■THKY r IFAILEn%Or^^SSsL^THEMi : •■/,'■' ■ ~'i,r .;.-.^..-.v'-)7<>' : ~,: s ' ';<J£f '.' : ' ■■!■ : ''. -.\i,t:k 2". ONE MAN'SECURES'-THREI!,'TRIES, • ■ ; <.-WigaifHL'ost byV 8 points to ; v, £ ' tr!eis^tp' ; 4 - ' ';.:; : 'f^on'November9.ov''i3^ .'"'-.: \'?''i' *-L jV; Bafrow— 3 points to , ■'.:';■< to ; ivtrles'.■';Played^on ■November : , '' ' : U irr'^ (By !Ai'H.-' : BASKBRVU,LE.)Vr'•,-■ '■.)■:. ;,At. .last■the;Nevy i ,Zealan'ders ha'v.e.-mot..U ; e- 1 ■..le'atJ;f/l'hirty.-ttousa^d' : .peopiiß;"Of ; -!W^ii;;ai;e ■ in;* high -fgle'e".' because : their' .'representatives defeated"'the : "All 'Blacks,":"ana?'they ; ; were .jncij^ilogedot-oT't.^niixeSs'-"'tli^f' '/exciting' 'Eugbyy.ganie' that/ lias'.> eyer'.,he"eh;i cbntest&l' •dn'v-their' groundVat;.'Central /Eney ; gladly 'paid'nearJy £1500' for pleasure of ' seeing t our - downf all;/- and;'desire.'-to vdo/ so .^gain;..,as'so6k' ; as'we.;'are' ready,' and a'cpn^; ..Tenient:date";can be...arranged. r ■'.;'""■' ■ "'"■ Central Park is a place noted for the numter M 'reriuiations'-'tbat -'-h^vo'-' , bedii -lost "there'. To 'dofeat -the;'wearers':of ■, the: cherry anii', jersbjjs ■'■'at. : fi - omo"'fequires- : supgr-- - '-hiimdn ■ We;Eroyed;:to l bo'naexceptiqn 1 ' ito>the';riile';>;;'; '; : ; : -:* ! '');';■■■ ''l;'.%h^'.'Jz I•;;". A, SUMMARY. '/;; •'■The'.introductioni'io'vthe;lengthy, report of, <he'-'' , !Ue'^atch"' ,^^sV/wofdei'v.''^us; V^""ffi : - jgaii's/fine"' teanij'playirig?'BterlihgV. : f6otb'all r , ; land'''exhibiting ''form ■ above'.'th!e : ;..ordinaryy ~ successfuliy' : V;encopntered;.;tne.'...fAll r ßlacky,. , ,and/gained-,a 1 .victory by.,.twelveipoints,to. ;eight. •'Quite 30,000 spectators this '■Titan struggle,^"tod 'tiioy 'saw,'a ;,; game full' ■of 'exciting -episodes of /a w'a.3' .calcula'teSf-'tq' gi ye'%em/ ; thrills.!of 'jpy/.and, 'spasms;.qf; sensation.- .v',..'' ?'■•*.-„■•■ '/J.' ■,'.'■':■■,?■■■:' . ,','Thrpugnoiit 'the length"'of , !th'e ■ contest' ( every.-mihute was 'full;of..;interes'ti ; and: there ■was;.no ielling?whatV:'might' happen |ball; was 'projected, : ; c.arriedy.'.and',pa3sed : ' by ■Ithe, rival sides; When, scarce r'three, :min'utes' jofthe momentous, fight had.elarjsed,'and iWi'gan had-scored a try, , :the,.enthusiasm of •the;; spectators'tinew ■• no bounds , . "■"■-;■ ■ i, -Lea- . ihem,was;,the hero of"ttib hour.' His" three" .tries 'were;the; result'■of-brilliant">in'diridual' ",effort,:assisted 'in : tho opening' "movements ,'by combination of'the highest character. l ,Tp" iscore' three.- trios ■' against ''the-'. redpubtable 1 'AH BJacks'.r is a feat that will t npssibly''n6't bev equalled ( by 'any man'during tne,;tbur:'!" : ' . .METHODS COMf ARED., V; V ■', The. ' 'AthfeticN^ews":.-states:—"The spacious enclosure presented; a magnificent .'spec.tacle, and the game was in harmony v with the 6rowd,.,exhijßrating incidents abounding froni start tp-flnisn.;NeW'( Zealand/ as 'usual,were bold .Tat'., the commencement, ■but; Wigan soon settled <down,- had a match o£. opntrasts. On one side were, seon orthodox robust scrummaging, nippy half-, back movements, and -.■&■ three-quarter line Who could do nothing wrong.' '' '"" "On. the other, side, the colonials indulged in their zig-zag running, short,, hand ~tp hand passing,, sure catching.-'and ' DTilliant work in;the loose.,say, the!,approvec| English; methods 'were successful:','The , -mar- , . gin, of course; was not large, and 1 will pay the colonials 'a compliment by stating that they were just four points,the inferior, side." The. New Zealand team was. as follows;^::' Turtill, Row'e, Messenger, "Wrigley," Smith;' Todd, .R. Wynyard.j < 1/ile,. Pearce,: Cross,Tyler.. i,, : . •, .■>:,,•.■:,-•,; ~;• > V ~Cross;-;only;;: , took,'.liis place "atj; the.":]ast" minute, - having ;recoveredifrom; injuries're--oeived;the prior , Saturday... ■■•-.'- v, ; :-;:■,,..;.;
