_ PHASES 01' Till! MOON. ' V DECEMBER. Day. Hr.m. New Moon 5 D.52-p.m. First Quarter ... ... ... 12 1:46 p.m. Full Moon 20 5.25 a.m. Last Quarter 28 . 10.40 a.m. HIGH WATER. To-day, 4.15 a.m.; 5.20 p.m. To-morrow, 5.32 a.m.; (J.B p.m. SUN. Sun rises to-day, 4.12 a.m.; sets, 7.23 p.m. ARRIVALS. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 19. OPAWA, s.s. (1 a.m.), 110 tons, Nicholas, from Blenheim. - PAREORA, s.s. (3.15 a.m.), 650 tons, Black, from Greymoutli. ROTOMAIIANA, s.s. (7.10 a.m.), 1777 tons, Collins, from Lyttelton. Passengers: SaloonMisses -Libeau, Dobson, Osborne, Bell, MMa'-oil, Paull, Do Luen (2), Burnett, Steelo, Rountree, Lingard, Talbot, Koir, -Eilv, Treley, Jones, Brady, Anderson, Johnson, Mesdames I)e Lnen, Kbucli, Reid, Smart, I'inol and daughter, Cruickshank, Eiiy, M'Kenzie, Warner, White, M'Leod, Smith, Gibbs, Rev. M'Kenzie, Messrs. Mills, Richards, Young and son, Reid, Tichborne,' Rountree, Critchley, Craig, Jickell, M'Quinn, Keuch, Munro, Blackburne, .Bea,sley, Rountree, Montague, Ross, Bell, Johnson, Gaisford, Batkin, Cruickshanks. Smith, Lichfield, -. Ormond, Willis, Paul, Whitta, Clark, M'Naught, Smith, Huttbn, .M'Kenzie, Florance, -. Gawau, De Luen, M'Ewan, Nelson, Warner, Chapman, Milne, Thomas, Macdonald, ■Rbgen, Tressidor, Ahlfield, Steele, Turnbull, Dodsoii,'M'Leod, Davis, Burke, Holmes, Wells, Russell, Rayson, Sommerville, Wilson, Norrie, Grigg, 35 steerage.' TASMAN, s.s. (7.50 a.m.); i 72 tons, Cox,from Tonga Island, Nelson, and Motriekn. STORMBIRD, s;r. (8 a.m.), 217 tons, M'lntyr'e, from Wanganui. MOKOIA, s.s. (8 a.m.), 3502 tons, Smith, from Dunedin and. Lyttelton. Passengers : SaloonMisses M'Crorie,. Paget (2), Greig, M'Farlane (2), Wren, Pinckney, Busby, Dennis, Eastham, olilTortl (3), Garden, Cahill, Holmes, Mesdnmes Clark, Paget, Wing; Messrs. Easther, Clark, Paget, Thomas, Reid, Beddell, l'isher, Dobbie, Smith, Perry, Nathan, Clifford, M'Callum; Milne; 15 steerage. . TE ANAU, s:s. (8.20, 1052 tons, Lindsay, from southern ports. HUIA, s.s. (8.30 a.m.), 127 tons, Dowell, from Wanganui. . •• , .... WAI.WERA,'' s.s.: (11.50 a.m.), 0237 tons, Lowdeii, from Picton. , CHARLES EDWARD, s.s. (4.30 p.m:j,. 245 tons,; Graham, ffoin Foxton. WAKATUi s.s. (8.30 p.m.), 157 tons, Wills, from Kaikoura. TAINUI, s.s. (9.30 p.m.), 128 tons, Jensen, from Mokau. . . PATEENA, s.s. (9.45 : p.m.), 1212 tons, Hunter, . frbm Nelson and Picton.i Passengers: Salqoji—Misses-Boyd (2), Cook, O'Hara, Smith, Spenso, Gibson, Dall, ICirtob, East, Haines, Riddle, Orr, Roberts, Harris, M'Kenzie, Polker, Booker, Garnbon, Cougdon, Ha.rris, Bowman, Jjamont, Robinson, Mesdames Edwards, Atkinson and child, Broad, Carter, Thompson, Harwood, Teswell, Heally and 3 children, .Leslie sand ; infant, Nicholas- and 2 children, Messrs. Tonnent, Wolf, Toplin, Murdoch, Isaac, Van Da'delszori, Beck, Edwards, Hyde, Cooper, Adams, Regan, Gilmer, Broad, Duigan, Carter,;. Thomson;. Bruton, Benskine, Harwood, jvingslrind, Gifford, Hale, Gordon, Rowley, D. Smith, Connell, Coleman,. Drew, Mpll, Goodmail, Sturrock, Miller, Lefcliiv East, Aston; 20 steerage. , BLENHEIM, sis. (10.(5 p.m.), 120- tons, Nicholas, from Blenheim. Passengers—Mrs. Goodinansoni Messrs. Ilarvey aiid Patterson. WAIHI, s.s. (midnight),. 92 tons, Carey, from Blenheim".' ■ , ' - . • ' FRIDAY, DECEMBER 20. PAREORA, s.s. (12.4(1 a.m.), 050 tons, Black, from Greymoutli. 1 DEPARTURES. