PHASES OF IHE MOON. DECEMBER. Day. Hr.m. New Moon a. 9.52 p.m. First Quarter 12 l.ifp.ii, Full Moon 20 5.25 a.m. Last Quarter ... 28 10.10 a.m. nren water. To-day, 3.57 n.m.; -1.30 p.m. To-morrow, -1.45 a.m.; 5.20 p.m.' SUN. "Sun rises to-day, 4.12 a.m.; sets, 7.22 p.m. ARRIVALS. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 18. PATEENA, s.s. (3.10 a.m.), 1212 tons, Stewnrt, from Nelson. Passengers: Saloon—Misses Stewart, Pirie, Taylor, Giblin, Mesdames Moore, Mason, Andrew, Booth, Robinson, Ralston, Tower nnd child, Mules, Andrews and five children, Morrow, Simpson, Rollett, Hogg and 2 phildrcn, Nelson and 3 children. An-, drew, Dr. Andrew, Messrs. Mules, Hill, Tingey, Harrison, Moore, Beauchamp, M'Rae, Wishart, Mason, Christie, Walker, Andrew, Munro, Butler, Heron, Grummett (2), Morrow, nerhens, Rollett, Butler, Graham, Jennings (2), Ansticej 10 steerage. MAORI, s.s. (G a.m.), 30 n 0 tons, Manning, from Lyttelton. Passengers—2so excursionists. QUEEN OF THE SOUTH, s.s. (G.lO a.m.), 19S tons, Harvey, from Foxton. I'UTIKI, s.s. (9.20 a.m.), 409 tons, Dewhurst, from Wanganui.ROTOITI, s.s.' (10.10 a.m.), 1159 tons, Robertson, from Onehunga and New Plymouth. Passengers: finloon—Misses Curtain, Brown (2), Hunt, Kelly, Mesdames Henderson, Morshoad, Hughson,, Swain', Cross and i children, Durbridge, Major Blewett, Messrs. Lang, Kneen, Chisholm, Macfie, Marshall, Kyngdon; Morshend, Hughson, Hyland, Taylor, Morley, Durbridge (2), Agnew; 19 steerage. ' WHAaATANE, s.s. (10.40 a.m.), 5902 tons, Silda, from Wnnganui. MANAROA, s.s. (10.40 a.m.), 122 tons, Hart, from Motueka. WARRIMOO, s.s. (1 p.m.), 3529 tons, M'Donnld> from Sydney. Passengers—Saloon: For Wellington—Misses Hannah (2), West, Newbogin, Fell, Dunbar, Ashwell, Cresswell, Brandon, Smith, iinilton, Kerr, Wood, Cumbcrlain, Natusch (2), Baker, Jforice,- Hill, Rogers, .Adams, Crosbie, Low, Barker, Butcher, Harper, Wnkemnn (2), Linton, Miller, Cole, Mesdames Evans, Hogben, Aubrey, Fell, Hall and 4 children, Adams, Hargreaves nnd child, Morton, Hill, Wright, Trewhcelar and family, Dr. Holdsworth, Major Cumberland, Colonel L. Parry, Messrs. Heaphj:, Evans (2), Portus, O'DonncU, ,o'Mcara, Ryan, Douglas, Davidson, Austin, Roake, Stevens, Gillies, Harper, Lack, Evans, Shepherd, Fell, Wakeman, Ashwell, Hall, Potter, Williams, M'Namara, Durant, Stephens, Miller, Gardner, Meredith, Castolli, Morton, Allan, Pope, Trewheelar, Sheppard, and 81 For Lyttelton—Misses Aitkenhead, Scoft, Robio, Brown (2), Ashley, Browne, Mesdames Mort, Wigram, Thompson, Franks, Nealo, Young and child, Martin, Messrs. Butler, Milnes, Campbell, Kitchinghain. Brown, Thompson, Patterson, Payne, Hatfield, Curry, Neale, Hooton,' Dr. Martin, Masters Yoiijvj, Bolton; 25 steerage. For Dunedin—Misses "Ferguson, C'aiVin, Madin, Marshnil,,Benjamin (2), J[csdarnes Barclay, Forbes, M'Mahon, Brough, Benjamin, M'Kay, Payne, Fqihergill, Messrs. Barclay, Mutrio, Hazlett, M'M/iiion, HaVcoilrt, Harding, Madin, Covey, Solomnn, Atholwood, Turner, Berlcelcy, Hardwick, Bell, Lincoln, Kingston, Lloyd, Edwcrrls, Stnyollcy, Wyllic," lil'lvay, Fothergill, Ha'mp, Forbes, Smith; .5 ste'efage.'. . For' Bluff—Mesdames Swain, and 2 children,, L. M'Murray, Messrs. Sw.inn, Towns. KAITUNA, s.s. (1.20 p.m.), 1977 tons, Evans, from .Greyniouth. ■' ..