Thi- first number of a -.comic journal, *<Makomato,' i*. published at Christchurch. '. His Excellency has been pleased to accept the services of the Palmerston Rifle '"Volunteers'. Tho Company has a strength of 'p4. A meeting- of those favorable .to the. formation of an Anti-Ceutralist League was. to be held • in the Provincial Hotel, Dunedin, last night? The next limine mail via San Franisco'will close a*; the Office here, at 6. 30. am., on 'Tuesday-first,**' tho 14th instant. ' . . .•••; f 7/ By a proclamation in tho -General Government' ' Gazette? parliament waa dissolved on Monday," aud new writs are issued, returnable in sixty" clays. ' ■ AT.ODGB of Good Templars will Be instituted iv Miiton, this evening by the District D.eputy of tho Grand Lodge — Mr James Hogg, -lb ia expected he will be accompanied topa number of the Officers and members of the Balclutha Lodge.
A vert unpleasant religious sqtiable. is now going qn at Kaiapoi, between the llev. Mr Carlvon Episcopalian minister, and his flock." Tho fofiner is charged^ with strong ■ tendencies- towards the lloman Catholic Church, aud distributing, objectionable pamphlets to.ypung children. A commission of inquiry is sitting.
The Auckland Steam jacket Company held its half-3'early meeting, on Monday ,- afternoon. The balance-sheet show-edj.a credit balance for the half year of £3199 18s. Id. ! This, with the reserve fund' of £5000, sho^vs .accumulated pro-, fits of £8199 18s. ..A dividend of .10 per cent, was declared. ..'.,. , 6s DIT. .That a grand public wrestling matchwill come off iiext week^ between- an -ex-officio of Balclutha, and a popular, and. justly celebrate d Jehu. Dr Smith has been asked to act as roferoe, arid considering that the' receipt's are.tobo for "the l->e-ae£-fc of- the Beuevoleut £_(_<. i<_6y3 : he vfill no doubt give his consent./ It is/expected thore will be a largo attendauce of ,the " talent,"' ahd the public generally on the' occasion. ;'■ At a reeenfc mootin*' of the' Clyde" Municipal Council, convened to fix the annual rate, the Town Cleric read : a letter from ;the agent of the Bank of • New South Wales' refovring to the probable liability of the to\vn,- arid suggesting that a2sGd iv the £1 v.> te be levied. The rate was fixed at ls 01 in the, £l. 7 Mb Deans, of the Acclimatisation, Society, liberated [500 young trout in the Tokomairiro river, on Saturday last. ' We hope this experiment will be more successful thaiithe last one to stock the same river with fish. Mr Deans on the same day forwarded 500 trout to the Waitahuna stream. ..;. A young man named ;AleKandor^ Scott coSEr mitted'suicide in Dunedin, on Sunday aftepioon, . by cutting his Ijhroat with" a pocket kijifeT He had formerly" been a' bank clerk,.- but h;ul been ' out of . .employ nvm*. , for- so mo. time! ;. Ai --ihe : inquest on Monday, ,a /rerdicb. of, smcid^.'was; returned while in "a state 'of -temporary-' insanity. .' been drinking heavily of late. . • " ; Mr ASiLVESTK-Vll-.e, 'jphaumaturgist— son of : the Kakir of " 'Oolu-r-Keld ari entertainment" itu Ban-s Hall, on Thursday and l'Hday 'evenings,; and by special re.fl'uest/pn Saturday: -night' -also. ■ Mr Silvester "was , assisted l.y ; Mdlle 7Naoirii ? ,'wlio! in her lightning changes, .'enticed .'Mask's andi Faces; acqaittbd^herself in an excellent; amuMrig,! and highly illustrative .manner. My -Silv^OTcr! also well merited and l-eceived the "a-ppi-obatio-^ of his'audie.rice ; each evening? Wiß have"Seou the; Fakir hirtiself perform; hhd can conipliinerit bftn' on .the production of. such a .thorough and experi; hecomaricerashis son?"" In all his pro"ductr6hs| he : is very ; 'clea^;7,c6iripletoly -eclipses '". : Hasf-l4 mayor, iiolyer. and j othei*s. of the; same , prof es; sion which. we, have seen, . The entertainn-enl; .partly cdrisisted-of thb 'production of crystal •bowls" full of Whiter, with a gold-*fish iii each-^hon^ evening ;f*eyen, bowls -wer^ produced— Spiritual : calculations, floral prpductions,^'the talking hand; .