PUBLIC SCHOOLS DiVISIQ?*. . The following prizes have been awarded: — The judge, Mr. C. H. Elliott, in expressing an opinion to our reporter, said that the brush work excelled over all other exhibits. The cardboard modelling was good. In regard to the geometrical'drawing he considered that iii many instances too much colouring matterhad been used, which had a tendency to make the objects appear crude. Tho Wellington school had avoided tho use of colours, so the work had a greater touch of refinement and was clearly done. There were some specimens of extremely accurate work 'n the lining of scalo drawing, hut the measurements in many instances, were at fault. The free hand drawings, as a whole, were a credit to exhibitors,, and showed that the children bad been well trained. The drawings of vine leaves, which were difficult to oxocuto, necessitated a considerable'time being spent to assess the first award. The maps of Wellington Province were good, but in most cases too much colouring had been used. The judge commented favourably upon the expansion of 1 the exhibits within the last fow years, and suggested" that tho more advanced work should also bo located in the largo hall and made a huge display instead of being in different buildings as at-present. Public Schools "Writing—Pupil, Terrace End, 1; Annie Parker, Kaiparoro, 2. Writing: small hand.—Edith Newman, Mount Cook girls', 1; Vera Bassett, Oharui, 2. Small hand, prose '■ dialogue.—Dorothy Marsh, Mount Cook girls', 1; Eileen Eolcv, 2. Show variety of letterpress.—-H. Moar, Pohangina, 1; Willie Sexton, 2. ' , Mapping (11 to 14).—8. Bennett, Terrace End, 1; Annie Parker, Kaiparoro, 2. WritUerta Petersen, Kaiparoro, 3; W. Smyth, Mapping (over 14, Canada or India — C. Parsons, Rongokokaho, 1; IT. Hobman, 3. Ereehand Drawing (under 10).— G. Campbell, Havclock North, 1; A. Grove, Mangaweka, 2; Torrace End pupil,-3. FrcehanM drawing (10 to 12).—Amy Sandilands, Tokomaru, Vera Neilson, Campbell Street, 2; HcrbcYt Tews, Newbury, 3. Freehand Drawing (12 to 14).—May Whyte, Havelook North, 1; Basil Hotldor. Oharui, 2; Andrew Patton, 3; Alice Herd, Wairoa. 2.
Scale Drawing (under 14). —T. G. Graham Campbell Street, 1; F. Carson, 2'; B. Hotldcr, 3; (over 14) W. Hoban, Matamau, 2. Geometrical Drawing (under 11).—Pifpil, Terraca Kud. 1; Kawa Waitcrc, Tuiahina,. 2; Alice Leigh, 3; pupils (11 to 14) Donald Priest, Kaikora North, 1 ; May Whyte, Havelock North, 2; Alice M'Kae, Kaikora North, 3; and W. S. Vernon, Palmerston, 3. . Brush Work (under 10) Gertie Tucker, Havelock. 1; Mvrtle Neilson, 2; Alice M'l/ean, 3; Leslie Rick, 3; under 12 (grasses) —Vera Mooro, Mnngaweka, 1; Ada Myers, Mount Cook girls', 2. Pupils under 12'(colour design}.—Mary Sneddon, Mount Cook 1; Vera Moore,. Mangawaksi. and S. Lcger Beeves, Wellington, 2. Under 14 (flowers from Nature). —Fanny Urquhart, To Aro, 1; Agnes Denton, 2; Vera Moore, Mangawckn, 3.—Under 1.4 Cdesigu on brown or uroy naper).—Fanny Urqtihart, To Arn. 1 ; Eric Reeves, Wellington, 2; Mary Braddick,' iMatamau, 3. Plasliccno modelling: Pupils under 8. — Pupils of Terrace ftnd, 1 and 2; F. Aman Glen Oroua, 3. Under 10.—Ray Kelly, J ; Stanley Corn fold, 2; Kathleen Stevenson, 3. Paper folding and cutting: Under >8. — Sylvia Wildborc, Pohangina, 1; Joe Peart, 2; Alice Rea, 3. Under 10.—Lena Lowen, Pohangina, 1; Maggie TTarland, 2; Leslie Outfield, 3. Relief Map: Over 12.—Claude Cornfold, 1; Best collection of model-,,—F.lsic Andrew, Ashhurst, 1; Claude Cornfold, Nowbury, 1, Carton-modelling: Over 10. —L. Laurcnson,
