The following were tbe tenders for Dun> ■' edin-and Clutha railway bridge ; : Accepted : Watson .Bros., Darfe*.in, Ll 5.652. Decliuearlfrogtienana Co.; Ll 7.733; W. D. SKrij^Qri ? Dunedin, L 27,117: r^^he.Comniittee appointed to present a suitable, mpmehtp to Mr D. Stark, who had beepi^Mdentbf/tbeO^agp.Typographi^ai Society fpp/sqmeKCOnsMerahle time, h&> eelec,ted:a'handaome'*.ilverinki-tand. The • ADaily Tittifei * sjys-^The' centre* piece ] if Surmounted by; a f^'ge' ma-itiff; in a reclin ini^dj<&iti6ri.- , - T^ih&brip-ibnisVs'folioVs : — "Presentea v tb Mr D. Stark, first President, by the members of theTypog-aphteal A'slo^ciatiori, f as a token Pi esteem." "October, 1874." * l'he^festimonial will be presenteo. vto-^tbe-- 1 gentleman mentioned, .who hs9 recently taken an-- important position at Qwnwu.
L.- Britinh„mail8 t -vl£.. Suez, .jJea"paiched fromthe .olfice-her.e ,pu th r e,27^h inltint. r * J : -■ - r ' ■* *'•■'■* • i; -'' l
q We*,noticed when parsing the other -4»y~ ' that Mr Griffith?, at IFinnegand,' has v tbe appearance of a very fine crop -this season.,. He has between 40 ami 50 acre's bfVheat .already abo,ut f nine inches above the ground! j ? and- Which ia the beet crop w^'haVe seen in. the .southern, districts this spring. ! l . .,' , ' he, pbseryed that (he , celebrated , - jhbrpugbbred trotting horse Quicksand will again travel tbis eeia--on in the Clutha and Tuapeka districts. We learn that- his [stockKareturning out exceedingly well, and are realininar "-veryl high prices. Qaiuk-iand looks well ; this -"seasons 'and'" we have no s dbubj;"he will be 'enquired after" by those who'wish'tb 'improve their breed of first ' 'clas-f-rrbttiAs'and carriage horses : '■ " n - Mr H-illt-n^tem, M.P.C', recently met with an accidept. When driving through a outtipgnear *Arrpw_towp, ihe horse.jshi-.--l, ana the buggy went over the».emhankment. Mr HaHe*'Stein>ustajhe.. a compound- fra<. tnre of the leg immediately above the ankle joint. He .was conveyed home.. • / - ; His Excellency the Governor, Sir James Fergusson, arrived m Dunedin on Saturday morning, and. left, pef Tariinaki on Monday for ..Weilin'gton 1 . -The visit was fttnttly:,priy.ai_€i. o n:B*4fQre ;le^viug, . he, expi ained that the -knowledge of certßiu matters of public.,ini*>oj.tao.ce presence iv \VeUiqsLbn -pri- vented hjd Bx- • cellency p-oion<iii»« his stay in Di^n.e?Tiu ... yy A f'-bycription list \w-as--ppened, in >the> r^wnjhip dn/')Tuesriay orjAjeb/aifJro'f' the{ v widpw,and family of >J|e'late '^ndfeV.'Baiu, .who -wa3 acddentallyl killed ..on?: Saturday, afternoon. The case a pecuhady. jn^lancriolyj.^t-d, .-necessitous one.the.public "respoti^edlibt rally, .s-ud we* understand .t he I sum already raised '.amounts'rolilQ.O • 'The .subscription list \\ilK appear in.uext.i-'sue. 4 A. boy ? named Rohert^Chupman, 13 years -of ages* -'-had a^narr-ow- -escape.. from a fatal accident here on Saturday last. About nine o'clock in tha morning while in charge. of a dray loaded with soil in. C-yde-strt-et hiß foot tripped on'a stone' and' he fell on .his face in front of . r he whtvl, which passed over his" hip. : ' He was carried- honie wheYe he wa? attended by Dr Smith, and we undemand he is now progressing towards re ; covery. •• - "-'■.- Our Omaru 'Daily Times' correspondent .'telegraphed laßt;night us . follows •—"infor-.-Ration has reached ht-re that a man -called committed suicide at Hampden by Doisouing h mpelf .yesrerday. A man named Jost ph Glen wa« accidenall ... shot in •jthe leg yesterday at Otepopo ; aud at the [sameplace John Speid had hi* jaw fractured.; H s dray Wascap-ized, and the wheel went over him." ■. Mr Campbell France met with a serious incident on Saturday afternoon. He, had Heen in the bush with his dray, and on his , ; way, home some! bin-.' fr'ght.nrd the horse which' bolted. Mr Campbell either attempted to leap or was thrown from his 'dray, 1 and' in his fall hi-* foot 'got 'etitangbd m the harne*-f_. He was thus dragged for »m- di"tance, and *as s*h«.wtly at tei-wan's discovered] ipsei-.sihie npqn -.the* road ll* was conveyed home and attended b Dr Stewart, who found he had been stverely cut about the h<%ad and face, but a speedy recovery is anticipated. A charge of alh g d murder was the only one left over at th-- criminal sessions on Monday. at;d w a tv he br.