PHASES OP THE MOON. OCTOBER. Day. Hr. m. Now Mo6n 7 9.51 p.m. First Quarter M 9-32 p.m. Full Moon 21 8.« p.m. Lust Quarter ... ... -.29 .7.21 p.m. niGH WATER. To-day, G.2S a.m.; 7.4 p.m. : To-morrow, 7.16 a.m.; 7.50 p.m. ' : . SUN. Sun rises to-day, 4.50 a.m.; sets, G. 21 p.m. ARRIVALS. >: WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 23. ..PENGUIN, s.s. (3.3.5 a.m.), 821 tons, Tate, from 'Kelson and Picton. Passengers: Saloon —Misses > Miiggeridge, Maney, Fuell, Pirie, Collings, M'Kenzie, M'llae, Brown, Dodson, Nowing, Ireland, Manning, and Speed, Mesdariies Poilou, Burrough, Brown, Collings, Irviiio, Dodd, Laffin and 3 children, Jackson, Thomas, Andrew, Dillon, Miles, Nairn, Speed, and child, Dempsey and child, Chittendcn, Bright and child, Dr. Nairn and Dr. Pollen, Messrs. M'Konzio (M.H.R), Duff, Risidlo, Budd, Johnson, Do Costa, Wood, Whit;aker, Ilar-ford,.,White-Parsons, 'Nelson, Tennet, Burrough, . Brown, Naylor, Leary, Caldwoll, Irvine, .Nelson, Dodd, Hall, Alien, M'Guire, Smith,. Surndall, Ileggors, Griffin, Paine, Barr'oclough, Atkinson, M'Callmn, . Turnbull, Thompson, Fryer, Andrew, Maiming, Kenny, Harwood, Freeth, Perano, Venimore, Dempsey, Chittenden, Brinton, Homing; 18 steerage. OPAWA, s.s. (12.50 a.m.), 110 tods, Nicholas, from ; Blenheim. ■ WAI 111, s.s. (12.20 a.m.), 92 lons, Carey, from Blenheim.' ': '. : •'"'>'- , TAK'APILNA, s.s. (5 a.m.), 1030 tons, M'Lean, from Onehunga and Now Plymouth. •■'Passengers.: Saloon—Miss Cullen, Mesdames • Gillies and 2 children, Smart, Molyneux and boy, and Addis,, Messrs. Stewart, Smart, Molyneux; 7 steerage. - - . . ~ u r MARAROA, s.s. (6.20 a.mi), ,2598. tons, fManning,; .from'-Lyttolton. Passengers: SaloonMisses Williams, Pugh, Dashwood, Medlicott (2),.Brightling,'and Simpson, Mesdames Woo - stein, Storey,. Bone and child, Gordon, Russell, ,Smith, Phillips, Bates, Thomson, Parsons, Moloney, . Collard, Hatch, and child, Vickcrs, Sawlo, O'Dowd and child, Hon. C. C. Bowen (M.L.C.), Hon. Wigram (AI.L.C.),' non. Smith (M.L.C.), Captain Phillips, Captain Hutehings, Justice Cooper, Messrs. Watson, Armour, Crozier, Reghault, Kenny, Murray, Milne, Harrison, • Bone, -Brownlee,'lSainlmry (2), A. Ivaye, Nico), Inverneld, , Horsley, Allen, Bnstow,.Newton, Buckingham, Harris, Waymouth, Smith, Fpnnor, Dale,', M'Ferron, Parsons, Collard, Turner, Stenning,, Freeman, Shan-, Williams,Werner (2),' Doyle, Sawlo, Murdoch, Chancy, Power;. Harriiltpn, Hill, Waters, and Douglas ; (2)';31 steerage^'" , ■ /' , T . TE ANAU, s.s. (G. 50 a.m.), IGaS tons, Lindsay, from Southern ports. ALEXANDER, , s.s.. i(G.SO -a.m.), 3(7 tons, 'Wildman, from West Coast and Picton. • STORiIBIRD, s.s. (9; a.m.), ..21V ' tons, "M IntyreV 'from-Wangahui. • ■•"••;■' : ' .WAIPORI, s.s. (12.10 p.m.), 1919 tons, Lacoy, from Westport. / ■ > . .. , PAREOIIA, s.s.' (12.20 p.m.), 650 tons, Black, from Groymouth. ■, : :- V ■ .' KIRIPAKA, s.s. .1.30 p.m.), 133 tons, bhaw, ™l\nA, s'.s. (4.30 p.mi),'l34-tons' Corty, from ' JOSEPH SIMS, schooner (5.20 p.m.), 81 tons, Gibson, from Owhatu. '■„„ , ... ■■■ MANAROA, S.S.- (6 p.m.), 122 tons, Allman, . r QUEE O N Ue OP THE ■ SOUTH, eii., (0.45 p.m), .108, tons, Harveyj from I'oxton.i •■..-■. •' ~. CLYDE, schooner (7 p.m.), 90 .tons,. Smith, from Greymouth.- . ~. ~: . . : ' ARAHIteA, s.s P . ■'(1.0.10 p.m.), u>96 tons, Lambert ,1 from West 1 Coast. Passengers:' Saloon— Messrs.: Davio, M'Kay, , Stratford;. Broiigh, Hanrahan,'• Gray, Basire, Scott, 'AVard. Emerson,'-. Downes, 1 Hodgeman, ■ Maxwell, 'Jnques, Bord, Mabin, Williams, Poison, Murray (2), Cathro, Cameron, Hiscox, Hall, Curtin, Fraser, .Graham, Dollimore, Brophy, Whyte, Wi.l- - Derrick,'Thornton, ■ Sutton, Fell, Cathio, Miller,'- Taylor. Baigent, Jones, Field, Richardson, Griffin, Mesdames rPetrio, Gunn, Brough and ..infant, Hnnrahan,, Strand . and child, ■Mabih, Kelly, Hedßoman, Murray and child, Cockery and 2 children, ,. Mulligan, Sutton and infant, Derrick, Hammond, '-Misses Petrio '(2), Lloyd, Galvin, Doe, Boyle, •Culhim,- Colo, Berry, .Mulligan, .Dela'ncy. Adams. Stecrage-fMessrs. Leighton,- Sapfora, Whitowood, Campbell, Bonos, tCassel, Gordon, Dalzoll, Postlethwaito, Garth, Jordan, Wilson, Crouch, Noland, Mahoney, Jones,-James, Welch (3), ; Parker, Faulkner, Spencer, ' Smith, Sheeloy, May, Davis, Rogers,' Baguley, Clarkson, Little, Gurtard, Mariott, Potts, Eogers,' Sutherland, Mesdames Kirkland, Hall/ Welch and '■'&"■ children, May •and 2 children.' , • : ; . '' ;'-.:. ''.. ■' THURSDAY, OCTOBER; 24. ; BLENHEIM,'r.s. (12.30 a.m.), 120'tbns, Watson, from Blenheim. ■ .. •' . ■ -..;' ';,- -: ■-. -.
