ADDFELLOWS' HALL, BALCLUTHA. TO-MORROW NIGHT, One Night Only. Tbe Coming of the Famous BLACK FAMILY of Musical Entertainers. TJnqaestionabtv one of tbe Greatest Musical Organisations that bas ever toured New Zealand. A grand programme of varieties, comic songß, comic sketches, instrumental selections, Cowboy, Persian, and Japanese dances, musical novelties, &<s. All Balclutba should see the Black Family. Fast programme a guaiantee of present excellence. A bright, wholesome, and elevating musical entertainment. PRICES ... 2/- and 1/. J. A. M-ICDONALD. Touring Dates ; Tuesday, 4th, Waiwera; Wednesday, sth, Balclutba ; Thursday, 6th, Stirling; Friday, 7tb, Bomoabapa; Saturday, Bth, Owaka.
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Clutha Leader, Volume XXXI, Issue 1900, 4 April 1905, Page 5
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Clutha Leader, Volume XXXI, Issue 1900, 4 April 1905, Page 5