I f i The monthly meeting of the above 1 was held in the County Chambers, . Milton, on Tuesday. I'rcsent : Crs I). i Boyd (chairman), I. Scott, T. 11. Rus- , sell, 11. M. Driver, I'. Unhurt, |). 1 Gurdync, .1. Clark, T. W. Llitc.hon, K. King, and .), M. Bcgg. ! INSPECTOR'S REPORT. The Inspector (Mr .J. Jl. Batcmunj reported on roads and works for month ending December Id, as t'ol--1 lows : ' Works.—The surfacemen have been employed in general surface work, gru- ! , ding, and bridge repairs during the month. .\_new deck lias been- put on a small bridge at , Glenlndi, also repairs to the bridge at lliitlon's, and at Glenledi township. A culvert of | : '2A feet pipes, and four culverts of I"2 j inch pipes have been put in on the ■ Clarendon to Berwick road. New | wheel-planksi have been put on a small I bridge at I.ovells ITut. The Hood j box on the Mutau main drain, 'ai the | canal hasi been repaired and put in orj der. The remainder of the beams for I ITetl's bridge have been carted up, [ and this work will be started in a few days. Mr G. McEcod has. done Hie grading on North Branch read. Glading has also been done .on various roads at Greenfield. The nuisance complained of,at North Balelutha is caused by the drainage from seven houses being discharged on to ihe road line, and the fall of the ground being through private, properly. no provision has been made to carry auuy flic sewage; the sewage should be treated by septic tank before being allowed to Mow on to ihe road. I'ermission has been given to Mr ,). A. Stewart to pipe tic open drain; past his property.' As regards I bo water from the main road running into Mr K, A. Leonard's house and property at North Balelutha. I have visited this place and find that the house and property are on the low side of LIn■ road, ami the surface water follows the natural fall of the ground ; I can only recommend that a short tabledrain bn cut to cany the surface water past the front of the house, The following contracts have been completed :--No. S'ili, Blackburn Creamery road ; No. slit, Manuka to Ml. Stuart road; No. Ss(i, cleaning Ores- ' cent road ditch ; No. s:. r >7, deviation at Morris's. A nuisance is being caused by the drainage from Baby Factory in dura Street, Milton Borough, flowing on to | property in the County and lying stagnant. (r King asked if any desire had been expressed by the residents concerned at North 'Balelutha for a septic tank system.—The Inspector replied in . die negative ; three hou.-es were owned by one person, and (he others bv individual owners.—Cr King moved that the owners be served with notice to cease draining those properties on to the public road, otlicrwiso proceedings would be take!!.—Seconded by Cr I'egg, and agreed to. In reply to a question by Cr King, the Inspector stated the timber for widening Barnego bridge had not yet arrived. Cr Russell moked that the Milton Borough Council be served with notice that nuisance from drainage in • lura Street info County drains must be abated forthwith.—Seconded by Cr Scott, The report was then adopted. on motion of Crs Driver and Bell. FINANCE. The statement of receipts and expenditure showed .--- Receipts, Kates, 1!)IH2 I ,| |ti Rates, i!>T2-l.'l 200 !l <! Govt, grants o]r-, p) ;j Gold revenue 1 10 fl Fines 2 4 0 Motor liienses .| 5 o Rents o :\ I Refund on works S 10 11 Contractors' deposits 2 0 0 CMS 2 1 Expenditure. Works, ordinary ](;•_> fir, Works, Govt. ' grant MO <) I! Works, loan ;j:s <) n. Councillors' travelling oxPcnses '].| ig s Salaries ,(5 n f, Interest oii loans 181 <l' 7 Contractors' deposits refunded 7 9 0 Refund of fines 3 17 6 Bog collars 13 o <•, £OO2 2 5 Adopted, and pay-shoot passed for payment. RANGER'S REPORT. The following was the County ranger's report for the month of December : Criehton Riding, 3 cattle ; Balmoral No. 2, 7 cattle, :! horses ; Matau, 13 cattle, I horses ; AVaugaloa, II cattle. 2 horses; Toko, 19 cattle ;\Vaihola, 10 cattle. Totals, (J3 cattle, It j horses.—Received. CORRESPONDENCE. j Mr 1). Clark, Moneymore. drew at- I tendon to about II chains of road) which he wanted gravelled, and stated he would give services of a man and two horses for the work. - (V Scott moved that t'lo be expended on re- I pairs.—Seconded by Cr Russell, and agreed to. Mr N. Shaw, Berwick, stated the heavy rains had damaged the road between Berwick and his placv and requested the Council to have, repairs effected.—Agreed to, on motion of Crs Driver and Scott, also thai water ta-; bios be cleaned out, ' Mr A. McDonald, County Clerk, Bal- J clutha, forwarded '.'orrespondonce in | reference to cadets and territorials us- i ing Clydevale punt after free hours, to j the effect that the Dofcncc Department I had agreed to pay these fares for the ' future.—Received. j Mr E. Cole, Milton, asked for per | mission to, remove house from ('audlc- ] town to a section in ilelonsbrook.- ' Permission granted, on motion of Crs Russoll and Swrtt ; any damage cans- j ed to road to be repaired to satisfac- j tioii of Inspector. i Mr -las. McKinlay. clerk. Inch Chi- \ tha River and Road Board, slated , the following resolution had be-en passed at the last meeting of his Board ; "That a conferelice between the. two bodies, be held in the Board's office, Stirling, on Tuesday, 28th January, at 1 p.m., to consider the respective duties of the Board and Council." After discussion, it was agreed that a suh-commhtoe, consisting or tho Chairman, Crs Scott, Russell, Clark. Driver,