'.■Urr ■'.'•' DEPARTURES. : .Vi ■ , ~ V .! .OCTOBER' 23!''I^'' , . DEFENDER, s.s. (5.45- a.m.),, : 130 n tons, Jamioson, for. Karamea. . ;, -.11.- , PENGUIN, s.s. (12.45 p.m.), 824 tons, Tate, for. Picton and Nelson. . Passengers: ; Saloon: For" Pictpii—Miss,: Storey,., Mesdames M-Cor-'Murphy, and' Brown, Messr:?. M'Beth, Freeth, Miller, Bay, Bagiish, Mackay, W;alshe. and Fletcher. For Nelson—Misses Cullon and White," Mrs. Harris,' Captain Nelson,-Messrs. Martin and Rowel.. , ' ' ' ;, ■TE ANAU,'s.s.,(4.2O p.m.), 1652 tons, Lindsaj-, forvDunedin. — ' . : -■.■■'■■■."■ RIMUTAKA; s.s:- (i'.Vy p.m.), 7765 tons, H E..' Greonstreet,.;, 'from London,, via Plymouth, Capetown, and Hobart. .; CORINNA, -5.5.,, (4.30.),, 1271 tons, Camerarij -for West Coast.-.. . ■, ,ST. HUGO, s.s.; (4.40 .p.m.), 3590 tons, Clements, for. Newcastle .; ; ,|: '.AOREEE,' s.s. (-4.45 p.m.), 77 tons, Fisk,- for Tatea. ■.•;■■•■■■■■■• _
'JIOERAKI, s.s. (-1.55 p.m.), 4392 tons,:L. Dorrail," from Sydney. Passengers: Saloon—For Wellington—Messrs. Salmond;, Webb, Bowen, Boyd, Clark, ~:M'Alpino, Feegnn, Mulkearns, Nichols, Chapman, Vanders, Steelo, Smitli, Bleokoy, ,W.-Blakey,: Paul, Nolan, Spinsley, Patterson, nillard; Hudson, Moule, Barnes, Captain Grainger, Barkley,- Salveson,, Jekyll, O'Connor, Seedger, Tribbon, Green, Rinouf, Jacob, Jarvis, Holmes, Newcomlje, Feist, Lambergj Taylor, Ames, Pasquali, 'Bailees, Baker, 'Hannah, Cameron, O'Connell, Douglas, M'Good, Way,' Morris, ; Kadford, Mesdames Mattrass, M'Murtry and' 3 children, I'ulton, Nichols, Chapman, ■ Grevillo and' infant, Pasquali,, Moorby, M'lutyre', Sanders and child, Paul, Andrews, "Bowman, Hudson, Lcedger, Gribbou, Domonick, .Holmes and 4 children, Neircombo, Feist, Lamborg, Taylor, Ames, Jacob ari(l infant, Colls, Hannah, Morris,- Misses Fraser, Hesketh, Hudson. Piper, Whitaker, Ainsworth, AVoolf, Hurso, Andrews, Jamie-. Bon . (2), •RoydhoiißO, ' Leedgor, Crichton, Wilson, Feistj Marks, Thomas, ■ Imrio, Lewis, : : Masters - Hillard, .Green; 117 steerngo. ;: For Lyttolton—Misses Scott,-Roots, Woods; Benjamin, Wood, Seehoys, Roay (2), Harris, Inwood (3), Bullin, Edmonds, North, Mesdames Roots, Handcoclc, Edwards, Bulding, Chesson and child, Parlin, Philpott, Inwood, Binns, Edmonds, Messrs. Scott' (3), Campbell, .Parlin, Hamilton,- Philpott, Loughnan, Rev. Inwood, Coop, Franklin, Davy, M'Kenzie, Molineaux, Baniett, Rev. Kennedy, and 45 steerage. For Dunedin-Misses Diamond. Ford, Emery, Messrs. Bartells, Walker, Gilmoiir, Emery, ShieK Houston. " ALEXANDER, s.s. (5.50 p.m.), 377 tons, Wildman, for West Coast. . % . " TAKAPUNA, s.s. (7.45 p.m.), 103G tons, Hutchings, for' New Plymouth and Onchunga. Passengers—Salo6n: For Onchunga—Mesdamos Thompson, Sniith, Stewart, Messrs. Stewart, Gulliver. . MARAROA, 8.3. (8.20 p.m.), 2598 tons,- Phillips, for Lyttelton. Passengers: Saloon—Misses Kent, Clarke, M'Leod,' Walker, Mesdames Hoarne, DaJston, M'Konzio,. Dr. King, Colonel Davies, Justico Williams, Messrs. Hearn, Chesney, Robertson, Emld, Dalston, Morris, Cox, Rudd, Briggs, Chnrlton, Johnson. WATHI, s.s. (10 p.m.), 92 tons, Carey, for Blenheim. QPAWA, s.s. (11 p.m.), 110 tons, Nicholas, for . Blenheim.. ■ . • , THURSDAY, OCTOBER 24. ■MANA, s.s., for Paten. x
COASTAL STEAMERS EXPECTED. Iluiai Wanganui, October 24. .Rob Hoy, Picton, October 21. Aorere, Patea, October Z\. Rotomahana, Lyttolton, October 21. Blenheim, Blenheim, October 24. Stormbird, Wanganui, October 2-f. AVakatu, Kaikoura, October 25; Penguin, Nelson and Picton, October 25. liotoiti, Onchunga and New Plymouth, October 25. Manaroa, Havelock, October 20. Wailii, Blenheim, October 20. Mararoa, Lyttelton, October 25,
Queen of the South, Foxton, October 25. Opawa, Blenheim, October 25. Mann, Patea, October 2fi. Kaliii, East Coast, October 26. Mapourika, West Const, October 27. Takapmin, Onehungu and New Plymouth, October 28. Arahura, West Coast, October 29.
