(From Our Own Correspondents.) PAIMEESTON; The local Caterers' Union has decided to r ' al M° ™T> price of mcals from Is. to Is. 6d. „,i rien ' healtn inspector, visited Foxton oil Ihursday in connection with three : scarlet fever cases, notified in that town. Aieasios la s tiu prevalent in Palmcrston. ' . lne proposal to produce an oratorio here next year is meeting with cordial support. ...,,At the lalmerston Hospitalßoard meet- , ing yesterday, Mr. J. G. Wilson presiding, ; sister 1 aimer tendered her resignation, wnich was accepted with regret. . Discussion took place on the question of the representation of local bodies, and it was decided to : .spptl .a letter to the Inspector-General expressing dissatisfaction at country districts neing cut down and the representation for tt^T" 1 ' The moron's report showed that there were 36 inmates in October; 45 were admitted during the month, nLi, "T 1, -?°, nUred > 5 dicd > and «>e was 39 m P 8t thc ond of the month »<& B fi° n i? "* H*u Gorgo are cxthf month' 0 m Ml Smng at tho end of nw' S J?S m f' °l tho Agricultural DepartS'J! f ta " dc ™ting considerable time to orchards in the Foxton district, where several have been neglected of late years. MA.STERTON. SCHOOL GARDENS. At its last.annual meeting the- Wairarapa A. and 1. Association decided to inaugurate school gardens competitions, open to all schools south of tho Waingawa River. Points were to be awarded for general appearance, condition of soil, condition of tools, and the judges were to take into consideration adverse circumstances, such as poorness of soil, absenco of water, and exposed situai'i.i e maximum wa s fixed at 75 points, and the first prize was to bo a challenge shield, presented for yearly competition by Messrs. W. Buchanan and H. Bunny. 'Six schools wore entered for competition, and tho judge, Mr. A. R, Hadfield, a wellknown Wairarapa gardener, has just made his award, which is as follows:—Gladstone .school (Miss M. H. Pigsford,. teacher), 75 pdmts, 1; Clareville School (Mr. R. C. Drummond, teacher), 73 points, 2; Greytown School (Mr. A. B. Charters, teacher), 68 points, 3. The remaining competitors were: Dalefield School (Mr. J. M. Bechey), Featherston School (Mr. F. E. Everton), Waingawa School (Mr. John Harvoy). Tho fever epidemic was responsible for no entries being made by tho Carterton School. Tho judge made the following comments:—Gladstone—The maximum attained; worthy of special mention;- soil in good order, beds clean, tools of excellent utility and well kept, full advantage taken of shelter conditions. Clareville—Soil in good- order, beds clean and well cared for; flower garden managed by girl scholars gives evidence •of careful selection; fifteen experimental plots potatoes are grown; the whole exhibit reflects groat credit. Greytown — Gardens clean, tools dn good- order, vegetables backward, flower plots in early stages. Waingawa—Garden in good condition, though not long commenced. Featherston ■'— r Tools in good order, plots weedy. Dalefield—Tools in good order.; plots in soveral instances not finished off properly. In the competition among each district school for individual plots; there was a large number of entries from the six schools who 'figured first in the competition, and .scholars ■from each school were awarded first and second. prizes. The first' prize-winners were' as. follow: — Fred Waters, Stanley Turley (Clareville); A. Ordish, C. Sago (Dalefield); Frank Everton (Featherston); Ray Strang (Gladstone); J. Benton and S. A. Dair (Greytown). Second prize-winners were: Hubert Rathbono, S. Sowell, E. E. Ordish, F. Jamieson, E. Rowe, E. Knowles, Albert Mason, S. Brunton, and R. Ingley. FEILDING.-. In connection with the laying of a private telephone ■ wire, a meeting of settlers along the M'akino road was held at tho oilice of tho Oroua County, Council; Mr. G. C. Wheeler in the chair.. A committee was set up to obtain estimates and other particulars. There considerable dissatisfaction with the apportionment of representation on »ue Palmerston Hospital and Charitable Aid Board. The present system seems to be to base the representation on the amount of contribution of each local body to the funds of tho Board and tho population of the respective districts, and, whilst, there is littlo. "objection to; urge to that, there should be ■some provision to safeguard the community of interest of the several districts and the convenience of working the different localities through the members of the Board. The worst phase of tho ' representation is that districts entirely out of touch with each other are combined like Feilding and Foxtown, while in the case of Kiwitea and Pohangina two representatives are given. Mr. Frank Lettibridge, member for Ordua, has offered the Government fifty acres as a site for the much-discussed experimental dairy school. The gift represents at least £1000.
