I RAILWAY NOTICES. WELLINGTON & MANAWATU RAILWAY COMPANY, LIMITED. CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR HOLIDAYS, '■ 1907-08. •■■-•• '' -. ON TUESDAY, 24th. DECEMBER, 1907. IN addition to ordinary time-table trains and ■ extra Mail Trains between Wellington and Hawera as already advertised, the fbl* lowing trains will run:— • .--. - •.„. For Plimmci'ton.—Leaving Wellington at 3.10 p.m. and 10.40 p.m., stopping at all .stations. Passengers for all local stations, including Plimmerton, must travel by this train. . ' For Palmerston, Wanganui, ■ etc.—Leaving Wellington at 11.15 p.m., .Paekakariki 12.40 a.m., Otuki 1.40 a.m., Levin 2.10 a.m., Pal- . merston arrive 3.50 a.m., Wanganui arrive 7.50 a.m., connecting at Ifarton with train for Taihapc, and at Arainnho ■ with, Wanganui River Excursion! This train will not stop between Wellington and Pnekakariki, but North of there stops where required; except Makerue and Linton.. ■■..-. ... .■■ -■■;•. Note.—The 4,15 p.m. and 11.15 p.m. traini , from. Wellington will not take passengers, foi . stations between Wellington .and Paekakariki Passengers from any station between Crofton and Paremata who arc going beyond Packakarifo must proceed to Plimmerton by the 3.10 p.m. or 10.40 p.m. train, and join the through train „ there'. . . . -,•.-•■•■ A Special Train ■ leaves Plimmerton >at 5!30 / x p.m!, Porirua 5.50 p.m., Johhsonville 6.13 p;m,'' . Wellington arr. 6,4-5 p.m. ■ ■■■ ■■>•■ ■■.-. ' . ON CHRISTMAS DAY,- ■' WEDNESDAY, 25th DECEMBER, .1907. The following trains- ONLY will run':—A ' Special Train (connecting with train leaving Wanganni at 11.30 p.m. on Tuesday night) will leavo Palmerston at 3.55 a.m., Longburn 4.1J a.m., Levin 5.10 a.m., Otaki 5.'45 a.nv, Paekakariki 0.40 a.m., Johnsonville 8.15 a.m.,' ar- • riving in Wellington 8.45 a.m. ,. This train will stop only at Shannon, Lovin, Otaki,.and ' stations between Paekakariki and Wellington. The 7.50 a.m.' Mail Train from. Wellington to New Plymouth j and the 7.20. a.m. Mail . Train into' Wellington. The 6.55 a.m. train from Palmerston to Wellington; and the 4.15 p.m. train Welling- ■ ton' to Palmerston. , ; In addition to these, a special. train will leave Wellington for Paekakariki at ID.IO a.m., , ' and returning will leave Paekakariki at 4.50 p.m., Wellington-arrive C.45 p.m., stopping where required. ■ ' /.'"• ' All other time-tablo trains will be'cancelled. BOXING. DAY.' " ■ ' The ordinary time-table',will be suspended on Thursday, 2Gth December, 1907, and trairie will run as under:—Wellington dep. 6.311,' 7.50*, 8.20*, 9.20, 9.4.5, 10:15,'11.0 a.m.,- 4.15*; G. 20 p.m.; Crol'ton" dep. '9.30,' "11.10 'a.m.',' , 6:510 p.m.; Khandallah dep. 9.40,' 11.20 aim., 1 ' 6.40 p.m.; Johnsonville 6.58; 8.13*,.8.43*, 10:8, 10.33,---11.30 a.m.,.4.43*, G.SG p.m.;. Porirua dep.-' 8.31*, 10.30, 11.0, 11.58 a.m., 5.5*, 7.22, p.m.; PJimraerton dep. 10.47, 11.15, 12.15 a.m., 5.20*, 7.40 p.m.; Paekakariki dep. 0.30, .7.58, 9.12*, 9.40*,' 11.25, 12.45 a.m., H.Ssf, 8.10 p.m.; Waikanae dep. G. 58, 9.32*,. 