PROJECTED DEPARTURES. Waikaro, Napier, Gisborne, and Auckland, October 24. Rotomahann, 'liyttelton, October U. Tasman, Nelson, October 21. Huia, Wangauui, October 2-1. Blenheim, Blenheim,' October 21. Mocraki, Melbourne, via south, October 24. Waiknre, Sydney, via Auckland, October 25. Aorcrc, Pal'ea, October 25. Waihi, Blenheim, October 25. Stormbird, Wanganui, October 25. Manaroa, Havelock, October 25. Mararoa, Lyttelton, October 25. Penguin, Pieton and Nelson, October 25. Opawa, Blenheim, October 25. Queen of the South', Foxton, October 2G. Aiahura, West Coast, October 26. Rob Roy, Pieton, Havelock, October 26. Rotoiti,' Nelsou, New Plymouth, and Onehunga, October 27. Wakatu, Kaikourn, October 27. Kahu, East Coast, October 28. Mapourika, West Coast, October 29. Takapuna, New Plymouth, and Onehunga, October ,30.
INTERCOLONIAL SERVICE. VICTORIA; 8.5., left Sydney October 16 for Wellington, via Auckland and East Coast Ports Due Wellington October 25. MAHENO, s.s., left Melbourne October 16 for Wellington, via Hobart and Southern Ports. Due Wellington October'2s. Loaves Wellington for Sydney direct, October 25. Due Sydney October 29. WAIKARE, s.s., leaves Dunedin for Auck-. land October 22, via ports, due Wellington October 24. Sho tranships to s.s. Mokoia, leaving Auckland October 2S. Due Sydney November 1. . ■. ■ MOJiIIAKI, s.s., left Sydney October 19 for Wellington direct. Arrived Wellington, October 23. Leaves Wellington for Melbourne, October 2-1, via Lytteltoji, Dunedin, Bluff, and Hobart. Duo Melbourne, November 2. MOKOIA, 5.5., ; leaves Sydney October 23 for Auckland. Due Auckland, October 27. She tranships cargo and passengers at Auckland to e.s. Waikare, which is duo at Wellington on November 1. WAKKIMOO, s.ff., leaves Melbourne October 23 for Wellington, via Hobart and southern ports. Due Wellington, November 1. Leaves for Sydney direct same day. Due Sydnoy, November 5. ' ZEALANDIA, S.S., loaves Sydney October 30. Duo Auckland, November .3. Due Wellington, November, 8.
