PHASES OF THE MOON. OCTOBER. Day. Hr. m. New Moon 7 9.51 p.m. First Quarter ... ... ... 14 9.32 p.m. Full Moon ... 21 8.4G p.m. Last Quarter 29 7.21 p.m. HIGH WATER. To-day, 0.55 a.m.; 1.22 p.m. To-morrow, 1.50 a.m.; 2.18 p.m. SUN. Sun rises to-day, 4.59 a.m.; sets, G. 14 p.m. ARRIVALS. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 17. WIMMERA, s.s. (4.15 a.m.), 3022 tons, Wylie, from Sydney. Passengers: Saloon—Misses Lukiri, Rogers, Laing, Hume, Roberts, Gilbert, Tyrell (3), Ackerman, O'Brien, Mesdames Bowman, Ramsey, Chambers, Nurse Coffey, Ryan, Foster, Tingey, Gibbs, Mackay, Gilbert, iuigoon, Tripe, White and boy, Macfarlane, Oxley, Lang,.Dr. Tripfe, Dr. Foster, Col. Goad, Messrs. Ryan, Armstrong, ; Mullan, Salisbury, Terry, Fostor, Wood, Cannin, Chambers, Mangan, Sullivan, Tingey, Gibbs, Jlackay, White, Farrahar, Colway, Oxley, Taylor, Herbert, Macfarlane, Greenfield, M'Kay, Stewart, Sanders, Kolleston, Buchanan, Storey, Guthrie, Logger, Torpy, Driscoll, Telford, Ileasman, Lewcr, Lowe, Pulley, Robinson, Ramsay, R el d> Shanahan, Langer, Graham, Kelsall, Rose, Silver, Addison, and Rev. Thompson; 79 steerage. For Lyttelton—Misses .Byrne, Sibley (-), , Mesdames. Green, Byrne, Heatou-Rhodes and maid, Mason, Kemp, Morigan, Paterson, Cooper and child, Messrs. Kagoon ('-), M'Coombe, Symes, Mason, Stead, Birch, Johnstone, Strange, Ilcaton Rhodes, M'Lean, Jones, Mason, M'Shely, Kemp, Pascoe, Lauret, Carter, Quarterly, Stafford, Patterson, Burrows, Groat, Black, Meredith, Cooper, Toolicy, Cunnard, Gale, Sugars, George, Carey, Simpson, Banks, Tunncy, Martin, Collins. For Dunedin—Miss Komptliorne, Mrs. ltix and two children. Messrs. King, Couston, Dunn, Rix,Wallace (2), Shields. ROTOMAHANA, s.s. (6.55 a.m.), 1777 tons, Collins, from Lyttelton. Passengers: Saloon— Mises Fastier, Russell (2), Clark, _Lower, Farron, l)u Fen, Clarke, Harman, Ifcbbcll, Mesdames llart, Mandel, Moore, Blamires, Kirkncss, King, Buchanan, Hart, M'Donald and 3 children, Glover, Aitkcn, Fairclough, Hancock, Crothc-rs, Sewell, Tripe, Way, Crawford, Major Hughes, Itev. Blamires, Hon. Feldwick, M.L.C., Messrs. Fastier, James, Williams, Lindstrom, Aitlccn, Shaw, Fairclough! Carter, Kirkness (2), Bov/ron, Williams, Adams, Grant, Dickson, Cox, Ross, Moore, Taylor, Scaifo, Thomson, Bishop, King, Hulmoi Campbell, Crothers, Starky, Robertson, Sewell, Clark, Johnson; Beattie, Sharman, Schmidt, M'Kendry, O'Donoghuc, Allen, Beetham, Williains, Cavern, Godfrey, Rhodes, Adams, Goldie, Crawford, Wood, Gaisford, Fitzgerald, Rudd; " OPAWA,' s.s. (7.5 aim.), 110 tons, Nicholas, from Blenheim. TASMAN, s.s. (8.10 a.m.), 