapoi. WAIHI, s.s. (12.15 .p.m.), 92 tons, Carey, from Blenheim. WAKATU, s.s. (8.35 p.m.), 157 tons, Wills, from Kaikoura. V . PENGUIN, s.s. (10.25 p.m.), 824 tons. Hunter, from Picton—l'assongers, 52 excursionists. MAPOURIKA, s.s. (11.35. p.m.), 1203 tons, Kennedy,' from Greymouth, Westport, and Nelson. Passengers: Saloon—Misses Flannory, Carroll, Olga, Webber, Reedy, Crowther, Goiner (2), Stark, Scalincr, Lambert, Johnson, Hitchcock, Peterson, Morris, Fogarty, Sutton, Palmer, Savage, Miller, Mesdames Gray, Crowther, Elley; King, lledell and 3 children, Buckham and infant, Widdop, Barnard, Vincent, Jacobs, Hecnen, Emery, Sutton, Palmer, Finney, Dr. Farr, Dr. Leyinge, Messrs. Crowther, Harrold, Haydon, Simon, Westmorland, Scott, Ciiiddock, Ilurr'en, Seidell, Fowkcs, Vincent, Jacobs, Barclay, Janson, Sutton (2), Humphreys; 21 steerage. ■
.SUNDAY, JANUARY 19. OPAWA, s.s. (12.30 a.m.), 110 tons, Nicholas, from Blenheim. I'ATEENA, s.s. (2.5' a.m.), .1212 tons, Stewart, from Nelson. Passengers:- Saloon—Misses Barr, Coleridge (2), ; Schulti, Evans, Nausall; Richards, ' Hamilton, Boyd (2), Miiddison, Syines, 1 Berrell, Easdale, Howden, Mesdaivies Jl'lCenzie and child, Crump and boy, Boyd, Ryan, Elliot, Sinclair, Lawn,-Davidson, .Tones and 2 children, Messrs. P. Young, Felton, Griffiths, Rankin, Haybitlle, Veitch, Christie, Jones, Whitcombe, Beamish. Boyd, Ryan, Burr, Tansclow, Neale; Martin', Leahy, Bell, Kingsland. Thomas, RoHett. Brown, Lawn, Davidson, Dr. Andrew, Jones; 15 steerage. BLENHEIM, s.s. (5.25 a.m.), 120 tons, Watson, from Blenheim. . TAKAPUNA, s.s. (1.5 a.m.), 103G tons, Hutchings. from New Plymouth and vOnchunga. PassengersSaloon—Misses Pastey. Hogg, Johnston,- iilesdanies" Jamiesim, Mills and ~ 2 children, M.'Kinneyi Messrs.'Mallitte, Butler, Tattle, Meek, Master M'Eachen, Dr. Blakely; 7 steerage. MAORI, s.s. (0.30 a.m.), 3000 tons, Manning, from Lyttelton. Passengers: Saloon—Misses Marsh (2), Kebble, M'Gili, Simpson, Dymond, W. Robinson, Craig, A. Law, Phillips, Grant,. Hardie, Bailey, Rounds, Wilson, Leary, Hutchen, Ilycroft, Pones, Leary, Myers, Cooper, Gray, Saywell, Stephens, Cork, Williams, Biien', Young, liuck, Bennett, Nuttall, Stanley, Mesdames M'Gili, Copland, Lindsay, nmid *aud child, Guslun, Wright, Skogland, Waller, Ifogg and 2 children, Dyson, Stiles, Jones, Atkinson and child, Burney and infant. J. Wilson, llyniont, Moorhouse, J. C. Stephens, Stephens nnd l child, C. Clark nnd infant. Danbv, Bums and infant, R. Sadlev, Blaekmore. Grimes, H. Walsh, Petersen and child, Jacomb,. Messrs. M'Millan, Burn, Tenselea, Bucklev,'\ M'Ma'th, Neale, Cooper, Needham, F. 11. Pyne, Watson, Haynian, Copland, Gaskin, D. R.'Caltlwell, Waller, Hogg, Dyson, Stiles, H