AVIMAIERA, S.S., leaves Melbourne October 30. Duo Hobart, November 1; Bluff;: November i; Duneilin, November 5; Lyttoiton, November 7; Wellington, November 8. Leaves for Sydney direct November 8. Duo Sydney, November 12. ■ . . MONOWAI, s.s., leaves Sydney, October -.'6 for Wellington direct. Due Wellington, October 30. , ■._:. i OVERSEA SHIPPING. STEAMERS TO ARRIVE. ' From i London. OPAWA (due Wellington about November 5), sailed on September 10, via Auckland. Duo Auckland October 21. (N.Z.S. ,Co., agents.) NIVVARU (due Wellington about November 8), sailed on August 30, via Melbourne, Sydney, Auckland, and Napier. ' Arrived Melbourne, October 11. (Tyser line, agents.) - MAMARI (due Wellington about November s)] sailed oir September 19, Plymouth 21, via Capetown and Bobart. Loft Capetown October 11. (Shaw, Sarill, agents.) STAR OF JAPAN (duo Wellington about December C), sailed on September 27, via Melbourne, Sydney, Auckland, and Napier. (Tysor Line, agents.) , INDRADEVI (duo Wellington about December 27); sailed on October 11, via Melbourne Sydney, Auckland/ and Napier. ' (Tyser Line, agents:) • 'MATATUA'(dno Wellington about December i), sailed on October 10, via Auckland. Duo Auckland, November 27. , (Shaw, , Savili, agents.) ' . .■■'>•.-•. TONGARIRO (duo .Wellington about Noycnber, 20). sailed on October 3, Plymouth 5, via Cnpe't'own Hobart. (N.Z.S. Co., agents!)
From Liverpool, \ MORAYSniRE. (duo Wellington .about Oc'to,bor,3l), sailed August 24, .via Melbourne, Sydney, and Auckland! (JP.H.S..'Linb,;agents.) ' CORNWALL (duo Wellington'about November 28), sailed on September 21, via Sydney and Auckland. (F. 11.5: Line, agents.) : STAR OF IRELAND (due Wellington about November 14), sailed on September 11, via 'Auckland.- (Tyser Liue, agents.) ~' FIFBSHIRE (due Wellingtou about December 20), sailed • on October 19, via Auckland. (F.H.3; Lino, Agents). ( From New Yorh. '' : lIALLAMSHIRE ' (due Wellington about October 2-t), sailed August 3, via Australian i Jrts and Auckland. (A. and A. Line, agents.) ORIANA (due Wellington about October «), sailed August 10, via Melbourne, Sydney, -.nd Auckland. (U.S. and A.S., agents.) STAR OF NEW ZEALAND (due Wellington about November 15), eailed September U, via Melboutno and Sydney. (Tyser Line, agents.) LORD STANLEY (due Wellington about November 25), sailed via Auckland, Septembsr 15. (A. and A. Lino, agents.) SAILING VESSELS TO ARRIVE. FORMOSA, bnrti'uo, sailed from Livorpuol iAugust 20. (Johnston and Co., agents.) ;, GEA 1 !, Italian barque, sailed from Marseilles September i, vii Bluff. (Buscoe aud Co., agents.) ■ ■ • ■. ( BY TELEGRAPH. '' ' , OVER-SEA ITEMS. LONDON. ■' ..■ :. ■'• ■ Tuesday, October 22. Arrived'.—Papanui and Athenic, from New Zealund: ■ ■ . . : Sailed.—lonic, for Wellington. , : ~ , ; COASTAL. ...■■..'... '. ,; - Wednesday, October 23. , 'i 'f" ONEEUNGA. ; Sailed.—Rotoiti, for New Plymouth and Wellington. . Passengers: Saloon—Misses Wilsoii, Anderson; Valdeno, Newport, Oliver, maid and , child, Graham,' Hartley; Garland and child, O'Shea, and M'Cable, Rev/ Ewen, Captain Renaut, Messrs. Edwards, Gazzard, O'Shea, Jones, Bartloy, Paton, Jacobson, Champion, Scott, Wilson, Hanwell, Newport, Matthews, Valdane, and Master Nowport.