179 tons, Cox, from Nelson and Tonga Island. ZEALANDIA, s.s, (5.50 a.m.), 2771 tons, Entwistle, from Duncdin and Lyttelton. Passengers: Saloon—Miss llcslop, Mesdames Burrows, M'Nee, Cairns and child, Nicoll, Iludick, Hardingham and 3 children, Whito, Caldwell and child, Dr. i Bogg, Messrs. D. ■ Ilighot, M'Nco, Cairns, Marcus, Batten, W. L.i Hooper, Chambora, Selig, Jones, Buddo, M.11.R., A. Tucker, Ebrman, Milne, Tonkin, Caldwell, Turkingtoh, White, Ruddick, Master Thompson;'2o steerage. ROB ROY, s.s. (9.30 a.m.), 95 tons, North, from Taponga. ' ~ ICOTUKU, s.s. (1 p.m.), 1054' tons, Nicholson, from Greymouth. ' TAVIUNI, s.s. (2 p.m.), 1465 tons, McDonald, from Suva and Auckland. ' PAREORA, s.s (2.-10 p.m.), GSO tons, Black, from Greymouth. HA WE A, s.s.' (4.50 p.m.), 1758 tons, Tate, from Westport. :. ST. QUENTIN, s.s. (8 15 p.m.), in Stream, 33G5 tons, Stabb, from Newcastle. : WAIPORI, s.s. (8.25 p.m.), 1919 tons, Lacey, from Westport.
DEPARTURES. ' . THURSDAY, OCTOBER 17.' ARATAPU. bAgantino s.s. (4.15.), 170 tons, Ronnie, for Lyttelton. CORINNA, s.s. (2.45 p.m.), 1271 tons, Cameron, for New Plymouth and Onehunga. STORMBIKD, s.s. (2.45 p.m.), 217 tons, M'lntyre, for Wanganui; • ■. TASMAN, s.s. (5.45 p.m.), 179 tons, Cox, for Nelson,via Port Hardy. Passengers: Messrs. Hegarty, Morrison, Honey (3), Horam (2), and'Johnston. BLENHEIM, s.s. (7 p.m.), 120 tons, Watson, for Blenheim. , WAICATU, s.s. (8 p.m.), 157 tons, Wills, for Kaikoura. . 1 ROB ROY, s.s. (8.50' p.m.), 95 tons, North, for Picton. ROTOMAHANA, s.s. (8.10 p.m.), 1777 tons, Collins, for Lyttolton. Passengers: SaloonMisses Harris, Freeman, and Tiilov, Mesdames Green, Gibbs, Gnrty, Palmer, Russell, and Ell, Messrs.; Turrcll'(2), Gibbs, XJarty, Stewart, Laurenson, Storey, - Cox, Salisbury, Addison, Midlane, Palmer, and Nicoll. / TAVIUNI, s.s.- (9.5 p.m.),- 14G5 tons, M'Donald, for Dunedin.
COASTAL STEAMERS EXPECTED. Kahu; Napier, October 18. . Torgahten, Kaipara, October 18. Aorero, Patea,- October 18. Mana, Patea, October 18. Blenheim, Blenheim, October 18. ! Huia, Wanganui, October 18. Kennedy, West, Const, October 18. Rob Roy, Picton, October 18. Manama, Motuoka, October 18. Mararoa, Lyttelton, ( October 18. Rotoiti, Onehunga and Now Plymouth; October 18. Cygnet, Lyttelton and Kaikoura, October 18. Wavcrley, West Coast, October 18. Queen of tho South, Foxton, October 18. Penguin, Nelson and Picton, October. 18. Rotomaliana, Lyttelton, October 19. Opawa, Blenheim, October 20. Wnihi, Blenheim, October 20. Wakatu, Kaikoura, October 22. Takapuna, Onehunga and New Plymouth, October 22. . Moura. Auckland,' October 22.