Beauchamp, J. R. Brown, Chattertoa, I,yon, Parish, Clark, Petersen, M'Dougall. liurncs, Mitchell, White, Horsley, Atkinson, Mooriiousc, S. Xnour, A. SoivcwrigUt, Dawson, Walkinson, Focke, Dinnie, Muir, M'Beth, Gregory, Blank, Phipps, Varny, J. F. Monkman, Taylor, Gillies, C. ,T. Gray, W. J. Hall, Woolloxiil. Hawkins, Gapper, Clark, Dauby, Wlivte, Miller, M'lCay, Morgan, Andrews, Humphries, Hlackburu, Cashtnore, E. P. V. Sealv, Burns, Bellringer, .Booth, Goldie, M'Lean, Allison, Tacon, Parlcham, Bruee, Scott, Bishop, Inglis, Meikleham, Bryan, Walsh, Jacomb, Masters Salmond (2), Haynian, Popes, Colonel Hume, Captain Lindsay, Professor Salmond. FLORA, s.s. (8.10 a.m.), 1273 tons, Todd, from Lvttclton anil Dunedin. QUEEN OF THE SOUTH, s.s. (9 a.m.), 193 tons, Harvey, from Foxton. ( FIFUSIIIItIi, s.s. (10.25 a.m.), 5072 tons, Pilkington, from Lyttelton. DELPHIC, s.s. (11 a.m., in Stream), 3273 tons, Breen, from Napier. MATATUA, s.s. (11.10 a.m.), GIS3 tons, Maswell, from l'icton. " . OUI2TI, S.s. (12.15 p.m.), 215 tons, Robertson, from Wanganui. STAR OF AUSTRALIA, s.s. (1.(0 p.m.), 083,5 tons, Kearney, from London, via Melbourne, Sydney. Auckland, and Napier. TALUNB, s.s. (2.10 p.m.), 2057 tons, Rolls, from Dut.edin and Lyttelton. Passengers: Saloon—Misses O'Connor. Alyes, Allan, Ford. Clothier, Williamson, Suttenlaiid, Burns, Bird, Karnau, Peters (2), Thompson, Mesdames Evans and son, Basire. and 2 children, Gillos, Smith, l'etrie, Rev. Gardener, Messrs. W. Wright, Scott, Burns (2), Basire, Wilson, Clothier, Laurence, Dudfield, Pilgrim, Atkinson, M'Leod, Lelice, Cotten, Phillips, Williams, Petrie (2), Whittaker, Bannchr, JCilliker, Laughton, TCewley, Rush, Vale, Ilulme, Jennings, Larcn; 27 steerage. MA.NA, s.s. (2.30 p.m.), 131 tons, Corby, from Patea. ECHO, auxiliary scow (2.15 p.m.), 99 tons, Scolev, from lvaramea. ICAIMTI, s.s. (3 p.m.), 2-13 tons, Shaw, from Patca. TOROA, s.s. (3.50 p.m.), 388 tons, Peterson from Lyttelton. MONDAY, JANUARY 20. KAHU, s.s. (12.50 a.m.), 182 tons, Thompson, from Napier.
departures. SATURDAY, JANUARY 18. CLYDE, schooner (12.20 p.m.), SO tons, Smith, for Greymouth. LIZZIE TAYLOR, ketch (12.20 p.m.), 77 tons, Petersen, for Havelock. PENGUIN, s.s. (1 p.m.), 821 tons, Hunter, for l'icton. Passengers: Saloon—3o excursionists. KIRIPAKA, s.s. (1.10 p.m.), 133 tons, Dixon, for I'atea. KENNEDY, s.s. (1.15 p.m.), 22G tons, Vickcrmnn, for Westport. MANAROA, s.s. (2.30 p.m.), 122 tons, Hart, for llavelock. AOUEIiE, s.s. (2.10 p.m.), 77 tons, Fislc, for Paten. TASMAN, s.s. (1 p.m.), 179 tons, Cox, for Nelson anil Motueka. WOOT'I'ON, s.s. (a p.m.), 151 tons, Johnson, i'or l J akawan. POIIERUA, s.s. (1i.15 p.m.), 1175 tons, Aidwell, for Westport. I'AREOUA, s.s. (G. 35 p.m.), GjO tons, Black, for Greymouth. ARAHUUA, s.s. (S p.m.), 1596 tons, Lambert, for Nelson, Westport, Greymouth. Passengers: Saloon—SO excursionists. KOMATA. 5.x. (8.50 p.m.), 1801 tone, Diewotto, for Napier . s