.... . ~: ~,! .AUCivLAND. ';; Arrived.—Kildalo (5.30 a.m.), from Coronel. Arrived.—Haupiri, from Wellington and East Const; lCbrora,■■ scow, froin Hokianga. The barque-Louisa Craig, from Auckland, was .off the Hokianga Bar this .afternoon. •■_■■■ GISBORNE. : Sailed.—Toroa (5 p.m.), for Wellington, via Akitio. '] . ''"■' ' ' ■" NEW'PLTMOUTH. Arrived.—Earaira , (5.30 a.m.), from Onehunga. Sailed. —Rarawa (8.45 p.m.), for Onehunga. . WANGANUI. . . , ' ; . Arrived.—Huia (9.30 a.m.), from Wellington. GREXMOUTH. ■ Arrived.—Pctono (9,', .from Wellington. ' iiailed.—Kotuku (11..15:' a.m.), for. Wellington. WESTPORT. .:• ■•■ Arrived.—Hawea .(3 aim.), from Wellington. PICTON. . : Arrived.—Penguin (5.20 p.m.), from Welliiigtoii. ■ ' '■' ' ■'' ; ' ••'■■■; . ■ . To'sail. -Penguin (midnight), for Nelson. To sail.—To Anaii (8 a.m.; October 24), for Nelson. .' ■■ r ~ . ■BLENHEIM;- ■ . Arrived.-Blenheim (8.10 a.m.), ■■from Wellington. , ' . '■■'■ ■'■ Sailed.—Blonlicinr (7 p.m.), for Wellington. NELSON. / Arrived.-Tasman (9.10 a.m.), from Wellington. ; Sailed.—Tasman . (4.50 p.m.), for Wellington. ... i Arrived.—Mapounka (11:15 a.m.), from Wellington. . , ,- ' KAIICOUKA. Arrived.—Wakatu (4.30 a.m.),- from Wellington. ! ■ ■' ..: :■. ■ -■• ■ ■ LYTTELTON. ■ ■'■ -' Arrived.—Rotomahaiia (8.20 a.m.),, from Wellington, v , ' ' Arrived.—Moiira (7.45 a.m.), from Wollington. Sailed.—Hinemoa , (4.50 p.m.), for Southern Lighthouses. . .:-.-.. Sailed.—Rotomahann (0:25 pim.fc for Wollington. Passengerß—Misws Paul, Foot, ll'Lachliin, Donniston, Hood, Mosdames Bnrtoni-Cros-bie and 3 children, Webb and 2 children; Denniston, Tnlbot and child, Gibson, Rev. A.- Mor-
rison, Captain Aldwoll, Messrs. Firth, Kenny,' Webb, Muslin, Powell,, Havkos, Roberts, Gill, Allison, Quinn, and Howafd, Sailed.—Cygnet (3.5 p.m.), for Akaroa; Ar'atapu, brigantino (i p.m.), for Kaipara. Sailed.—Wnikare (5.-10 p.m.), for Auckland, via Wellington and East Coast ports. Passenfers: For Wellington—Mrs. Hannah, Messrs. [nnnali, Merchant. For Napier—Misses Kay (4), Mrs. Kay, Messrs 'Kay (4). For AucklandMiss Rigby, Mre. Bnssett, Messrs.' Hargreaves and Brown, and Master Eucsell.
DUNKDIN: " ' Sailed.—Mnheno, for Sydney via Cook Strait. Passengers: for Lyttelton—Misses Browning (2), Mrs. Browning, Mr. Fiudlay. For Wellington—Misses Cleminson (2). Stevenson (2), Cook, Melville, Robertson, Mcsdanies Beaucliiunp, Veale, Stevenson, Alexander, Cook, Houluhan, Bach, Glenn, Bnrt, Hurst, Messrs. Beauchanip, Neale, Brown, Bowles, Jones, Stevenson, Jloulalian, Burt, Holmes, Eawson, Robertson, Campbell. For Sydney—Mesdamcs Rowlands and child, Watson, Messrs. Watson, Mills, Paterson, Simmons. Eleven steerage. BLUFF. Arrived.—Nairnshire (9 a.m.), from Port Chalmers.
