-PHASES OF THE MOON. NOVEMBER," „ / ' Day. Hr.."i. Now Moon G 10. 9 am. First Quarter ... 1.1 4.44 u m. Pull Moon 20 11.34 :i in. Last Quarter 23 3.51 p.m. HTGH WATER. To-day, 5.15 a.m.; 8.44 p.m. To-mor'row, 8.55 a.m.; 9.22 p.m. . . ■ ' SUN. i> Sun rises to-day, 4.15 a.m.; sets, 6.59 p.m. r---' K ARRIVALS. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 23. I '.■.Vαnil, s.s. (3.15 a.m.), 92 tons, Carey, from nienheim. • ■ • ■■ • OPAWA. s.s. (3.25 a.m.), 110 tons, Nicholas, from Blenheim. TASMAN, s.s. (G.lO a.m.), 179 tons, Cox, from Nelson and Motueka. ROTOMAHANA, s.s. (7 a.m.), 1777 tons, Collins, from Lyttelton. Passengers: SaloonMisses Simpson, M'William, Stirling, Te Au, Shndbolt, Fitzgerald, Roy, Lady Gibbes, Mesdames Walpole, Bennio, Port, Cameron and two children, Adamson and child, Raine, Running, Ritchie and two children, Shies, i oil, Barclay, Brooke, Messrs. Mandeno, Cameron, Lee, M'Corkindale, Christie, Richards (2), Cameron, Gwynne, Henderson, Hudson, Morrow, Cutts, M'Micken, Paton, Robertson, Buchanan, Murray, Pannel, Milner, Nicholson, Sinclair, Campbell. Muir, Pobar, Falconer, Kinnaird, Amess, Russell, M'Ewan, Chapman, York, Myers, Fell, Cassidy, Price, Duncan. Bowden, 'Lewis, Bradshaw, Burndge {2,\; 33 steerage. STORMBIRD, s.s. (10 a.m.), 217 tons, M'lntyre, from Wanganui. lIUIA, s.s. (11.15 a.m.), 127 tons, Dowell, from Wanganui. PUKAKI, s.s. (1.40 p.m.), 14-U tons, Renaut, from Westport. MAPOURIKA, s.s. (5.40 p.m.), 1203 tons, Kennedy, from West Coast. Passengers: Sa-. loon—M"isses M'Kay, Bird, George, Milner, Clark, Mesdames Black, Williams and two children, Lawler, Hursthouse, O'Brien, Corpus, Grevelle, lnues, Walker. Messrs.. Tennant, Morris, 'J. Jones, R. W. Short,. Hencssy, Wright, Brngge, Breakwell, Jonas, Horn, Colnus, Batten, Kinniburgh, Cook, limes, Casscll-Jones, Dobson, Wolff, Rout, Jackson; 12 steerage. QUEEN OF THE,SOUTH, s.s. (10.25 p.m.), 198 tons, Harvey, from Foxton. POHERUA, s.s. (11 p.m.), 1175 tons, Todd, from Westport. PENGUIN, s.s. (li:is p.m.), 824 tons, Stewart, from Nelson and Picton. Passengers: baloon— Misses Efflet, Smythe, Sandbrook, Morns, Storey, Coombe, Bowden, Rayner, Morrison, 6'Leary, Cragg, Scott, Brosnahan, Mesdames Perano, Donohue, Elstew, Snook and child, Matthews, Goodall, Collett, Morrison Berryman, Roger, Storey, Gane, Ilammond 1' oote, Dimes, Messrs. Petlet, Elstew Halley, Duthie, Guiding, Tait. Chivilon, Steadman lroy, Rev. Dumbell, ■ Smith, Seacqmbe, ,M Morran Lew, Coft'ev (2), Annent, Tnlchardi (2), M Donald, Hi"gott Tilvard, Delany, Telforf, Kearne, Fntcher M'Cannor, Matthews, Beid,\ Walker, Benzie, Barron, Price, Hijjginff, Lindsaj, Langan, Marriot, M'Kcnzie, ifearsley, Williamson, Burton, Johnston, Armstrong, Roberts M'Doniild, Oliver, Bryant, Ren, Wilson War Reid, Middleton, Mulchay. Cameron, WUkins ilarrison, Leader, M'Grath, Bragg, Campion, Turner, Melhurst, Chnsfian Deran Scott, Smart, Neal,- Storey, - Bush, lowlei, M'Grater; 23 steerage..
