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At the usual meeting' of the Council 1 on Tuesday evening there-were present ? : < The - Mayor, and Messrs Hutchins, Macdorialdy Stewart, Potter,' MasonVWoodj and -Kith. ■ The minutes of 'tHe 1 previous ordinarymeeting/arid* 1 of a/ special meeting- held bn ; the' 2nd irisir. wereiread arid confirmed.' : " ; ' ENGINEER'S ; REPORT. •''"""•' 7 ' ' / The .. ; following ;;, report ..of ; Mr Robert" Grigor on Farquhar arid M']S"eil's contract ,in; Clyde-street was ,read and received :—^'' . . ■ •,'■".' V' Balciuthai; 3rd April, 1880. * '■'' ■To^tHe "Work's Corporation, palGentlemen.— l haye t . the .honour, to' report as follows ,bh contract known 1 as'Farquhar and M 'Neil's 1 on J Cly^die-street- r This contract has : been finished, as described • on- plan; in two distinct grades,- to my ;en tire j satisfaction.: ;/Phe, , metal.measurement for 35g chains, 20 feet wide, r v was in excess 24 cubic yards j (tlie'delail measurements of which are at your 'disposal/if. required); This exftfa : metal V 'used to form' >' a : junction; Clyde-street with/ .Gordon-street, < 19 yards of ;which were used. The balance I .used: to make ; upi several. inequalities ■ 6n u the grade that is sure., Jto occur and will occur m future on any , road . formation made up, and especially. in a town ' ,; where traffic is continuous. "This as per account |!attachedj I 'Have not thought 'fit to~> charge for, :,bufc undermore'favourable circumstances would , Have been allowed for. Mr Mason's .recommendation, re blocks on sides, should be, at once attended to. Condemned sleeperaVwould be the cheapest and best. material obtainable for the purpose, imd would fetch as much : after use as when bought. T consider, .that ,15s per' week (which would be money well . spent) would pay ;any resident near the. road to remove, and put , down night and morning. The work which 1 promised to perform for the - Corporation being now completed, and with considerable time and trouble on my part, and there being now nothing to do that requires any skill or anxiety, .1 would take it as a personal favour that the Work's Committee in future relieve me from any further chargs : in connection' with' any' works in this township.— = lam etc:, ■•■ •' -;*: ;«.>(-, " '.'■.■ ■!* Robert Grigor.' clyde-street contract.' ! The account of Messrs Farquhar and .' M'^Teil (L 30 1155) was laid on the' table; !in which was included L 6 12s for extra work. , . . ' ■ ■'■"■"' 1 Mr Mason reported that : the Works ', Committee had inspected this contract, : and while the whole work had been done ' very substantially, yet "in some places the ' metal was very rough. It would require very little to make the job all, right, but he thought. this ought; to' be done beforethe work was passed by the Committees j Mr Wood said the metal'was certainly very rough ; there were likewise several .holes where water would lodge if the street was left in the present state. ' '•■'•■ -' • , Tlie Mayor would endorse the remarks made b"y Messrs Mason and Wood. 'There was little doubt ! but the. work was very substantial, but, the metal was in places very rough, and simply required breaking. Eventually, it was agreed ■ that the Clerk write' the contractors and call their attention to tlie defective, part of the street contract. , ' ' V DEPASTURING LICENSES. The Clerk reported that as; instructed by the Council he had requested . .the. inhabitants of ' East Ward who wished Cattle -Licenses, to have their applications forward by that meeting. Tbere had •been no applications lodged. Mr Wood said the reason of ! this was' there was no grass on the ground at present. ' .... . .