ARRIVAL OF THE RIMUTAKA. , The Now Zealand Shipping Co.'s steamer Rimutaka, , which left London on September 5, via way ports, arrived, at Wellington yesterday afternoon at 4.25 p.m. On being cleared by the Health and Customs officers sho berthed at the Queen's Wharf. During the voyage to Teneriffe, northerly .winds and fine weather prevailed, until arrival there on September 12. After a few hours' stay the voyage was resumed, and on the. 15th Cape Verde was sighted. At 11 p.m. on the 18th the Rimutaka crossed the equator, the passengers experiencing mild weather, accompanied by gentle' to moderate Trade winds. Capetown was reached on September 28, and a, few houra' stny was made, while the vessel landed 8 passengers'and took 10 on board. On October 4 tho Crozettes Islands were sighted, nd on October' 6 tho vessel passed a large ' ceberg about'ls miles away; really too far'rff to attract-much attention and be appreciated. From October 6 to the 10th, several terrible snowstorms were encountered. A magnificent display of tho Aurora Australis was witnessed on October 11. Tho heavens were illuminated to such an extent' that it would have oeen possible to read ordinary print. From October It to 17 heavy northerly gales with high seas were encountered. Hobart ivas reached on the 18th, and after a stay, of' 24 hours,"during which 500 tons of cargo were landed, and a quantity of heavy timber shipped, tho vessel resumed her voyage to New Zealand. Unsettled weather was experienced , iu crossing the Tasmnn Sea, the wind being from all quarters, with confused seas. ( The usual enter tainments were indulged in during the vtn'oge, and also a fancyrdress ball. Captain ,H. B. Greenstreet, R.N.R., has with him the following officers:—Chief officer, J. HV Squires, R.N.B. j. second, S. .T. Plummer; third, J.'M. Scott, R.N.E.; fourth, C. K. Paris, E.N.R,; fifth, G. Boyes, R.N.K. . ;
ARRIVAL OP THE S.S. MOERAKI. ' Tlic Union Company steamer Moeraki, 4392 tons, Captain L. Dorrall, from Sydney direct, arrived in the Stream shortly before' G p.m. yesterday. Pratique was granted, and the vessel berthed about 7.30 p.m.' She left Sydney at midnight last Saturday,' and experienced inodorato to fresh N.E. winds and sens across the Tasman Sea. At 9 a.m. yesterday she passed Farewell Spit, and arrived as above:, Included in. tho .imports brought by the' Moeraki are:—2 Bo' bags rice, IGB bars. \nd 25 rolls lead, IGO cases wine, 13 E hhds.,, 15 cases'boots, 250 bags'flour, 186 chests .tea,. !6. cases varnish, 250 cases paint, U9 pieces timber, 100J bags potatoes, 352 sleepers, 16 pieces iron bark, 1000 sacks manure, 317 boxes, currants ■SOU sacks salt, G3 cases chairs, 1700 ■ felloes, 138 shafts, 120 naves, 50 pieces 1.8. poles, #500 cases fruit, and a quantity of sundries. She also brought transhipments ex Bombala, Tynnu, Scharnhorst, Tammeroo, Aorangi, Oiata'va, and Orontes. ■.-.■/':
. PASSENGERS PER RUAPEHU.-' ;■; The following'passengers have booked for tho N.Z. , ' Shipping Company's ; Ruapehu, , duo. ,to leave at 1 p.m. to-day, for London, , '■ via Monte l :Video:—Second salgon: From Wellington— Misses J. Ackermann; F! M. Parker; Messrs;' Clark, M'Alpine, Feegan, .Mulhearns. From 1 Christchurch—Mr. P. . H. Powell. From Dunedin—Messrs. J. and H. J. Werner. From Napier—Mr. R. G. Russell., .From Nelson—Mr. C. Elstow. Steerage: From Wellington—Miss. O.' Welsh, Mrs. Murray;' Messrs. Ash;' Payne,- Beech,. Rnthew; Fdr'syth," John, Rov. E.'W. J. M'Connel, R. and J J. Murray, ■T."Cla'rk, : Wm. M'Callum, Master R.. Hurray. From Auckland—Mr.: W. M.' Hughes.., From Christchurch—Mr. T. Childs. From Dunedin— Mrs. Burgess; Messrs. J. Burgess, AVm. Wood. From Napier—Miss A.. N." Jamieson.. From Greymouth—Misses Welch (3), Mrs. -Welch, Mes'srs. Welch (3), F. T: James. Fron> Inyercargill—Mrs. E. Stanway, Mr. J:' Stanway;,',
The Federal-Houlder-Shire liner, Morayshire, from West of England ports, via Australia, is due at Aucldand to-morrow night. '. •. The barque Daniel, 307 tons, has been .chartered to load a cargo of hardwood at' Clarence River, for Wellington. ' . !