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 19. STAR OF JAPAN, s.s. (0 a.uu), 0300 tons, Ul.vatt, for Napier. KITTAWA, s.s. (7.50 a.m:), 1247 tons, Pennington/ for Greymoutli. ENNERDALE, s.s. (10.40 a.m.), 1147 tons, Muir, for Lyttelton. MANA, s.s. (3.30 p.m.), 134 tons, Corby, for I'ntca. : . TONGARIKO, s.s. (4 p.m.), 7600 tons, SutclifFe, for London, via way ports. QUEEN OF THE .SOUTH, s.s. (4.10 p.m.), 198 tons, Harvey, for Foxton. ROTOITI, s.s. (6 p.m.), 1159 tons, for Picton and Nelson. Passengers: Saloon—For Picton— Mr. Spittal. For Nelson—Miss M'Cormack, Mr. M'Cormack. WAERIMOO, ,s.s. (6.15 p.m.), 3529 tons,, for Lyttelton,- Diinedin, Bluff, ITobart, aiid .Melbourne. Passengers: Saloon—For .Lvttolton— Misses Law, Ilercus, Sliand, Messrs. Armstrong. Bruce. For Duncdjri—Misses Morton (2), Thompson, Glasgow (2), Gibb, Mesdames Basire, Weir, Wiso and son, Rev. Nicholson, Messrs. Hutchiitson, Basire. For Bluff—Mrs. Hughson, Mr. Hutchison. For Hobart—Mr. and Mrs. Hay. , ICAHU, s.s. (G. 20 p.m.), IS2 tons, Thompson, for East Coast.
. PENGUIN, s.s. (7 p.m.),/ 824 tons, Hunter, for. Nelson. ; Passengers; Saloon—Misses.Lower, Fell, .Walker, , Evans, tyoir, Mesdames. Fell, .Miller, Gie.-i, Raynor, Aherne, Ilood, Messrs. Fell, Miller, Ransom, r , Giles, Rnynor, Bennett, King, Fairchild, Maginnity. , TASJIAN, s.s. (7.10 p.m.), 179 tons, Cox, for Nelson antl Motueka. MOKOIAi. s.s. (8.25 p.m.), 3502 tons, Smith, for Napier, Gisborne, Auckland, and Sydney. Passengers—Saloon: For Napier—jMessrs. Laurenson, Thomas; For, Gisborne—Messrs. Dawson, Turner, Stephens. . For Auckland—Miss Kenning, Mesdames Hawk, M'Laurin, Messrs. Edwards, Wright, Musseri, Jones. ROTOII'AHANA, s.s. (8.50 : p.m.), 1777 tons, Collins,-, for Lyttelton. Passengers—62 ■ excursionist^, OPAWA, s.s., (9 p.m.), 110 tons, Nicholas, for Blenheim. EXPECTED ARRIVALS. Moeraki, Melbourne, via South, December 20. Victoria, Sydney, via Auckland, December2o. Rob Roy, Picton, December 20. Maori, Lyttelton, December 20. H:iwea,' Westport, December 20. Aorere, Patea, , December 20. Moa, Westport, December 20. ■ Kiripaka, Patea, Deceinber 20. Rosamond, Greyijnouth, December 20.'. . Mapou'rika; .West Coast, December 21. . • Tnisman, -Nelson, December -21. : Toroa, Southern ports, December .21. • Queen; of the South, Foxtou, December 21. .Opawa,, Blenheim, December 21. Alexander; West Coast, December 21. Rotomahana, Lyttelton, December 21. ■ Hiiia, Motueka, Deceinber 22. Cornwall;-Lyttelton, December 22. ' Waipori,,Westport, December 22. Trilune, Sydney, December 22. , ... .Wajkare, Dunedin aud Lyttelton, Decem■ber.22. Takapuna, Onehunga and New Plymouth, December 22. Kobnya, Southern ports, December 22. Den. of. Ruth veil, Sydney, December 22. P'apit'rba, London, via way ports, December 22. , , Wiriiruera, Sydney, December 24. PROJECTED DEPARTURES. Aorere, Patea, December 20. Moeraki; Svdney direct, December 20. To Anau; Pifcton aiid .Nelson, December 20: Wriihi, Blenheim, December 20. Blenheim, Blenheim, December 20. Kiripaka, Patea,. December 20. Stormbird, Wanganiii, December 20. Iluia, Motueka, December 20. , . Qharles Edward, Nelson and West Coast, Deceinber 20. Wakatu, Kaikoura, December 20. Whikatarie, Port Chalmers, December 20. Miiori, Lyttelton, December -20. PutiK'i, Wanganui, December 20. Victoria, Lvttelton, Dunedin, December 20. Kiripaka, Patea, December;2o. Matatua, Bluff, December , 20. Arahura, Nelson and West Const, December 21. <_ Alexander, Nelson aud West Const, December 21. Rotomahaiia, Lyttelton, December 21. Rob Roy, Picton and Sounds, December 21. Penguin; Nelson and Picton, December 21. Tainiii, Waitara, December 21. -Delphic, Port Chalmers, December 21. Waiwera, London, December 21. Pate.ena, Lyttelton, December 21. To Anau, LytU>lton, December 22. Penguin, Nelson, December 22.Iluia, Wangauui, Deceinber 22. Tasnian, Nelson, December 22. Toroa, Enst Coast, December 22. INTERCOLONIAL SERVICE. MOERAKI, s.s., left Melbourne, December 11 ?for Wellington, via Hobart and southern pbita Duo Wellington December 20. Leaves
for Sydney direct same day. Due Sydney December 24. VICTORIA, s.s., left Sydney, December 11, for Wellington, via Auckland,,.Gisborno, and Napier. Duo Auckland December 15, Wellington Decembor 20. Leaves for southern porta, MARA MA, s.s., left- Melbourne, December 18, for Wellington, via Hobart and southern ports. Duo Wellington December 27. Leaves for Sydney direct same day. Duo Sydney Docomber 31.. 1 . MANUKA, s.s., left Sydney, December 18, for Wellington, via Auckland, Gisborne, and Napier. Due Auckland, December 22, Wellington, December 27. Leaves for Lyttelton and Dunedin same day. , MAHENO t.s., leaves Melbourne, December 25. for Wellington, via Hobart and Southern ports. Due Wellington,. December 27. Leaves Wollington same day for Sydney dircct. Due Sydney, December 31. . WIMMERA, s.s., leaves Sydney, December 20, for Wollington direct. Duo Wellington, Decembor 21. Leaves -Wellington, Dreember 24, for Melbourne, via Southerii ports and Ilobart. Duo Melbourne, January 4. i . ZEALANDIA, s.s., leaves Sydney,' December 25, for Wellington, via Northern ports. Due Wellington, January 3. Leaves for Southern ports same day. . TALUNE, 6.5., left Sydney, December 18, for ■ Wellington direct. Due Wellington December 22. OVERSEA SHIPPING. STEAMERS TO ARRIVE. From London. INDRADEVI (duo Wellington about Derailber 27), sailed on October >1, via Melbourne, Sydney, Auckland, and Napier. (Tyser Lino, agents.) PAPAROA (due Wellington about Decembor 22), sailed ,on November 2. from Plymouth November 4, via Capetown and Hobart, (N.Z.S. Co., agents.) KAIPARA (due Wellington about December 81), sailed on November 2, via Auckland. (N.Z.S. Co., agents.) ATHENIC (due Wellington about Decembor 31), sailed on November 14), Plymouth November 16, via, Capetown and Hobart. (Shaw, Savill, agents.) PAPANUI (due Wellington about January 21), sailed on November 28. Plymouth November 30, via Capetown and Hoburt. (N.Z.S. Co., agents.) NEREHANA (due Wellington about' February 12), sailed on December 3, via Australian ports, Auckland and Napier. (Tyser Line, agents.) STAR OF. AUSTRALIA (duo Wellington about January 18), sailed on November 6, via Australia, Auckland, and Napier. (Tyser Line, agents.) CORINTIIIC (due Wellington about January 29), sailed on 'December 13, Plymouth December .15, via Capetown and Ilobart. (Shaw, Savill, agents.) From Liverpool. FIFE-SHIRE (due Wellington about December 23), sailed on October 19, via Sydney and Auckland, (v'.tl.H. ,l.iiu\ atrents.) RIPPINGHAM -GRANGE (due Wellington about January 6), sailed on November 23, via Auckland. (F.H.S. Line; agents.) From Hew York. ELVASTON (duo about December. 