DOINGS OK TIIE WEEK. ', ■v-From .'a'Gocial point of view' 'the week :has been decidedly, quiet.;-,; On Monday evening Mrs., Da,vid Nathan gave,a; smail dinnorparty.: . Amoiis;''tho ! guests \vora. Miss Brandon, Miss' Nathan, Captain Malian; _ and Hon'. H.- <C. Butler!"''; On- Tuesday"ovcnin'g : Mrs. Arthur ; Pearce gave a farewell danco for' Mr. and Mrs. A, H., Buchanan, who are shortly going to Haiyera. .. .The litmsc' .was: very ohayminglyf decorated 'With, .arum'.- lilies -and their great broad leayes/and irises white and purple. •< Mrs. Pearco'wore a!, white striped silk frock, the''bodice- drape!d with lace; .tho Hon. Kathleen Pluriket,' pale, blue '.chiffon ovor .white silk ; Mrs. Buchanan, white satin'; Miss . Fell, pink brocade, with bodice of silk aiul Hot; 'Mrs'. Arthur Duncan white net jyith'-silvcr'.hijm Ito 'tho .'.-skirt, and 'silver trimming on -tho bodice ;:-Miss Hilda Williams, chiffon taffetas'of flamingo piiik, with exquisite lace on ; the bodice; Miss' Mary Pearce, white chiffon over silk embroidored n ith daisies ;• Mrs: Hector Rollcston, white silk , with, effective touches'-of black. ■
: Last . Friday, evening a dance: was • given ■m- '. Sydney: Street., Schoolroom., as'. a return fto I the' hostesses of the three very delightful ' Cinderella. dances which wcro. given: at Hlip j Hutt . during-the •earlier-; part of-tho season. , Tlie members of -the committee - were Messrs. i KVE-eid,' E. S, Mitchell, V. Ward, : J-.., H. . Wardrop, H, S. King. F.iß. Mabin, Major ; Hughes, . arid It. . Witneford^'.- the secretary. The, stage; was carpeted, with green.-baize, furnished with, chairs, and made. beautiful with pot palms, ferns and arum lilies.' The supper-table, decorations of.-, spring ' flowers and anemones .were. rery.-.-..';pnich,• admired,. Among the quests were, Miss Eileen Wai;d> who wore a. frock of pink'taffeta with cream lace ' bertha; Miss'-Prouse, .'wliito silk! with' b)ne : bretcllc's; Miss I. Bodmin, a very pretty much-bcfrilicd white muslin, and '~Mis 3 Riibi Soddonj ,111 -white. • Misses Jackson,' .Smtili, ■ Lambert,', Itobintfon, Johnston,.' Seatoir, Povnter, - Logan,- 'Jones, and Heatori were als j present: .' ;. ' ■ Miss /Estelle Beere's . breaking-up dance. which!vvas'given in tho.concert-,room of.tlip! Town Hall on Saturday. evening- .was a. gre'aiti successj and ,the -friends and relatives of her • pilpils, ! who almost i! filled.;, the gallery,' thoroughly .onjoyed the clever performances of; the-children;: ' A. rollicking hunting danco •was danced with, great spirit,, by ten children;; Misses Karlie-Muir, Lorna Doone; Maf isie-!R!eeVes, Kathleen Speed, and Majorio Stuart,,,and,'MasterfiV Muir, .\Vilberfoss,;E v and L. /Reeves,; and'.Reynolds. : . Miss. Kate ' Rceves'-did an . American,.: quickstep, and - tiyo dark-haired gir]3 .danced a Spinish fail darico very''.prettily.. / One "of; the • most attractive items. ~was,':a .rose',danco . :by; Miss . Maisie Geary; . This, as. well as. the will o' -the wisp dance,' performed •by Miss Doris .Grevillo, was: invented by Miss'Beero, .ivlio.lias all sorts of. pretty' ideas as' to', artistic ■ po'sturirig arid- tlie meanings to .be conveyed by gesture!; ! and. pose! •-. .! ''C;'/ : ■ • ,!.' !'- : ■[, ■:Lady Ward ■ gave . Miss : Chrissy ' Smith j a little farewell .sUpper .'-on ' Sunday -eyenirig; and on .Wednesday' evening '?Mrs. Anielius' Smith :gavo;a . small,.bridgp party,,as.a. farewell .hor, daughter .1 5 -Among-: tho i. guests ■ •were' .Mcsdani'cs . Waldegraye,, ;-.,B6'\y'prtliy M-'-Ewen, .Miss Jones,,• arid Miss l lyyvAllefl, arid ;Mossrs. Hpworth,. 'aud'iJWalde-: | grave, : Dr.; 'Hay and .Dr:"t Milsonv.'•/<.,- U -.:i;, Tuesday/ gave ,an aft-erriooh '.tea "to several 'of her.! Dilnediii •'■frionds^nowHin^s'WMjin^bftirVivAiaorig-!'t)ie • Mrs...and I 'Miss Webb, Mrs., apd Miss •Cvawf6i'dv'; : Mrs;-nVfalcolni' Ross! Mrs. Spraffi.-!MrB > ~Hflmer, r ;JiJjiis ;Sutton r -and Mrsv ' and :Miss'iPlfife.' a V?- " :•' - . '• An : enjoyable . parliamentary .tea : was .-given a..tvt]ie iKbyalSOak^Hoter.yesberday-morning by v'Mrs.- rA.~ W.:.Rrith'erford/-'who'' is going; away >-next ' • Among those, -present- 1 - ' soirie; thirty; Mrs'.' -.Sidey, -Mrs l!-..''Mr:-B./Fi?her, Mft:-' -Bullcn,' 'Mrs..- Halp;And /MrSi.r Malcolm, <Ro6B,'Mrs.* 'Fishcr' sanci' beautifully,. Mrs.- Malcolm ,Ross . rceited, and altogether the.afFair Kent, off-most.• succcssfully,..:V. • -)-
