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The ordinary monthly meeting of the Olutha County Council was held in the Athenaeum Hall" on Friday last.- There were present* Messrs M'Neil (in the chair), Jowitt, Jenkinson, Dallas, Scobie, Ayson, Mackenzie, and Scott.

Before confirming the minutes, Mr •Jenkinson said he wished to know what rate the Council : intended .to collect. A irate of ls in the pound had been made, -and. he understood only 9d Avas to be •collected. ,

The Chairman said that only 9d would I>e collected — theproportionforthe period i;o expire after making the rate.

Mr Jenkinson moved that this minute T)e amended so as to show that only 9d would be collected".

The Chairman objected to any discussion on the minutes.

Captain Mackenzie pointed out where he considered the minutes were defective, -and protested against their confirmation.

While Captain Mackenzie was speaking "the Chairman put the question that the minutes be confirmed, which was carried.

Captain Mackenzie challenged the de•cision, pointed out that the Chairman was ■conducting the business in an extraordinary manner, and assured him he would not be allowed to browbeat Councillors in I;he manner he was doing.

MATAU ROAD BOARD. The following letter was read : — Inch Clutha, 12th August, 1878. The Chairman, Clutha County Council.

Sir,— By direction of the Chairman of the Matau District Road Board, I am instructed to Inform - you that at a special meeting of the Board, held on the evening of Thursday the Bth instant, For the purpose of receiving tenders for. river bank protection works, near Presbyterian Ohurch, and near Mr Willocks' gate, Inch Clutha, ■and I have to inform you that the following resolution was passed ; — That the tenders be •sent to the County Council stating that the ten•dera were called for before the Board was aware that the Council had proclaimed that part of the River road a County road, and urging the immediate necessity of the work being carried out. That, unless the work be done, the road will in all likelihood be all washed away during the summer mouths, where the protection works are required, -and thereby cost a large sum of money. for the purchase of lands for roads. — T have the honour to be, Sir, yeur obedient servant, James M'Kxnlay, Clerk, Matau Road Board. On the -motion of Mr Dallas it was agreed that the letter be received and that no tenders be returned to the Board unopened. RTVER BANK* -PROTECTION. An account was received from Messrs Smaill and Sons, Ll3 15s, for protecting river bank, Matau branch. The Chairman said the work was one of urgency, and it had been carried out under the instructions of the Engineer. Captain Mackenzie hoped this action on the part of the Chairman would not be regarded as a precedent. The Chairman said that so long as he held the chair he would have no hesitation in attending to urgent works. The Engineer being asked by the Chairman as to the nature of the work -referred to, said it was an ordinary case of the river bank washing away. Mr Dallas doubted very much whether anything would have gone wrong although the work had been left undone till that meeting was held. THE.MATATJ BRIDGE. The Bruce County Conncil forwarded a cheque for Lli 12s, being the balance of unexpended vote of LSO, for repairs to Matau Bridge. RIVER ENCROACHMENT. The following report was read : — Kaihiku, August 14. Mr Chairman, Sir, — According to your instructions I have in--spected the Riverside Road, Inch Clutha, and have to report that at several places the river is washing away the road-line, and that unless ■something be done to protect it at these places it will very soon be wholly washed away. The places specially referred to are near to the new church, and to the old church on west side of the bridge ; also at the south-east coiner of Mr Mosley's bush, and at the boundary of Messrs Mosley's and Smaill's lands. I understand the Matau Road Board has called for tenders for ~works to protect the road-line on west side of the "bridge. At south-east corner of Mr Mosley's "bush a quantity of straw has been laid down, and of it put in to protect the bank ; to prevent the river from taking it away, a man has been employed to secure it with posts and wire, also . i;o put in the remaining portion of the straw, which will in a measure protect the roadline. At the boundary of Messrs Mosley's and -Smaill's land, at several places there is only nine feet of roadway left, that besides protective works being constructed, it will be necessary to ■acquire land from Mr Mosley for a sufficient width of road-line. I may also mention that at Mr Smaill's place i:he road-liDe was being washed away during the late rise in the river, and that Mv Smaill has put in a quantity of straw and timber, which I have no doubt will prevent farther damage being done -to this place for some time, but it will be necessary to put in two small groins in order to make it more permanent. I may state further that I estimate it will take a sum of L3OO to do the works that are urgently -required. — I am, &c, Matthew Paterson, Engineer County Council. Mr Jenkinson urged that something be -ddne for the protection of the river banks. Captain Mackenzie said there were other districts within the County that re•quired attention besides Inch Clutha. The report was received. SOUTH MOLYNEUX. . A request from the South Molyneux Road' Board for permission to take rotten Tock from a side cutting near Port Molyneux, was granted subject to the approval ■of tho Engineer. TAPANUI DISTRICT. A letter was read from Mr Hugh M'lntyre pointing out the urgent necessity for •something being, done to; a road between preserve and Mr Steel's property, leading io Tapanui. After a discussion the Engineer was instructed to attend to the matter, the cost not to exceed LSO. BOUNDARIES OF RIDINGS. The Chairman said he had the previous j evening received the following telegram — "Will you oblige Colonial Secretary by giving full reasons by which County Council were actuated in recent alteration of Hidings, and by what majority carried." To this he had replied that morning — "Carried by a majority of 5 to 4, with view of more equitable representation as two members represented valuation of 1i30,000, and seven members valuation of L26,00CL Minority moved in matter ■firat."- --* Captain Mackenzie said the reply sent hy the Ghairman -tvas not correct. . Mr Scobie said he could prove it was not correct. The Chairman said he had been, aaked

