7 —; [from our own correspondents.] ; .. PALMERSTON. The members of the Palmerston Orchestra] Society have arranged to give a concert about the second week in December. It has been decided not to take any steps towards the amalgamation of the Aorangi and Sluggish River Drainage Boards until the annual elections, which are to be held next month. . M'\ Jacob, President of Manawatu A. and P. Association, and a number of members and prominent breeders.connected with the Manawatu and Fcilding Associations, proceeded to Hastings yesterday 4o attend tlie show. A number of sheep from tliis district .were also taken through. • ... In a few days a magazine, under the titlo of "Tho Palmerstonian," will be issued by the pupils of the local High School. . f[lt is reported-at Hokowhitu. that a; considerable quajitity of land has been washed away, and the protective works have been' delayed on account of necessary materials for the. construction grtiins not coming. to. hand. The Government engineer,will make a visit shortly iii connection with the protective works. "'V A. number of farms have recently changed liands in tho Pohangina district at satisfactory prices. . 1 - ' here is colder and still stormy.. Mr. Gilruth, while in Palmerston, inspected the abattoirs yesterday, and seemed satisfied with tho conditions. He returned to Welling-, ton by.the express. ■ competition-is;anticipated m the Lloyd-Lindsay competition at tho, Show. A cricket match is being arranged between a local -team and a team from H.M.S. Challenger. .. . . t Mrs. R. Bannister, who was seriously ill at Freeman's Hospital,-is recovering-. .-. The North Island Brass Band Executive meet here to-night to discuss important busi-, ness. - 1 . • . ..i-.. ... ■ MASTERim T . ( , . After two days of fine weather, depressing •rain has again set in. ■ Several large breeders') managed to complete docking, operations dur-. ing the short lull in the succession of tempestuous days,, but, gmier&lly speaking', ■ tho docking season is far from finished; A large number of local farmers have left to attend tho various shows, the express train to-Napier yesterday taking, among-others,' Mr.- G. Sykes (Secretary "of the "Masterton A', and P. Association), "and Mr. R. J. Dagg (recently elected judge of draughts to. the Dunedin A. and P.' Association). Mr. J'.' H. Pauling, -manager of the Farmers' Implement Company, has aiso goue on business'' connected with his'flriu. ' ' 1 , No intimation has so far. been received by any .local officials'as to tho rumoured appointment of Mr! E. Raivsoii, Clerk, : of Court'>at' Masterton, to'the Magisterial Bench.' Mr. and Mrs. C. E. . Cockburh-Hoo'd, of Glendonald, propose paying a visit to England early next year. Mr. Cockburn-H'ood' r is Chairman of the Masterton County Council, 'and is ,one of. the best-known and most re■spected settlers in the Wairarapa. : „The laying of rabbit poison during the past season lias not been attended with the most satisfactory results, owiiig, it is stated, to the unfavourable' ;weather. 1 Rabbits- are ■ not. numerous,. however, ■> and the local stock officials are exercising a - vigilant watch for lax methods. ■ . <■;/' eeilding. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. :' , The anhuall- meeting of the Feilding Cham-. 'ber.'ol : Commerce was-held, last night, the President;, Mr. J. W. Bramwell, ,taking the chair.