■, . . , \ '.'_'" ,'\'\ Mr Macdonald said there was -far too., muct open, lancl. aboiitJEast .Ward -.'for people to pay a license to. : the .Bo acre .paddock. t When "over 4QG^'aores 'of Government land' lay' open to. them it- was not at ,ali likely, .they , would pay the, necessary, license fee. .: „ ','" " "/..., "... .- " .' Mr Hutclxins moved— "That the^l^ase of .the. 80-aci ; e reserve . in East Ward' be put up at auction inthe usual w^." ■Seconded .by. Mr Macdonald, and carried. .■,■,.;'.',.... -..'.■,, ;'■::■,_ STREET. JOJNTENANOE. '/'_"- -, ,"' The Mayor said as the time was .now approaching./wlien.. (the.,,ipn- . tract fwould require, to be taken . off the hands of the contractors, ; and .for some time to come it would. require some maintenance, lit; was ■ now ,for ;the , Councils to consider as-to -the , ( best . way, » of;'; doing, the work, whether by . public , ten&r, .' or, otherwise.-. .- v -.-, , r ,, ,-- ..; •-, . . -. t : ,^., . *,~, T ..-,, Mr iMason -thought that blocks of .wood laid;atrthe side ; of theiroad, or say the .tree; protectors, .would keep, the traffic, .qn.the: centre,. of\the; road. , ; - -„; „ ,'^r, „s ] Mr Woodiithouglit that the , protectors with a light i fastened on ; .them, oii .-, daclc; nights Iwouldbje the cheapest ; they; cpuldi geti^ ' : "T,... -';;.. 1| (,X ■;■;] i-'.r.; ;ji, y:;;t ■:';;, r- if T " I Mr ; Potter ;8ome ; ; condemned: sleepers t would' am wer vbejtter-. i .; „,<■; -„, Mr Hutchins was in favour, of. sleepers could theyub.e ;gpt T fpr nothing.. 4 ; ; , , „ ,r \ After discussion, the matter -was left in the. hands of .the Works Committee, with full power to act. ; . ; ; ;!>;>,, .-.-, \ ,' . L s '■; : ' / ':' i -r/ -ANNUAL, RATE. ''.;;_,., .; ; -. i .; ; The Clerk^reminded 'the Council that it was ;necessary^rip w to' take «thei:prelimiriary steps for''Btrikiiig^aSnew'rateif»;He-sub-mitted forms of demand in use in other boroughs' which .he 1 thougnfe; it ! would be advisable to ( addpt;'; --■{'-'■ ! - I:/:! <■■•/,; n ■■ 'The <f Mayor"'in*striicted' hira tp%et the hepessary forms' and advertisihg^done. iii 3 I ,-The Mayon said that nd^iilie-cdnfeact ■in \ Clyde-street. .was., a|i , but finished* f it woiild * be l necessary -" to ! pay *• tfee" *M effwto had „done, f the work. ,It, was^ absolutely necessary s that xhis, should be .done, and ■the members present, were well awareyof thgpfposition - of . .their finances just v n6s. f( (A! way" of . meetihg this-* atuT ? their other, liabuities 4 had .been ; laid befpre^themj ,put as ' two ' of "/tKe Vpounciilors " Had' 'stood' 'out < . , .v.>jiM>"i- jwiM-j/vr .7iSi!'.i;vv-n .ffjjvjjfji si, it, was .for those pdesen^.to deal iWith, the, matter, j. He wpuld .aslc.Councillors^Wpodjand Stewart if they ; we*e still' opposed to sign the bill to, the bankV - ' .Mr Wopd said as regards to the Mil on demand to the bank he was still' opposed to Bigning anything of a^cjt'"'*;'-?'""-*-;'""^-^ Mr Macdonald said it was a question w.hether they ; wer4 to J give a , bill on demand as security, to: the „'bank : fpr' whUt advances they required"' or wlietliery thiey