ROTOMAHANA, s.s. (11.5 'p.m.),' 1777 tons,: Collins, for Lytteltou. ; Passengers: Saloon—•/;. 91 excursionists.- ; . ~ 'HUIA, s.s. 1 (6 p.m.), 127 tons, Dowell, for Motucka. 'PENGUIN, s.s. (8 p.m.)/ 824 tons, 1 Hunter; .1 for Nelson. ■ WAIHI, s.s. (10 p.m.), 02 tons, Carey, for P Blenheim. . EXPECTED ARRIVALS. 1 Fctone, ■ Greymouth, January 20;. , . Papanui, London, January '20. Penguin, Nelson, January .'2O. - . ,1 Defender, Knramea, January 20. % -' ■ Tasman, Nelson and Motiiekn, January 21. . Rotomabana, Lyttelton, January 21.Huia, Motueka, January 21. Monowai, Auckland, Gisborne, and Napier, January 21. , ' fv - Edward, Motueka, January 21. ■ Aorere, Patea,! January.2l. ■. Kiripaka, Patea, Januairy; 21. Waihi, Blenheim, January. 21. .. Warrimoo, Sydney, January 22. , Maori, Lvtteltou, January-22. ■. . .... Corinna, Southern ports, January 23. Rotoiti, New Plymouth and Onehunga, January 23. Victoria,,Dunedin, Lyttelton, January 23, ■ projecYed departures. Oreti, Wanganui, January 20. V ■ Stormbird, Wanganui, January 20. Maiiaroa, Motueka, January 20. ICapiti, Patea, January 20. '/ : Mnna, Patea, January 20. • , V/akatu, Kaikoura, January 20. . Queen ot' the South, loxton, January «.0.. - Opawa, Blenheim, January 20. Blenheim, Blenheim, January 20. ' Maori, Lyttelton, January 20. . Pateena, Picton and Nelson, January 20. .. Takapuna, New Plymouth and Onehunga, January 20. T Flora, West Coast, January 20. Toroa, Napier. Gisborne, January 20. Taluno, Napier, Gisborne, and Auckland,Januarv 20. ' ' , _ ~ v Monowai,' Lyttelton and Dunedin, JanuMapourika, Picton, Nelson, and est Coast, January 21. Penguin, Picton, January .1. . _ Charles Edward, Nelson and \\ est Coast, January 21. , ' 'Aorere, Patea, January 21. AVnilii, Blenheim, January 21. 1 Huia, Motueka, January 21. - Eotoinahana, Lyttelton, January 21. Tasman, Nelson, January 21. Penguin, Picton, January -1., i Matatua, London, January 21. Pateena, Pieton and Nelson, January 22. Victoria, Sydney, via Napier, Gisborne,..and Auckland, January 23. . ••• . •• Warrimoo, Melbourne, .via South, January 2J.. ltotoiti; Picton, Nelson, Neij Plymouth, and Onehunga, January -23. Penguin, Nelson, January 23. INTERCOLONIAL SERVICE. : .. • MOERAKI; 8.5., left Melbourne, January-15; • for Wellington, via liobart and Southern, 1 ports. l)uo Wellington, January 24.' Leaves ■ for Sydney'direct .same day. Duo. Sydney, > January 28:,
WARRIMOO, s.s., left "Sydney, January 18, for Wellington direct. Due Wellington January 22. Loaves for Melbourne, via Southern ports and . llobart, January 23. Due Melbourne, February 1. " ■ MANUKA', 8.a., left Sydney, January 15, for Wellington, via Auckland, Gisborne, and, Napier. Arrives and leaves Wellington January 21,'.for.Lyttelton and Dunedin. MARAMA-, leaves Melbourne, January. .22, for'. Wellington, via Hobart And Southern ports. Due-Wellington January 31. Sails for. Sydney direct Bamo day. Due Sydney, Feb-' rii'ary;4. "-V."' ZEALANDIA, s.s., leaves Sydney, January 22, for Wellington, via . Auckland, Gisborne, and Napier.