to : apply to the Government for an ex- j tension of time to enable the rolls to be made up. He had done so. , The Government had replied by making the enquiry in 'the telegram, and he forwarded the information asked. The question before the meeting was whether his action was approved of. - Mr Dallas moved that the reply sent by the Chairman be approved of. Mr Jenkinson seconded the motion. Mr Scobie moved an amendment that consideration of the matter be held, over in the meantime. The matter he said could be taken up at an after stage of the meeting, when Councillors would have fuller information. He asserted that the reply sent by the Chairman was incorrect, and that the minutes of the meeting would show this. If the Council proceeded to approve such extraordinary conduct on the. part of the Chairman, he did not know what they would not do. Mr Scott seconded the amendment. The Clerk here read the minutes of the meeting when the resolution to alter the boundaries was confirmed, which shewed that it was only carried by the casting vote of the Chairman. Captain Mackenzie said they should be careful in communicating with - the Government to adhere to the truth, otherwise they would destroy their influence and disgrace themselves. He asserted most emphatically that the reply the Chairman had sent to the Government was a direct falsehood. The alteration of the boundaries now effected had not originated with the minority, and it had not been carried by a majority of five to j four. The special meeting was illegal, not having been called in accordance with the provisions of the Act, and the boundaries had been altered contrary to the expressed wish of the ratepayers. The reply the Chairman had sent was wholly false, and any man with the smallest spark of spirit in him would prove his position or take other steps in the matter. The Chairman said it was so well known that Captain Mackenzie in any act of a pubhc nature was actuated only by private motives that he (the chairman) took not the slightest notice of anything he said. Captain Mackenzie here called the Chairman to order. He had his words taken down, and a " scene " ensued. Mr Scobie rose to speak. The Chairman ordered him to sit doAvn. Mr Scobie said it was the second time the Chairman had ordered him to sit down. He assured Mm he would not submit to be browbeaten by him, and accused him of telegraphing a falsehood to the Government. Order having been restored, the amendment was put to the meeting, when there voted for it Captain Mackenzie, and Messrs Scobie and Scott. For the motion, Messrs Jenkinson, Dallas, Ayson, and Jowitt. An adjournment was then made for luncheon. CLINTON. Upon resuming, the following letter was read : — Clinton, August 28, 1878. To the Chairman and members Clutha CountyCouncil, Balclutha. Gentlemen,— l am instructed by the Clinton Progress Committee, to submit to you the following resolutions, passed unanimously at a meeting held on the 26th August, 1878, and respectfully to request that you will be pleased to give the matter your earnest consideration. Resolved. — "That the .members for the Hiding represent to the Clutha County Council at its next meeting, the necessity of appointing a Ranger for the township of Clinton, as the ratepayers suffer great annoyance and loss of property by horses and cattle wandering about the streets." Also, — " That the Council be requested to erant a sum of LIOO, to be expended on the main road, between Post Office corner and the Railway Crossing." With regard to the last resolution, the Committee wish to state that the work referred to, Avas about to be undertaken some two years ago, when, through the Abolition of the Provinces, the grant Avas withdrawn. The Committee, however, fully recognises the great necessity of this work, and trusts therefore that you will give it your serious consideration.— l have, &c. Fred. Lange, Secretary Clinton Progress Committee. engineer's report. The Engineer's report was read as follows : — August 28, 1878. Chairman, Clutha County Council. Sir, — I have the honour to report, that since last meeting of the Council, contract No. L 3, for metalling portion of Port Molyneux road, near to Whytock's Hotel, has been completed ; also contracts No. 2 and 6 for the supply of maintenance metal at Carterhope and Kaihiku bridges on Main South road. Tenders have not yet been called for the works on the Waikoikoi road, but they will be advertised for m time to be in at next meeting. In. re cost of making a road from Pomahaka bridge, Kelso, direct to section 20, block 11., Glenkenich. The direct line of road from the reserve near to Pomahaka bridge -would be to intersect sections 78, 77, block ILL, Glenkenich, thence by the northern boundary- of Captain Mackenzie's property to the roadline running to section 20. lf it is considered necessary to make this proposed road, it would be advisable to continue it along the south-west boundary of section 20 to the Chain road. The earthwork required I to form the road as proposed would not take a I very large sum, as the ground is almost level, but as there is about one mile and a half of it passing through swamps, this portion would require to be gravelled to make it practicable for traffic. Estimated cost, about L9OO. • ' - I beg to bring before the Council the necessity for something being done to protect a portion of the roadline between Greenvale Station and Kelso. At this place the Pomahaka River is running directly against it, aid has lately washed away about one-third of its width. I would suggest that a channel be cut to divert the river from the road-line. When the money voted for Greenvale road is expended, it will chiefly be on gravelling portions of this road ; and, as the nearest place to get the gravel is where the channel ought to be cut to divert the river, it would be well to let the two pieces of work under one contract. Besides cutting the channel, some protective works may be found necessary. - The following are the sums of expenditure submitted for payment : — To surface labour on Main South road £72 13 0 „ Repairing tools and blasting materials 4 3 0 „ Surface labour, Port Molyneux road 31 4 6 „ Surface labour, Catlins road ... 512 0 Total £113 12 6 OUTLYING DISTRICTS. To Surface labour - £14 17 0 „ Timber for Waipahi Bridge ... 43 4 9 Total £58 1 9 I have tha honour to be, Sir, your obedient servant, Matthew Paterson, Engineer to County Council. INSPECTORS OF SLAUGHTER-HOUSES. Captain Mackenzie said the Council had appointed several Inspectors of Slaughter-houses, but these parties had not yet received ' their formal appoint-