>uj_hj up jester ■li.y'hv'rhin-i' ft was Charles D dp. «ec.>n raa'e of the' American barque O .e«a, now ■ying at Port C r alm r*-, and who wa*« chirged with the murder of Jnhr. Green, a seaman of that vessel on the 17th Sep'tmber. The case,, a** head tufore the B^ si dent Migi**tra,e, shewtd horrible crutlty, unmerciful beating wiih belaying f -in*?, &c, 'nd ultimately forcing Green in'o a position where fallins* overboard whs the ne^es !»a'rv result. He was drowned A draft of v- r. 1 fine fit cattl.-* were crossed at the punt .from Inch Clutha oh Thursday last. They were for the Dunedin market, and tbe prices they realised were -\ery satisfactory. These cattle were from alarm v- here turnip and straw feeding is attended to, and this account** for so tarly and. superior a drat fr-. m the district. AYe believe • hat in time 10 csome, tuore. '•»t'tpt"*Tipn •' WLI ba devoted to tie .early supply, of fa r -*"ock upi'n .the Island tor the pi^tropolitpti mark 1. The price** at present ruling for fat f-tock should certai.ily act a? a stimulant to farmers to prosecne lurther tbis branch of agricultural pursuits: : Wje experjepced a return of bad weathir on 'Mohday.J,. During the wtmle' of the dav «nd night, rain, s'eet, hail, and fell at i-itervdla. . Oiir Qaeewstown crrespondenr ;_telegr-aphs that a severe thunderstorm, by .a.hiL'h wind and heavy on Sunday -i^jjbt. The Lake was^'i ;and the)river Sh tover was te.y ni^h.,,. !;Goq. Naseby corxestpoßdent^iuloruiiVus that' a h^<-^yy 'gale was ex. - periehef^' there^^Jpn- p'ght, arid that y^f-jr^y j4erei w?aMo;'B\<>n. of a change in the~ -weather.. . .?- ! ?s<>i-} : pu-r-. La.wrehee*cnrjre' '. sjpbu_^e.n.Htviwe;;^ the -<bl\o ing" tele-"" rfj^iftj&iit Jtfßt.*be(ore ..seyeh o'clock this m6l[-dp^ "'we ■ had ,«?• severe : storm of" wind a^itMn^wbich '; suddenly raised the creek o^^^q:Ufii4*.^M^'9 v Qfi^nk^ty-Jft? -JR.- -ssl Place ; ;d^d--gc^:6eryicte, : 'preyeutin'g,^fie'-' ToWf r'i r-portipn 'of the town being fli-bded; Allvday'tbejp haye been equal Is, and at 430 pirn, itt snowed htavily."— ' Daily . Times/v _r .; ; . _-. .-._- . ...^ ,,-.--; ; At a meeting of the Clinton R ad Board on the'jStb instant^ tyir iCltKeni'^reliignliHpn of his seat at the B >ar.d was accept' d, Mr G!over being nbicoinated to fill the vacancy, ms. also, was Vtr La g~ter f>r the Popotmoa subdivision. The g^oeral rate for the current year was. fi_t.-.d at 91 in t*>e L , the ,<£!erk .beina instructed to. advertise the ,?ame. . A lett-r was read from Mr John All. n„ East Taieri, agreeing, to giant a deviation on Hillfoot road l}pe:uppn-..coudi v tionthtit, if, more land ber.eqtiifedfbr'the deviation than there is. oh the original road Mne, compensation bepaid^him.'at the rate; of : i.tper aci'e'for land, and Ll per chain for extra fencing. Mr Aran's terms were accepted, and f a' vote of thaoks was passed to that gentleman for -the generous terms ne had -offered.- Mr' Prentice was requested to lay off thee deviations. It wast resolved that Mr-Roberts receive notice to "pen ufi a road 'line between s?ctions 5 and 6 and 4; •.nd e.'ancf intersecting '8 J and 1' 9; block T\, KuriWao district. The following' sums were '..^appptione.d^,---rr. VVairuna^ School ;l^P|ifl,(|j'6^ vigiad from.-Waiw*»af to-Ciin- .. . enV'LBO( ftopotui\oa^ StatipnTloid, L? 0.;, Vlenie Creek Road, L4O — Popotunoa Sub M Jiyisiou,repprted t that-st|iey had agreep. to ' M^Clark^pjffer., in^rer-deviation through, his property.- The meeting then adjourned to the first Wednesday in November.