- Arrives and leaves' Wellington oaniiii'ry 31\ for.'Lyttelton and Dunedin. , Vld'fOElA, s.s., leaves Dunedin," January 21, for Sydney,, , via Lyttelton,' Wellington, Napior; Gisborne, and Auckland. Arrives and leaves Wellington January 23. Due Sydney January 31. WIMMERA, s.s., leaves Sydney, January 25, for Wellington direct. Duo Wellington January 29. Leaves for Melbourne, via Southern ports nnd ■ Hobart, January. 30. Due. Mel-, bourne February 8. OVERSEA SHIPPING. j STEAMERS TO ARRIVE. : From London. NEREHANA (duo Wellington about February 12), sailed on' Decembor 3, via Australian ports, Auckland, and Napier. (Tysor Lino, agents.) COIUNTIIIC (duo Wellington about January 2!)); sailed on December, 13, Plymouth December 15, via Capetown and . Hobart. (Shaw, SaviH, agents.) . ' • ' PAPANUI (due Wellington 'about January 20),' sailed on November 28, Plymouth . December 30, via Capetown and Hobart. N.Z.S. Co., agents.) .....: RUAI'GHU (due Wellington about February, 16), soiled on December 28, Plymouth December 30, via Capetown and Hobart: (N.Z'.S. Co., agents.) . MARI3BE (duo Wellington about February. 20), sailed on December 19, via Melbourne, Sydney, Auckland, and Napier. (Tyser Line, agents.) •• , ; 1 TOKOMARU (due Wellington about February 13), tailed on December 14, via Auckland, (siiaw, SaviH, agents.) AIIAWA (due Wellington about February; 25),. sailed on January 9; Plymouth January 11, via Capetown ami Hobart. , (Shaw, Savill,. agents.) • , 1 ' : R.AICAIA (due Wellington about March 10), sailed on January 11, via Auckland. (N.Z.S.. Co., agents.) - From Vancouver, KAZEMBE (due Wellington about January 29), sailed on December 21, via Suva and Auckland. (N.Z. and A.S. Co., agents.) From Liverpool. RIPPINGn.YM GRANGE (duo Wellington about. January 31), sailed on November 23, via Auckland. (F. 11.5. Line, agen's.) OSWESTRY GRANGE (due Wellington about February 10), sailed ou December 10, Auckland. (N.Z. and A.S. Co., agents.) KIA OI!A (due Wellington about February 21), sailed on January 2, via Auckland. (Shaw, Savill, agents.) From New York. i LcftlD SEFTON (due Wellington about February 10), sailed on November 23, via Australian parts and Auckland. (A. and A. Line, agon Is.) NEW ORLEANS (due Wellington about Fobruary 15), sailed on December 10, for Auckland direct. (A. and A. Line, agents.) ' INDRALEMA (due Wellington .about February 17), sailed oil December 8, via Australia and Auckland. (Tyser Line, agents.) . ABEKLOUII (due Wellington about March 12), sailed on January 2, via Port Chalmers ami Lyttelton. N.Z.S. Co., agents.) From Calcutta. SOI'ALA (due Wellington about Januarv 20), ■ sailed 1 on December 8, via Auckland. (U.S.S; Co., agents.) , : -