' -Anothoj;,-. parliamentary. ciitertii'nm'ont' was ? "i®?' -by Mrs. Malcolm Ross . on WednedaT,;;-at ..whicliV' Mrs. Fisher;' also charmc'd 'tho guests wit-holier .singing., The" gathering pass'ed'off 'very 'nicely, and- a most' pleasant afternoon: spent. (;.• • .. - '.;• ■/' . was it tho House .by ;Mr.-Hardy." I' /.-v-* "V- ;.'W. /■' / . 'AUCKLAND JOTTINGS. ■The cMcf-social ,'eveut- of 't-lie irvceik in I^ d ■ ai "given; at • Bishops-' !. ? "Neligan; in;. ..connection-.' with--tho„,session of;.tho-Diocesan Synod.. There w'as . a;'.tege- ; q'oncourse--'.of' gubsts, ideal wfea-V ther the affair - was.'most sticce3sful.':ah?: .Bishpp,i arid >M'rs.: re-< coivpd. their uiumprous guests; on.-the.upper: terracei and shortly after :thrco o'clook lawns'1 a .na ;■ terraces.. presented- .'a ,-.most. : . _ The - t afternoon, - tea --tables -were '.'dis-i Posea ;in ( „tho .shadolof :th,fe'-..t-re<!S-/along ; the lower,-.ferraoo.,, enabling - the . guests -to /enjoy: the beautiful views for which Bishbpscourt is* famed,-as-they-sipped-theii'. tea and chatted• ,or ; listened-zto- ,thu -strains-'- of thev-Gdrrisoii-Banrl stationed .at some-littlo distance;-away;-/ The/ assemblage was •• thoroughly representa-' tH-e, nnd iivall over 1000 invitations'liad been issued.; About- five o'clock the guests .took their; departure, .having ,spent -a most pleasf-' aut/aitcrnoon. v. •»' r
A"' intefoot irig ■ ciiicrtaiiiment was a'bal poudro,, given by-,.Mr';, and : - Mfs.vN.' Alfred Nathan ir t,;,. their.;. resideiicofV •'!"\Vickford. ; ' ! Pr.inccs".Street, ,to,celebrate.'the. comiri"- of .-age,; ot / their only ; son,; Harold', ; and.also \s farewell. ,tq Mrs. Nathair:and.,her son! Davidi. who,left Auckland,'on Monday for an •extpnded.;.tour of tho^Bast:.;and" Europe' The ;iiratatipns wore Hmitcd',to Touri" people' --about.eighty.being invited/ The powdered' hair, and'patches, of :the, ladies; iahdcolourecV .facings and, powdered hair of the .'gentlemen'■ were .nlosj-effective in the brilriaiit'lv-lightcd' rooms/m every: one of which the floral do-' corations had: been.made'.a : study. l ''' • ■'".' *•' ;'.Preparations..for .{ho/floral ifotc: of' the Auckland .Ladies, Benevolent Society, to ho hoid'on-Dceomber,", are being made already ?\t , a : Preliminary .meeting the other day there vas-'a; large muster, of' representative ladies, and the enthusiasm,with .which plans' were .discussed, leaves for doubt that, given; fine weather', the'fete will surpass all .its predecessors in general attract .tiyeness. '.;... '.'''.'. .'.;..' ■••■. : .. ...■;•, ~ ■• ~-. ; ,THo 'Government House,. ; Auckland;' is'itpresent, undergoing compete, rcnovatibir''so as to havc.the residence in proper order for the'yisit next month of His Excellency-tho Gpyernor.and suite, who,-it is understood ; will, romam m ; Aucklarid.,till : about Fobruarv next.- ■■' ■'. ;.,•./: : ."'■" '■'-'■•' / ;-.,. ■ ~'' '■■ -^OMEN'S MEETINGS/'' : ' : : "4 Tho committee, of r the Society for the Protection of'.Women and Children met yestcrday /afternoon,; when' the following mem'bers wore, present:-L*dy Stout, 'Mosdames. Fell, ..Oarvall,, Evan.V Iprrl-'Holgate, 'M'Kenzie Bracher, and Mother Mary Joseph' Aubort! Mrs.- Atkinsonj' president .'of the Society, 'was in .tho.ohair. I'iyo .fresh'cases were dealt with,'■and''others were, rcpofted on. Efforts arc. being, madq--to' find'.suitable' homes for 'several 'phildren;'..' ' ' . ■ ' .' •■'■ ■' jfho" quarterly meeting of tho Council of tho.'Girls'- Friendly Society, was held yesterday /.morning,' -iyh'en a. gooddeal of routing business .whs' do'nb. : . ;It was. known . that''this' would 'bo-tho: last meeting of the • Society that .Mrs. Wallis would be present nt for a year, : but/Mrs. Tanner'B decision .to leave, New .Zealand for a two-years' stay in Eng-' land has come, as a surprise'to the.members of the''council, nmong whom' she has'long worked, ' \and : 'general regret, was expressed that tho'Society should lose her very, valuable/services. '.■ ': ■■.'.' Yostorday .oyoning tho Gleaners' Union metat the Girls' Friendly Society Lodge,.when Miss Leslie, who has been obliged through .ill-health: to leave the Chinese mission field,
delivered a very' interesting' address on tho work of the missions in: China.' .