27); sailed October 22, via Dunedin and Lyttelton. (N.Z.S. Co.; agents.) IIAWKE'S . BAY (dun Wellington ;.bont January 6),-sailed on October 26, via Australia and Auckland.: (Tyser Line, agents.) ' •LORD SEFTON (due; Wellington about February 16).- Sailed oil .November 28, via Australian ports and Auckland. (A. and- A. Liiic, agents.) - NEW' ORLEANS. - (due .Wellington about February 8). Sailed on December 10, for Auckland direct. . (A. .and A. Line, - agents.):. /: INDRALEMA (duo Wellington about Febru r ary 1!))... Sailed on. December 8, via Australia aiid Auckland'. (TJ'ser Line, agents.) - ' SAILING VESSELS TO ARRIVE! •' GENI, Italian barque, sailed from Marseilles Iseptember 4, via Bluff. (Buscoo and Co., agents.) v IN VERM AY,* barque, sailed from Liverpool November 19, via Dunedin. LOCH GARVE, ship, sailed from Melbourne December 14. (G. 11. Scales, agent.) BY TELEGRAPH. COASTAL. . THURSDAY, DECEMBER 19. CAPE MARIA VAN DIEMEN. I'oheruii, from south, passed east at 8.45 a.m. ' AUCKLAND. ' Arrived.—llnuroto, frbm Westport. ;Ai - i - ived.—H.M.S. Challenger, from the Islands. NEW PLYMOUTH. Arrived.—Takapuna (4.30 a.m.), from Onehunga. PATEA. Arrived.—lviripaka (10.20 a.m.), from Wel- - lington. Sailed.—Aorere (9.30 a.m.), for Wellington. To, sail.—lviripaka (10 it.m.), for Wellington. NAPIER.
Sailed—Victoria (5 p.m.), for Wellington. BLENHEIM. Arrived.—Blenheim and Waihi (5.16 a.m.), from Wellington. . PICTON. , To sail.—Eotoiti (10 p.m.), for Nelson. ■ NELSON. Arrived.—Pateena (5 a.m.), from Picton. Sailed.—Alexander (0.30 p.m.), .'for Picton. , _ V .WESTPORT. • Sailed.—Koinata (9.30 a.m.), for Melbourne. 'Sailed.—Moura (7.30 p.m.),, for Wellington. GREYMOUTH. '' Arrived.—Defender (9 a.m.), from Wellington. Arrived.—Mtvpourika (7.45 a.m.), from Westport, ... . Sailed.—Rosamond (11 a.m.), for Wellington. To sail.—Miipourika (10 p.m.), for Westport. , ' LYTTELTON. Arrived.—Maori ( a.m.), front Wellington. . Arrived.—Waikare, from Auckland. Arrived.—Brisbane (7.45 p.m.), from Newcastle. Sailed.—Kini, for Northern ports. Sailed.—Moeraki (5.30 p.m.), for Sydney, via .Wellington. Passengers—Saloon: For Wellington—Misses Gibson, Mayer, Morisli, Mesdames Bill, Turner, Devane, Saunders, Thomas, Messrs. Stewart, Mathieson, M'Bean, Higgatt, Bill, Thorpe, Chishohn, Bailey,. Hefferman, Masters Turner, Robinson, Rennie, Hunter, l'or Sydney—Misses Fane, Blake, Camie, Gibson, lnver, Mutton, two Sisters ofiMercy, Mesdames Dinanj Welleson, Parlin, Gillies, Messrs. Chapman; Gillies, Millisk, Cook, Pantey, I'arlih, Palmer, Newmark, Shaw, Welleson, Dinan, Uoggie, Turvey, Hon. G. T. Smith. Sailed.—Petone (2.40 p.m.), for. Greymoutli. Sailed.—Canopus, for Port Chalmers. Sailed:—Maori . (8.45 p.m.), for Wellington. Passengers—l2l saloon, 88 steerage. ■ Sailed.—Cygnet, • for Kaikoura. Sailed.—Toroa, for Oamaru. . BLUFF. . Arrived.—Amokura, • from Stewart Island. THE CORNWALL. The F.-H.-S. Line steamer Cornwall, at present on the Homeward loading berth, shipped the following cargo at Dunedin:—loso bales tow, IISO crates rabbits, 1015 cases cheese, IGO boxes butter, 516> boxes boned beef, 250 sacks grass seed., EXPORTS BY THE WAIWERA. The Shaw, Savill steamer Waiwera, which leaves for London to-morrow, takes the following exports from , Dunedin 1900 crates rabbits, 073 bales hemp, 578 do. wool, 179 do. tow, 79 do. sheepskins, 84 do. rabbitskins, 5 do. clippings, 500 sacks grass seed, 378 packages cordage, 59 sacks hides, 145 bags scheelite, 