BY TELEGRAPH. OVERSEA. LONDON. January 17. Arrived.—Mamari, from Wellington and Auckland.' Sailed.—lvarama, for Wellington' and Lyttelton. Sailed.—Star of Scotland, for Wellington. MELBOURNE. Janjiary 18. Arrived.—Marama, from Bluff. ' SYDNEY. January 18. Arrived.—Tuga, from Kaipara. Sailed.—Warrimoo (11 p.m.), lor Wellington. NEWCASTLE. January 18. Sailed.—Helen Denny, for Wellington. Arrived— ilawkc's Bay, from New- Zealand. COASTAL. SATURDAY, JANUARY 18. AUCKLAND. Arrived—Taviuni (3.30 a.m.), from Enrotonga. ' Sailed—Sol'ala (G p.m.), for Wellington. Sailed.—Monowai (3 p.m.), for Southern ports. Passengers for Wellington: Saloon — Misses Bell, Grossman, Walters (2), Mcsdamcs Brown, Clarkson, Walters, Messrs. llartland. Brown, Chambers, Porter (2), Kenny. .Gilnier, Davis, Cyecli, Chilcott, I'lanank, Ilohnes, and Sir Hobt. Stout. NEW PLYMOUTH. Su'iled.—Koflulus (9 a.m.), for Wentport. Sailed— Kotoiti {8.63 p.m.); for Oneliungd. •'
>: IL'IER To sail.—Atlienic (midnight), for Lyttelton. Vr"- ■ nei.son. C | Arrived.—Arahura (G. 30 a.m. Sunday), from Wellington. . ' : ■ . "Arrived.—Tasman (5.30, a.m. Sunday), from Wellington. ' . tv ■ : KARAMBA. To 6ail.—Defender (10 a.m. Sunday), for Weilington. , ' , WJESTPORT. h Arrived.—Torgauten (t a.m.), from Wellington. ■ ■■ :■ I Sailed.—Waipori (10 a.m.), for, Auckland. , GREYMOUTH. P Arrived.—Kotuku (12.10 'a.m. Sunday), from 3 Wellington. . - ; .-' , 'Sa'ilea—Petone (10)45 - p.m.); for-' Wellington. 4 LYTTELTON 6 : Arrived.—Victoria (1.5 ' p-m'.), from .Welling-' : ton.' V'-.;:..;' "Arrived.—Rotomahana (noon Sunday), from' . Wellington. : •- ■ I "V DUNEDIN ■Arrived.—Malieao, fromSSydne y ■ ] Arrived.—lnvercargill, from South. ' ■ j . Arrived.—Kotare, from South. . .'' Arrived—Victoria, irom Sydney, via Auek- ] land and East Coast ports. rt.Sailed.—Waikare, for Vi r est.'Coast Sounds: .. , ; Sailed.—Wairuua, for Newcastle. , _. : Sailed.—Mnhcno; for Melbourne, via Bluff, j " Sailed.—Corinna,' for Northern ports. j ! ■■ PORT CHALMERS,. . ; .: Sailed.—Wairuna'(2.3o p.m.),' for: Newcastle.; : j' : . . THE PAPANUI. ; The New Zealand Shipping Company's stcamer Papauui, from London, via Capetown, and , llobai't, is expected to' arrive to-day.' ' ' \J THE HELEN DENNY. ' The .barque Helen Deniiy (Captain' Holm, inn.), according to cabled advice received, left Newcastle on Saturday, timber laden, for. Wel-. lington. TIIH SYDNEY BOAT. . Cabled advice recently received from Sydney _states that', the Union Company's steamer Warrimoo left there at 11 p.m. on for Wellington direct.'.', She is due lo arrive here 011 Wednesday. ' ' ' - ■/ '- N THE MATATUA. I The Shaw, Savill, and Albion Company's . steamer Mctatua, after Homeward loading at various ports, arrived from Picton yesterday. She-is timed to sail finally for London tomorrow. . ; }■/' TnE . KAZEMBE. Tho New Zealand and African Steam Ship Company have received cabled advice that the steamer ICazembe, from Vancouver, resumed 1 her .voyage at. Suva on December 27. The Kazcmbe is due at Wellington,', via Auckland, 011 February 5.