*<yhieh brought -ihe house 1 <4dwii, ;'as ; alsb did the sailor,' which', 'iCo, be \appr<.ojated,' must ibe,seen. <; His;, hat ., productions. wtT i, ini*uense|, , and altl\ough some i of tW tricks bld; i;Mr'Silvesteu^feds' brough'<; ? them to- ab6u"6<their-utin6s*t ' f limit . bf '- perfection;, - . . The /Cpifapany.- .played ■ di . on Monday, and .Tuesday, evenings jitlie^ will play" nex!?- afc.' Lawi*e-ice?'after s whicK-'.l{ey ? pass thf pugF ßtdcluthabTif ftrate.for flriverc r irgil|, i Queenstown _;and th.e> goldfields. | Their ] the. resii^ifcated: /Harry- is iiow'inad- , vap(¥i.ffitjid { we have hb !t 'tlEt f f^'Mr x Ea'stwbotl'aebririeetion,\!_aid McSUvesu-irH'alE-^il.y. jtl^afc ttid osm*t^:irj-svriU..-ft3d t J country halls' too smairfoi' tlibir- atfdfdiifeW. : V. :. *■ . - ' ■. ■ -" R lsi ;f ■•".! j i a . .y ... ;
It will be observed vihat/*tlie"~ funeral "of ,the" lato 337 rysonjtakos place to-day, : af 2 p.m. ?. The evidence and, the arguments of counsel,' in the case Dunne v. M'JSToil, were concluded at a late hour: last night. '-His .'Worship .; deferred judgment till Wednesday , first. ' --. -■■'., The General Assembly of ihe Presby iei-ian- . Church of New Zealand was opened at Clii-ist-churbli jl bn Saitirclay Tnighti ; The ■•Roy.-' W. M'Gbwany, of Lyttelton,' wasrelected Mofjlersttor; ,
,, A new bi-weekly paper, called thft 'Canterbury, 'News,? haf been TRangiora,- 20.. miles fro'm, Christchurch.' . Anew weekly, 1 called the' tMercury,' lias b'eeti'started at Napier, -" -■;.■•■■-
; The San Francisco Mail 'Steaiider' arrived at Auckland, on Sunday evening. She brought the [largest .mail ever, received by r the San , Francisco route.' It "comprised 272 bags, containing 35j 000 letters, and 77,000 newspapers!- '% '.',-. ' "
CoMiis'Cr, events cast!,their shadows 1 before. 'Alarge amount of labor is !now-.availab^ f iii the Mount Ida district. A number of 'men are' travelling insearch'bf employment, more so than we ( l Chroniole ') remember to have been the case for the last two years. ...;
At a. public , meeting held T in the -Newmarket Hotel la* - evening, ib was 're-solved that Caledonian Games, horso races, &c.,. shall be held in the lower reserve on New Year's day. The following gentlemen were appointed a Committee to, prepare a programme and make -all necessary arrangements :— Messrs Gow, (Chairman,) Dunne (Treasurer,) Paterson,. (Secretary,) Stanbrook, Low, Macdonald, jieunert, Jos. Robertson, S. Hogg, Cowie, Mason/ Canning, and Dr Smith.
'In coxmectioi- -with, the f orthcomvng -wrestling match, .*•' Peeper^seuds us ;the r followrng.,tip:— Jahu.liavii-g.been observed- displaying his great muscular development; which I : can vouch foras being in superior form ; and . shows , great carefulbess in his training, . I wquld certainly, reconimiend a- little money being' laid " on liinV in preference to t'other. ' Betting 1' to 1— • but Would think when all ia topsyturvy that Jehu will be best, especially if ground , is soft, and no danger sticking out. "" ' ". ~\ .'. ~ ' ' meeting of'the residents of Kaitangata was held at Dalgety's Granton Pisr Hotel on the 2nd inst., when ; i,t was resolved " That our representatives should urge tbo. Government to .extend the , telegraph lines to* Kaitangata in ; accordance with "the votes: of last .session." Mr StoddarVtlje chairman, was directed. to communicate with Mr Murray to tliat effect. ,It was also agreed to ask him to. get someone appointed as Registrar of births, deaths,; and marriages. The establishment of a weekly Court and the appointment of a local policeman tvero also discussed, and considered ; very necessary to the district. •■';• • ■ - • '•" ' •.