7., I^___Puerna_ r cprreßpondent ...writes : — A~ very heartless~case~p(BCUKi.ed i^his district days etgo. ;.p& ybuu'g^afrd much'respected settler wap lying "n^well, .andisupposed at this! point of death.!>iA;doc- , tor. was sent for, and his immediatVatteSd ~ 'aiice upon the patient urged, but he de-' Mined to -come unTess r a- buggy 'were sent for him. The. messenger* ; returned,| and upon relating 'the 'aiisWeJ, . ! .the ,: desired .vehicle was despatched fcfr . the .medical "practitioner. After ' alt' tips, trouble I that gentleman declined, tp.. n p%tient-- : attc(n'd',;the- • It'oc'curs to me t , t^af T tbiere'isj room fora aew medical man in this'district.. ;-, I . -The Working Conimitlee* of the --Clutha: Aaricultural and Pastoral. Association; had,, a meeting oh Frida^ last, afier the Walking Show.- There was a good-attendance/ The 'prize list-far Nthe annual*? 'exhibition of stock, dairy produce, &c, to be held on 27rh Nbveniber, was. prepared and passed, and ordered to be advertised. The judges in the' various' classes; were ' appointtd, and other preliminary made for the Show, wHich!, all seemed to. anticipate, would. prove the best ever yet held iv the district.' . ' -•-•- -.-•- •;- .-•'.:.! -'.j We are obliged to, Captain Hayward, Deputy- Harbor Master, Catlin*a River, for the r following report : — The number ; of^ •arrivals, for /the mouth.? of J^eptjemper was 9 vessels-— 394 tons register! The number .sailed >in the same month 13— 598 tons tegistek Qut\of-.fh- se 13 vessels, 6 haye 1 loaded at the new mill, 4 at Stratford's, and 1 with posits aad .ra,ils. -Four cargoes (in-, -eluding one pf posts apd rails) baivie been sent to* Oa'maru* thfe remainder to Dunedin -r-Thd bar has ) bet n.>unu«-u ally bad duri-g the past month, there having been njne days wi'h a heavy sea o.n^in fact, on •the ;£ls't j irist.. the sea N - Was W heavy as I . bave;e*-*tr,koown it, andifrom tb.e 20.h to ,23rd, very heayy see-all the time. ' We learn from the' 'Guardian 1 that a Board of • Inquiry has 'been appointed to investigate the. charges made by Mr.. Harvey, solicit. Vr, of Invercargill, against Mr. Baker, .* he District inspector.. o( Surveys.; The ' NevVs' say s ; that, on its 1 -reporter pre-' stnting ■ himself- at * the door, he was in 'formed that the deliberations were;" strictly -private," but that it was prob-vble the result would be madei public. It 'seems that Mr. Harvey made formal application that the repurters for. the. Press, and the public, be admitted. On the request;- being refused, Mr.. Harvey withdrew from the. investiga'.ion. At tbe same time, he. offered to supply in writing any addi ional information the -Board mi^ht desire on the subject, on receiving a rtquest to that effect. ' , . \ Our Incli Clutha correspondent w»it s : ': — The farmers. of North and Inch Clutha are fortunate in retaining the t-ervices of such welcome and handsome. . horses as Taieri Lad and Caliph within the bounds of the district for this season. Taieri Lad's blood is well known in otaao. As Caliph ha 9 been partially bred in obscurity as a thotough-bred stallion, chu fly, I belieVe, 'from the diffidence of hh proprietor, yet we can as-ure. the public he haa thrown some spleudid -stock about ttie district, and at the present time a year-old filly of" his is "to be seen in a paddock of Mr M'Donald's, a fills of beautiful ceihrtryanci very attractive ucints, promising to be a class of hacks that will at all times of ou'r Colony's history command a sharp and rerAuntrative fiaure. We leatn fiom .the different localities throughout the surrounding, 'districts that the late t-evce weather, has .caused a great mortality amon -st the voting l*_m-is. Those in u'sheltt red paddocks seem to have suffered- more than other.