10.10*, 11.50 a:ni.; 6.26* p.m.; Otaki 7.35, 8.42, 9.54*, 10.30* a.m., 6.58* p.m.; Levin dep. 8.30,. 10.25*, 11.0*' a.m., 7.43* p.m.; Shannon dep. 9.5, 10.47*, 11126* a.m., 8.12* p.mY;' Longburn arr. 10.0, 10.30, 11:20 V'l2.o* a.m., 8.52* p.m;; Palmerston arr.. 10.45,. 11.34* a.m., 12.25*, 9.13* p.m.; Wanganui arr. 3.o*j 4.0"' p.m.; Now Plymouth arr. B.o* p.m; Napier . Section—Woodville arr. 1.0*; p.m. j Napier arr. 6.50* p.m. . :-.'-■ ■■■ • ■ .'. NAPIER SECTION.-Trains for Wellington from—Napier dep. 8.45* a.m.; Woodville dep, 1.40* p.m.; New Plymouth dep.* 7.10* a.m.; Wanganui dep. 12 j*, 12.40* p.m.;'Palmerston' dop. 6.55* .a.m., 3.37*, 4.10*. 5.20,'- 5.48 p.m.; Longburn dep. 7.15* a.m!,- 3.50*,' 4.25*, 6.5; '6.30 p.m.; Shannon dep. 8.3* a.m., 4.55* i 7.15"p.rii.; i Levin dep. 8.37* a.m., 5.15*, 7.50' p,jn;;' Otaki dep.' 9.30*. 'a.m., 5.10*, 5.45, 7.35, • 8.37 ' p.m.';' Waikanae dep. 10.10* a.m.,, 4.25,'-6.5*,'9.10 p;m.; Paekakariki dep. 6.40, 10.48* a.m., 3.53, 4.50, 5.35*, 6.31*. 8.28, 9.40 p.m.; Plimmerton' dep. 7.13, 11.20* ii.ni., 4.0, 4.45, 5.27, 8.58 p.m.; Pori-. run dep.. 7.38, 11.36* a.m., 4.18,. 5.6, 5148, ,9.15 p.m.; Johnsonville dep. 8.16 a.m., 12.3*; 4.45; 5.33, G. 13, G. 55*, 7.4s*,9.42p.m.;Khandallahdep. 8.23, 0.45 a.m.; 4.55, 5.40, G. 20 p.m.; ; Croft6n dep.' 9.50 a.m., 5.2, 5.48, 6.30 p.m.; Wellington , ;arr. 8.45,'10.5 a.m., 12.30*, 5.15, 6.0, 6.15, 7.20*-,.8.10*, 10.15 p.m..■ :. ■■■■■■■-. j ■• -. .-■-. ~- ■ . ♦Dining .cars.Yattached ~to . theso ..trains^'■:• ' ON FRID'AT,.27^-DJSCEMBER^I9O7-Z; In addition to"ordih'ary time-table' train's and " extra Mail. Trains ■• between' Wellington , and Wanganui, a special train "will ton l ., 11.0 a.m., Johnsonville'.: 11.30 a.mi,;. Plimmerton. 12.15 p.m., Paekakariki-12i45' p:m.,- and returning will leave Paekakariki at 4.50 p. m., Plimmerton 5.25, Porirua 5.45, Johnsonville 6.13, .Wellington . arrrre G. 45 . p.m., stopping' where required. ■ '". / .'.-"•'''. . '•; V--The Ordinary 5.5 p.m. train from Palmerston . to ■ Wellington will bo'delayed till 5.20; p.m.; Longburn 6.5 p.m., Shannon'6.4s-p.m., Otaki 7.58 p.m., Paekakariki 9.0 p.m., • Wellington'arrive <10.40'< p.m., and will" stop where r&>' quired, except Makerua, Pukerua, and Tawa Fiat. ■ •■ ■-■ ■■■.•.-..•'-.- For further particulars see posters and' handbills. ■ ■ ■'~ , . ■ W. M. HANNAY,; . ... General Manager. Wellington,' 19th December, 1907. . 6398 ''.-''. ■...•/■ ..'■•'■■;-■ '■'■.: "■ ' WELLINGTON-MAN AWATU" RAILWAY . ;VV ..'■;' ."■ co., ltd.; .;...' ,;'.■:: : ; PA L M,E RST ON . R A : C E S,:"'.-.', '."-. DECEMBER 21, 26, and : 27, 1907. ,V 3 On BOXING DAY (Wednesday, December 26),-[ Trains will Run as Below: : PROM WELLINGTON- . ; JV'-'w.-;^'-6.35 a.m!, stopping.only at Crofton, Johneonville, Paremata, and Paekakariki, for race passengers, and running direct to the Cotirsei arriving' at 10.55 a.m. '' ■->.■..■ - . 