ments, and were unable to enter upon * their duties. . The Clerk said the appointments were ready for signature. PLACE OF MEETING. The Chairman reported that, the Committee appointed at last meeting had met a Committee from the Borough Council. The latter proposed that the Borough Council should borrow the , necessary funds and erect a hall and offices suitable for both bodies, the County Council to be responsible for the half of the interest and sinking fund. The probable cost would beLI4OO. i Mr Ayson said the hall would be suitable for public meetings, and the revenue thus received would reduce the interest to be paid by both parties. The report was received, and consideration deferred. petitions. Mr Scobie presented a petition from 21 ratepayers re a road at Waipahi, from 30 ratepayers at Clinton, praying for the appointment of a ranger. The -(petition was received. •* ACCOUNTS. Several small accounts were passed for payment, miscellaneous. Mr Jenkinson moved — " That the sum of L 55 be granted towards widening and metalling two cuttings, and otherwise improving the road leading from Pendennisstreet to the Maori graves at Port Molyneux.''' Captain Mackenzie seconded the motion, which, after a discussion, was lost. Mr Jowitt moved, " That the treasurer be instructed to open a ledger account, as from the first day of October, 1878, for each of the ridings of the Clutha County, and that then the revenues collected in each riding shall be treated as the property of the riding in which they are collected, together with an approximate share of the liabilities of the County on that date (except in connection with the special grant for Catlin's River Road) with this special proviso., that in future it shall be competent for the represenative or representatives of any riding to assist any other riding. Mr Jenkinson seconded the motion, which was supported by Messrs Dallas, and Ayson, and opposed by Messrs Scott, Mackenzie, Scobie, and the Chairman, and carried. Mr Jowitt moved; "That tenders be called for the 25th October for the works authorised by the County on the Catlins River Road under the special grant from Government of LI,OOO to enable the said works to be proceeded with during the summer months. Captain Mackenzie, seconded the motion, which was carried. Mr Jowitt moved, "* That the engineer be instructed to protect from the encroachments of the Glenomaru stream about four chains ot the metalled County road in the Glenomaru, (at a point near the old stone quarry) at a cost not exceeding L3O. Mr Jenkinson seconded, .with the addition of repairing culvert near Mr Beggs at a cost of L 5. — Carried. Mr Jowitt moved, " That the engineer be instructed to lay off work on the Catlins River Road between M'Donald's house and the Owake Bridge with the view of making the road through the bush more safe for traffic to the extent of LIOO, and to report to the Council at next meeting." Seconded by Mr Jenkinson, and car riecl. Mr Dallas moved, " That the sum of L3OO be spent on the road from the Waiwera stream to the junction of the Pomahaka Ford road as soon as the weather permits of the work being done." Seconded by Mr Scott, and carried. Mr Scobie moved, " That the Minister for Public Works be communicated with, requesting that the unexpended vote of LIOOO by the late Provincial Government for the main south road, between Balclutha and Clinton be now put upon the supplementary estimates, with such other sum as he may see fit for expenditure thereon, as on account of the extra traffic with which the road is already burdened and occasioned by the missing link of through communication by rail, it has become all but impassable, and the funds at the disposal of the County Council being quite inadequate to make the road accessible to the railway station, and cannot be overtaken by the Council although recognising the importance of the work would therefore urge upon the Government the necessity of voting a sum to meet their requirements, without which traffic will be greatly retarded, and in some places all but suspended." Seconded by Mr Scott, and carried. Mr Scobie moved, " That the sum of LIOO be expended in repairing and altering road between postoffice corner and railway crossing, township of Clinton, and as the plans have been already prepared that the engineer be instructed to at once proceed with the work by day labour." Seconded by Mr Scott, and carried. Mr Scobie moved, " That the engineer be instructed to report upon that portion of the Main South Road between the Popotunoa Gorge and Clinton township, with the view of expending from LIOO to Ll5O on the worget part of the same." Seconded by Mr Scott and carried. Mr Scobie moved — " That a ranger be appointed for the township of Clinton, at a yearly salary of LlO and poundage fees, and that the Council cause such regulation to be instituted as shall give effect to the prayers of the petitioners, and resolution of the Progress Committee as forwarded to the Council." Seconded by Mr Scott and carried. On the motion of Mr Scobie, Mr Lange was appointed ranger. Moved by Mr Scobie — " That Taylor and Weston streets, township of Clinton, be declared county roads." Seconded by Captain Mackenzie and carried. Mr Scobie .moved-—*' That a sum not less than LIOO, or such as the Engineer may report as necessary to form the road through Waipahi township, be expended therein, as indicated in the petition to the Council of the ratepayers of the district." Capt. Mackenzie seconded. — Carried. boundaries op ridings. Mr Scobie moved — " That Councillors (to be named) and the mover be appointed a Committee to report to the Council at a* special meeting on a day. to be fixed, upon the boundaries of the ridings, anid such other alterations as they may see fit tq recommend, with the view of equalising the - representation and preventing' any