The Aymeric, which arrived at .WeatpOrt'on Tuesday night, was expected to leave, for Newcastle at : 10 r o'clock last, night. "'.' :■'■"' The Rosamond went on the slip yesterday, •for overhaul. . ■". ' '.'.,' :
The Union Company's tug Pilot has been purchased by' the Harbour Ferries, Limited, and will eputinuq to be. iised for. towing purposes iii Wellington Harbour. . ..: '',"' , '_''■;'.
Captains Hutchings and Phillips .arrived from .the South, by the Jlararoa yesterday. The former,, took "command' of the Takapuna, and Captain Phillips joined the Mararoa.. Mr. M'Lenn, late' actings-master of the ( Takapuna, resumed his position as chief officer. Captain Robertson; who has been ashore on sick-leave at Auckland, is to rejoin the Rotoiti;; ■ ■] The' French steamer Breiz Huol, Captain Ertandi left Flinders Bay ou. October 15, for Albany! where she was to take in coal prior to sailing for Wellington, Ly'ttelton, and Dunedin, with a full cargo of jarrah:' ; The iCapiti' was towed from Patea to Wellington by the"Mana yesterday. She'dropped anchor in Worser Bay. It is understood she will proceed to Lyttelton to be repaired, , 'as accommodation on the slip at Wellington was not available.' " ■ ''■•■'■' ' Captain Phillips, of Hie s.s. Manuka, at present undergoing overhaul at Dunedin, left in command of the s.s. Mararoa,'for Lyttelton last night.' ' : ; '. "■ ', '.METEOROLOGICAL. ; •' ;■ • WEATHER 1 AT 5 P.M. ; ;'. , Mariuicaii Heads.—W.N.W., fresh; barometer, 29.90; thermometer, 55. Drizzle; sea smooth. New Plymouth.—W.S.W., light; barometer, 29.73; thermometer, 59. Overcast; sea modefCastlo Point.—N.W., light; barometer, 29.60; thormom'cter, CI. Cloudy; sea- moderate/ ' '■ Wellington.—N.W.,. fresh; barometer, 29.60; thermometer, 58. Overcast. '•■ ■ • Westport—W.N.W., fresh; barometer, ;29.G0; thermometer, 62. Showery; sea -moderate. . Kaikoiira.—N.W., light; barometer.', 29.30; thermometer,' G2. Fine; sea slight swell.. Bluff.—West, fresh;' barometer, 29.35; thermometer, '49. Bain. , . "' ', The following forecast is , for tho , 24 hours ending-at s'p.m.: Strong-winds to galo from the N.W. and S.W., generally, with rain, aro nrobablo- at most places southward of East Cape, Taupo and Raglan. Frequent high winds and unsettled weather are' nrobablo southward of Napier and New Plymouth iintil 30th inst, and strong to moderate winds principally from the westward in tho Northern, districts. ; i ' .Octobor 24, 1907. R. A. EDWIN.
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3,083SHIPPING NEWS. Dominion, Volume 1, Issue 25, 24 October 1907, Page 7
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