•,', ARAIfUU-A, s.s. (7..15 p.m.), 1590 tous.Lauibert, from Greyniouth, We'stport, and Nelson. Passengors: Saloon—Misses Duggan, Travendale, M'Leod, Wilson, Grigger, Gray. M'Gill, Gunning, Plimmer, Cook, Sellers, Nathan (2), Arundei, Price, M'Lciiii, Gidson, Robertson, Strang,- Coote, Hill, Ritchie, Bosper, White, Whitehouse, Thorp, Watchman, Jeffcott, Warren (2), JCilirour, Wipede, Rties, Thompson, Mesdames Hiiglies, Duggan .and 2 children, Mrs. Carr and child, Airs. M'uir and child, Cottrell. Tulley, Gilberd, Grigger, Grant, Lancaster, Lasker and 2 children, Coqte, Menzies, Salter, Gale, Eggar, M'Dowell, Messrs. Smith, Cnrr, 'Price, Matcer, Roberts, M'uir, Henderson, Cottrell, Gilberd,- Shepherd, Raple, Laurence, Tully, Gunning, Mossman, Carpenter, Mv.nio, Parker, "Hushes, Bayly, Waymonth, Nixon, Lancaster, Gunii. Sande'l, M'Kav, Smith, Gilmo\ir. Wills, Skelton, Burnett (2), Blair, Sweet, Magiddity, Field. .Cooto, Tothill (2), Stevens, Ballingor, Wstson, Ritchie, Gale, Masters Carr, Moore, Captain Lascelles, Eager, and -lfi steerage. KOTUKU. s.s. (8.15 p.m.), 1051 tons, Nicholson, from'Greyniouth. . PENGUIN, s.s., (10.35. p.m.), 824 tons, Hunter, from Nelson and Pictbn. Passengers: Saloon—Misses Fitzgerald, Watson, ' Baker; Mesdames Davies, Barclay nnd infant, Tolan,, M'Carty, Reeves and 2 children, Doyle and 2 children; Brooks, Ball, Hcasley and 2 children, Messrs. Jones, Goulton, Vickerman, Tewsley, Davies, Corringham, Munro, Hogg, Brown, Melville, Flower, Dahl, Divine, Bruce, M'Carty, Doyle, Green, Brooks, Ball, Perano, Gilford, Ascrit, Captain Browne, Master M'Kinlay; 7 steerage. .j KAHU, s.s. (10.55 p.m.), 182 tons, Thompson, from Napier and East Coast. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 19.
OPAWA, s.s. (12.40 .a.m.), 110 ton?, Nicholas, from Blenheim. r~ / DEPARTURE 3. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER IS. KIEIPAKA, s.s. (9.40 a.m.), 133 tons, Dixon, for Patea. . • CORINNA, s.s. (10.30 a.m.), 1271 tons, Cameron, for Timaru and Dunedin. PATEENA, s.s. (1 p.m.), 1212 tons, Stewart, for Picton and Nelson. i MANAROA, s.s; (7.15 p.m.), 122 tons, Hart, for Havelock and Sounds. MAORI, s.s. (8.35 p.m.), 3000 tons, Manning, for Lyttelton. ■ BLENHEIM, s.s. (9 p.m.), 120 tons, Watson, for Blenheim. \ .'• WAIHI, sis. (9 p.m.), 92 tons, Carey, for Blenheim. EXPECTED ARRIVALS. Stormbird, Wanganui, December 19. Taviuni, Mokau, December 19. Kahu, Napier and Coast, December 19. Aorere, Patea, December 19. Opawa, Blenheim, December 19. Waiwera, Picton, December 19. Te Anau, Southern ports, December 19. Kiripaka, Patea, December 19. Pareroa, Greymouth, December 19. Tasman, Nelson, December 19. Pateena, Nelson, December 19. Mokoia, Southern ports, December 19. Waka'tu, Kaikoura, December 19. Rotoiti, New Plymouth and Onehunga, December 19. Rotomahana, Lyttelton, December 19. Huia, Wanganui, December 19. Charles Edward, Foxton, December 19. . Penguin, Picton and Nelson, December 19. Alexander, West Coast, December 20. Mperaki, Melbourne, via South, December 20. Victoria, Sydney, via Auckland, December 20. Rob Roy, Picton, December 20. Maori, .Lyttelton, December 20. Blenheim, Blenhem, December 20. , Wnihi, Blenheim, December 20. Hawea, Westport, December 20. . Den of Ruthven, Sydney, December 22. Paparoa, London, via way ports, December 22. Wimmerii, Sydney, December 21. PROJECTED DEPARTURES. Queen of the South, Foxton, December 19. Putiki,. Wanganui, December 19. Knhn, Napier, via Coast, December 19. ' Penguin, Nelson, December »19.' Tasman, Nelson, and Motugka, December 19.Whakatano, Dunedin, DecelSber 19. . Wnkatii, Kaikoura, December 19.. Tongariro, London, via way ports, December 19. ■■••■■.. Warrimoo, Melbourne, via Southern ports, December 19. Jlokoin, Sydney, via Northern ports, December 19. ■ Rotoili, Nelson, New Plymouth, Onehunga, December 19. Charles Edward, Nelson and West Coast, December 19. Opawa, Blenheim, December 19. Huia, Motueka, December 19. Rotomahana, Lyttelton,- December 19. Aorere, Patea, December. 