5.20 a.m., stopping only at Johnsonville, Porirua, Piimmerton, Paekakariki, Waikanae, Otaki, Levin, and Shannon,. and dropping ;passengers at Awapuni Station at 12.10 p.m. :.■'-.■ NOTE.—Passengers from Wellington will not be booked at, Excursion Fares to Palmerstbu by the 7.50 a.m. Mail Train. Palmerstbn passengers by this train will be charged ordinary fare. ' ■' -. ' ■ ' ■'-. .' ','; -■" ~'. : '.,_ FROM PAEKAKARIKI, OTAKI, LEVIN, Etc. ' PAISKAKAEIKI, depart 6.30 a.m., stopping at all Stations, and running direct to the Course, arriving. at 10.15-a.m..' .. • ,' ■ , '- ;..■', : .-' ';"■■■. -'C' First train leaves Awapuni Station at 4.10 p.m.; Wellington, arrive, 8.10 p.m., stopping only at Shannon, -.Levin,-- Otaki, Waikanae, Paekakariki, Plimmerton, Porirua, Johnßonville, and Khandallah. ■ FOR PLIMMERTON-WELLINGTON AND INTERMEDIATE . STATIONS-Racecourse, depart, 5.45 p.m., stoppiiiß only at l'limmerton, Paremata, Porirun, johnsonville, Khandalfah, and Crofton; All passengers for stations.named must travel by above train.' . FOR. LONGBURN-PAEKAKARIKI AND INTER.MEDIATE STATIONS-Racecourse, depart, G. 15 p.m., for all stations down to and including Paekakariki. ; ■.'.''■■ : . ; .'" THIRD DAY, December 27. WELLINGTON PASSENGERS.- may . travel either by the -7.50 a.m. 0r'8.20 a.m.. trains, both of which stop ut Awapuni to drop pae- • sengers. . . , '.' ' Passengers from Stations Ivorth.of Paekakariki must travel by the 6.40 a.m.-train from Paekakariki, which stops, at all Stations, andruns direct to the.'Cqiii'se.' , , ■'-.. • .RETURNING '■ V '; . ■■. First Train leaves' Awapuni Station at' 4.10 p.m.;. Wellington, arrive; 8.10 p.m., stopping only at Shannon, Levin, Otaki, Waikanae, Paekakariki, Plimmerton, Porirua, Johnson--villo, and Khandnllah.' ... ■ ■'.'•: Last Train leaves .Racecourse at 5.35 p.m., stopping at all Stations except. Makerua, Pukerua, and Tawa , Flat,, arriving Wellington at 10.40 p.m. ' .'■■''..■'■■ DIRECTIONS TO. PASSENGERS.' . Race passengers by trains which run direct to the Course, are instructed to book to. Palmerston, and, in addition, to nurchiiso .at same time a Racecourse "and 'Admission Ticket, prico 2s. Gil. . ■ -. ' Race passengers by other trains should book to Palmerston, and will be'dropped at Awapuni Station, to make their own wiiy to the Course, which is about half-a-mile distant. EXCURSION FARES: WELLINGTON TO PALMKRSTON-lst Class, i 14s. 6d.; 2ml Class. 7s. 3d. ■ WELLINGTON TO RACECOURSE (including 2s. Gd. Faro and Admission, to Course),—lst Class, 175.; 2nd Class. 9s. 9d. ■ Excursion Fares from All Other Stations. W. M. HANNAY,' • :' Genoral Manager. ' Wellington, December 14.'1907. ' , filia,
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Dominion, Volume 1, Issue 77, 24 December 1907, Page 4
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1,154Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 Dominion, Volume 1, Issue 77, 24 December 1907, Page 4
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