Mr. A. L. Frost has sold his shop premises in Manchester Square to Mr. John Ctoube.- Mr. Frost has been compelled, owing to ill-health, to take a holiday, and will, tomorrow leave v eliding for a trip to the South Sea Isiu.Js ana Sydney. Messrs. Braih./ull Brothers have purchased the section adjuuing their shop on the lower side of Ferguson btreet, and intend shortly to again enlarge their business premises. A good deal "of yarding | of both sheep and cattlo was received at tlie Feilding sale yesterday, and prices were well maintained. The Apiti Railway League Committeo has appointed Mr. H. Bennett secretary, and the following added to the committee: Messrs. W. Boodv (Umutbi), Thos. Curric (Utuwai), G. Malcolm (Marton Block), \V.' Lewis and D. Martin (Table Flat), and P. M'Connell (Ridge Road). It was decided to ask the Kimbolton League to join in getting a potition signed to present to the Premier. It was also decided to get circulars printed with the object of urging settlers to send in particulars of statistics to Mr. Crabb, of Jiimbolton, as soon as possible. In a special article on land values, apropos of Wednesday's successful land sale, last night's Foilding "Star" contains interviews with a number of business men. The general opinion was expressed that it- was a good sign to find so many different purchasers for the sections. As a consequence of this ,the building trade in all its departments should continue to be brisk, and the progress of the town is assured for some time to come. One or two men voiced the opinion that the price of land in Feilding would not increase any more, but w-ould now remain stationary. Old residents remember the time when the Lethbridgc Estate on the' west side of the borough was 'bought for £1 an acre, and now as much as £135 is being asked for a quarter-acre section,which was once part, pf the estate. Only two yoars ago a four-acre section in West Street was sold for £750, and now prices averaging £400 an acre are being asked for it. Prices have taken no sudden jump, but have increased steadily all tho time, and while no actual boom has been experienced, there has been a mild sort of haste to acquire land in the centre'of the town. LEVIN. Messrs. Prouse, Gardener, Hawkins, Uroadbolt, and Hudson went to Linton on Thursday to be present at the opening ofthe new choose factory which has just been erected for the Lovin Co-oporativo Dairy Co. The four first-mentioned gentlemen are directors, and the latter tho secretary of the company. The factory is considered one of the most up-to-date in the Dominion, and, judging by the interest taken in it by dairy farmers, it should put through a large quantity of cheese every month. Mossvs. Faulkner and M'Lcavey journeyed to Wellington on Thursday to interview tlia Government with regard to the proposed Mounted Rifle Corps, which it is hoped will be formed in Lovin shortly. Charles Olson was charged before Messrs. Gardener and Lovy, J.P.'s, yesterday. morning with having been drunk in a public place—to.wit, tho railway station, and with having used obsceue language.- After hearing the evidence of three witnesses, accused was fined 7s. on the first' offence, or
sovcn days' imprisonment, and on the second £3 and ss. costs, or twenty;one days' imprisonment, the terms to be concurrent. Quite-a number-of-Levin, people journeyed to Makerua on Saturday to bc'prescnt at the opening of Messrs. .Scifcrt .Bros:' ,new Has ■mill. This 'mill has-been .built on-most up-to-date Hues, and it is stated, be the largest flax mill in existence.',.', One notable feature about it is the comfortable .quarters for■,'a thing not often met with. m flax mills. The men's house is built in the' form of a large . bungalow, , .with a. very ■ spacious dinjng-room, and contains some sixty odd bedrooms. , A concert was given jn- the Town, Hall.'on ;Friday evening in aid of tho Druids' fluids. The programme, which was a lengthy one, was rendered in a most capable manner. Many people have stated that this was! one of the best concerts they have ever attended in Levjn. PAHIATIJA.,7 "'.'••' The Makomako section shot off with tin Pahiatua Rifles at tbo Pahiatua range over 200 yard, 500 yard, and 600 yard ranges. There was a good light, but the wind was uncertain. Makomako won by 385 points to 348. Tait 85, Garlick 68, Philips 66 were the best for Makomako, and Ward 70, Westlake 60, and Gowef 60 for Pahiatua. WOODVILLE. The Chamber of Commerce has drawn Borough Council's attention to the impassable state of the Gorge road on account o! slips, and *at its last meeting the Council resolved to notify the bodies controllins the road that the matter must be attended to. otherwise the Government's attention will bo drawn to it. Blackbirds have becomo bo numerous ano destructive around here that several rate* payers have applied for and obtained permits to shoot them. Fountain's Square is now in a beautiful condition, its shrubs and flowers blooming in. great abundance and variety, but, owing to somo persons wantonly destroying plants, tbo Council has decided, to close the gates of The Square at sunset every evening. The preparations for the All Nations Fail are now complete, and the show opens noxl week., Clashing with the dato, however! il a visit of the, Danhevirke Operatic Society, which is to perform the "Pirates o? Pen--zanco." Mr.. Lawrence, tho local bandmaster, has undertaken;to train a drum and bugle band •in connection with the local school cadets. OTAKI.. •' : ' A concert was given here on Friday nighft ■in. aid.of the funds of the, Otaki Temperance Society. There was a .large audience, and the programme submitted was a good one. • .Most of the items were loudly applauded, and in a number. of:instances encores .were demanded. . - : The piano now being used in the' Town ' Hall, arid which probably was shipped in. Noah's Ark, is the cause of much complaint among performers, who consider it high time it was done away with. . .' A meetiug was held on Thursday' in the Anglican Church-room for the purpose of con-, sidering the advisability of forming a Girls' Friendly Society. Miss Greenwood, of Wellington, was present, and explained, the advantages to be' gained by joining* such an institution. ; Sorao'i thirty persons attended, but nothing definite was. agrefed .Upon. al-. though, it is probable- a . Society, will be ■formed about Christmas ,timo;.vThe chairman, the Rev. Bv T. Stealey, 'suggested, amalgamation with tho present Girjs? Club? and • said the Society would doubtless'be'Willing to join, provided the members ; of'the club'adhered to the Society's rules. ' A bolt on Thursday,'when a horse belonging to Mr. J. M. Wilson, Government District Valuer, bolted with a conveyance. The animal's mad career'was suddenly terminated by a collision with the railway line, and tho axle was smashed. • Mr. W. Hughes;- late of Otaki, has sold his farm at Norsowood at a satisfactory figure. Mr. Mulholland, of this town,' is said to be tho purchaser. ... -.......: Tho annual school "concert and distribution of prizes will take placo during next month, and the children taking part are' assiduously practising. Mr. Byron Brown has consented to give an address at the next meeting ofthifPetonQ No-License Leaguo, The Elton Comedy Company performed hero again last : night, but -tho attendance was meagre. The .funds of the local recreation ground will benefit about half a. guinea by the entortainment. Tho company, however, have _offered to donate all thejjroceedß "of"a ■ : fu'ture r,r cntcrtainme'rit," : --p'fovided :: ' : the Ground Committee:will pay. necessary, exnenses. .'■ V ';■ -'■ . '~.-. ..-...; ..