PROJECTED DEPARTURES. Stonnbird, Wanganui,' October 18. Manaroa, Motuoka, October 18. Waverley, : West Coast, October 18. Mapourika, West Coast, October 18. Kahu, East Coast, October 18. Waihi, Blenheim, October 18. Aorere, Patea, October 18. . Mararoa, Lyttelton, October 18.' , .Putiki, Wanganui, October 18. Queen of tho South, Foxton, October 18. Penguin, Picton and Nelson, October 18. ' Huia, Wanganni, October 18. Opawa, Blenheim, October 18. Blenheim, Blenheim, October 19. Rotomaliana. Lyttelton, October 19. Tasman, Nelson, October 19. Arahura, West Coast, October 19. Rob Roy, Picton, Ilavelock, October 20. Rotoiti, Nelson, New Plymouth, and Onehunga, October 20. ' 1 Takapuna, New Plymouth, and Onehunga, October 23.
INTERCOLONIAL SERVICE. WIMMERA, s.s., left, Sydney for Wellington direct, October 12. Arrived Wellington October 17. Leaves, for Melbourne, via Southern Ports, October 18. Due Melbourne October 27. VICTORIA, s.s., left Sydney October IB for Wellington, via Auckland and East Coast Porta. Due Wellington October 25. ' MATI'ENO, s.s., left Melbourne October lfi for Wellington, via Hobart and Southern Ports. Due Wellington October 25. TARAWERA, s.s., left Melbourne October 9 for Dunedin. Mono\7ai lakes up running from Dunedin. Due Wellington October 18. MONOWAI, s.s., leaves Wellington October 18 for Sydney direct. Due Sydney October Si' WAIK'ARE, s.s., left Sydney October !) for Wellington, via Auckland, Gisbornc, and Napier. Due Wellington October 18. ST. QO'BNTIN, s.s., left Newcastle October 13, due Wellington October 17. OVERSEA SHIPPING, STEAMERS TO ARRIVE. From London. WIIAKARUA (due Wellington about October 18); sailed on August 1, via Melbourne, riydnev; Auckland, anil Napier. Arrived Auckland October 1. (Tyser Line, agents.) RIMUTAKA (due Wellington about October 23), sailed on September 5, Plymouth 7, Capetown 28, and Hobart. (N.Z.S. Co., agents.) OPAWA (due Wellington about November 5), sailed on September 10, via^'Auckland. Due Auckland October 2t. (N.Z.S. Co., agents.) NTWAIIU (due Wellington about November 8), sailed on August 30, via Melbourne, Sydney, Auckland, and Napier. Arrived Melbourne, October 11. (Tyser Lino, agents.)
MAMAItI (duo Wellington about..November 5), sailed on September 9, Plymouth 21, via Capetown and Hobart.' Left Capetown October 11. (Shaw, Savill, agents.) STAB OP JAPAN (due Wellington about December 6), sailed on September 27, via Melbourne, Sydney, Auckland, and Napier. (Tyser Line, agents.) INDRADI3VI (due Wellington about October 23), sailed on October 11, via Melbourne, Sydney, Auckland, and Napier. (Tyser Line, agents.) ' From Liverpool,' MORAYSHIRE (due Wellington about October 31), sailed August 24, via Molbourno, Sydney, and Auckland. (F. 11.5. Line, agents.) : • CORNWALL (due Wellington about November 28), sailed 'on- September 21, via Sydney and Auckland. (F. 11.5. Line, agents.) STAR OP IRELAND (due Wellington about November .11), sailed on September 11, via Auckland. (Tyser Line, agents.) ." From Now York. lIALLAMSHIRE (due Wellington about October 27), sailed August 3, via Australian ports and Auckland. (A. and