;r. : SMIXH AS FIVE-EICHTHS. :.: : ■Smith, .on "account of \\V. 'Wynyard 'being still incapacitated, tijok a' fivpmighth's ppsiT tion/- and here lies the secret of our'defeat: Holie three-quarter ";- but he 'did not do' very well" in -his new.rpos'ition 'at , ••Wjgan? Johnston and 'GilchristJ -'also through isfigh't injuries, were unwilling/spectators. , ' The'tall Otago man, with his tenacious follow-up and dribbling, • was wanted badly : as a leader last Saturdays ;, ■'■'■:'.■' '• '<■■'': *■: - : '■'■■?■ .'- 1 - v : ': : ':,' ; ': ■'■...
_ .The weather > -threatening', 1 but. in'spito of this it , '^eemeil'''as'if' : thcri'a'st' ; '"cn-' : closure was full at- 2 o'clock'. "It had bceii raining hard during the week aiijd slightly" in the morning, 'so ,, that"tho'ground on the heavy side. ' Other-,'condition's'were noutral. '."■>. '■/■■:■■■''■•:>'■ 7> ''■>.<:<>'< '-V,(.j-v:.; .■-,;■■..
•■ Tho Ne\y Zealahde;s kicM'dffj: and after »n exchange of kickVißyrrie' 'They came along in a , -forward rush with-the kick. , and ■reached the Wi'gan-line. :;A' : scrum'to'ok' place;;.'there,'. rTrom which ' r'Rjr itecured.-'.i-' He , ran to' thb .linei" 'held up. Wigan forced o'no minute after ' the .start..- ■• ■ ■■.-:•■."-.■■■■■- ''•■■.■:■;'■■■'}■■■:■.■;'. ;.;■■■ '■: The' Home forwards rushed bi'ck - to''New': •Zcaland/territoryj: but--wero-penalised soon for " feet up" in the.scrum. ■ Alessenger had a difficult: attempt' at : gbal,.;'bu't;"failecl. A fine passing rush,,; Messenger-Cross-Wright-Todd, 'carried play'again 'to' ; their 25, for a while, 'but they drih'blod back ,to even ground.; A scrum there gave their, backs possession. The ball-passed through all hands to Leathern, .a. famous - Northern- Union- threequarter.. .He v wjis .confronted by.Turtill, but he 'kicked ;over/ 'our" full 'back's head,-.and, cleverly''regaining !tho"b?li/:raceil'.ptOT % n'ear; wliicli."', converted;'.^ , "•'','.' : ' ■;!'.■•■■■■'■' ' ■"'■'*■>-^v*\^<r : '
•jt 'was "a 1 . beautiful';;pjbce of /piay',. ; -wh'icji : «ent" 30,000 people pif their headsCwitJi/.joy,"; Their/yell of delight.defte? descrips.on,V.sliji cjfowd.-at the .popular.corner;.,fu)jy,!iop 'dfeop; swayed'v forward.' : Tho/.: sturdy piling ~feijce' around the ground,'there cardboard... A .human a.yalanphe,poured.; bn ,to tlit) .'.field ' put' sack,,, until p.olice and officials stemin.od'tb?d r: tide.'" ■•'" ;S<spiv afterwards or.dor was '■■ restored,, and tho play, startpti..- ,3Vigaji .failed,, with, {he, p.enalty. .'kick. : : .Now, ■ Zealand... forwards :'jppn. rushed again. te ■.'W.igari.-!. territory.. , '.: feniithi liick-,reabhad the full.back;,'-and jTace'4 i up iand tackled him,, .thereby getting to .their 25. Byrne secured and.punted high.. "R- ■Wynyarij; secur.ed..-aiid. spiirried, for 'the. line,-.'but-.was-.overwhelmed byv'a'.'knot'pfodfi-f fcndcra.'.iiust in' the nick-bf timq.. ,'Anothe'r tow yards would , ,hayie,done. A;scramble ensued 'on.their ball was' passed out. It 'was ••passed' ■ to .Wrigley;;; who smashed ;.pver at ■•tup'- corner;- but, -.iii juckilyy he'.touched the corner fl a g. ..*.-■ ; _:,~"\;_" ,+.