20. Mooraki,-Svdney direct, December 20. To Anau, Picton and Nelson, December 20. Waihi, Blenheim, December 20. Blenheim, Blenheim, December 20. Kiripaka, Paten, December 20. Rob Roy, Picton and Sounds, December 21. Ponguin, Nelson and Piotou, December 21, Taiuui, Waitara, December 2L
Delphic, Port Chalmers, December 21. Mntntun, Bluff, December 21, Waiwera, London, December 21. Patccna, Lyttclton, December 21. INTERCOLONIAL SERVICE. MOERAKI, s.s., left Melbourne, December 11 for Wellington, via Iloburt and southern poits Duo Wellington December 20. Leaves for Sydney direct same day. Duo Sydnoy December -'I. ' •' VICTORIA, s.s., left Sydney, December 11, for Wellington, via Auckland, Gisborno, an , } Napier. Duo Auckland Decenfber 15, Wollipßton December 20. Leaves for southern ports', sumo day. MARA MA. s.s., left Melbourne, December 18," for Wellington, via Hobart and southern ports. Duo Wellington December 27. Loaves for Sydney direct same day. Duo Sydney December 31. WARRIMOO, s.s., loft Sydney, December 14, for Wellington direct. Arrived Wellington December 18. Leaves for Melbourne, via southern ports and Hobart, December 19. Due Melbourne December 28. : MOKOIA, s.s., left Dunedin, December 17, for Sydney, via Lyttelton, Wellington, and Northern ports. Arrives at and departs fr,oj)i Wellington. December 13. Leaves Auckland, December 23, Due Sydney, December 27. MANUKA, s.s., left Sydney, December 18. for Wellington, via Auckland, Gisborno, and Napier. Due Auckland, December 22, Wellington, December 27. Leaves for Lyttelton and Duneilin same day. I-: , :. MAJIENO. t.s., leaves Melbourne, December 25 for Wellington, via Itobart and Southern' ports. Duo Wellington, December 27. Leaves Wellington same day for Sydney direct. ''Due Sydney, December 31. "''-" WJMMERA, s.s., leaves Sydney, Docepiber 20, for Wellington direct. Duo Wellington, December 24. Leaves Wellington, December 24, for Melbourne, via Southern ports and Hobart. Duo Melbourne, January 4. • y .■. ZEALANDIA, s.s., loaves Sydney, December 25,- for Wellington, via Northern ports. Due Wellington, January 3. Leaves for Southern ports same day. . ,' " TALUNE, s.s., left Sydney, December 18 for Wellington direct. Due Wellington December 22. . . OVERSEA SHIPPING. STEAMERS TO AKRIVB. ■;...., From London. , "■' INDRADEVI (due Wellington about Decmiber 27), sailed on Oetobci- 11, vin Melbourne, Sydney, Auckland, and Napier. (Tyeer Line, agents.) '■} ' PAI'AROA (duo Wellington about Decoinbej 22), failed on November 2, from Plymouth November 4, via Capetown and Hobart. (N.Z.S. Co., agents.) KAIPARA (duo Wellington about Decepiber 31), sailed 'on November 2, via, Auckland. (N.Z.S. Co., agents.) \ ■ ATHENIC (due "Wellington about December 31), sailed on November 14), Plymouth November 16, via Capetown and Hobart. (Shhvr, Savill, agents.). . ■ . ,"". ■' PAPANUI (duo Wellington about J-inuary. 21), sailed on November 28, Plymouth November 30, via Capetown and Hobart. (N.Z.S. Co., agents.) . . NEREHANA ■ (duo Wellington about February 12), sailed on .'