confer with the Road Board as requested, and report at next Council meeting. Mr J. Esson, wrote on behalf of Inch Clutha I'roshyteria'n Church Helicons' Court, asking that Council's request re cutting down trees at the mansi; glebe be held over till winter.—Granted, on motion ok" the Chairman, seconded by Cr llitchon. Mr I). Allison, Millou, applied for permission to plough side of roadliws at Springfield for lilling-in purpo-,es.~ Some councillors complained that on previous occasions roadlines had been ploughed up, and left in a dangerous state for trallic. On tho present or casion applicant, had commenced ploughing without obtaining permission.- On motion of Crs Russell and Scott, the matter was left to the Inspector to grant permission or otherwise, at his discretion. Mr I). Mitchell wrote asking for repairs to road near his property at Wangaloa.-Cr llaggart remarked "that about l'i'.u had been spent on this road, and it was absolutely wasted, owing to sandhills shifting. "The applicant, he understood, was willing 'to grant a deviation of road through his property, which would make a good I'oad. lie moved that the inspect', t I make inquiries, and report at next, meeting. Agreed to. Mr Robert Smith, lierwivk, drew at tendon to bad state of boundary road at Upper Berwick,- Cr Driver stated it was estimated that the. cost would not excei'd ti2 apportioned between I Tuapeka and Bruce County Council-. IHe moved (hat the Council expend a I sum not exceeding .LIS on repairs, bal ! anoe to be borne bv Tuapeka Council. —Seconded by Cr Scott, and agreed to. Tie, clerk to Inch Cluthti River and Road Board wrote asking Council to return thu Board's books, handed <\er when the roads, etc., were merged into the County. -The clerk i.Mr Potter) stated that some books had been returned, Iml In had been unable to liiid the remainder. lie would, however, make ;i further search for the missing books. Messrs Henderson and Davis, Ward Bros., A. and T. llislop, C. Grcv and ■I. W. I'etrie wrote that it was thei, intention to erect a telephone winfrom Waronui lo Messrs llislop'.s iCoombe Jla\), and asked Council's permission to cany the wire along several portions of Council's road. C'ranted. on motion of Crs King and Scott, subject to the work being car tied out to the luspectar's approval, MOTOR CAR ANT) TRACTION ENGINE TRAITIO. Mr das. Smith, Barnego, wrote askin;;' for peruiissior. to run his motor car along Hnrnego Flat road, between his residence and notice board.--To grant the rei|Ue>t, if was stated, would necessitate alteration of the Council's by-laws regarding Iratlic along this road, and the application was deferred ie the meantime and reienvd to a sub-commit fee. Cr King referred to the permit granled Mr Leonard to travel along I pper Barnego road with his traction engine, and moved that this and other similar ovistinu permits be cancelled.—Seconded by Cr Driver and carried. Cr King further moved thai a bylaw be framed restricting traction engine trallic along this road, except by permission of the Council.—Agreed to. Or Begg gave notice of motion for next meeting re alteration of by-laws regarding motor and traction engine trallic. GENERA!. Cr King referred to dangerous state of Upper Crookburn bridge, on bound ary between Tuapeka and Bruce, and moved that the Tuapeka County Council be requested to put up warning notices, and also have decayed timber portions renewed forthwith.—Agreed to. In accordance with term* of resolution received from the (.ounty solicitor Cr Driver moved that, :is no object ions had been lodged against taking over certain land on Mr Mcl.enunn's propertv, Manngatuu. the Council pro eeed to acquire same under Section 10 of the Public Works Act, for purpose-* of a rondliuo.—Seconded by Cr Kinq and agreed to.
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Clutha Leader, Volume XXXIX, Issue 46, 17 January 1913, Page 2
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1,577BRUCE COUNTY COUNCIL. Clutha Leader, Volume XXXIX, Issue 46, 17 January 1913, Page 2
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