45 casks tallow, 18 packages of sundries. • THE WIMMERA. The Huddart, Parker steamer Wimmera is timed to leave Sydney, for Wellington direct, to-day, instead of Saturday. The time-table alteration has been made so lis to ensure the vessel's arrival on Tuesday, and thus avoid clashing with the Xmns holidays. She is expected tp leave for Melbourne, via Southern ports, on Tuesday evening. PASSENGERS FOR SYDNEY. Tho following liavo bookfed passages by the Union Company's steamer Moeraki, which sails for Sydney to-davMisses Lning-Meason, Rowley, Johnston, Talbot, Henchiirch, Mesdames Cavill, Laing-Meason, Finlay-M'Leod anil 2 children. Wise, Henchiirch, 11. Smith, Tringham, T. B. Dwnn, K. Hughes, Vincent Barker, Messrs. 11. Smith, Tringliam, E. W. M. Grigs, Blnkeney, Cooke, T. B. Dwan, Ponty, Cyril. Trowor, R, G. Russell, G. Blundell, N. Willis, F. Temple, A. E. .Tames, Vincent Barker, Cavill, Abrahams, Bryant, Bowles, Hastings, Russell. Rowley, Chanman, O. R. Wireu, J. Temple, Staples, A. J. Styles, J. E. Wright, Riley, Ashbj, Jack
THE CROWN OF GALICIA AT AUCKLAND. The steamer Crown of Giilicia, Cnptaiil Ila 1liday, arrived at Auckland 011 Tuesday morning, froin Honolulu, after a fine w-eatlier passage of 13 days. The steamer is under charter! to the. New Zealand Shipping Company to load, general cargo at Auckland and other Men' Zealand ports for London, and is timed to leave the Dominion about January 10. The Crown of Galicia, owned by Messrs'. Prentice, Service, and Henderson, of Glasgow, is a new vessel, , representing. the latest production in the shape of • cargo-carriers. . She lias a .cargo capacity of from 8000 , to, ,9000 tons, , and .is fitted with every modern facilitate loading and discharging. A pecilliarity about the ship is that her masts, really derrick poles, are placed near the sides, instead of amidships, an innovation which is said to be a great improvement on the old arrangement. The steamer, which is of 4521 tons, is capable of 12j knots per hour. THE FIFESIURE AT AUCKLAND. The F.-11.-S. Line steamer Fifeshire arrived at Auckland on December 10, froth West Coast of. England ports and Australia. The Fifeshire left Liverpool on October 19, and called at Las Valutas and Sydney. After rounding the Cape of Good Hope strong westerly winds were experienced, the wind at times blowing with the force of a gale. The. steamer, lias 2400 tons of cargo to land at Auckland befhre proceeding South. Captain A. R. Pilkington is in command, Mr. E. 11. Evans, is chief officer, Mr. P. .J. Ballard second officer,-Mr. G. Lee; third officer, and Mr. J.. S. ScriVejier fourth officer. Mr. H. M'Dougall is chief engineer, Mr. J. Watson second engineer, Hr. J. Irving third engineer, Mr. P. B. Black fourth engineer, and Mr. Smith fifth engineer. Mr. M'lunnon is chief refrigerating engineer, ..Mr;. Dunlop second refrigerating engineer, and ilr. J. Wade chief steward. The Fifeshire is.due at Wellington on December 23, and has 2227 tons, of cargo to discharge here. DANGEROUS CARGO. , News, comes from Singapore tliht explosion occurred in the harbour- receiitly on board the s.s. Pocahontas, which put in there after tho death of. the chief engineer at sea. Mi\ I<\ W. Webb, Lloyd's • surveyor'; Mr. A Ivitchiiig, surveyor of the British Corporation; and Captain F. . 