. TOHSr M'L^uen, a Dunedin fish, cadger, bottle gatherer, or something of -that sort,. a rabid Abolitionist., who is a nuisance at allpublic meetings, and-who made himself particularly noxious at Mfr Reynolds' meeting, has" ani.pui.ced himself a candidate to represent the City iv the Gen oral Assembly. He called a meeting of- the electors at tho Market Reserve, (as he could not find a hall largo enough), for Saturday evening. It says muuh for. ihe. character of -the electors that not one individual put iv an appearance. It has been suggested' that Mr 3is»ynolds should give his injudicious friend, Mr M'Laren, a post iii some cruising excursion till the elections are over.- 1
Lsr reply to a question as to what the provinces would have in lieu of the Proyincial -Institutions should these be abolished, Mr Reynolds said they would have the provisions of the Abolition Act. Wo have got a- copy of these, printed at the Government Printing Office, "Wellington, by tho pho to-lithographic ' process. Tlie book is printed in so . small letters tbat but few will attemdt to" read it,' 'and it. altogether' 'seems a mighty small affair to get in exchauge for our Provincial institutions and political, privileges. If the Government have no other -work' for their h'nge : staff , of printers in Wellington to be employed, upon, we would suggest that they should be discharged. ■ . They. could readily, find employment upon some of the new papers just starting. . By last mail we learn" that a report had gained currency in [England tbat ' the Turkish Government had offered -Mr Gladstone £50,0^0 a take Charge, of the_finaucial ; Adn)inistration 6£ the Kingdom." This report, 1 ! h"owe ver,. it appears lias been Contradicted b'y^Mi^Gladstono. We'learh from a. private source that^tho Sultan r had com-, municated -with, Messrs, EothscKitd witb 'a view to finding a -fully 'qualified : gentleman 7 for : the. office,' and that iSir Julius .VogelThas - "been reconi- : .friended- for the App.ointuient.. Turkey, w^uts more money, and -Sir Julius Vogel's successful negotiation's with Messrs Rothschild on behalf of New Zealand, have led to * the _ recommendation referred! to. ' The Sultan, has telegraphed 'to in-' tercept Yogel on his journey 'to* New Zealand, so^ that after all the proghb'sticatiofis of those who f-aidhe had left the colbnyvfor good; are not all unlikely to be realised. ... ' , ,
IN| last issue we called attention to. the. model of a pair of w'rought-iron gates' and pillars for. a park entrance, made by Mr Legge; (blacksmith here, and! with which he liad obtaised first prices in England. A report has been originated. ■ and industriously circulated aihohgst : a certain -' class in the township to the effect ftha't this j modeVwas neither .made nor, . exhibited by, Mr-' Legge. It is due to Mr Legge that this should ■ be.c ontradicted, and we have • therefore to say that wo hive been shewn;. his .certificate for a firsff prize, and. we have in our possession the. catalogue of " The Anglo-French -Working Class • Exhibition ' of • Skilled Labor;: atcthe- Ci-ystal' Palace* Sydenhami,7lß6s," ; ii> which -tho model is entered as the .manufacture of *' Alfred I William 1 Legge," 8 ChpSnut 'Place, Wimpletori. ,,,; ' We will' be -glad-'tb : shetv it' to anyone i who, may have doubts'uppn