College Street, I; H. Knight,, Newbury, 2; Stanley Cornfnkl and Eilceii Park, 3. Under .12.—May Beach. College. Street, and Eta Stubbs, I; Erie Low, 2; Nettie nSrenson, 3. Under 14.—Millies Adams, College. Street. 1; Margaret Blake, 2; Mauele Oliver, 3; Percy Hancock, Campbell-Street, also 2. Technical Schools or Schools cf Art, _ Model group, four objects.—Vera Pegg, 1; N. Isaac, 2; Ivy Gooilcr and B. Mackenzie, 3. Geometrical drawing.—Vera lYgg, 1; E. Cousins, 2; E. Freonnrn, 3. Brushwork.—Vera Pegg, 1; Lena Williamson, a; Miram Ballard, 3. l''our brushwork designs.—Marie Rees, 1. Designs B.—Muriel.Scelar, 1; Ruby Dobson, 2; Frank Jones, 3. ,Study of a plant—Freda Kilfoy, 1; G. Ncllaway, 2; iU. Hodge, 3; F. Jones, v.h.c. Sot of drawings.—lvy Gooder, 1; Olive Barraelough, 2; Verona Trengrovo', 3: Study of a plant in colour.—Ethel Burton, 1; Sylvia Smyth, 2; Leonard Evans, v.h.c. Woodwork.—G. Kussc.ll, 1; E. Robinson, 2; P. Cousins, 3; G. M'Millan, v.h'.c Light and Shade.—Ethel Smith, 1; Lena Williamson, 2. Modelling: From bird or animal.—Gwen Witton, 1; B. M'Kcnzic, 2; A. Macalistcr, v.h.c. • '
.For pupils Attending District High Schools. Map of the World.—Clarence Smitli, 1; map of the world, C. Kinchcr, 1; h. Evans, 2. ■ Group of four objects.—C. Pole, 1; Mary Sicvwright, 2; E. Atkin, 3. Group of four objects.—Alberta Palliser, 1. Geometrical drawing problems. — it. M'Dowcll, 1; K. Bctt, v.h.c. Brushwork: Six original drawings.— Naomi lUanteel, 1; Doris rlarper, 2 j 1 Dorothy Edinundson, 3—an excellent class. Brushwork: Four designs.—Violet Nelson, 1; Mary Kirkpatrick, 2; Nellie O'Brien, 3; Dolly Aiontoith, v.h.c. „ Brushwork borders—Gracie Rand, 1; Ancliuo Dixon, 2; Kathleen King, 3. Rendering of plant.—Kitty Doughty, 1. Study of Plant.—Vieilet Aelson, 1. Geometrical original designs in colour.— Clarence Pole, 1; Robert Bett, 2. Also in same class, Charles Wooley, 1 ; C. Flockton, 2. Original model woodwork. — Clarence Smith, ii.c. • ' Photography. Open classes: Landscape (or marine). —H. Primmer, 1; Charles F. Newham, 2; A. B. Keyworth, v.h.c.; T. AY. Downes, h.c. Portrait study—E. S. Peglar, h.c.; A. C. M'lutyrc, 2; V.'A. Collis, c. General or figure study.—A. B. Keyworth, 1; A. .W. Bathgate, 2; E. S. Pegler, h.c; Wildbore,- c. -''""Animal life study.—A. W. Bathgate, 1;' T. M. Downes, 2; J. M. Davios, T..AV. Downes, c. Juniors, any study, 18 years or under.— T. Skinner, 1; G. C. Perrin, 2; T. E. Pegler, h.c. Fifteen years and under.—G. C. Perrin, 1; N. Jackson, 2; J. Cull, c. A unique exhibit has been placed in the Show for exhibition by Mr. Simes, of Hawera. It comprises a neatly-executed design of broad lace manufactured from Now Zealand flax. We learn from Mr. Simes, who was a passenger for Wellington yesterday, that the flax was planted five years ago, and the unbleached material was dressed with a pocket-knife; tho lacework was executed by Mrs. Williams, of Toko. Tho exhibit should be a source of general interest during the Show. i
ART AND NEEDLEWORK. ' ■ AMATEUR CLASSES,' The following aro the prize-winners in tho industrial art and needlework classes:— Fancy work, ten examples: Miss Ada Ruff; 1; Miss H. Crichton, 2. . ' ' Fine point lace: E. C. Hazelwood, 1; -Mrs. T. B. Allan, 2. Cushion: Mrs. A. M. F. Hcvward, 1; Mrs. S. Clarke, 2, v.h.c 5 Miss H. Wright, c. Coarse point lace: Miss J. Broadbent, 1. Irish crochet collar: Mrs. M. Guy, 1. Point lace handkerchief: Mrs. L. Dons, 1. Eyelet hole embroidery. Mrs. Murdoch, 1; Miss A. E. Bennct, 2; Miss M. Murdoch, v.h.c.; Mrs. 31. Chrichton, h.c. Cotton Crochet: Mrs. Guy, 1, and v.h.c; Mrs. Murdoch, 2; Miss F. Saxon, h.c; Miss C. Dons, c. Mountmcllick work: Miss S. M. Grub, 1; Miss I. Prince, 2; Miss Nora Grant, v.h.c. Coarse drawn thread: Miss J. Rains, 1; Mrs. A. M. F. Heyward, 2; Miss A. E. Bennett, v.h.v. Fine drawn thread: Miss A. E. Bennett, 1; Miss E. Simmonds, 2; Miss J. Rains, v.h.c; Miss J. Dons, h.c. Tray cloth: Mrs. AY. Lockett, 1; Miss R. E. Bryant, 2; Miss M. Murdock, v.h.c; Miss R. Jenssen, h.c. Table centre: Miss M. Dearlov'e, 1; Miss E. Toswill, 2; Miss. T. Gran, v.h.c; Miss M. Smith, h.c. _ , .'