A. Line, agents.) ' ORIANA (duo Wellington about' October 25), sailed August 10, via Melbourno,' Sydney, -,nd Auckland. (U.S. and A.S., agents.) STAR OF NEW ZEALAND (due Wellington about November 15), sailed September 14, via Melbourne and Svdney.' (Tyser Line, agents.) LORD STANLEY (due Wellington about November 18), sailed via Auckland, September 15. (A. and A. Line, agents.) ; SAILING VESSELS TO ARRIVE. ' FORMOSA, barque, sailed from Liverpool August 20. (Johnston and Co., agents.) GENI, Italian barque, sailed from Marseilles September 4, via Bluff. (Buscoe and C 0.,, agents.) BY TELEGRAPH. OVERSEA ITEMS. Wednesday, October 16. SYDNEY. Arrived—Marjorie Craig, from Hokianga; Senorita, from Whangape. ■ Sailed. —Victoria, for Auckland. ; MELBOURNE. Sailed.—Maheno, for Ilobart and Bluff. . .COASTAL. . ■' ■ Thursday, October 17." . AUCKLAND. Arrived—Moura, s.s., from tho South.i ' Arrived.—Selwyn Craig, barnupntine, from Mii'bturne. , . , ' Sailed.—Nora Niven, steam trawler, for the Const. . Sailed—lngleivood, barque, for New York. - Sailed.—Louisa Craig, barque, for Hokianga. Arrived.—Selwyn Craig, from Melbourne. ONEHUNGA. , _ Sailed.—Rarawa, for New Plymouth. Passengers : Saloon—Misses Wilson, 'Mander, O'Connor, and George, Mesdames, Earltiiid, Ings and el)ild, Davis, Dood and 3 children, Mander, Duclson and 3 children, and ■ Day, Messrs'. Toneycliffe, Hadley, Hone, Ileke, ' Hurst, Spottswood, Mander, and Rev. Day.KAIPARA. Arrived.—Brisbane, s.s., from Lyttelton.' auxiliary schooner, for Wellington. • . NAPIER. . , ' Sailed.—Waikaro (12.15 p.m.), . for Wellington,; ' V . ' " ■ NEW PLYMOUTH. Arrived.—Rotoiti (5 a.m.), from Onehunga. Arrived.—Takapuua (11 a.m.), from Wellington. ; Sailed.—Rotoiti (12.45 ' p.m.), for . Welling-: ton. \ . i.;--. Sailed.—Takapuna (8.55 p.m.), for Onehunga. CASTLE POINT. Sailed.—Kahu (12.20 p.m.), for Wellington.,,. WANGANUI. < : Arrived—Putiki (5.40 a.m.), from Wellington. Arrived.—Huia (5.50 a.m.), from Wellington. I Sailed.—Huia (G.lO p.m.), for Wellington.; foxton. ' ' ■ Sailed—Queen of ,the. South (5.30 p.m.), for \Vellington. / .PICTONi. To sail.—Penguin-(9.30 p.m.), for; Wellington. I NELSON. ' ■ J-'. -Sailed.—WaverleJ' (1.10 p.m.), for" Woilirig-. ton. ■ / ■ - Arrived.—Penguin (1.30 a.m.), froii'-Picton > Arrived.—l'oherua (5 a.m.), from Pictoh Sailed.—Arahura (5.10 p.m.), for Wellington! Sailed.—Penguin (1.30 p.m.), for Picton. ' . '■ ' • WESTPORT. - '■ - Sailed.—Arahura" (4 a.m.), for Nelson. " GREYMOUTH. ' '" \ Arrived.—Mapourika (G a.m.),. from Westport. j . .. ... .. To sail.—Mapourika (5 p.m.), for 1 Westport. LYTTELTON.Arrived.—Mararoa (8.80 a.m.), from' Wellington. , Arrived.—Ruapeliu' (G p.m.), .from 331u£f. i Arrived.— I Tarawera, s.s., from Melbourne. Arrived.—Magic,- scow, from Wliangape. . Arrived.—K'aviona, from.Port Adelaide,via Huon River and Hobart. "" , ' , Sailed,—Nairnshire (11 a.m.), for Port,Chalmers. Sailed.—Ripple (11.15 a.m.),fforr r Chatham Islands., 1 ■" ' Sailed.