-December 3, via Australian ports, Auckland and Napier. (Tyse'r Line, agents.) •■' . ' STAR OP AUSTRALIA (due Wellington about January 18), sailed on" November 6,-' via Australia,' Auckland, and Napieri (Tyser Line, agents.) , ' - . CORINTHTC (due .Wellington about Janu-ary.-29), sailed on December 13, Plymouth December 15, via Capetown and Hobart. (Shaw, .Saviil, agents.) - ; From Liverpool, FJ FF.RHIRE (duo Wellington about ■ Decenv ber 23), sailed on October 19;.. via Sydney and Auckland. (I''.H.S. Line, n/rents;) RIPP'INGHAM GRANGE (due. Wellingtob about January 6), Sailed on November 23, via Auckland. (F. 11.5. Line, agents.) f From New York. \ • '■■■?■£ ELVASTON (duo about December 27), sailed October 22, via Dunedin-'and Lyttelton; (K.Z& Co.. agents.) ' ' HAWKE'S BAY (due Wellington ■ :.bout January 6), sailed on October 26, via Australia and Auciaand. (Tyser Lino, agents.) EOBD 3EFTON (due Wellington about February lfi). Sailed on November 28, via Australian ports and Auckland. (A. and X A. Line", agents.) . ' ..:--. NEW ORLEANS (due Wellington about February: 8). Sailed on' December 10, for Auckland direct. (A. and A. Line, agents.) " ' INDRALEMA (duo Wellington about February 10). Sailed on December 8, via Australia and Auckland. (Tysei-Lino, agents.) ". SAILING VESSELS TO ARRIVE. GENI, Italian barque, sailed from Marseilles Septembor 4, via Bluff. (Busc'oo and Co., agents'.) ' ■ ' ' ' " INVERMAY, barque, sailed from Liverpool November 19, via Dunedin. LOCH GARVE, ship, sailed from Melbourne December 11. (G. H. • Scales, agent.)" ' BY TELEGRAPH. . N '" : OVERSEA. LONDON. December 17. Sailed.—Corinthic, for -Wellington. ' Sailed. —Tokomaru, for Auckland. NEW YORK. /
■ . ' December';l7: , Sailed. —New Orleans, for Wellington. : ■•'""'• HQBART. . ' . .■"•" December iB. - Arrived.—Kassa, from Oamaru. .. , SYDNEY. ' ■ '.-,iV; : ■ . ■ ' . December 17... ■ Arrived. — Silver Cloud, three-masted schooner, from Whitianga. " SUVA. , ;'■*■: Arrived.—Atua, from Sydney. ■ '...'. COASTAL. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 18. *'.* kaipara. ■:.,: Sailed.—Onyx, barque, for Adelaide. AUCKLAND. • .^ Arrived.—Manapouri (3.4-5 p.m.), from Rarotonga. ••■■•'.■• i f:.. Sailed.—Whangape, s.s., for Newcastle. ;., . ONEHUNGA. Sailed.—Takapuna, for New Plymouth. Passengers: Saloon—Misses Fi-aser, Frater, Mair, Matthews, Douglas,, Larauze, Lury, Pope, Mesdames Stagpoole, Pattison, Elliott, Rutter, .Fuller', v Batchelor, Crome, Trower, Abbott and 1 .3 boys, Messrs. Grace, Willis, Meade, Hajsatd, Brown, Bloy, Radcliffe, Frater, Hay, Batche-. lor, Fuller, Marshall, Smith, East, Crome, Fuller, Buckland, Seoley, Dive, Lewis, Masters Wood, Halliday, Trower, Dr. Bakewell. ■■''■; NEW PLYMOUTH. -. ■;: Arrived. —Rarawa (5 a.m.), from Onehunga. WANGANUI. ■ ';; vArrived.—Huia (7.25 a.m.), from Wellington. To sail.—Huia and Stormbird (9.30 p.m.), for Wellington. . . / PATEA. . --(.J; Arrived.—Aorere (7.20 p.m.); Kiripaka (7.25 p.m.), from Wellington. NAPIER. Arrived.—Monowai (2.30 p.m.), from Wellington. • PICTON. Arrived.—Waiwera (10.20 a.m.). ■ :■ n.'. Arrived. —Pateena (5 p.m.), from Wellington. . To sail.—Pateena (9.30 p.m.), for Nelson. To ■ sail.—Waiwera (midnight), for Wellington. . .:..". NELSON. ■' . .',->' Arrived.—Mapourika (4.45 a.m.), from Picton. Arrived.—Waverley (4.55 p.m.),' from Wellington. . . " :r,; Arrived.—Tasman (1.20 p.m.), from Wellington. : . '•*'>■,".- Sailed.—Tasman, (4.30 p.m.), for Wellington. WESTPOBT. • • , ''■'' '''" Arrived. —Moura (1.45 p.m.), from Wellington. ' : ■ ■■ ■ . ■ •;■■■.''