We are compelled;" tp rholdjoyer a large amotfnt bftCM^spo^^pce^c^l^afld: Sther matter, will appear in a supplement in ow next isaiie. ' .";'" : "'• -'J* % *?';!?
■ those unex^ed .arejinieiderital to ' eriterpifeey they I jate? in ?being .;delisered -■ For.; the^utuilf $iipb(« delivered %>s); :■' and.shouia ■'?: larity pcpur, we"sbaU be informed of it ho that the rectified.; In future our IricX<3lM%?and Kaitangata subscribers ; willp^efeg^ipfißeip papers early on the niornin? of prufiliMiibn ; at (he Post Offices, by Our arrangements for ta :'■'•£ Ware pa, Wai'epekv Puerua> PorPMbly- ' i neux> Gatlm-s River, and - otliePnOtitlypg«* ■" districts are not just fculwlfbV" S; very shortly. .- -.-..■.-..f. J- ; w le'jthe for the>Mayor for the ensuing year, f aspirantafor the honor in the fi Rribert Grigor and Mr.*and from the high, esteem which};botE:, candidate* are held by theirifellpWltownst ': men, a close contest may be looked- : ftir:V}' | / ,Mr. Alexander Stewart, SteyraEkand.Gdw[ Willi be horaina&d €6;-d|iy. ? as Councillor for South Ward. We -Sbpuid y-. think that no one will havethg cdurage -to- ". ; oppo9e.thi9 gentleman, who is so eminently fitted for sthe Council. : ; :r/.t:\y£"ssi{ty:&? Mr. John Jamie has been by a large number of his friends to allo\f himself . to be nominated as GoOncill6r>f6r Ward. Mr. Jamie has acceded to the r#»./. quest, and we'thirik the rateyayera?fpr; this Ward have found the right man for the right place. '' *■ ''■'''■"■■'■'>''■■. •'; ■.-■_-■. '■ K : \- Uurino , Sunday and Monday thiree immigrant ships arrived at' Port palmers: ; from the '.United,, Kingdom, namely|/Jb!e; i Caroline from Qeenstown,, with grants, the Hindqstan, - from? Lqndojs,>|withi,,.;. 3,44, and the Cartsburn from Glnsgqw'with" 3ie, : making a/tqtal;accesßi6n dfddl-2 tootltejv: population of this Province. ■- v^ Some" of : our Dunedin advertisiAente- tIT djid ,:pQt ; rcaoh ~ug., Ip. time for theJpreisent.-. r iesue—they will appear in : The-nomination of candidates fofit he ' Mayoralty s qf Duriedin, took pT|ce^lace;?'a|''; the terrace pi the, Provincial GoVerament Buildings af noon on Mondky.^/thl ance of electors .was email. .His '~ the Mayor "presided. "' There nominationfl, viz., Messrs. Keith JRamsay, , and Botn addressed the.meeting, each expressiriaji his belief 'that her wonld-l-Be^'iledte'dJ^Mt^if'/v": I the one or the other must be but there is every indication that the "I cbirtest^ ' c & will be both warm and close. "-i ; : • Dβ. 'HainesV" of Otepopo, ■>■■'. cide on Sunday by cutting :' ! We ■le&n' J thaFMr;" Paters J o^o^a^.. ; ;V Tapanui. saw-mills has made alrangemeritg for erecting a flour mill. It isj tp ' by the powerful waterwheelj at driving the saw-mill machinery i long-felt want, in the ecohomically and ally as Mr. Patereon has in his lemploy ;al_ practical flour-miller-in. the person'bljMr. John Graham. ' ...-,-_ , : ;•.. ■■'■i[^ ',••■; Mm.. Watson, for the^rail way V bridge across the "Waih^la"bfanca \ N Taieri is. jrapidly^pushing; work. The third,and fourth pow.beiusidriven: ;J Mri \ Watson^ expect to ; make;a; IjClutha bridge for some^months,;las' tile ; ; iterial has 'riot yet arrited frb'm>'home?Ki>itt3-^
: We:> State')i»fe^M6^|!i»ti;:p]E4a :: ' Cole, of this City, has. lately .renioved tljejr ; whole "of the breast of a with cancer. We are r told she rr, excellent recovery. ..."■. -.■-•■ ">■ i*'-s?s£&s'/:> : ■""■•' : The question/bf some attentibnjn •-" the/Air Saints 1 havefMolved to make cussion at next ineeting^fer^v^'P^^^s:^ s i The : public said tq accomplish-his' work'in" incredißlv shblti "space ibfftfiaW ;«*■ ■