—Mararoa (6.20 p.m.), for-- Wellington. Passengers:. Saloon—Misses Trask,. Jones (2), Marshall, Crozier, M'Gregor, Tourell, Wilson,' Allard, Ballin, Harman, Howell, Wiltshire, Clarksoui Valdine, and Whittaker, Mesdames Parsons, Christie, Goodger.and 2 children, M'Gregor, Lewis, Palmer, Chapman, Wiltshire and infant, Ilannon, Strauchan, .'Kotau, Gerard, Belcher and 3 children, Richards, and Harnett, Rev. W. S. Bamett,. Messrs. Npale, Salmon, Quinn, Chapman, Blair,'Christie, Goodger, M'Pherson, Levisson, Pearce, Valdene, Karetai Cameron, Wilson, Kemp, Shanley,. Miueer, M'Dougall,- Chisholm, M'Kenziii,, Andrews (3), Boys, Ben Fuller, Johnson, Jamieson,' Belcher, and Richards. • -.' Sailed. —Monowai (13.50 p.m.), for Sydney, via Wellington. ... Sailed.—Monowai, s.s., for Sydney, .'via!-Wel-lington. Passengers for Wellington: Misses Ekart, Sullivan, and Dixon, Mesdames Ekart, Green, Coote, and Dixon, Captain Willis,, Messrs. Wood, Dixon, Steven, and White. For' Sydney: Misses lianton, Rout, Amos, and' Sinclair ,(2), Mesdames Green, Bell, Sinclair, Quill, Wilton, Messrs. Wood, Patterson, Green, Hopkins, Harry, Quill, Wilson, Woodward, Waters, and Shanks. Sailed.—Tarawera, s.s., for Wellington. Passengers : Mesdames Smith and Seed,.. Messrs. Goodsir and M'Dowell. Sailed.—Mararoa, s.s., for Wellington. Sailed.—Cygnet, for Kaikoura and Welling-' ton. So sail.—Aymeric (1 a.m., October 18),' for Timaru.' • - ' . ; DUNEDIN. Sailed.—Tarawera (3 p.m.), for ■ northern ports. Passengers for Wellington: Mesd-imes Smith and Seed, Messrs. . Goodsir and M'Dowell. , -. TORT CHALMERS. Arrived.—Kamona . (noon), from Hobart. BLUFF. ' . . /„ Arrived.—Te Anau , s.s. from Greymouth. THE WIMMERA'S CARGO. ' The Wimmera brought a cargo of 050 tons for discharge at Wellington. The principal' items were 5285 eases fruit, GBO bags rice, 575 Cases raisins, 1531 sleepers, 1500 sacks '..manure, '450 sacks and 225 cases flour, 310 cases spirits, 23!) cases salmon, 225 cases soap, and 260 bags coke. NAVIGATION OF WELLINGTON HARBOUR. ■-< ; Mariners trading-, out; of Wellington will' be interested in the following notice, culled from this week's "Gazette'': —"As some of the large vessels whom navigating the deep water but narrow channel west of the Falcon Shoal buoy have at times been placed in awkward positions through meeting smaller vessels in this channel, the Harbour Board have asked the Marino Department to issue a notice requesting that all vessels under'23ft.''draught' of whtcr shall, inward or outward boiliiiT,' navigate that part of the channel which lies to the eastward of Falcon Shoal., bito,, as defined by tho whito segment shown from the light on Somes Island, and all ■ vessels over 23ft. draught of water shall, inward . or outwnrd bound, navigate that part of -the channel which lies to the westward of Falcon Shoal buoy, and known' as the deep-water channel; also that all signals given by the whistle indicating the vessel's intended direction should be replied to by the approaching vessel from the opposite direction." The Waikaro, due from Sydney, via 'Auckland, Gisbornc, and Napier, this morning, is bringing the following saloon passengers for Wellington :—Misses Neilson (2), White, Day, .Murray, Brown, Mrs. B, Cox, Messrs. H. E.