-iupon the ri<Jg. s and gullies. Stock of all kinds in paddocks have had a very hard time of it and cer-ta-nly have not improved in condition. A pity it is th t si many settlers and others so persistently disregard both warning and experience, and, fail or delay to provide shelter by planting or otherwise for animals txposed during winter to the cold stormy blasts peculiar to our climate. We would call the attention of our readers to .Nicholson's celebrated prizd reaping au_d mowing, machines, an annoucement of which appears in another column. .These 'machines obtained tbe two first pr,zes at ' the Metropolitan " International ■-BxHbitioh, held at'Sydneyi 21st August; 187 i ; -ilso at the same Exhibition May, 187'-Y an<- numerous first prizes iv New Zealand and the Australian 'Colonies. Mr G. _F. who for many yearshas acted a* sole aren't in 0. ago for- Mr. Nicholson,- inf- rnn us that riot withstanding the large and increasing demand; that ..has taken place from year to year for these .machines, there-is every probability of there being a much greater run iorthemf- is season, and that at this early period he has moved off no less than seven R ferenae to the advertisement will furnish parties desirous of p089eB!,y- of these machines with the cost in Duhepiu^ TJieicriminal^hJjngs of thjjJSuprerae Cou* jt, DUueJdin;.; wfejpp reramedjc^liilpuday, .w-h^U-Syv^iey;; Gaprge.;® in- . _jdic..e4 -f <> r Iti a; yi ng,; on : the' I_? 6th; A;agtfs 1 1 as * , unlawfully,^ knoiji/ipgly, *^nd "desfgntidly, .fa I sel y pre tended -to -" r gCo w per f thajj'he had purchased the JStar'ijrad Garter Hotel at Oam aru^- and -that be; would make * the said Cp wper blifar^ of 50s a week and bpai'd, By mean^of which pretence he unlawtuliyob.aineti.Xl-> 'in money, with intent to > deff^udj; wbereas in truth fact he' ;had"nf it .purchased the--isai.d " hotel,.-iaß ■'■"ihei.We'HAkhew.. at the time. The prisoner plead- -d Not Guilty, and defended himself. Alter' h.-ariog evide-.ce, ' the jury returned a verdictf-hf guilty, and th^ prisoner;. was senteuctd to twelve months' imprisonment .with hard labor, antlon a similar indictment in which one Sinclair was .the prosecutor, . that the; b e impri-.onedv for t -.elve callend^r months ■ with. hard, labor, each if-entt-nce to take eff ct after ;the < other expired. -.-••Wllliam : Williams was ; indicted for having, on the 20th. July last, at Dunedin,. stolen a watch froni the person of THomas.Gt.brj.e The prisoner 'pleaded Not Guil+y^in which plea '.the jury '.' cpncur'rqd. :, :!\''.^iUiam Bartlttt plead d Guilty to a charge of uttering a_ cert'iin forged uudertak;ng:for thr payment, of money, with intent ; to-de'frau-l-V aud<wp,s"sentencied to imprisonment with hard labor for twelve thonths. -John 'Fairgteavea was^ . indicted for having^ on the 4th October last; assaulted Wiiliam IStoel,' occasioning, him actti al- bodily harm. ''The prisoner pleaded Not Guilty^ The Assault wascotii.rpitjt.ed, at-the' Im-biprWtioh Barracks, Pj:in« r ;Ces-str'eetj the whole 'f pros'ecutbr'^ear and ( a portion of^, his pVek having been coih.; pletely bittenqway ,by '^ alsail.ant r ;^<J'he madefpo^dejencej^nd thegury re<? t^.urned '.'.% verdict^ .of Guilty,* without leaving the. box. >. Sentence, 18 months iojprisoni ment with hard labor.