SUNDAY, NOVEMBER . 24.; \ '; BLENHEIM, .e.s. (1,15 a.m.), 120 tons,.Watson, from Blenheim. V^' , KIRIPAKA, s.s.' (3.20 a.m.), 133 tons, Dixon, 'mANAROA, s.s. (3.20 a.m.), 122 tone, Allnian, from Motueka. , , PAREORA, s.s; (5.50 a.m.), 000 tons, Black, from West Coast. , , JHOEI s.s. (7.3 a.m.), 3000 tons, Manning, from Lyttelton. Passengers: fealoon-Misses Bontlcv Xogis, Seaton, Mitchell, Casey, Anderson Woocl. May (2), Bowman, Hamilton, nTcCi'ls, Phillpot Talla Mffidamce lueble, Campbell,.'Scrippiths, Anderson, Ross, Tajlor May «Mander, Bowman and child, Mitchqlland cUi d, Rudman, Johnson, Donovan, Johnston, Cathie, Messrs. Fisslet, Ramsay, Bonner, Adams Eoss,« Parker, Phillips, Campbell, Pea™ Schwartz, Greenisti. Felrew, Farrant, Whentlcy, T.ainford. Donovan, Master Donovan Brunton Vitzgerald, Carl, Dentsen Hammel, Grant, Bendall, Ferguson, Greenisti, Sir K. Douglas; 30 steerage. ' TAVIUNI, s.s. (7.30 a.m.), 14b5 tons,, M Donald," from Lyttelton. STAR OF NEW ZEALAND, s.s. (10 a.m.), 4417 tons. Beck, from Now York, via Australia and A nckland. GARNET, ketch (11.45 a.m.), from Havelock. WAIKARE, s.s. (12.40 p.m.). 307 L tons, Newton from Dnnedin and Lyttelton. Passengers: Siloon—Misses Eagc and Grant* /esdames Clvma Cameron, Booth, Gollan, Skitch, Messrs. Parker, Kinard, M'Alietor. lung, KciTon, Coutts, M'Fnrlane, Reeves, Griffin, Cohen, Ldmond, Minett, Naylor, Spcnce, Booth, Weddispoon, Skitch, Do Latour; 13 steerage. AORERE, s.s. (2.45 p.m.), 77 tons, Fisk, from Patea. TONGARIRO, s.s. (2.50. p.m.), 76GV tons, Sutcliffe, from London. CLYDE, schooner (4 p.m.), 90 tons, Smith, from Greymouth. KENNEDY, s.s. (8 p.m.), 220 tone, Vickcrman, from Wanganni. KARITANE, s.s. (11.15 p.m.,.in Stream), 137 C tons, Cashinun, from Westport. DEPARTURES. .SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 23. ! ; KOTUKU, s.s. (1.20 a.m.), 1054 tons, Nicholson, for Greymonth. ■ ■;. • •RANGI, s.cow (8, a.m.), 86 tons, Sorenson, for v Karamea. ■.■'..' ■'' . T , . AMELIA SIMS (1.30 p.m.), 98 tons, Johnston, for Havelock. ARAHURA,-s.s. (1.40.p.m.), 1596 tons, Lambert for West Coast. Passengers: baloon— For'l'icton-Misses Allan, Curne Simpson, Mosdames M'Zenzie, Campbell, March, Messrs. M'Koimo and Wilson For Nelson-Mrs. Walliolo Mr. Massey. For Westport-Mrs. Clark, Mr. Arcus. For Greymoutli-Miss Mandle, Mesdames Monk and Marshall, Messrs. Monk, Petrie indcrson, Lauph, Hon. Mr. Marshall, MANA, ss. (4.20 p.m.), 134 tons, Corby, for MOURA, s.s. (C.5 p.m.), 2027 tons, M'Lean, ftJr Westport. KAHU, s.s. (11 p.m.), 182 tons, Thompson, for East' Coast.