action taken from disfranchising or inflicting other injustice upon the ratepayers of any portion of the County;" •

A long discussion ensued, after which the motion was put' to the meeting, when the votes were — for the motion, Messrs Scott, Mackenzie, and Scobie ; against, Messrs M'Neil, Ayson, Jowitt, Jenkinson, and Dallas. The -motion was therefore lost. ANOTHER SCENE. Captain Mackenzie asked the Chairman to explain what he meant by the insinuations he had made in the course of the discussion to the effect, that parties had communicated with the Government to thwart the Council in the endeavour tp get an extension of time for preparing the rolls. The Chairman explained that an application had been made by the Borough Council to have. the time extended, which was at once granted, but when he asked the same thing to be done for the County Council, further information was asked. This looked as if some outside influence had been used. Captain Mackenzie said the Chairman had evidently referred to him, and notwithstanding his denial, still repeated the insinuation. He assured the Chairman he was not in the habit of telling lies, whatever the Chairman might be. If, such insinuations had been made against him twenty years ago he would at once have sent a ball through the brain of the party making them. The Chairman said : he never referred to Captain Mackenzie, nor accused anyone personally. Messrs Scobie and Scott said insinuations had been made that the Clinton Progress Committee had tried to prevent the Government extending the time. This they emphatically denied. The matter then dropped. AN EXPLANATION. Captain Mackenzie explained he had been unable to attend the Conference at Wellington owing to the snowstorm, &c. After some other business of minor importance, the meeting adjourned. .

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Clutha Leader, Volume IV, Issue 217, 6 September 1878, Page 3

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CLUTHA COUNTY COUNCIL. Clutha Leader, Volume IV, Issue 217, 6 September 1878, Page 3

CLUTHA COUNTY COUNCIL. Clutha Leader, Volume IV, Issue 217, 6 September 1878, Page 3


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