NEW ZEALAND EQUALISES; ' i^ '-From, the'.onsuing scrtim ;New'Zea'laiicl;'g'bt a "free ;.ki.ek v for' ■ Wigan ''having' " feet'"jip/' \Vrjgloy failed .with' the. jack-at'goal' from 'an easy-position; •'Exciting and'.stroiiupiis' play took place "in their 25 7 for a- .while.' ' I Byrne secured and made- one' of. .his.icharact'eriptic dashes. . R. Wynyard,. combined ■wel!,.aii<jl the passing tlie Wairarapa' man to score a'\try-"neaKtnp corner. Messenger failed at. goal. .. '."'' The "All Black" .forwards, aided by a free kick for obstruction, soon rushed to the attack again, but Wiga'n." relieved by a fine line kick, which .reached, half-way. Wo secured from tho scrum, .bat Wrigley .spoiled B'fine chance on the blind side by-over-fun-ning a pass from R.' Wyiiy.vdl Smith "•played'the ball" -wrongly, and their free kick reached our 25 flag. 'R. Wynyard secured scrum, and ran brilliantly to half-way,-and again later served Smith from a vgur'um. He punted to thoir 25. Wigan marked and found our 25 with tho kick. /They failed, at goal later, frorn' a'free Jpck. ■;-.. '.:'".■, .•.'■'•":■' ■■■ , \> '...-...••' Our .'forwards' .shifted. play; back; to;tlieir half of .'tho field a .few minutes' later; R. Wynyard served V/rigloy. from a scrum on the blind side. Ho dashed over the lino, .but put; oiie foot. into, touch , .', in >o doing.'.' The line umpire saw him—worse'luck!./ , '•''■..'■■!. CROWD ACAIM BREAKS BOUND:?.' J TVigaii came with'a.fine,.passing.rush-back for'a few minutes'sci'unimiiig.' Again th'ejr
etarted-passing,andireached our lino. Rowo kicked the ball- deadly.'' Agnin the crowd swept away tho,temporary''fence, and a portion of the original barricade with it. Rowe was pinned .underneath a section of it, and was slightly injured. After a short struggle tho police;prevailed a'gain. : Turtill, by a'fine kick, shifted play to halfway. Wigan replied;,with a fine passing rush,' which 1 reached! bur twenty-five. They secured, a penalty-kick' but failed at gaol. Even play' in 'ri'eutrlil ground was tho order for''a while.'-Wiganyi,wice initiated passing 'rushes ffoitn-'tfee scriito'.' Tho bnll 'in the first instancei■• werit".'stxaight acro?s .tho field and ,intd ; 'tbi!ch v any ground : b6ing gained. ■It' ; 'i\;ent , ' ; th , 6;"'way across the field- in : t)ffirse'(!bhd'' , casef''aud''the invjncihlo" Leathom \vas'a't^tha't-'ehd'of"the 'chain. He cleverly evaded Turtill; dnd- scored again near''th"e .corner/ The-kick, at- goal was unsucc^ssfiil.'' M iv ,'■'"■'■'.' :, ■. , ■. : -/.-^ig'an.:--v'-/.'K'..-.-, ; ~. ■ '«■''•..; 6 ...-.Netv."Zealand -•->,.. ■ ;." .. .■■'• 3 ~ "-Wigan'marked' bili- kick-off. Messenger secured the, return, .and .mado'- an iihsuccessfull'atteinpt-' to' drop''%: goal. . The attempt ■was"a i 'gp6a.' , qniel tliough. ■/ Wigan rushed back Wrigley saved with a-gd6'd aiict'j'eihoved play-to half-way with-'a liealthydcick.- - ; Wigan ; again attacked, and' -.w.ere';a war dedi- a" free - kick,-, but failed to find.'Ttho"'goal.;f'The'-. "Blacks" ..were compelled' .to'fo'rce,.'." '/.",' ". ■' '•' V":.\yi^n7wer!eJ:q|E T si3e.> little later and Messenger. fphnd v ,'t6uch-at. half-way.' They ■ alsoobstructed..■.Todd,'.,and Messenger tried for ■gqalf-yi'ith-.the-'free kick' hilt"failed:'•" Just befbre'half-time sounded Smith, by fine •tackling,: settl.ed a dangerous Wigan pass'ing, attack. ;„, , •.. , •■" . • w Now-. Zealand attacked vigorously with the T5.-starfc'.J''ptir.'.fonvards crushed over, their iihe/D u't' "only .a ! 'force was conceded, v' Then ■Wigan ■■attacked' v ahd'we 'were' fbrced. 