" " Qar facetious little ;manronr!lbeing asked,, ■last, ni^ht, his opinion as to; the cause of "s^ much wet. weather, replied, " itljwas tHe; sf'ars Bheddihg their tear.! for the loss of ! Venus." y^:yyr;-yr:ir,r . ,-\ "" .Mr.^ Cprti£"addreßsed his. -' qoh^tittiehts at .Nelson on 'Thursday eveninff. jVith rje-j. gard to the abolition of the Northern Provinces, he declared;.. his .intention, to , continue to oppose it till he knew and was satisfied with the form of Government to be substituted. • oi It' willbfr observed that a public meeting, -will-be -held -at-M*r- Whytock's- Hotel on Saturday evening first; to take -ip to consideration the t ad-visability .of havipg an Ruction sale on^the market days. ' ' It is very desirable 'there should be ' a full attendance so that any misunderstanding for the future, may -be avoided. The following motion was to be brought before the -City Council of Dunedin by Mr. Fish at their- meeting last night:— . '-tT^Q consider and v make Regulation 15 prp : hibitbry of keeping, swine within' any pbr-' tion of the city.".-: , We observe that some up-country Municipalities are also taking against the' porkers.^.. :• ; : We- beg ; to. remind pur.readers of, theconcert to be given for the erection of an Engli.shh Church:-,at. Balclutha, on ;F/iday, the 23rd instant at Barr's Hall. We trust thata good house ; will' reWardr- the efforts^ of the ladies and gentlemen who are now actively engaged' in promoting th.s l laudable object. -i ; : ' At the R.M. Court,Tokomairiro,on Tups^ dav last a case was brought by Mr Herify White, seedsman. Tokomairiro, agaiost Mrs Fanny Grey, of thfi same place, to recover the sum of LIV 17s, alleged to be due by her late husband, who died suddenly about two years ago. Mr Gooday appeared for the plaintiff, andMrTay lor, with him Mr Reid, for the defendant. The case seemed to excite considerable interest on account of the peculiarity of. its circumstances, and we will give a full report in our nexp issue. The verdict was for the plaintiff for L 5 15s with costs of Court only, the piofessional fee being refused on the ground the ose was one of hardship. In the case Mackay v. Alexander, charge of embezzlement. Mr Taylor, alter argument, succeeded in getting the information dismissed. We understand it is the intention 1 of the prosecutor to carry the case further and it now stands adjourned for a fortnight. ; • - The Resident Magistrate's Court, here was occupied till late iii the afternoon yesterday with the hearing of a case ol petty larceny -which- occurred at Mr Whytock's store, Puerua, on the evening of the 2ud inst , the night of the market. Sergt. Finnegan prosecuted, Mr. Taylor defended. At the clo-e pf the case the accused was found guilty and sentenced to fourteen days imprisonment with hard labor. The lateness of the hour prevents us giving a full report in this issue. The only civil case w^s jack v. Duttoh, claim of LlO 16s. Mr Reid appeared for the plaintiff, and applied for an adj »urnment for fourteen days with a view . loan amicably .settlement; '. The application was granted. , An inquest 'into' the cause of the death, on the 7th inst., of Wi liam Willisford,, servant, to William Stewart^ Waiwera" Hotel, was held by Dr. J. G. Smith,. Corpnor for the district and a jury on Monday last. . From the * evidence, it appeared that in the evening, of- the day mi ntjohed!, deceased and another groom had taken the coach horses into the stream for the purpose of washing them. Deceased was in front, aud the horse he was tiding getting into the current 'was oyer-' powered and rolled over. Deceased, was' never- seen agiiin. The stream was in flood. The body wa9 found by Donald Cameron, a sf ttler, on Saturday last, about half-a-mile below where the accident occurred. The Jury returned a verdict to the effect that the deaceased was accidentally drowned while engaged washing horses in the Waiwera River.
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Clutha Leader, Volume I, Issue 15, 15 October 1874, Page 5
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2,956Untitled Clutha Leader, Volume I, Issue 15, 15 October 1874, Page 5
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