ROTOMAIUNA, s.s. (122 a a.m.). Im7 tone, Collins, for Lyttclton. Passengers: SaloonMisses Barnes and Alexander, Mrs. Barnes, Hon. Barr, Hon. Paul, Messrs. Lewis, Cassidv, Witty, Lavery, Marks, Cameron, Lamer, C. Oliver, Lewis, Swan, Miller, Briendly, M'Hannan, Staples.WAKATU, s.s. (7.10 p.m.), 157 tons, Wilis, for ■Kaikoura. TASJIAN, s.s. (8.10 a.m.), 179 tons, Cox, for ROTOITI, r.s. (10.30 p.m.), 1151) tons, Robertson for Nelson, New Plymouth, and Onehunga. Passengers- Snloon—For Nelson—Misses Levy, inline?, Awards, Phillpott. Cheeseman, fjoutor, Mesdnmes Johnston, liear Batchelor, Messrs Kuscott, Cooper, Hurley. Webb, Webber,' Oliver, Bear, Bcv. C. M'Clnverty. For New Plymouth and Oncliunga—llesdames Bacon, Liikins and child, Messrs. Bacon, Holford Tburley, E. Wheatloy, Contts, M'Kerrow, Edwards, jiiitlcr, Grant, and Kidd. • WAIHI, s.s. (11 p.m.), 92-tons, Carey, for Blenheim. EXPECTED ARRIVALS. Rum, Akitio 25. Komata, Bunbury and Hobart, 25.' Morayshire, Bluff, 25. Taluiie, Auckland, Gisborne, Napier, 26. Wailii, Blenheim, 20. Kotomahann, Lyttelton, 26. Moeraki, Sydney, 27. Wakatu, Kaikoura, 27. PROJECTED DEPARTURES. Penguin, I'ioton and Nelson, 25. Waikare, Napier, Gisborne, Auckland, 25. Charles Edward, Nelson and West Coast, 25. Manaroa, Molueka, 25. Maroi, London, 25. Queen of the South, Foxton, 25. .. illenheim, Blenheim, 25. Tateo, 25.
Aororo, j'ntoa, 25. Tiiviiini, 1 icton nml West Coast, 20. ' .Blenheim,. Blenheim, 25. JTiiin, .Wanganui, -5. Stormbird, Wanganui, 25. Kahu, East Coast, ii. Kennedy, Nelson and West Coast,' 20. Maori, Lyltelton, 25. Rum, Napier, 26. Tasman, Nelson, 20. ' ' Taliine, Lyttelton and Dnnedin, 2G. Mupourika, Nelson a'nd West Coast, 26. Maiieno, Sydney, 20. INTERCOLONIAL SERVICE. MAIIENO, s.s. left Melbourne, November 20 for Wellington, via Hobart and southern' ports Due Wellington, November 29.-' Leaves for Sydney direct 6auio day. Due Sydney, Docember 3. WARKIMOO, s.s., leaves Melbourne November 27 for We.lliiißl.on. via Hobart and Snn'tji. rrn ports. Due Wellington December 0. LcavV (W.Sydney same day. Duo Sydney Dcctithner" 10. ZEALANDIA, R.s., leaves Sydney, November 27, for Wellington, via Auckland, Gisborhe, Napier. Duo Auckland, December 1, Wellington December 6. Leaves for Southern ports jaiho day. VICTORIA, s.s. leaves Dunedin, November 2G, for Sydney, via Lyttelton, Wellington, and East Coast ports. Dup Wellington, November" 28, Napier 21), Gisborne 30, Auckland Decerii : ber 1, Sydney December G. OVERSEA SHIPPINC. STEAMERS TO ARRIVE. ■,' \ From London. STAR OF JAPAN (due Wellington about December 6), sailed on September 27, via , Melbourne, Sydney, Auckland, and Napier. (Tyser Line, agents.) < INDRADBVI (due Wellington about Deceai-' ber 27), sailed on October 11, via Melbourne, ; Sydney, Auckland, and Napier. (Tyser Line, agents.) , • 11ATATUA (duo Wellington about Dccembor 4), sailed, on October IC, via Auckland. Due 1 ■Auckland, November 27. vShaw, Savill, ■apeuts.) . \ ■~.'/ lONIC (duo Wellington about December 3), Gailed' on October 17, Plymouth October 20, via Capetown and Ilobart. (Shaw, Say'jll, agents.) ■ . , '. . PAPAROA (duo Wellington about December 22), sailed on November 2, from Plymouth November 4, via Capetown and Hobart; (N.Z.S. Co;, agents.) KAIPARA (due Wellington about December 31) sailed on November 2, via Auckland. (N.Z.S. Co., agents.) From Liverpool. ■ CORNWALL (due Wellington about November 28), sailed on September 21, via Sydney and Auckland. Arrived Auckland, • November 