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HOW TO PREVENT THE CHILD'S LIFE COLDS. AND DANGERS THAT COMMONSENSE ADVICE. THREATEN. CHILD'S NEGLECTED HOW COLDS ARE COLD CONTRACTED AND THE RESULT. AND PROPER TREATMENT. Habitual colds are due to an ill-kept Tho «,„-«+ a x l> i. *i. n u a u . , :in on the outside and by dyspeptic „vi! ?, danger to which the °° lda m the s P ecial banes of A cold * always the result of undue mucous membrane on the inside T , J Australia are ex P osed is childhood, and often lay the foundation exposure to low temperatures. The the result of indigestion, coupled with «£'7* tm the more serious diaeaßeß of "P id of *e surface, when not carelessness. Cold water, proper food, Jft :?"*,?£ ' W6a ? ° ff ' after " life - one child catches cold, and balanced *W* reaction > !«»*«»■ and the foundation Sve he snufflS JZ 1 SCares its mother int ° hysterics by a nd of the r c y^i^r iv 0 e neT r cro^ nthe dead of night £ A cold sponge, bath, one to'three them from school for a day or two so Another child catches cold, and municable, in the ordinary mZ abS r ex /l t aSt ' that y«y break up the"colds thj bef ° re , »"* recoyered from from one'inLdual to another S ? aVe - Every Parent can add toth * IS !t r ther C ° ld ' aDd perhapß the slightest "^ d " Predisposes tte cutaneous circltTon all and X healthy COndition of the famil y and '* ,5* " W C ° ntraCtS a fresh to attacks of L most severe temperature For thot 1 guardil * against an y and ever y kind be of a wramon cold, causes the necessity for its quick cur. e rS^elf fC,W - G^ally.thecWlddTesnot*^ «* «■» mucous nee d not be"enforced. These fS n bv the ui of kn ° W hOW tt Caught eolA Jt ma y be r WkCh ?l a * firSt aCUtC ' t0 em P hasise the *««"* of extra prewateTat ant co mfl»H, I possible to preyent it exposing its become chrome, and the doctor will tell cautionary measures against the ordiZe making Hne del ?? 0 I!; body to those dangers which f u that <*M bas chronic catarrh, nary cold Eyeryone cannot change each dTy until it ol t.l if ° lder persons shun ' But ** chances *om which it will neyer fully recover, his climate at will; but may make the Sout drea ascoldas it wSn' ? COntraCting C ° lds be ea % Sea salt ma'beadded to the water * a Httle Care and fore " f could ha \ e been cured by proper take Chamberlain's Cough Kemedy «. for ite stimulating effect Colwater H the chUdren get colds ' ?* ** wT, intelligent!usef dTes not s eaTvita "* Don ' t trifie ST, of appears. It not only cures a cold Hty, but fosters it. It sttulat the 5f 4 n ™ ing Sh ° uld be SS°°* PneUm ° ma - .J be d °f r is ****> but counteracts any tendency nerves that control the exmnSnn ,nH heeded by aIL lives of many ca! ! ed ; and pronounces it lung fever, of the cold to result in pneumonia. one blood vesT nd « each year by -d «f the cklds lucky enough to live, This fact has been fully pro'ven during regulates the cutaneous c reunion ne^lectin g tfa e colds which they take; it has developed weak lungs making the epidemics of colds and influenza One should "keep »ZJ » when wS others contract chronic catarrh, from CB P t,b^. to a "i Ung *««»■ <* P a ßt few years. No case of or chilly and not stand on w b lch the y ne ver fully recover. Of all Every one of these children could have either of these diseases having resulted corner or elsewhere without t2 the COU S h mixtur es sold, Chamberlain's been cured by the prompt use of in pneumonia when this remedy was ? nB * r Certdnly heads the f amb f lain ' B^ h K-edy A few used has ever 7 way act as a numn and Sivo tl hst as the most effi c a cious for colds, dose *ofit, and the child's cold is gone, manufacturers, and thousands of blood along This practice thl ZT' and whoo P in g cough in J* counteracts any tendency of a cold bottles of it are sold every day. This others named, will reduce to a shadow *? a " d e °™ reme dy that can to result in pneumonia, quickly dis- shows conclusively that it is not only the liability of taking cold everv lE f de P ended u P on to effect a P elhn S all T / ear , of that .dangerous the best and quickest cure for colds, while. If you should contract a cold ¥ CUre ' and that is P ,easant and dlSeaSe ' i' 18 als ° a C f rtam cure for but a certain preventive of that danget rid of it as auioklv ~ m i s «fe to take. This remedy contains no crou P' an . d has "ever been known to gerous disease, pneumonia. for everv cold \ StL ?yj T °P ium or other harmful drug, and may faiL When S iven a3 s oon as the lowers [he vitaliTy and P-e The ? e giVen &S COnfidentl y to a bab y *» T% *f * EVERY BOT -ItEGUARANTEED. way for more serious disease, tw! 3n adult Its great worth and medicine of such great If you fail to get beneficial results is best ipr.nrr.nii v, a k +t I meT ' lt iu the treatment of these worth and merit as Chamberlain's alter using two-thirds of a bottle of OamberiinTSugT Remedy Tpre J*** 8 haS been attested * "»ny Remedy should be kept in every naratinn ,-w ~*r, «i T J j,j thous 3nds of mothers. bouse where there are young children. nrUTnu Dtrn/rcrw paration that can always be depended * Don . t wait tin the child ig % ick CO£/G// REMEDY upon and that not on y cures the cold, but counteracts any tendency toward CHAMBERLAIN'S COUGH REMEDY hand, ready for instant use when de f\u and get /° u r money back ' " h pneumonia. sold everywhere 1/6. needk ""'