.;, FEATHEESTON,-.v: A special meeting of the Town ;Board is to be hold.on Tuesday week' to consider'a' proposal for a loan'fojr street lighting. .'Mr. J. Petrie, of the local railway' staff, is at present laid tip with'influenza,' and Mr. G.' Fades,' from Wellington, is acting relieving officer. . ,; ■;■' ■'. Oil account of the wool season, things are particularly busy at the railway station. Mr. Evans, whb;judged the pot plants and cut flowers at' the Featherston Show, considered the. exhibition a very good one. The roses shown we're, however/ a good deal out of character, but tho sweet peas were the best he had seeii for an early season, and, in"' fact, he had novcr seen anything to equal them. The decorated tables had not been surpassed in any Wellington' show, the competitors using a great deal of artistic skill in colourblonuing of the light with the heavy varieties. The amounts expended last mouth in the various ridings of the Featherston | county wore:—No.'l, £14 3s. 5d.; No.- 2, £45 55.; No. 3, £13; No. '4, £34 6s. 9d.;; No. 5, £1 16s. •"■No. 7, £40'2s. 6d.; .No.' 8,. £77 10s.' 3di; No. 9, £46 15s. 9d. . Other 'amounts expended were '.—District, £71 : : 12s. Id;; county,; £1 13s; ;■ bridge, £2 155.; general, £390 os. lOd.; grants, loans, and thirds, £112 15s. 2d. The Featherston Flower Show takes place o:i Tuesday. .'. MAItTINBOEGUGH.." ' A railway league, which has been formed in MartinborougTi, is pushing its business in a most aggressive manner. Petitions are in circulation asking that signatories shall do their utmost to further the object of railway communication with ; Martinborough, and already there are hundreds of names attached to the documents. It is-contende'd that, with the taking over of the Manawatu railway by the Government, a line to ilartinborough is well within measurable 'distance. Traffic from the' districfto Featherston is increasing at a great rate/and some* thing will have to be done to cope with it. ; . SHANNON. ; . ; ; On Friday night, in the Town-Hall, a con. cert was given by tho children attending the public school for the purpose 6f raising funds tor the school library and red.reatians. It -s a long timo sinco there has been, such,a crowd at any coucerf held in Shannon. Every item on the programme was enthusiastically .roc'aivod, and great orodit is duo to Mr. Voysey and his staff .for tho success uf the entertainment. " v ■- ■ \ A subscription list has been started in aid' of this widow and orphans'-of the-late Mr. Barratt, who was killed: by an acetylene gaa explosion nt. Levin not long ago. Mr. Barratt was.a deservedly popular man, and 1 it is to be hoped.that a good round slim.will bo.the result of the movement. - '•■ Dr. Chappie, of Wellington,'' is at present staying at his homestead at Makcrua.. Mr. Fitchett, the 'public librarian, haa handed in his resignation to- the Library Committee. -~, , A considerable sum of money'has been obtained as a result of the concert and social held lately, under, tlfe auspices of the Catholic Church. The proceeds arc'being dovoted to tho acquisition of clothing material, which is to be made up and sold'at the forthcoming 'Catholic bazaar..., ~, , '. : Mr. J. Hollows, Inspector of. has been visiting the Foxton -and Shannon districts lately. Though there have been infringements: of the flax, employees award, millers have done their best' to'.conform to the now regulations, and, on-the wh6lo,..the spirit and- lotter of the 'ayvard. haw been carried satisfactorily, .
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Dominion, Volume 1, Issue 46, 18 November 1907, Page 10
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2,601PROVINCIAL NEWS. Dominion, Volume 1, Issue 46, 18 November 1907, Page 10
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