•The annual report, as already published in; The Dominion, was adopted. ! . -Tlie President, in moving the adoption of the report, said they had had a qμiet year. Members had turned out to; the meetings ■vei;y well, and the 'matters.' coming ' before tijem' had been "fa'itlifully'dealt' with. •■■ Ho thought,it was" time tho Chambers of' Commerce fell iiitoline with' other bodies in, nutting a stop , to socialistic legislation. n Sew Zealand was prosperous, as-was shown- by the excess of deposits over withdrawals in the Savings Banks, and the \ working-classes should be well satisfied. ' ; , ; - ■ > ■■•
'• ;The following officers were elected:—-Presi-dent, Mr.-T.'-H. Atkinson";' Vice-Presidents, Messrs Fred Pirani'and H. Tollcy.; -■ Committee, Messrs. Goodbehere, Cobbe, ■ Spence,; Fitzherbert, Richmond; Aylnier, J. W. .Brainwell and Bartholomew; Auditor, - Mr. D.': Haswell; Secretary, Mr. S. W. Fitzherbert; Holiday . Committee: Messrs. Cobbe, ' ; E. Spence, ■'• Button, • .Bramwell; Darragh, Haswell,- G. ShortY Atkinson; A. G. Walker, and G. J. Harford.: This committee is a: new body, and', was'set up to confer with the business people and decide what holidays, apart from those fixed by statute, should be kept by the townspeople, and to advertise the.holidays. , .. :■:_/ , ijlr. Fitzherbert brought up the matter of" a through train to AYe'llington. from Feildjng every morning, and a return train to Feilding at night. He ' moved that ; the Department be.asked to try the experiment, for six months.' On the suggestion'of Mr Pirani,'it. w'as' decided' to ask the.Minister for Railways through; the member for the district (Mr. Lethbyidge) what guarantee .would be required to run the train.' ; Mr.-Richmond also pointed-out that such a : train; would offer 'facilities for- traffic with the Wairarapa and Ha'wke's Bay. :■[■.: '•'.' '■;■-'<:' :':■'■_. "[ .. Messrs. Bell, AV. R. Parker,-'and, Roberts were, elected members ;of the Chamber: ' '-.- '; Jlr. E. Crabb, delegate appointed by the Kimbolton.Farmers' Union to 'wait on 'the Chamber of Commerce in connection with the proposod raihyay to Kimbolton; was received. The President said he regretted that a previous agitation for the railway had' fallen through-at a time when it might have been carried to a successful issue. Sooner or later Kinibolton must have a railway, and he hoped the farmer's were now in earnest about'it.. ■:•: ■ > Mr. , Crabb said he had been deputed to wait on the Feilding Chaniber and ask it to appoint a delegate to act with the Kimboltoiv committee in the matter. They, had gone into thri question "with determination, and had' circularised. the' farmers: for particulars, and when these were ready, they intended to' havo a public meeting, and got a petition signed and approach'the Government. .." " Mr. Goodb'ehore asked what .-style ■of rail■way was it to light line? t ( ' ■■.■- '■i -Mr. Crabb said the line must be the same cauee as tho ordinary. lines;. : The cost 'was put down at £60,000;' exclusive of the value of the bo taken. ■;.- v . •: . ,-Subsequently the Chamber discussed the matter, and Mr. -Bramwell'moved'that the .Chamber heartily: support the' project, and that the Chairman- and Mr- Piraiiraiid'the; uiovor be appointed as "delegates. •■ '''•/■'■:?'■' - Mr.' Goodbehero pointed"dut'ihat very little benefit would reswlt'to Feilding, although the' farmers would greatly benefit by'the, cons'truction of the'line. He contended that'it would pay iuterest on' tbo cost. , -Martoiv .was quoted as an instance of- a town' whieli had' .not received any benefit from a branch lino being put in'. . ';■'. ' ' , ! ■ Mr. Pirani ' contended : that : the railway •would benefitFeilding, be6auso wherever-the 'district surrounding a town 'was prosperous, the town was .prosperous _also: ' Marton was no place to make comparison with,'because ' there the ' railway " station -'had been' thrust two miles away from the. town,' and the junction would divide supremacy wi]th tho town itself. He did not agree with tho'contention' tbat tlie railway must take' people through to Palnierston to do business, becauso people would go where they were best.Served. There were business firms in Feilding quite able to hold thoir own with Palmerston.