; FROCKS AT THE TTIKATRE. . • Miss Mnud Hilclyarri has brought with her a wonderful stage wardrobe'that is; to the smiplo colonial girl an amazing revelation of 'what frocks can bo. .- The costumes worn by her in the "Beautiful Fiend" were most effective. In the first act, as a happy, exp'ectant .fiend, she, mado her appearance in a cloak' of geranium i>ink chiffon velvet, edged with ermine,, and with a picturcsq'uo erminebordered capo. Her ermine .toque, had vthreo sweeping plumes fastened at!the side, white, geranium pink, and pale pink, and.'her ermine mutf :carried a big bow of the bright velvet. The cloak, which was long and trailing. was.worn over.a gown of, veiled with' white, chiff on'., In the scene of her'first villainy'she wore a . gown of carnation'green chilfon velvet, a rich shecmy cloak of the same shade, beautiful white fox furs, and a wide white hat with white and green ostrich .feathers curling towards each side from a .diamond clasp. A wonderful glittering robe, 'Dtich'.'.as herself might• have designed, and would- most certainly have desired, was of white sill;, so closely covered with sequins that'it looiced like a flexible silver sheath.
It had'iong.twinged train of white chiffon, and the little chiffon shoulder capes- were bordered in a pattern of 'silver'sequin's.' 7 With,'ct'ery movement of the graceful wearer; 'this'gown,flashed and sparkled, dairaling' tho o.yes .of the. beholders. .I'or' the., crtiwning villainy, Miss Hildyard wore a vcry'bcautifjil cloak of canary-coloured yolvet,'' with a'' narrow ;, 'o'd&in£- 'of.brown fur, arid full sleeves bordered with lace and satin rucliing. . This was worn with -'stone-marten furs' and • fur'- toque, triiiimed with a longtailed' ''bird " with 'sheeny, greori' breast and brown plumage; ■ This coat' was faced with crcain-.colo'ured; lace, ."edged, with satin juch-' ing.''/ Tlio. star rcame ito meet- f her.,doom Jin sa" tragic- garb: black silk' trailing gown -(all tlio gowns trailed, - wliethor , worn on wharf or sitbw' or prison-cell), ;w'ith 'tight over-dress of blaifc ,sb()uine'd: inet, .'falling. almost-, "t'o" the hen.; a wide capcd'cloak of black velvet,'and picture; hat'with: two long,plumts. l *
: 'The engagement is.' .announced of ,' Miss ,Martlia : Grace to.' Mr. M'Gregor, of Wangaiiui.' .' .... .'. /' ' . /.Miss'. Chrissic'/Sriiitli -' left for Rdtorua-. yes- , terday,. • A . numbcr '.bf friends ' went down to 'the/station., to ,seo her off, and she received •soyeral beautiful baskets of flowers'./ 1 Miss Jackj who has beon assistant teacher 'at-the I 'Wellington .Girls' College for, several years, 'has resigned -Her, ; pssition. . The Bishop of Auckland '. y.'ill Ibo - accompanied/to, England by -Mrs. Neligan. and family. - Tho ; pirty wiir leave "about the middle of December. • . - '• Sken,.daughter of tho. Chief Jus:tice'of .Tonga, who has been visiting Auckland, has: returned to tlio" Islands by : >tlie, •Na.v'ua. .- - '• ' : . ' '• '. " ';: . '/Mr. Charles' Dorizac, ot the Auckland ; Health. Department, who until recently was .stationed: at. Mastcrtoii, was; married last' , week to Miss Margaret Crombie, of- Wellington; . . . i - ~- ' 'Mrs: '\V. Gray and family arc leaving for 'Pliiiimerton to spend the'summer montTis.
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Dominion, Volume 1, Issue 27, 26 October 1907, Page 3
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1,589SOCIAL AND PERSONAL. Dominion, Volume 1, Issue 27, 26 October 1907, Page 3
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