Cooper, R. E. Edwards, Newman, Hartman, For Lyttelton: Misses J. Hamilton, Wyatt, Mesdames Wyatt, W. Garrard, Messrs. A. Anderson, W. Wallace. For Dunedin: Miss ■De Chateauburg, Messrs. J. L. Fassmore, J. Buckland, Fletcher. Captain Dr-.'.vscm, late of tho Tayiuni, is coming to .Wellington by the Waikare. for orders. Captain .T. P. Jordon, who arrived at Auckland on Tuesday in command of the Wairuiia, transfers to the Mauapouri, Captain Robertson, of the latter vessel, going over to the Wairuna. ; . , , The Hinenioa came off tho slip yesterday and is expected to leave for her round of the, Southern lighthouses on Monday. The Tutanelcai will leave again for Cape Palliser this morning, weather permitting. The llob Roy left l last night for Picton. From there, she'will proceed to the Groves and bring a cargo of chaff back to ; Wellington. The Himitangi which is due from Blackhead, East Coast, to-day, will berth alongside the Arawa and discharge her cargo of wool into that vessel. Au unsuccessful attempt was made to tow the ICapiti 'off at Patea on Wednesday night. The position of the steamer was considerably improved, and another attempt was to have been made last night. The Union Company have received . advice that tho Komatii left Westport for, Albany yesterday, the ltakanoa sailed for Timaru, the Manapouri for Auckland, and the Kittawa for Grevmouth: The Mapourika arrived at Greymouth from Westport yesterday, and was to have left at 5 p.m. on her trip to Wellington via usual ports. Mr. D: McDonald, late third officer of the Malieno, who came ashore on sick leave, joins the ' Monowai in a similar capacity. , Mr. F. Jelley, late acting chief officer of'the Mokoia, arrived from the north yesterady for orders. Captain M'Donald who took the iNavua north: onhcr last trip, came down to Wellington in command of the Taviuni yester-, day.. , 1 . The scow Rnngi is expected to come off the slip to-day.Slie proceeds to ICaramea to load timber; : According to the "Commercial News," the steainei Yeddo,' 1563 tons, Baird;' from San Francisco, left that port on September 27 for Wellington, via Australia and, Auckland. ; Advice has. been received that the U.S. and A.S.'chartered steamer Oriana, en route from New York to Melbourne, Svdnev, and New Zealand ports,' left Albariy on October 9. It is expected that the Arahura will, commence discharging' immediately on arrival .this,,moniirig from West 'CoaSt, so as'to enable her to go on ■ the slip to effect some : e--pairs to , her. propellor. ■ The old steamer Mullogh, which has been connected ivith tha port of . Lyttelton for ovor fifty years, has been sold to. a Christchurch buyer,'and; is now .being fitted out as a. trawler, in which . capacity she was employed some months ago. •.►The paction; dredge Timaru left Port Chalmer. on Wednesday, for Lyttelton, where' she to as ®i s .t pt the raising of the sunken hulk Blackball, by pumping her out. The hulk lias been' lying at'the bottom of Lyttelton Harbour for. oversix■'n.onths, two' fruitless attempts having been made-to raise her.. The third attempt,', under ths supervision of-'Mr. 'Miller, it is eipected will be successful. - Captain ,E. - Crawford, formerly of the wrecked Jfa'.ratiri,.is now,.master of the collier Pi'.kaki. ...
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Dominion, Volume 1, Issue 20, 18 October 1907, Page 9
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2,498SHIPPING NEWS. Dominion, Volume 1, Issue 20, 18 October 1907, Page 9
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