■'?■■■ LYTTELTON. s ■ ! i: Arrived.—Rotpmahana (G.lfl p.m.), from W(jl : lingtoa. '•'■■.■ Y" Arrived.—Wnikare (12.55 p.m.), from. AVpllington. ■ Sailed.—To Anau (4.10 p.m.), for Wellington. Sailed.—Mokoia, for Wellington,' Napier, Gisbornc, Auckland, and'Svdney. Passengers for 'Wellington—Misses. Pinkey, ■ Garllen. Easthcr, Mrs. Beadill, Messrs. Reid, Fisher, Nathan. Perry. • ' Sailed.—Rotomahana (0.30 p.m.), for Wellington. Passengers—loo saloon and steerage.. Soiled.—Wnkatu, for Kaikoura. Sailed.—Pelone, for Greymouth. Sailed.—Waikare, for Dunedin. PORT CHALMERS. .. ''.■.;, Arrived.—Kamona (10.20 a.m.), from Wellington. ■' . ■ ,' ;' DUNEDIN. . . .. ■ ,•■-. To sail.—Moeraki (3 p.m.), for Sydney, via Lytteltoa and ■ Wellington, Passengers for
Wellington: Saloon—Alisses M'Uregor (2), Ewan, Begg, Maync, Naismith, Young,' Mirams, Ford, Church, Jfeadames Bush . arid child, Young, Goldsmith, Menton, White, Messrs. M'Lellon, J.csso, Hcxo, Solomon, Thornton, White, Miller, Goldsmith. The two scows Rangi and Echo . left.: Karamea yesterday, timber laden for Wellington.,; ; The Government steamer Ilinemoa called in atj Napier yesterday,-and is , timed to resume her voyage North to-night. The Government training ship Amokura was i\t. Half moon, Bay yesterday, and was expected to-leave thore for the Bluff. •; .' The New Zealand Shipping Company's steamer Whakatane loaves Wellington--at daylight on Friday for Port. Chalmers. . ■' 11.M.5. Pioneer, on leaving Timaru, proceeds to Port Chalmers. It is expected that- she will remain there for the Boxing Day regatta. ! Captain Muir, chief officer of the Ennordale, assumes command of the steamer during the Absence of Captain Holm, who is on holiday leave. :;:., PAPAROA LEAVES HOBART. Tlie Now Zealand Shipping Company's steamer Pnparoa, resumed her voyage from llobart at midnight on Tuesday. She is due at Wellington about noon on Sunday. THE FIFESHIRE. ■Tho F.H.S. Line steamer Fifeshire, from Liverpool, via Australia and Auckland, is expected to leave the latter port on Friday for Wellington. She has 2227 tons of cargo , for discharge here, and is due on Monday. THE CORNWALL. , The F.H.S. Line steamer Cornwall is expected' to leave Lyttelton on Saturday for Wellington. She is timed to finally sail for Avpnmouth, via Monte Video and Las Palmas, on .December 28. - ; , THE ELVASTON. The steamer Elvaston. due at Dunedin early next week, from New York direct, is bringing over 7000 tons of general American cargo for the Dominion. For her first port of call (Dunedin) she has 1771 tons, for Lyttelton 1857 tons, for Wellington 2333 tons, and 1113 tons for Auckland. The New Zealand Shipping Company are agents for the Elvaston. BOARDED BY PIRATES. A somewhat startling tale of the sea was given by the captain of the British s.s. Kilburn, which arrived at Yokohama on October f.. It appears that when the vessel, coalladen, was passing down the Arabian coast, she. was boarded and ransacked by some 300 pirates. They made away with personal belo/igings of the crew, the ship's; furniture and every article of. a movable ' nature. Then they took the, crew captive, and; demanded that the captain should-pay. a ransom. This he-:did by producing.nbout jGlOOlin gold, his ship' then being ashore, but several' British sailors escaped, and applied for protection. to the Turkish Government:, which despatched .ft 'warship to the scene of the Kilburn's grounding. A few of .the pirates were captured, andthe'balance of crew released.' An effort to float the steamer.was successful, and-though her troubles had extended into-twenty days she was able to continue her voyage. .... ARRIVAL OF THE WAHRIMOO. ■-, !