>J»»m— —p— — — — — » — >■— B— nt) <IIV were to be sued in the Supreme Court by" • thefcpntractore^^ :" ship further in debt. -Their^^ bMiKeriSp? as far Vas^dssiblef'ia^si^ted them,; : and he did not itMnk-thef^could any* Karmires^t, frora. ( giying '.the -bill. • Several; of the inei^bershad^bnbv this before and-. &c jb'ili; had; been !meipU <ngjK&[ ~l£&^ expected ! another h«ndiedl s pounds tb^beV^ got by .the sale of! the 'Tiiapeka reserve^, lfeaae and by the firat : of July,/,itey/' could - pay it,. all? off., ( The present/ memberswo\ild, r qn. the expiry, of their office, leave; • iihe responsibility with "their successorav; ' and 500n;,,., .. .., , . /'*'■ ■■' I ' : Mr Wood asked if tHe LSOO'balahce ,o£ : debentures had j been advertised.. ' ' 3 " :u ,;:: lu ' | l&sMacdon^ been disposed of ; had it ' nbfrbeen /for tho-j? obstruction, of one, or two. nfemb'e'M^qf o CbuiiciL '] The whole of the L6(^i) ; loairhaa, r beenj advertised,, and ; not /the bala'hce' of _'}/. , debentures separately^ .',.'..,..' '*' " '''"' ' ' Mr t Mason said' the money -was now due ••" and> ought... to .be .Raid;. rHe would _no ( t j like to se]^ ihe;Boro.ugh j>ut _tp"'iEEy -'expense. „ 'of an action in the Supreme* Court^aiid''* , he was in- fafvbur ;of 'giving the l'sepurity re-',^ quired. by.the'banlc.' !l '..'"''-'^ : ;'' >>: ." ! ''■'-"-'■ r - ! '>'^ 1 The Mayor said thjeire' was^Ls2o ! to come T in "by the i: first of Jvily,' and'/thefe was hoi j ; do,ub.t ; but .the Cpuncillor3T- would apply 1 ':: this ' to wipe off ' their or/oa-lialjiiity;; tb the '--^ 'bank.' ' ,'.', i ,;.;" '",-,'' :"/" <:: 'J : V* '' u '''2 , Mr : Wood remarked tljat the'lj3'pO,raißed ';! 'for f pu»pose had beerf applied 'to' '^ other .purposes than that for < which it'had rJ ;beeu- raised./ ; ':,'■:.' ,-.." '"....' ' s *« '"x".'^''^ *"''*" ; '. The jV^ayor said it had;been : 'spent^be- :'\ 1 fore . it had ,. beeriiraised, at : all '; ' 'still' they. ' l were n^ot ,ih { s|Lich[i a position ' as their ' cussiohs ovep'fihance for thelast'few^ : vfs7-', 1 nings-.wquld lead ,pne, t to. believe ' n tnere : were very.fevvruunicipaUtiesin'^ew.Zikijland in a better position ifiiiMici^lyVtnaii^ they were. . They had., only 'about l'flo'me v LBO of an overdraft at thk:bank,^nd',they . had plenty of resources in reser Vjes , ] &c/ . ' ' ' '.' Mr H utchins would like, Couribillprs ' ) who objected to become surety • to "the' ' = bank,. to. suggest 'some' o'ther.-eouraei I "'; f ! i The Mayor said they \ybuld;iTmye^ tabe /- careful for'the future until ; 'they> got out' 1 ! of tk©ir. present position. , Stttl'-tKere WBkp^ ." •• that port^prt* of. Clyde-street atVjbhe^Squthijj*. end, whiich r was an.'urgent -and fio : '"r " woald r support the; expenditure'^ Vlie.hadi^f ' •to pay it out of 'hisiown' pOHcket: ( '-. ' ' ' '? '■' ' J '■ ' , • Mr Wood • said he , wasiprepared ito^giye 1 ' 1 hsiwqtiota. ' ' ' ..." '"' .'" ' ','''" '"' ' : ! ']'] Mr Stewart's objection^ was/to the sign-- .j---ing of , a bill ,. oh demanidi^ He? was also* ' (joite prepared to pay' nis •■'share' of ,tha- ? '; ! lsibilities, and had never refuseel'to 1 Sb. so. / -/ . Mr.Hutchins said^h&iwas vriot prepared : . .. i like>Wood and Ste^artio; pay»his 'shareVV- -■ anda good many of tha:Gduncilibr's'wqulds ' '•: agree with him. • t '" ,' '.'"' / Mr^ Macdoiiald suggested ihata .meeting '..','• ' of the ratepayers be ,calfed.'tb jcohsJ^Evthai:-'' matter.- '. .... | '. ..•'. "''■.'''" '.'. ','".' , Mr -Wood would haTO*rio, » objection 4 to :» f "'* * meeting of the ratepayers, and was certain they would .endorse; his action in re- l x fusing to sign, the bond*?. '._ ,' ;% ' V !.;' , Mr Mason would be in ; favbiir of a p'^x-,— ■ lie meeting. , ? , ; " ' ; Mr Wood said the^^/areatayniilooking;. . ; the fact that Councillor Stewart aiid.hain.-r 't ■ self were prepared to pay tteir sKswe^ of .' the money. He had been-jpf '6j>ini^4'sia ; t ' : "\ " the L6OO lpaon had been! for 4he\-Giy^4^" • street contract. , .. , '- K Mr Macdonald. said' Co^imoafl^r^Wdbft'. ' could not be . ignorant bf.'th^ financial •'' position, of the Council, and\; faiust .havo^^%*been aware that the L6OO , fefefee'd:-to'',h l a;<3;i i y ' been spent on 1 1 ■ Mr. J^ason would . iriovb— " : That ; 'tna Council in a body "sign ,the bftntl «fed ;>the •/ bank for the sum of LSOO ; and .'in'' tne,^-^ event of.tlie L3OO of .deb'enturea , being y. ■ floated before the Ist. of.