Mr. Cobbe thought tho railway would be a great benefit to the whole district.: Tito Kimbolton and Eiwitea districts, must soon become' agricultural, and increased facilities for the haulage of produce' were necessary." 1 Mr.Tolley said the districts were eminently suited for raising fat sheep and fat lambs for the London market,-and'at the present time owners stated that they., lost Is. per head on tho sheep by" having to drive them from Kimbolton. ! The motion was carried unanimously.' Mr. D. L; Smith, of Kinfauns, Bunny.' thorpe, has returned from a trip to Scotland/ Mr. H. Jary has sold his farm on Nanncstads linej near Bunnythorpe, to Mr. Rose', of Aorangi, at £23 an acre. Mr.-Gillies has sold out to Mr. Adams, of Halcombe..
■ The milk tests at Cheltenham factory'gave 4.4 us the' highest' and 3.5 as the lowest. • The supply continues to keep up, although it is not growing larger, as it would do if the. woathor were favourable. The Buimythorpe Cricket Club lias elected the following officers:—President, Mr. D. L. Smith;' vice-presidents, iMessrs. Espinor, Brady,' and Witt; secretary, Mr. W. l). Duthio; captain, Mr.W. Burgess. , The Feilding Friendly council has made arrangements for a torchlight procession on October 23. . The Feilding Fire Brigade has selected"! Messrs. Newman and Linton*A-foremen..of , tho Brigade. The officers and foreman- were appointed a management committee, and the brigade was subdivided into two divisions, r It was decided to apply to the Fire_ Board to' have a room at the Brigade. Station fitted up to allow of sleeping accommodation for' four men! . ,-..-, . ■ Messrs. W. ,F. Jacobs,' S. :stan'deh,::E. Short, and G. " Wheeler were amongst th« Foilding visitors to Hawke's Bay show.; ,y.,. . • Mrs. L. E. Jackson, or Kinitolton, wife.-pf one of tho most popular settlers in'tho'dis-. trict, died yesterday morning at Kimbpltori." aged thirty-eight. : Mrs: Jackson ; was well known and highly respected by a. laVgo.cirble: ■pi friends. She was: a daughter of, thoHon. J, Bryce, and leaves a husband,•' th'ree : daughters,- and two sons. ■/. ■ :,• ■ •./:■ ',; 'A lady cyclist rode down the; Kimboltont Road footpath'yesterday morning indifferent, as to the Borough by-laws. From James and Co.'s coach factory a vehicle was backed; out* 'at the psychological moment, and the fair cyclist collided. .Then'a police officer.'caitio, sy'm- ; pathised, and .took tile cyclist's name.for'e. probable prosecution! ...... '','..".: . '.". Plans for the new, - ofike '. at '■ Apitl' are now ready, and tenders have , been' called for its erection. ''The proposed building wilk contain six rooms, and will be'a'pretentious place. The Apiti peoplo deserve it. for they have agitated.for a longtime, and , gone to no little expense'in acquiring a site.