I Tukkishßaths areMahouttobeeetalbiiisliifdA f .- rtJ i THBHesers. Herbert, of the Victoria' now set to jean machinery, with all the latest;imprc>ye-( ments fdT'SThmtiglWAfmvmnfa^tnna^i^:, ~ berinto lining, flooring, doors This mill of the finest eaw-millsjoutorpu^egm , i We must apologwe ;f riends in.the Clutha for ? 16cal news, v from: the of Mfm^mmgM'\ 'theeditor, being eiibcSpnaed inthltiitiei-cSe^* ' by Mr. Taylofrsplictior the cause of Dawson y. jof the y * ] '\%s^ms^^ jon yening,l|heJ2nd^in^iSiiftf :the purpose of taking^ :ihe proprietyi oft: 'manse and glebe. sprairiM'that ;ov(Br to,-the Deacons' Goiirt; ? iby, the Church Building (commoduiis raaneein ition, arid /withoat^entj^^i^^f^i^;^' itben moved by Mr v : Cra^ordifancl-V 5 seconded imaneebe 501 d .,. After icuesion; the motion-was -• .' ' "■" ; " ■ - : ' -. - Yifim o Hi^S|e?c^e' : Isleeplrs -^WlS^raß^.--[destination andcommenced?tpdischara^^l^ igons passed; from Dariedih^tfivtll^lli^ lof;Cpurs^-bugh;fc : iinimtia^^ij^dbeejli^en^^ f a^iela^unt<ofJ^me^^ght^^BA^d^^ isending:the r^4l^^l\yn^&i^^is^ rrTHB-?lllaate^^n«on|^i^^p§:: .^cho^l^S^hJpp^o^^lb^^lPi^e pbiatt^lStefaili^Wpylafll^S ;three tirafes; ,dr€Bsi^iM^alii|||^p^^^^^fc
draw"the ..attention of bar HEs to tbe sale Driver, Iwarfe & Co. on inwdtv the 24th insti t of/frnit and Iff trees, consisted *%«- assortment Ifeceanf Scotch fir|i:and shrubs. IP" far as" this .-district- wis concerned l» wis no importance fore the Tvj&stelnn* Boardat ltameet--Jh:. r*'-"J- V.-J.-'• T^ ? : * fire contactor jot the Jayinprotthe,per4ay oßhfe spothern rail way Stba eha^w v ework. Two and a half miles of the ififhave already been laid' and the line rtialiy ballasted for that distance. • labtbidoes are now very plentiful ripon feTidges in the vicinity of the Moljneux SvSfrbm IrfchGlutha to Tuapeka Month, arties who have traversed "these diitnctß low as thaY scarcely a gnlly is passed ittfont a covey being flashed, Pheasants id came aM abound in the same locality, GioßQfe PiConDroOT; one of the con-Ictorator-tbe' Weatern railways, has gone |tp;ihe,Tiotel he ; haying purjased the Commercial Hotel, Rivertbn, Oin host Longford. I Although the Main South Road from alclutha to Topotunoa hasnow been a nblic thoroughfare tor some time, it has ithertb been almost entirely neglected, nthas.regards formation and metalling, BTiile the district roads have been put into S passable "state the main road has been ft very much in its natural state, and now at the winter has set in, it is quite a oagraire, utterly unfitted for traffic either y-dray, coach, horse or otherwise. This i a very great inconvenience to the travel • og public, and the matter out»ht to receive nmediate attention at the hands of the rovernment. ■ *s. , ?"Wb hear numerous complaints from stilers ixr the Waihola district as to the estruction caused to young apple and other rult trees, through their being barked by hareß which abound in the reality. ..Were apiece of matting or osher barse cloth wrapped round the trunk of nettree to the height of say three feet, or yen a branch of goree tied round it with a ieee of flax, this would prevent the damge complained of. 300 feet of the Oamaru breakliitcr has now been completed. to a despatch from the Sectary of State, it appears that the notorious Sullivan left Auckland in the Hindotan on 31st March, under the name of 31ark, and that he baa been supplied with honey to enable him to obtain employment n "London, orjourney to America. t~ Two men have been arrested at Auckand charged with the murder of a"woman lamed Carter in a Maori brothel.* \ A .handsome gift • (says, the t Home News') has been presented by the ladies of Chisel-hurst to the Prince Imperial.. It is jin ink-stand in the phane of a beehive. The hive is of gold-,-and rests on a silver base, richly gilt and enamelled. Ten bees, most artistioaliy constructed, are placed at nittable intervals on the hive or base, j Valuible jewels add to the beauty of the object. -- J A SINGUI.AR case of fish poisosing occurred lately at the Ngakawhau. The 'We«tport Times' says:—Messrs. Grey and Ross, of the Bteamer Ino, were experimenting with' some groper fish there, endeavoring to extract oil from the liver, which they had boiled. Experimenting etiH further, they ate a Bmall portion of the tempting-looking morsel, and the result was that within a few