s CURE. ' The Famous Remedy for Coughs, Bronchitis, Pneumonia, Pleurisy, Asthma <fe Consumption BRONCHITIS and PNEUMONIA Cured by HEARNE'S BRONCHITIS CURE After other Treatment had Failed. Mr. W. G. Hearne. Dear Sir, —From a strict sense of duty I feel that I should publish the following statement, so that others may know what to do when the awful fact is evident that a life is in danger of being lost:—ln September, 1906, my little girl, aged at that time 3 years, contracted Measles, and in the following October was attacked by Bronchitis, Pneumonia and Congestion of the Lungs. She was attended by a legally qualified doctor of high standing, but his treatment was not successful in arresting the progress of the Illness. On Saturday, the 21st October, 1906, he said that her life was in danger—that there was very little hope for her. For eight days and nights she had been prostrated by Cough, Pain and Fever, and was lying like a statue, unconscious. At this stage I was persuaded by a friend to obtain Hearne's Bronchitis Cure, with its auxiliary medicine for the Fever and Congestion of the Lungs, as directed in the Catalogue of Medicines which accompanies each bottle of the Bronchitis Cure. I gave the medicine as directed, and there was an improvement from the first dose of Hearne's Bronchitis Cure. The improvement continued after each dose of the medicine. In a week she was perfectly free from the Pneumonia, Congestion, Cough, Pain and Fever, and was well, except that she was still weak. In • fortnight she was quite recovered, and is now in splendid health, and stronger than ever. Any person asking for information about this grand medicine can be supplied by me, or by any of my neighbours who have witnessed its wonderful effects. It absolutely snatched my child from an early grave.—Yours gratefully, D. GARDINER, Police Station, Geelong East, Feb. 5, 1908. PNEUMONIA and PLEURISY cured by HEARNE'S BRONCHITIS CURB After other Treatment had Failed* I, Prudence M'Kee, of Carr-street, South Geelong, la view of the importance of a person making It quite clear what treatment was successful in curing a serious and complicated case when the medicine, directions and treatment of a legally qualified doctor had failed, state as follows: My son, Henry M'Kee, then aged 8 years, had been attended by a legally qualified doctor, who pronounced him to be suffering from Pneumonia, Pleurisy and a stoppage of the passing of Urine. Under the doctor's treatment the child gradually got worse, and the doctor pronounced the case hopeless. He told me that the child could not live. At this I obtained from Mr. W. G. Hearne, Chemist, of -Geelong, a bottle of Hearne'a Bronchitis Cure, and gave it to the child, according to the directions which accompany each bottle; of it. The child improved after the second dose of : Hearne's Bronchitis Cure. He continued to improve; each day from each dose of Hearne's Medicine alone, and. within three days he was free from the Cough, Pneumonia and the Pleurisy, and the Urine was passing satisfactorily. He was out of bed at the end of a week* completely recovered, and he is now in perfect health. PRUDENCE M'KEE, Carr-street, South Geelong, Feb. 0, ISOtV CONSUMPTION. Too 111 to Leave Hl* Bed. A Complete Cure. BRONCHITIS. A Sufferer 73 Years of Age a Thoroughly Cured by Two Bottles of Hearne's Bronchitis Cure. Immediate Relief-Effect Wonderful. Mr. Hearne. Sir, —I was very ill with Influenza and Bronchitis. A friend of mine persuaded me to try your Bronchitis Cure. The first dose gave me immediate relief, and after taking the second bottle I am thoroughly cured. Its effect on me has been most wonderful. lam 73 years of age. I trust you will make use oi this statement by publishing it for the benefit of humanity generally. Yours most respectfully, THOMAS R. TREZISE, Reedy Creek, Victoria. Mr. W. G. Hearne. Dear Sir,—l am writing to tell you about the wonder-' ful cure your medicine has effected in my case. About three years ago I began to cough. At fiist the cough was not severe, but it gradually got worse, and I became very weak and troubled with night sweats, pain in my chest, and great quantities of phlegm. On several occasions there was blood in the expectorated matter. I had been treated by a doctor who pronounced my case to be consumption, and various other treatments had been tried, but without benefit. It was at this stage that I heard of your Bronchitis Cure, and sent to you for a course of the medicine. When it arrived, I was too ill to leave my bed, but I commenced taking it at once, and gradually improved. lam glad to say that the two lots of medicine you sent have effected a complete cure, for which accept my very best thanks.