24. (F.H.S. Line, agents.) FIFESHIRE (duo Wellington about December 20), sailed on October 19, via Sydney on<? Auckland. (IMI.B. Line, agents.) .DELPHIC- (due Wellington about December 20), sailed on October 5, via Australia. (Shaw, Savill, agents.) From New York. ..' LORD STANLEY (duo Wellington about November 28), sailed via Auckland, September 15. (A. and A. Line, agents.) ELVASTON (duo about December 27), sailed October 22, via Dunedin and Lyttelton. (NvZ.S. Co., agents.) ■ SAILING VESSEL TO ARRIVE. ■ GENI, Italian barque, sailed from Marseilles September 4, via Bluff. (Buscoo and' Co., agents.) . ' ■ '. OVERSEA. • ~ .' ' BY TELEGRAPH. Friday, November" 22. . .; " LONDON. Arrived..—Corinthic, from Wellington.
COASTAL. Saturday, November 23. AUCKLAND. : l Arrived.—Waiwera (9 a.m.), from Wellington. Arrived.—Manuka (2,30 p.m., Sunday),. from Sydney. ■ Arrived.—Cornwall (3 p.m., Sunday), from Sydney; - " —• ■■■■•- ONEHUNGA. Sailed.—Rarawa (6.30 p.m.), for New Plymouth. NEW PLYMOUTH. Arrived.—Takapuna (2.30 a.m.), from Onehunga. Sailed.—Takapuna (9 p.m.), for Onehunga. - PICTON. Arrived.—Arahura (5.35 p.m.), from Wellington. . . .. *r, NELSON.- ";■ Arrived.—To Anau (12.20 a.m.), froui Wellington. Arrived.-r-Arahura (7.30 a.m., Sunday), from Picton. '< . . GREYMOUTH. Arrived.—Kotuku (9, a.m., Sunday), from Wellington. : Sailed.—Petone (midnight), for Wellington. Sailed.—Kittawa (12.45 a.m., -Sunday), for Wellington. . ' WESTPORT. Sailed.—Karatano (11.50 p.m.), .for Wellington. Arrived.—Moura . (12.30 p.m., Sunday),. from Wellington. LYTTELTON. Arrived.—Nimrod (5.40 p.m.), from Capetown. Arrived.—Rotomahana (1 p.m., Sunday), from Wellington. _ ' TIMARU. Arrived.—Largo Law (5.15 a.m., from Lyttelton. . ~ . Sailed.—Largo Law (7 p.m.), for Westport . PORT CHALMERS. Sailed.—Oriana (6.45 p.m.), for Sydney. BLUFF. • Sailed. —Morayshiro v (4 p.m.), for Wellington. ARRIVAL OF THE TONGARIRO. The New Zealand Shipping Company's steanior Tongariro, from London, arrived in the stream at 2.50 p.m. yesterday. Pratiquo was granted, and the vessel berthed at the Queen's wharf about 5, p.m. The Tongariro left London on Friday, October 4, and after embarking pnssongers at Tilbury proceeded to Plymouth, arriving there on October 6. Fonr. hours .later she sailed for Teneriffe, and arrived thorC on October 11, after a fine weather passage. A short stay was made to replenish bunkers, wheu the Tongariro resumed the voyage, and arrived at Capetown on October 29. The initial stage of this trip was accompanied by light trades, which gradually increased • in strength, till a gale, with heavy seas, was experienc6d, and prevailed for the remainder of the run to Capetown. The stay at Capetown was very short, but allowed the passengers a chance of seeing the town. The vessel arrived at Hobart on Monday. November 18, after experiencing exceptionally fine weather across the Southern Ocean. Scvenhundred and forty-tllreo tons of cargo were discharged at Hobart, and the Tongariro had a good weather passage across the Tasmnn Sea. Captain J. A. Sntcliflfe is in command, and has with him the following officers:-C'hief, Mr. A. H. Ryley (late s.s. Kaipara); second, Mr. 11. Wynard (lato s.s. Pnparon); third, Mr. R. Rivers; fourth, Mr. L. Penny; ship's surgeon, Dr. A. Davies; chief steward, Mr. C. Fripp. Engineers-Chief, Mr. A. Landells; second. Mr. W. Thompson; third, Mr. M'Lean; fourth, Mr. Dick; fifth, Mr. Gannon. Refrigerating engineers, Messrs Collango and Graham. Electrician, Mr. Bishop.