TEE STAR OF AUSTRALIA. The Tyser Line steamer Star of Australia, ~ which left London; oil November 6, arrived here yesterdav afternoon. She has discharged ;± cargo at Melbourne, Sydney,' Auckland, and Napier, pievious to coming to Wellington, her ' final port of discharge. The Star of Australia |- ivill probably return to Napier for "Homeward loading on completing discharge' at Welling-, vtoil. v • NEW' ZEALAND AND AFEIC VN STLAM SHIP CO., LTD. v , Movements of steamers for week ending January 18, 1908. ... ' v - , 'FEDERAL-lIOUL'DER-SHIRE :IINE. Cornwall.—New Zealand to West Coast : United Kingdom ports, via Cape Horn,, left Wellington December-2S, 1907.' . "S Devon.—New . Zealand to . West Coast United 1" Kingdom ports, via Australia, left A.voninouth December 21, 10Q7. ai I'iicshir;'.—Now Zoaland to West Coast United Kingdom ports, via Cape Horn, to leave Wellington January 25, 1908. f Momyshire.TrNcw Zealand to West Coast United Kingdom ports,' via Cape Horn, left Wellington November 29, 190". . Nairnshire.—New Zealand to West Coast United Kingdom ports, via Australia,' arrived Avonmouth December 26, 1907., , Itippingham Grange.—West 1 Coast" United G Kingdom ports to New Zealnnd direct, left Capetown December 22, 1907. ' _ Oswestry Grange.—West Coast United Kingdom ports, to New Zealand direct,'left Liverpool January 12, 1908. Thorpe Grange.—New Zealand to WestCoasl ■ United Kingdom ports, via 1 Cape Horn, to Icavo New Zealand February. 22, 1908. \ ■AMERICAN AND AUSTRALIAN .LINE.';' Lord Sefton.—New York to New' Zealand, via Australia,'left New York' November 26, 1907.' ■ , ■ ■•'■■■■ New Orleans.—Now YoVk to New Zealand direct, left New York December 10, 1907. • Stratljavon.—New.York'-to New Zealand, via Australia, to leave New York January 18/ 1903. . ' . ALLEY LINE. .•ICazembe.—Vancouver to Auckland and Wellington, via Suva, left Vancouver December 24, 1907. The auxiliary scow Echo arrived frbin Ivaramea, with a cargo of timber yesterday. .'•Mr. W. Wright, who is to join the Krtmona ris Chief Engineer, arrived from South by the Taluno yesterday. i ' • The Union Company's steamer Marama, which left Wellington oil January 9, for Melbourne, via Southern ports and Hobart, arrived oil Saturday. ! Tlie ketch Lizzie Taylor sailed on Saturday for Havelock. The,schooner Clyde also sailed, her destination being Greymouth,. where she is to load timber for Wellington. Mr. Scott arrived by the Taluiie yesterday, to take up his duties as Second Engineer of ttio Tukapuna, vice. Mr. Dillner, who comes ashore to sit for his chief's certificate.' Telegraphic, advice from Auckland ' states that the Union Company's steamer Sol'ala left the Northern port, lor Wellington at 0 p.m. on Saturday, and is due here to-day. Tho Shaw, Savill steamer Athenic was expected to leave Napier at midnight on Saturday, foi Lvttelton. She is timed to sail fiually for London oil January 30, from Wellington. The F.TI.S. Line steamer Fifeshire, at present Homeward loading, arrived from Lyttelton yesterday. It is expected that she will get away for West Coast ports of the United Kingdom oil January 25. The Union Company's steamer Waipori left Wcstport on Saturday night for Auckland. The T'aieri is expected to sail from the same port, i for Timaru, this evening, and tho Kamona, lor Wellington, to-day. The Shaw, Savill steamer Aotea, which has been waiting orders at Newcastle for some time, left that port for Dunedin, where she is to commence Homeward loading. Her other loading ports have not yet been definitely iixed. The Union Company's cargo steamer Wairuna, after being laid up at Port Chalmers, left that port for Newcastle on Saturday. Included in the oßiccrs that joined her are:— Chief, Mr J. Morlev, late Kakanoa; second, Mr. J. 11. Richards, late Taiori, just returned from sick leave; and Mr. W. Gibson, second engineer, late Muura. MINING RETURNS. (IIV TELEGIUrU—MKSS ASSOCIATION.) Dur.etlin, January 18. Dredging returns: Mystery Flat, lOloz. 