. ■■■ •:. ; ,;;marton; v ;''A:;;;; 1 ~■;;.: :: ; ■.;■'-, LAND COMMISSION;CASE. ■' ";: : - :■ : A land commission, cijse of interest' wai.'.::' : -V •hoard before .the last sitting of Martwv Court. , ,; '■'-, 'T. .H. Ross, Marton,. ; sued ;H. -H. ;Wolters,> u ■:". of Garterton, for £75 commission'., Mr.-Miles . •;' appeared for plaintiff, and Mr. ; Collins, ; in-- ' - structed by Messrs. , Beilj '-Gully,- , Bell : "'and? ■• Myers, Wellington, for, defendant. ■The sum claimed; wasj[alleged .to be the ' balance of commission on the disposal- of a . ( farm qt .p.'.ißeich'enb!\ch\ . The eyi-:,,, v dence showed that'Ross..was.'instructed .to"Bell,,' at £20 an aero, and. for, effecting, a sale on, these terms ho was to be paid'£loo commie-,,...... sion. Plait-tiff-could, not secure a purchaser at £20, and defendant.suhsecuently,,.-agreed;', to lease to Reichen'bach, purchasing clause at £18 per-acre. Tho de- , posit of £23 was paid by'Reichenbachontho,'. .\ transaction and was set off. iby defendant' .. 'against the first quarter'sirentiC!■■■_ :■-,/:/. ■••'. ■ ' Mr. Collins asked for a non-suit on the '-. point that '.defendant-- , , acted as he 1 {■;/ to-the' knowledge ofiplaintiffj.under'a.powor. , ,. ■.;-.■ of attorney from one, Cotter .(owner;of the ..'..- property in question) and could not be person** :j ally liable for the'commission. ~..■ .:,,.; :\, ' : H , : This point was-overruled . .- trate, Mr. Stanford,-, who held that plaintiff's; . : . evidence showed that he. was aware that ,doj ~ ■ . fendant was acting reallyas agent.\, . ; ''.:..,.■.. -..>■. ■ Mr. Collins then argued that-the custom,; of land ; agents, as given ; by, plaintiff 8. wit- .;■• nesses heard in Wanganui, could, not berimr ~- -.. ported into the contract;between,plaintiff and,u<.,,. defendant, because there';.was : no evidence, of;-;;,,-,, actual payment in similar, circumstance, , , and,. ;;, v the alleged -custom was, not,,known .to tho , ; ; defendant.: ■.-,; ~ ■• . ■>.■■'''>■:■..■-■ i. Mr. Miles: contended that. Ross,.had done .^,.,.-. all that he had been required to dp, and that ~. j.-. defendant had accepted tho arrangement *~ ( .. plaintiff had made , -with .Reichenbach )% .\ana,^. C j therefore plaintiff had earned his commie- .-, ■■■■ sion. •-■.'.. . , •'. - /•.' .'-.: :'■ ..„,..,;.;.•'•■,•• .'.Judgment was reserved. . '.... .' ;.. •_..-. -. -\
■ ...: . •■-■ PAHIATUiL:/vi^ -i--vf' At tho Magistrates' Court, on, the inform*? ■ tion of the Count}* Ranger, a defendant .was finod 40s! ■; and costs on each of; two counts for having'permitted horses,to wander.on' a ■public road. .Charles. Beaumont,' . for r _hayuig, unlawfully discharged firearms.. within ,'.the , ■ borough was fined Is. and;'.costs..,-.■ Local •tradesmen, under the,. Factories Act, .were.' fined 10s. and costs on.eacli count fpr having, _ -failed to keep a wages'book .aiid. an.overtime bonk.: In n, case, 'pf,'.threatening' language, defendant,: on signing''the pledge for, twelve months, was ordered to come up for judgment when called on., •; A. Ballance settler /, tioh against', a neighbour for sureties of. the,'. 'peace, on the groun'd.ot his having used insulting language; was dismissed, each^party,,. to pay his own costs. For having ..failed, to ] obey a maintenance order', a defendant was. • fined '55.,. and 21s. costs., :: H. -Tobn,_ aged., seventeen, pleaded guilty; to, having forged, and uttered a cheque, and ; was ■ committed for trial to.the.Supreme.Court,,Wellington.; Bail was allowed on accused's own recognisances for £100, and ono surety, £50.. ... x j-The weather, here-was clear.last night. ~,. ;'. ;,■ 'upper rangitieei. - v ",'a " 'iriail' service ; t6 : ilaetihi 1 'was , discon-' tinued to-day, as the 'mail contractors find , that the road'- is unsafe. Much annoyance is felt at the; way m which the Department has.neglected , :this road. -,-■ ■. ;: ';;^\-;;.'l.: j LEyiN:y;.; ,; ;;l^--^ The weather-still continues irough, thoughat last it is showing signs;pi:,breaking; up. The proverbial' calm after the storm has been a long time in coming; ;> .