■ The' Union Company's steamer Warrimoo, 3529 tons, Captain C M'Donald, arrived from' Svdney at 1 p.m. yesterday, ■ and, after being Cleared by the-Health and Gustoins officers, berthed at • the' Queen's Wharf. She left Sydney 1 on Saturday at • 2.30. p.m., eiperiencing riioderate N:E. winds and seas till noon Monday', thence light airs and calms till arrival. Tlife Warrimoo .brought the following'- imports:—7so naves, 72 swingletrees, 258 shafts, 125 bam spokes, .399. pieces timber, 300 sacks flour, 300 sacks wheat, 2020 bags salt, 'SO packages des. cocoahut,' 300 sacks oats, .900 bags rice, 100 -bales kapoc, WO bags ricemeal; 170 bars lead, 10 cases tobacco, 525 cases salmon, 13 barrels oil, 10 barrels petroleum, 75 sacks onions, 9G slabs marble, 21 tube's gas, 133 boxes cocoa. 4 cases motor : cars, 4395. cases fruit; transhipped ex Miowera,' Thurige,n, Ottensen, Ganowim,' Barwon, Ortona, and large quantity of sundries. ' - .-■•>•■.-. , PASSENGERS FOR ENGLAND. . -The following passengers have booked by the New Zealand Shipping Company's steamer Tongariro, which leaves at 3 p.m. to-day, for London, via Monte Video, Teneriffe,.and'Plymouth :—First Saloon—From: Wellington—Mr.s.. and Mr. C. S. Harper. From AucklandMisses Neligan (2), Mrs. Neligan, Right Rev. Dr. Neligan, Masters Neligan (2). . From Christchurch—Miss I). Steele.- Second saloon— From Wellington—Miss Cole, Mrs. .Buckridge and infant, Messrs. T. Earnest, Wm. Keir.. From Aucklandr-Misses E. Smith, E. Holt. From Dunedin—Mr. H. A. and Mrs. ■ and Master Clark.' Steerage—From Wellington— Mrs. M: J. Wright. Messrs. Wm. George, : A. Grimwood, P. S. ■ Smith. From Auckland— : Misses Johnston (3), Mrs. Johnston, Mr. J. Johnston, Masters Johnston (3). From Dunedin—Mesdames Goddard, Cross, Messrs.. : W. ■B. Goddard, J. Cross. From Timaru—Mr. .Tas. Stark. From Greyinouth—Misses B. GorMcta, E. J. Grabb, Mrs. Gorman, Mr. C. Gorman. ..""•■ ■ STEERED' BY PROPELLORS. : The Kaiser Wilhelm der Grosse, of the ,'Norddeutscher Lloyd Company, arrived . at Plymouth on October 29 after a passage of 6 days 15 hours 30 minutes, during which, as tlie result of terrific weather in mid-Atlantic, the rudder of the vessel was swept away. The accident occurred at 2.30 on Friday morning, 'and for over 1700 miles the vessel was kept on her course solely by the manipulation of her twin screws. The rudderless ship came' :into port without assistance. Later, declining ■the aid of tugs, she left again for Cherbourg and Bremen. The daily runs'of the-vessel ,were 485,' 489, 404, 406, 302, 416, and 385 miles. To the Eddystone the average speed was 18.66 knots. From Friday morning,, when he rushed to the bridge at the time, of the mishap, Captain Polack never left his post, even to sleep, until the Scilly Isles were passed. "The ship ■steered remarkably well by her engines," he said, "and I never had any doubt but that we should reafeh. Plymouth in safety. We were offered aid by 21 vessels." .
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Dominion, Volume 1, Issue 73, 19 December 1907, Page 10
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2,816SHIPPING NEWS. Dominion, Volume 1, Issue 73, 19 December 1907, Page 10
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