7dwt.; Koputai, 7loz. 2dwt.; Mnstertou, C7oz. 2dwt.; ltessey's, 550z. Gdwt.; Waikaia, 50oz. ■tdwt.; Manuherikia, '120z.; Lady Roxburgh, 350/,.; Central Charlton, 28oz. odwt.; Kura, 220z. lOdwt.; Mol.vneux Kohinoor, 21nr„ IGd>vt. 12gr.; Charlton Creek, ISoz.; Muddy Creek, 15oz. t(i.wt.; Gold King, 12oz. Ulwt.; Waikaka United No. 1. 290z.; Waikaka United No. 2, 19oz. lodwt.; Rising Sun, 06oz. Odwt. Dunociin, January 19 Dredging returns; Alexandra Eureka, 1250z.; l'actolus No. 2, 81oz.; Rising Sun, OGoz. Gdwt.: I'act.olus No. 1, 58oz. 18dwt.; New Roxburgh Jubilee, 380z.; Chicago, 20oz. lldwt.;' Olrig, lloz. 3dwt. Reef ton, January IS. Returns: Pactolus No. 1, sSoz. lSdwt.; No. 11, 81oz. Persons desirous of inspecting the bush property which is to he submitted by auction on account of Mr. C. li. Iluxton at. Wellington on February '28 by Messrs. Dalgety and Co., Ltd., can make arrangements for 'Mr. Jones, I of Manakau, to show them over the property | and point out the boundaries. This property is subdivided into suitable areas, and the upset Drices are said to be extremely low. |
MAIL NOTICES. ■ ' *" .'••■' Subject' to' necessary/ hiteratibns.tmails. close at the as.>unflK:^^[.r ; y; ; .■'];. THIS DAY . ■ Now Plymouth and Auckland, per Mananatu trail), CIIO am 11 ' Grcjmoulh, per llawea, 130 a m- , , /' jlvaiKDtira.pcr. '^akiitu,. 3.20, p.nj. ;; Greymoutli,'•:per L'ctone, 5 Motucka, per Minaioa, 5 pin -Blenheim and Picton, per Opawa and; Blen :'i-.v. heim, 745 pin. _ , Pißton.j BlpnliGini, Fronch Pass, ..Waikawe, v . Bav, and Nelson, per Pateena, 11.50 a.m.; ~■■ ■ ': -fWestport p m " i Napier, Gisborue, ami' Auckland, per lalune- ~- ' 3 20 p m > New: Plymouth and Auckland, per lakapune......:■,i . 4 20 pm. / J . •■ Southern, offices', of New Zealand; ' per Maorl» ■■ ■ • :vj>; •6 p.m. ' '■ ■ '. : h ! ■ : ':r '7 V :■"; TUESDAY, JANUARY 21. '..New,. Plvmoulh- and v Auckland, also Fiji, - ' Fanning Island, Canada,: United States,-. Con.. tinent • oft'.Europe,' and.,'United'.Kingdom, (dut;■:: London. '. : ' :■ V land, ;to . connect with Aoran'gi jit' Fiji;: perI.*:'.1.*:'. > Manawatu train, C.3o'a.iii.'' ••••.; ••• .' • Picton. Nelson. Wostport,- Greymouth, and. . \ Tlokitikar per Mapourika,- 11.50 a.m. i ..v ; \ ~ : 'Soiith'erri" Offices - of" New Zealand,' per, Monoi-;A ." wai, 3.20 1 p.mi r -'-'V:./ •{ . Southern offices of'; New Zealand,'''per; RotoJ_; . ; maliana,' 6 -,;':' ;' : ■ ' ' : ■ Picton,) per'.Penguin, 7.45 p.m. •• . . n,V' : .' v/.\\' " V '
' -Mails ,-for-1 'the;vCommonwealth, of .Australia;.'.-:. . Ceylon, 'India, - Ghina,'Jap au >, Straits Settle- :. -. /, mcnts, also South Africa, Continent of Europe, t and : United , close at .Bluff, .per ~ Maheno,- via' Hobart,-"to-day, at, 3.30. p.mi J'/;V Iw.'i J•' • Mails for :the:, Commonwealth of . Ceylon,- India,,, Chimv JajjanV.Straits. Srttl&;'■ l .■ ,^'-, V■ 'Inellls, also South A'frica, :Co'ntinentofEurope, mid ..ijnitW:'.'Kinsdcte^'cl((Bi!i'-'ftt' Auckland;;per.Nt:' ■' Mokoia,, to-day, at 4.15•p.m.:...: 1 ;■ _ ■ • ;' • •■'Mails for the United .Kingdom and Continent of.Europe .close, ; at Auckland, ..per Indramayo, • to-day, at 10.45 p.m. _ v;- .. y J. A. HUTTON. < ' , :!:>/ ' n Chief' Postmaster.' . ' i January .20, .1003. ....,' y :
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Bibliographic details
Dominion, Volume 1, Issue 99, 20 January 1908, Page 10
Word Count
3,288SHIPPING NEWS. Dominion, Volume 1, Issue 99, 20 January 1908, Page 10
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