■'.;:;"-■ ,! • There was a rumour curroiit that one,or' two burglaries had been committed at;Hea-therlea,-near Leriii; some time ■ during Sunday, but as , yet no.facts are . to hand.■•-■-;.- ■ A special meeting of, the ,f. trough Council was held on Monday to.coh.-.ider the light- . ing scheme. There were, present tho; Mayor (Mr. B. R. Gardiner), and Councillors Hudson. Hankins, Mackenzie, Williams,-Douglas,-, Ryder, Levy, and Prouse. Two., reports were before the Council, one on gas lighting by Mr. T.'-'H; Bucher, and onVon.eleotric.bght-, ing by Mr. Welch, of Wellington,,manager o£ the Australasian .Electric Light :, Company. After a.lengthy discussion it.was , a vote of to two. that -the Council . should submit'a.gas lighting scheme to..the' ratepayers. •.. ■■■:.. ..■>■■ . L .■,-' ■< ••■•, Constable Kirby,'whose departuro from .the... district was'recently. chronicled, has .been replaced' by. Constable Qillett, , of, Wellington. '. .. ■...-,;',■■, ■.:■■'*""•:.>'•■ •;■.;'... :'.-■■■;.•■ .^/■-' v; ..ei. ; ;; ! 'S-6 A niaii'named Dempsey; arrested.' on Mo» , day for drunkenness, '-was brought before the Court yesterday morning, and fined 10s. The weather here continues'bad, ana genoral grumbling is the result. . It is saia by old inhabitants tcr be the woysi experienced on this coast for years.;, ' \ t .... : - It is said that ono or two suspicious characters are in tho township, , and that , the services of a detective Jiave been requisitioned.
1 ■ FEATHERSTQN. ;;;" :.;. Wretched , weather, Feather stem, yesterday, heavy rain ;falling.through*,: out the day. '_!,. , ; .... ..'■'■ 7" ..v. , . , ~■ : ~-■■ . , Mr. Japis Wishaw left here ;oh.Monday, , for Feilding, where, he pnrposes to.go :la-. for farming. "'; '-.'_ .'.>...:,.'..•,.■; ■ ■■..\.,.....: > . A number of Foatherston,-residents 1 intend ... visiting the Hastings, show this week.; ,'.,','.' I.Mr. Gray, shunter", at', the .local railway. , station, lias resumed duty after his.annual h'oliday,' extending over, a~:fp'rtnight. ■;•,, ■ ' Influenza is still" prevalont 'in : this, district. " ;;;'■ ■"■ . ;-■ :y L " :.-'-.;- ':; v .;.,,. A meeting of the Mariag'enicnt Coinmittco of tho Wairarapa Thursday."llugby ''Union.., "\yas held at Carterton on .Monday, .night, when it was dqcided,'.after'discussionj eevercly to caution Wo players who; came-on the ground' intoxicated at a recent rep'resenta-' ■ tive match. ~.■.■"•':■ ■'..,'.■■:■, .t .-., '■'.:■<:■■'■ /:'■'/. .. ••■ caeteeton:-':- -U;; The annual .'meeting of sliareboldersin'tb* Wairarapa Brick, Tile, and Drainpipe Company wns hold yesterday at ■ Carterton, Mr.' J. A. Dudson in the chair. Thea'feport mid balance-sheet, showing an income ' for "'the-' year of £3250 18s. (3d., , and : an of £2874 Gs. lid., and recommending-a div-i--dend of 8 per cent., wero adopted.- Messrs;A. Hi Krnhagen, and-T. G. Unde'rhilVdireo-' tors, and Mr. James Brown, auditor, were oil t. re-elected. At a meotiiig- of directors atcer* wards, Mr. Dudson was re-elected chairman.
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Dominion, Volume 1, Issue 18, 16 October 1907, Page 2
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2,483PROVINCIAL NEWS. Dominion, Volume 1, Issue 18, 16 October 1907, Page 2
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