6.''Cos were seriously burned about the hands, and body. Se\eral weeks ago, as the result of a Government enquiry, tho, vessel was prououirtced unfit to nut to sea with an inflammable cargc- It was to . report the death, of the chief engineer, Mr. T. S. • Seed, who ..was asphyxiated by benzine fumes ' while making down i from A roe Bay. Sumatra, that , the Singapore call was decided upon, otherwise Urn steamer' might . have . continued. to Auktralin. Government enquiry resulted in the vessel being ordered -to l'ulu Bukum,. where freight was discharged and gas fumes, ejected. To make-certain.'of thife latter condition being' effective, owners insisted upon another•;«animation, to ensure the steamer's' seaworthiness, and it was while tho surveyors were in consultation that the. disaster .occurred.'.lts origin may , never transpire, as all were rendered unconscious by the shock.:-, It. is.,surmised, however,, that a - Chinese, w,ho was terribly-.,-burned,- followed the investigating party with a lump. Mr. Ewan, late of tho Wliangape, has joined the Penguin as purser. The Hinemoa was expected to leave Napier last .-night on her northern cruise. ■ ■ The Union Company steamer Komata. left Westport at 9 a.m. yesterday, for Melbourne: The 'Shawl, Savill steamer Matatua is expected to leave Wellington, for the' Bluff, to-day. ' The steamer Waiwera, of tlie Shaw, . Sayill Line, arrived . from Piclon.-yesterday, ami" is timed, to sail for London .to-morrow. The .Government steamer .Tutanekai. is still anchored in Worser Bay, as the. weather has been unsuitable to resume the cable work in Cook, Strait. , -I y,'-. /.'• According to the " Commercial News," the Norwegian barque Concordia, 1)87 tons, has been chartered to load wool and general cargo at Wellington,, for London. The New Zealand Shipping Companies steamer Whakalaiie sails at ,5 p.m. to=day t ,for Port Chalmers, thence back to, L>;ttclton, from which port she. is timed to sail finally for. Loudon, on December 21. ' Mr. R. Darrick, chief officer of. the, Wimmera, has been awarded a certificate of merit by the N.S.W. Royal Shipwreck Relief and Humane Society, for swimming ,t.o the assistance of a sailor who fell overboard (fro,in a vessel in Darling Harbour on October 12. The training ship Amokura arrived at the Bluff yesterday, was cxpected she wAuld sail for Port Chalmers last night. After attoiiding the regatta at Port Chalmers, she proceeds to Lvttelton, and .is due to reach there in time tor .the New Year's Day regatta.
METEOROLOGICAL. WEATHER AT 5 P.M. ' Manukan Heads.—N.W.,' breeze; barometer,-' 29.R7; therniometer, 79. Gloomy; bar-smooth. New Plymouth.—North, lisht; barometer,, 29.74; thermometer, I\. Showery;' sea moderate. '' ' \ " Castlepoint.—N.W.. breeze; barometer, 29.65j| thermometer, 78. Ciijudy; sea moderate, : : Wellington.—N.W., strong; barometer, 29.03;j thermometer, 08. Rain. ' , ■ Kaikoura.—N.W.,. • breeze';' .barometer, 29.06; thermometer, 06. Gloomy; sea. smooth. : ' Blulf.—W.S.W., fresh; barometer,' 29.08;; thermometer, 53. Fine. j FORECAST TO. 5 P.M. DECEMBER._ jib.";.. - Stroiig winds to gale from tho south and).west generally. ■ R. A. EDWIN.;. December 20, 1907.
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Dominion, Volume 1, Issue 74, 20 December 1907, Page 10
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2,833SHIPPING NEWS. Dominion, Volume 1, Issue 74, 20 December 1907, Page 10
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