^ulyj-.the'mbney'y to Ido devoted V.tq* pay the saa^/ixjlpdi"'^ ; — Seconded by Mr Kinu ' '" " * ? ': "' " : Mr. Wood .moved as>. an iamendmeat*^ - " Thai a bill be the . cpntractpra ? / for.the payment of ithe CSyde streetrfeon- l - - 'tract."— Seconded by Mr '' '"";<:"! Mr£Hutchms said.,it : would be better to^"get 1 the accommodation from, t^e>b£fcnk. T < j r Mr Macdonald suggestea'j tike TMwSba- -^ Ability of the bill being hawke^yafequt'^bySv ■outsiders,^and-, possibly , getting intij %h.o^':hands of ijbe ,;Jews. , ,'. - 'I*, {i r ~., .., -rr? ; ■ Mr, ;W.ood.woul<i have, interest added' to father bill in favour, of the contractoje's. it « f ! i i i : The .Mayor "said there wefal^he^ac-i-.---couiiJSi s: .w,hich had j«en{ passed [for ,pay?>'-ment,-and; they , had|.a nght to ; 'b.e»'paidi' as it'-. well as the, bontractprs.' . , , ' "' '' j " .' v '\ ik " ;. ; . ,^ y i Mr Wood said he wbulatnot.pbjec.tltb &,w bill for a fixed^periodj.bjat^^^'not put his name to a bill ( on deinandiY " ' i The foßowirig motion f was tnen%rought' forward By Mr Macdonald.—" That this i v Council agree't'6 f give to r the'bkiiK'a bill at four,^^ mopths^fpß^tiie^swn of tL6|^o, ..andiv that ihe Clyde r street" .contract^ , be Vl &mi * payment /tHeref^rom^^eebn'ded 11 Vby.^^tr , Masbii^and carrieW : ' i -'-"- :<> •■'***»•>'-' <■■■$, -w-jr/3 '' Mr,. Wood, withdrew his • amendmenti'f arid;Mr JViaspWhis f motibn^wltH'me- 1 consent of : hSs"seconder : .; Tl! ' ■ ,*rutu j -Some t discussipn> { arose jos^ tpii^hf jjfß^fft pdiutmeni.of p. n person,, 4^ansp ( ecl(j\the.^ . fencing ,pn the = , Tuapeka^ "Reserve yfyflifo no, i) I appointment was. made. :■;». J^,^ hmi hxr''~iiii' \ Mr Wood suggested that the .Clerk coiCKy> pile a^ statement of f ;the hUwml' bilities. .itxi'sr.un niijinii-drii.'itriuci ; The Glerksaid^heiStatement youldlap^pear at 'the* end {< 6fn < vtheaibalanee''-shee'tj§« would bfefpubliahed afpaoe_4?it nl> -^t^ 1 'Th'e'^Mayoip.saidftherafjWQre] some; bad fa places- in. >the streets in* the vicinity fofsthew Presbyterian' rChurcfefi and 'they? .oughtjitoJo pe-seeir'toat oriceirafThe work wouldonly)^ ! be'a matter of about li2jj(andr^the jiblm-ui required^ filling/ badlyissi 4^; vi •:>'..}' -fthUs-^yj n'Mr^^Woodv called', atteailon T>tp, tthe-i't pppositeJ side' fti the>street ibeiweeni -3MfcH NicoFßfand*Barr's'<HaUvs7:w ayin iui ahiha j Mr' Mapddriald!^movedH-i* l^h!it7Jtlii»Mj matter beireferred'.toithejWoßkaGbmjnitib tee 7 with* powe^ Potter; f iarid'ckrrie3ci. f ; v,fJ{|^f?'l'(u/5 'J. %^iht^ j *"i3ffeniion-i was caire'd^to^ the* flct Hhatp at '^pVesfetit;- there'-wasV' re<^ry-^n'o;y?Bst6Sln^ - • spebtbr' in' £ th'ii' bor6^'gh,Tth(^fp^Mt^et*^ ■■ '■ geant^of ' police l "n ever rha s viftg«'been^^p^f> : pi^e'af J ' r -'The. 1 ' OTerfei ; I iakeHl^rneeessaryfstepsrto get*'th : elo)fice:if' : V- " Btxeeba!-' : , .".',-_ ~ '^-y\ >\ \The Ma^ r .said^^W/^way^^"B|BTOre^ i.-. i^tterioEOT^ I^ld^e^itm'iie^-!:^^ ;;, 1 .., Thia'donclude'd^i^'busmefiß. 'o^^MMvdnM^ -\

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Clutha Leader, Volume VI, Issue 339, 9 April 1880, Page 5

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BALCLUTHA BOROUGH COUNCIL. Clutha Leader, Volume VI, Issue 339, 9 April 1880, Page 5

BALCLUTHA BOROUGH COUNCIL. Clutha Leader, Volume VI, Issue 339, 9 April 1880, Page 5


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