—Yours gratefully, • T. BLAIR, Westminster Bridge-road, S.E., London. BRONOHITIB and PLEURIBY. A Severe Case Cured by Two Bottles «ff Hearne's Bronchitis Cure. After Other Treatment had railed, Mr. Hearne, Chemist, Geelong. Dear Sir,—Some months ago, in Sydney, I suffers* from a severe attack of influenza, and waa confined ts my room for about a week, at the end of which time, feeling somewhat better, I got up and tried to transact my business as usual. But I got up too Boon, for the very next day I had a relapse, and suffered tortures from what the doctor told me was pleurisy and bronchitis. The pain from the former in my chest and shoulder* was frightful, and for four long weeks I was confined to my bed under the care of a well-known Sydney doctor, and all the time his medicine gave me but temporary relief. The landlady of the hotel (the Cleveland), where I resided, told me of a medicine—Hearne'a Bronchitis Cure —from Victoria, which had cured her of a bad attack of bronchitis and pains in the chest, and begged ■of me to try it. I did so, and, in thanks and gratitude to you, tell you that, after the second bottle, my cough had ceased; but what is more astonishing, the pains from pleurisy entirely left me, and in about a week I was able to attend to my duties as usual.—Yours faithfully, J. BRAHAIL Melbourne "Punch" Office, Melbourne, ASTHMA-A 17 YEAR 3 OABE. Previous Treatment Failed, cured by Three Bottles, Mr. Ales. J. Anderson, of Oak Park, Charletflh, Queensland, wrote: —" After suffering from asthma (or seventeen years, and having been under a great many different treatments without benefit, I was induced to try Hearne's Medicine for Asthma. After taking three bottles of this medicine I quite got rid of the asthma, and since then, which was the beginning of 1883—fifteeri years ago—l have not had the slightest return of It The medicine quite cured me, and I nave much pleasure in recommending it." Speaking in February, 1908, he states:—"l am keeping very well. Never have the slightest return ol the asthma. "Hearne'a Medicine cured me of Asthma, from which I had been suffering for twenty-five years, during which time I had used almost every patent medicine on the market—including asthma inhalations—without getting a cure. It was 8 years ago that the cure was effecter i ti i. u.j!_: a t «—l ............ .k.-. have lett for years—ln (act, I feel splendid," C. WISEMAN, Meredith, Victoria, Beware Of Imitations ! The great success of HEARNE'S Pironchitls Oure has Induced a number of unprincipled persons to make imitations, each calling his medicine "Bronohltls Cure," with the object of deceiving the unsuspecting, and so getting a sale for an imitation which has no ne of tlh© beneficial effects that HEARNE'S Bronchitis Cure has. Consequently it has become necessary to draw you r attention to this fact, and to request you in your own interests to De particular to ask for HEARNE'S, and see th,at you get it. HEARNE'S BRONCHITIS CURE, Small Size, 2/6; Large Size, 4/6, Sold by all Ohemists and Medicine Vendors, and by the Proprietor, W. a HEARNE, Chemist, Geelong, Victoria. Forwarded to any Address, when not obtainable locally. NOTlCE—Hearne's Bronchitis Cure No. 1a does NOT contain any Morphia or any Opium whatever. It Is equally beneficial for the youngest child and the most aged person. N.Z. BRANCH OFFICE. No. 9 & No. 11, HUME'S BUILDINGS, WILLIS STREET, WELLINGTON. FOE SALE LOCALLY BY G. W. HUTCHINS, CHEMIST, I3ALCLUTHA

LATTIM9BI. TAIT/OT H©BIES & GENERAL OTJTFITTII, CLYDE STBIET, BAICLUTHA liHi rnadi lo order at ifeortert aotta, ■ail, !■#■« aUrti, tin, «H toI■NCR HH flbflL

LAWSON and duff. MERCHANT TAILOBS CLYDE STBEKf, BALCLUTHA. A larg« assortment of samples kept. Suiti mode to measure on the Shortest Notice. Fit and Styrl* GuaraaUad.


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Clutha Leader, Volume XXXV, Issue 2140, 31 July 1908, Page 8

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Page 8 Advertisements Column 1 Clutha Leader, Volume XXXV, Issue 2140, 31 July 1908, Page 8

Page 8 Advertisements Column 1 Clutha Leader, Volume XXXV, Issue 2140, 31 July 1908, Page 8


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