'Oii'r iforwSrds Tetaliated' witli : a fine rush' to their tw;(jnty.-fiye. ; '■•Wrigloy.'secured-' and ran, but 'wasl-pusheci Into .touch.''Later Tyler made a tte touch 'line, but was iipemfei\of. '.'the* last "defender. ' They came bacUVag(jin,.t6'be driven out by Cross with a .fihe x inaividual.'.di'ibblo. : 'tEATH^'AbAjN /BEATS. TW0 | MEN. ~ UpiVan'd.down;for-some time' surged. Wigan ■ almost secured a goal from a penalty-kick;.-.: i/The.'ball hit the post'. Tyler relieved .".once .with a.finerun. Then Smith did .likewise, and 'spoiled a. good'chance ; by passing forward "to Messenger. Turtill made another' good paving run beforo ■ passing to Messenger;' who fonnd fcoiicli advantageously. Todd and-Messenger■combined in a. passing riishi 'Bu't.Wigari' intercepted a. pass -and ran back to ■Vur't«:enty i -fivo. From a scrum there they'.Secured: passing rush'saw 'Leathern; again vqn the warpath. Ho received the' ball amTVari' around and Wrigley aildscoi'e'd'his'third'try. i. This was not convp'rte'd;.":' ■;'■ ■■<:<'■■•■■!?<<?"■■>, ,:• -, ■-. ■ ■■. ":Wigan' seciired''tWe' / :kick-out.and returned ■high:'", let tho ball bound -''and"^Jenkins raced up' and scored anbtlior'simple''try" beforo the ■ New Zoalande'rs' had' pulle.d''themselves together. This also>'was ..left \ unconverted. "■ Tlio score | now sto'dd:—,: (( j.'' ,'■'''.'''■.■,■■ |' A 'i v ',■'! '. ■.. ..•'■■ '{:;'%gfin'' , ,.ri-v;^,;~.', ... ». 12 ';.-./Now Zealand .•.,:..•• ' .... .... 3 • and the'time was'too short 1 for a complete jeebve'ry.'. .HowdverTtho.'.' Blacks " were' not 'finished'.witli.^yetjj'They.'.attheked fiercely for the rest ."of Smith matlc .desperate ; at|empt^to'qp'en 'up''tlio game, and.put .in sdnielfine iridiVidtfar'nins. , . A brilliant pass,ing'.. bpiit _in'; Somi^a'rkn ess; once' nearly re-suTtbcl'-'in: a'spore/; New ■Zealand. got 'a free kick" "i'ri . itlie last 'few. ; mimil:es, and tried ■ for. : gbalV/.. 'Byrne'''ancVv f others , followed up .fast; ind\rushedj' to^-'the''liiie..;. ''■. Lilo secured v and scored, 'and Turtill cpnyeYted tho try. .Byrne madS"ii r 'lns't c desperate attempt to wipe" out' the''i;'ein'aihing'deficieHcy. Ho 'broke/through well;' but a comradb being off-side later spoiled •a ,, goo'd chance; and : the game ended with tho .spo're still ,, :^•"■'"'"■'•. ''' '. ' ';
. '-'.'l'Vfigan.;, >.'.'.!'!.;:.... ... ... 12 !..'CNeiv "Zealand. y'jZ'.. .r ... . ... 8.:. Thjis' closed.'.one of the moat brilliant expositions'pf''N6rthern 'Union football. ' •' ■ 'teains to a magnificent >h'anjp'agrie''l)an&uetMn a'large hall in the r'evqniiig. 'The,' Mayor: was present. ' ' " ; ■•.I)uring_;'the'pri'gresl/! of. the'dinner'a reply ;was received ,f rom\ the King to' the birthday •.greetings _ wKfcli' we 'forwarded to ■ him j by telegraph' '.a. few' : minutes before the kick-off ;at;C6ntrkl,ParkJ;;'Tt, was worded thus: ;" Manager...'Wp'\v -.Zealand Football Team,' commanded by the Jviiig Jto .tlian.k, Y the.., members of tho New :Zealand.iTootbalti.teani;. for their. message of of His Majesty's fßirthday;.-' JvnoJlyji.^V:Needless to say. tliis, 1 'whoh"reaa:outV,'crqate(l great enthusiasm. <:;l',hpard;':frorn'la,'iWean ofjicial after . the match'that eaphjpf :j (ltoir .-.players received "a special.Koniis,.ofj 3.9'^. Ibeating. us. :..
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Dominion, Volume 1, Issue 77, 24 December 1907, Page 8
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1,631THEIR FIRST LOSS. Dominion, Volume 1, Issue 77, 24 December 1907, Page 8
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