The Union Company steamer Manuka arrived at Auckland from Sydney yesterday. The K-H.-S. stoamer Cornwall, from Livorpool via Sydney, arrived at Auckland yesterday She is duo "at Wellington about December 1. A notice i'f interest to consignees of cargo, by the Tyser Line steamer Star of New Zealand, appears in our advertising columns. , The Kuril is expected from Akitio to-day with a cargo of timber. She ie expected to sail for Napier and Gisborne to-morrow. The scow Eunice came off the Patent Slip on Saturday, and will take in ballast, preparatory to sailing. The Government steamer Tutanekai lias completed loading the new cable for Cook Strait (Lyell Bay to Whito's Bay), and will probably leave early this week to lay the cable. The Union Company's old coal hdlk.Gazelle, has been condemned. This boat was formerly a Calcutta pilot tug, and later was engaged in the Newcastle-New Zealand coal trade, under the command of Captain Mnnton. The local agents of Shaw, Savill, and Albion Company, limited, have received cabled advice that the B.M.S. Athenic left Plymouth on
November IG, for Wellington,'via way ports. She has over 6000 tons of cargo for discharge ut New Zealand ports. .. \
Iho Morayshiro left the Bluff for Wellington on Saturday. The .vessel has been loading in tho south, and after taking in cargo here will sail next oaturday for West Coast ports of Hie United Kingdom, via Monte Video. Captain H. L. Dunsford, of the Huddartlarfcor Company, will (according to an oxchange) . resume command of the Westralia, while Captain H. J. KoJl, who has been in charge of that steamer for some months past, will transfer to the West Australian service. _ irom the returns compiled by Lloyd's Register of Shipping, it apneas that, excluding warships, there were 150 vessels of 1,080.037 tons gross under construction in the United Kingdom at the close of the quarter ended September 30 last. This was 170,000 tons less than that which was in hand at the close or tho Juno qunrtev, iind nearly 185,000 tons less than that building , twelve months ago.
Tho auxiliary yacht La Carabine a smartlooking fore and aft schooner-rigged craft, formerly owned by Sir Rupert Clarke, of Melbourne, which was recently purchased at Sydney for the South Sea Islands trade, was out for a trial on November 10, a number of gentlemen interested in tho venture being present. The yacht was taken outside the heads and was tested under her oil engine and also under canvas, and both trials proved highlv successful. During the trip the health of Captain Strasburg, who is in charge, -was honoured, and also success to the venture. La Carabine, which is registered under the ownership of the New Britain Corporation, is to be fitted out for the Island trade, and will leave in the course of a fortnight for the Islands. She proceeds direct to New Britain, where she will be employed trading. The company interested liavo received a large tract of land in New Britain, and intend going in for copra-inakiug and rubber planting.
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Dominion, Volume 1, Issue 52, 25 November 1907, Page 10
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2,240SHIPPING NEWS. Dominion, Volume 1, Issue 52, 25 November 1907, Page 10
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