the subject. ..W.e may, add. that the. model was made by, Mr Legge ; diiring liis'spafe hours, arid only occupied him 'six- weeks.: It would ; be a ; feather in, the &ap of ; ; uotm&ol- our yourig colonial, tradesmen if they, would' employ' their leisure hours iri producing a'lhWertp'bedl Mr Legge's gates? ' • :" . '- ■ ; ' •■; '■ ;: ; . ,"i , r ;■; 7- •" '.:. • '■ The 'following are ihe weights' for thcDunedin • Cup of 1876, a handicap of 400 sovs.,. with as*veep of 10 soya, each, -as -declared at 'the- Empire Hotel ori Saturday morning:— Castaway; 9sfc 81b; Tamborini, 9sfc 6lb; i Tempi eto n,.:.95t. 2ib ; ; Guy -B)awkes;jßst 111 b ;•- Hercules,. 8_t,, 61b; Daniel o'Rorke,'Bst'2lb-; Korari, Bst lib:' King ! Philip, Bst; Tadmor, Bsf; Malviria, 7st 121 b ; ;Ngaro, . 75t,121b; Somnambula, 7st 101b;.Rory: O'More, 7st,Blb-; -Fishhook, r 7st'slb ; ; Atlas, 7st 41b; Tattler, 7st 3lb; Rightßower,7st'?>lb; Cocks^ro, ■ 7st 2ib ; Richmond, 7st2)b;.Raniolf.7-t; Ksntri, ' 7st ; Cloth of Gold, 7st ; 'FaaiuvOMßheivcolfc, 7at; Pertobe, Gsfc l2lb- Amoliia, 6s. 12Lh '; Pungd-- ► w'orewer'e, 6'-*fc 101 b;■ impress, 7 fwt 1 01 b ; '.Folic--Tamie, 1 G**t'Blb ; Castiliau, 6s t 81b ; The Chief, , 6st 71b ;■ Kathleen, Gsfr 71b ; 'Blair AthoL ,?st 71b ; Gamecock,' 6st ' 61b, ; Merry Monarch,; 1 6st" , 61b ; I The Cloud, Gst 51b-; Sir William, 6st'slb {.', ; treu's/G-t ; TBoorherang, , (Ja(T ; ! •Gat ; ; ...Medicus,- 53t 121b. ; . Seabird^Bsl; ,121b'; Freestone, pii 71b * Memmac filly^Gsft' 71b';' 'Young .Citptij Spett, b.-it 51b7' : Acceptaiiceb:'crosV. on ; January; ..2fi£,.18?6l —--'•-•••-7.. c.:i. i;o' y;.4y ; 7 A NEW lodge pf Qpnd. -Templars was.p^titut.ed, , at. Kaitangata .o^MondaS^, evening last',- \inderthe' 'name of the Kaitangata L ; 6ds?e of Good Templars .j 1 On ' tlifi't ; evening 1 -th'd District,' Deputy I . of thel ' (3i*^-l Lodge {I^i*.Ja*nioS;;Hpg^.) accompanied, by; about, twenty of.thepfficers'iand'i^ei^bQrs' pf.'tW . I_6dgd it ope pf .BaicluthaVlprb'ceededto'Kaita^lSta' : according t& previous* 'arra»goraem*e;l|<-» institute the Lodge, and tha-ceyepipny?'v | i>a3 s gpn.e fjhj?>ugh € in ''the old schopT ; room? 7Af. fer 'jtlief'-xlodge.- 'had* been op'cWd'in.' due f oyrivfif tee'ft methbers of -th^e -Kaitangata* Lodgev:*jore.> initdated:, v and.c,;fpur clearance -.card .-.^ members were,, ailirijjbt&d;' making the .me'-ibW^bip^'p'f. tlie itj'UlJ , ■ hin eteen? After'' the : initiations the Lodge>pro| ■ceeded jto select. fof^ce-IJarerSj'jap^jthe fpllqw|pe* were- duly .elected* ipVd installed -by 'the;Distfrict Deputy :,— W.O.T7 (or President}* Jesse' 'Coat'es ; W.-V,T:(orlvi<.e rPresldenfc)j Wm^Spenefi ;-;W^^si >i(Secreta,r_y)-.*.Goo.> . Stevens ; AW'.JUkI. (-linapjjjal: -Secietar'yl Jas. fiiarop , ; , "W,T..(Trei^ul* l e-^l'{J;iai i IVttttr ;^ t: VV r . '01 r (OUaplain^ Oh'aap Hi a.j^ina ; Ml 7 ! '{Marshall):! . Margaret! Spem.4i;,^Wf I.o. iflnfei: ; H Qnrd) ,*50)O». r G,-io, v .^han/i^ W?B:..S7'' '(Right ' ;?ahd* • Suppotfcerl^-Elizab^th" V W;L' S. * - (-^ftr,Ha-ddiSupporter)fme':Wr" •Sprightly ; ;W.I>.M? (Deputy «MaTsbalU^iQed.^ . The.mf_tallatipn -over.* and' ■' spme^f ormal J busino^s % •• |6i_&iTii*oiigh, c ?the ?|<iijly.i;cld3,eij:i gna*' .tljf^jn^ber? ofjthpjßalclu^ '. fchpirl-iomss? wnicli they* aU' : r'eacnea in .lStfj_i:y_, 'iQ r>u vs monw iswml?