. , Tea cosy in point laco: Miss R. E. Bryant, Tea cosy: Mrs. H. Crichton, 1; Mrs. M. Yardley, 2; I. Bennott, v.h.c. Table centre, needlework: Mrs. J. Rains. •1; Miss M. Dearlovo, 2; Miss H. AYright, 3; Miss M. Smith, h.c ... ' Table centre: Miss R. Jenssen, 1;',.-Miss M. Dearlovo, 2; Miss.G. Birss, v.h.c; Miss i. Hayward, h.c. Shadow work: Mrs. J. Rains, 1; Miss Best, 2; Miss Balsillio, v.h.c; Miss A. Harper,'-, h.c.' Pillow sham: Mrs. T. Dons, 1; Miss I. Prince, 2; Mrs. F. AY. Bottcher, v.h.c; Miss M. Murdock, h.c. Monogram: Miss E. Toswill, 1; Miss M. Hcatou, 2.V Embroidery: Miss R. Jenssen, 1. Hand-made buttonholes: Miss E. Toswill, .Miss Av.Dons, 2; J. Cook, v.h.c. Smocked frock: Miss E. A'incent, 1; All Saints', Guild;-2; Miss M. Copp, v.h.c.; Miss A: E:;Beiinett,|li.c Two-picco fancy work: Miss. E. Toswoll, 1; Miss R. Jessen, 2; Miss M. Murdock,'": -''"!,./'■'•.'■
.-Hand-knitted jsocks:Mrs. S. Struthers, 1; Mrs.- H.- .Bromley, 2; Mrs. J. Grant, v.h.e. , Stocjdhgs: Mrs. J. Grant, 1. < Knitted woollen jacket: Mies F. Haszard, 1; Miss H. Crichton, 2-; Miss F. Saxon, v.h.c. . Baby's boots: Mrs. H. Crichton, 1; Miss F. Haszard,.2; Mrs. S. Struthers, v.h.c. Petticoat:, Miss F. Haszard, 1; Mrs. Crichton, 2; Mrs] J. Grant, v.h.c.: Mrs. S. Struthers; Ikc '.',, ' Hand-made'lace :'"Mrs. Grau, 1 and Mrs. J. Grant, v.h.c Fancy work': Miss A. Peterson, 1 and special certificate merit. / - Open class for professionals, embroidery, Miss A. Hcaton, 1.
ART AND TECHNICAL SCHOOLS. ' DRAWING!AND.PAINTING. From still h'fri of ornament: A. Houston, 1; Ivy Gooder, 2; F. ..Mitchell, 3. Head from cast: 11. H.' Billins, 1. Head from life:'A. Matron, 1; It. H. Billins, 2. Colour painting head of'figure from life: Doris Uoskruge, 1; Doris Webb, 2. 'Landscape: Greta Kv/en, 1 1; Doris Roskruge, 2; E. Gyles, ;'M. Clark, v.h.c. Flowers and pictures: Agnes Paul, 1; Gret:t Ewon, 2; Mrs. J. D. Hay, v.h.c. Animal or bird: Violdt Nelson, 1; Ivy Gorder, 2; G. N. Callender, v.h.c; B. Mackenzie, h.c. ' '■'•■■'. Bird study from life: G. Even, 1; E. Gyles, v.h.c.; V. Nelson; h.c. Time studies from life: Ethel Gyles, 1. . Hands'and feet from life: Doris Webb, 2; Florence Johnson, v.h.c. Modelling—relief, or in the round: A. Isaac, 1 ; It. Horn, 2. Model, plant, bird, or animal: A. Watson, 1; G. [•'. I). Watson, 2. , _ Bust or figure:, Flora Johnston, 1; Maggie Butler, 2; Leda Lee, v.h.c. Bust from life: K. Gyles, 1. Design modelled, Nelson;-Isaac, I. t DESIGNS AND ART CRAFTS Plant in colour: B. Mackenzie, ,1; Mrs. J. I). Hay, 2; Dolly Bull, v.h.c. Best examples of lettering .illumination: J: Richardson, 1; A. Hunst, v.h.c. Sigmvriting lettering: A. Glover, 1; Vera Pogg, v.h.c. Ornamental work: B. Mackenzie, I, and very goud ; Dolly Bull, 2; B. Freeman, 3; Vera IV'" v.h.c.; 0. Hammerton, v.h.c:; W. Wanl""-
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Dominion, Volume 1, Issue 30, 30 October 1907, Page 3
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1,709THE PRIZE LIST. Dominion, Volume 1, Issue 30, 30 October 1907, Page 3
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