- A- boy named Wia", Mbrah was -rifling riear'tlieTaieri mouth on; Saturday, whenhe was thrown; from his, horse. His colliir bone was i n-jiired, and he waScbn veyed to the -Dunedin Hospital.- ' I-; ';
In a divorce case of Teas v Teas tried in Sydney,* : a verdict lias, been ret^^nedagauTst/the co-rbspon-j." d'eht, with £2000 damagesj and a divorce Kas;, been grained. . --'^-- f .i •-..'.•-:•,;-:-, ,'-,- .^js.
It is* expected Parliament 1 wiil'be 'djs'solyed and .writs for the new elections iasued within a.few days.: These. writs will" be returnable withuihot more than sixty days. ". .. ?- 7 ' ; .' '
A, BUMOtJR has been freely' mentioned in Mel"boiuriie that the laiis Captai_i^G'ray,'bf-tHe : -*lii:e*it Britain, did t-Oi cbtranit a(iicide,-r but- was pushed oveiboardjjbut'this ha? not been.traced to any ' reliable foundation.'' 7 -'■"'•'-"•;•■ '■*■■■'-• -y yy . A.TBRRipfd'sohth^west gale of wind ahd' rain prevailed Ihroughbut ,| Canterbury ' bti'- Eriday night and Saturday.'. The; low;lying dis|ricts were under water and the rivers flooded? "AtTimaru there was a. tremendous sea on and the vosselis in port had all to puC'»t6* sea..' : ' I 'A 7
It is notified'in another column that a- branch of the Colonial Bank of New -Zealand will be opened in Balclutha in ,a , day ?or two. Mr barren, Branch Inspector has ; been here for some days endeavoring tb secure a- suitable f or the buildings to be erected, Several, we believe, are under offer; but a final decision has not yet been made. r ~ In the meantime the business will be conducted . temporarily' in jMr■ Ma cdpnald's ? remises, lately occupied by Mr JTohn t Jamie.. .fe may add, without committing 1 -a breaPh of confidence, that the Bank has secured 'the services of Mr T. T. Ritchie, at ,pr,es«nj|. local manager for the National Bank,- to hayei, charge here. That thitf is a wise stepbn theit part Sil •will agree. . ' .;,,? - - At. tbe usual monthly meeting; of the School Committee on, Monday* evening the ■ annual public e*camiria.tion.of the School was fixed to be held on Friday,' the 24th ' inst., and .that the holidays— five weeks— -will then commence. 7 It was resolved that prizes should bd giveh as usual at the examination, and .we Understand the members of Committee will shortly wait, upon the public for contributions towards the" expense. It is lo be hoped the contributions will- be liberal, as the youngsters aro at.preseht hard at; work trying tp earn their, prizes, and. should not be disappointed. * "'.'''
The- Waihola' annual regatta has been fixed tb c held ori tho 27th insfc. —the day before'; the Taieri Agricultural . Show?- Arrangements on. a liberal scale are being made.— the prizes, alone amounting to upwards of £100. It~ is expected there will be a large conco\irse of visitors: from Dunedin,' and elsewhere. ] W> trust the Clutha Committee will bestir themselves and practice for tho contest. , We may 'inention- that'- the Waihola Club intended to have taken part in the last regatta here* but was prevented by. the terms of the Clutha. rules, * They had everything ready tolyave, the carriage of their-boftts, &c.,' arra-iged for. &c, and we hope the Clutha CI jab will-re-,-ciprocafce:the intended compliment, by entering for the Waihola regatta on the 27th.
Thert. waa a largo attoDclanco at the me'efci £° of the War spa and Kaihiku Caledonian Societyon the 29th uit. . Prom tlie report of tho Treasurer, it appeared that the snbs.ciiptions for the past year were £32 15s 3d, and the expenditure, £28 17s 6d, leaving a balance of £3 17s 9d. The programme : for the sports on New Year's Day was arranged and ordered to. be printed.- Mr. Robert Donll, of Kaihiku, kindly agreed to give the use of his ground- for- tlie sports, and where thoy will therefore be held. . A meeting of Committee was arranged to be held on Monday, the 13 th inst. • Should the- weather prove 'favorable, it is.GxpectGd there will be a large attendance at the forthcoming sports Svhich are generally well patronised by the public. ' "•
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Clutha Leader, Volume II, Issue 74, 9 December 1875, Page 5
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