hours afterwards the outer skin on their hands - and - arms peeled off in shreds, just as if they had suffered from scalding. Tms Hokitika papers give different instances of men deprived of their senses by taking one glass of adulterated liquors sold in Hokitika and' its neighborhood. In one the victim was robbed of a sum of money and in another, the man went quite.insane. ~ In consequence of a large* proportion of the inhabitants, of Milton being otherwise engaged on the "evening when theßfev. Mr. Williams recently delivered hie lecture on Oliver Cromwell, a strong desire exists that it should be' re-delivered in the same place. In the meantime, however, we would sufrgeet that the Kevl. gentleman should afford the Balclutha people the intellectual treat they' would enjoy by the delivery of the lecture here. Every one who heard it in Milton speak of it in terms of the highest praise. ; Eteet citizen of Balclutha will heartily endorse the definite action taken by the Town Council at its meefing last week with a view tothe removal of the obstructions which at present exist upon the public streets of the townsliipr We believe no other Corporation in the Colony would so long have tolerated *o mfiny s telegraph and verandah posts on the centre of the footpath of the .principal street, It is surprising that no serious accident, has yet occurred through coming against these posts, to keep clear of which parties have literally to grope their way after dark. As the Council are about to extend the forming end gravelling of these footpaths, we would .suggest those already gravelled sadly require a little trimming, as the surface is very uneven in some places. This could be easily put to rights by the dayman were tie authorised to procure a few loads of -gravel. In the Supreme Court, Dunedin, on Wednesday, the following cases were sentenced :—Lucy Leighton, robbery from the persoD, received 'twelve months' imprisonment with hard labor; John Jenkins, found guilty of was ordered to un dergo a similar punishment;;- Thomas Conley, for assaulting a constable at Oavershara, and Morris alias Alexander ;Gillon, for forgery at Oamaru, each rej ceived a sentence of two years' imprisonment with hard^labbr; : J. G. Abernethy, who pleaded guilty of embezzlement, was ordered to be imprisoned for., three years and six months; and John Morrison, for forging and uttering, was sentenced to five years' penal servitude, and three-.years' imprisonment "-with; hard; Jabor.. ~ ,Tpe remainder of that and the was occupied- with the- hearing:,of- a_ charge against Louis JBuissbn" .for. attempting to kilihis wife by administering to her.some sleeping[draught in"a"glas¥of porter^and fchile under its inflaence: at tempting *to shoke her by pressing her ■ tongue into her fro9th,;&&'. At conclusioii.iifthe eyiJericV, the jury fibur's deliberation returned a verdict; of not guilty. This was the last of the criminal cases and the Court idjouiued. £
7 We understand'that, in ccmsequence of Ms *eißiQ,val from Tnch. Clutha to North Clutfca, itis the intention of Mr. Bassett toTeslgn hi* office of ranger "and 'pound• %eeper to the Matau Road Board, i .
Jt will -be eeen from oar advertising columns that that popular lecturer, phrenologist, and mesmerist, Dr. Carr, is shortly to visit Balclutha. From the well-known ability of Dr. Carr as a speaker alone, we have no doubt but that the Clutha'inhabitants will avail themselves of ;the' oppor* tonity afforded them of being present at one or more of his entertaiuments.
Fbom the favor «cith which the" , tn*prfainments of Mr. W. A. Chapman and Miss Ida* Bonnifon, the anti-ppiritunlists and second-eight performers, have universally been received elsewhere, we anticipate for them every success on the occasion of their entertainment here to-morrow (Friday) evening. 4
A box containing money and ship's papers, belonging to H.M.S. Challenger, at WellJnctton, *>ns stolen the other day. The hox was picked up at Pipitia, and the papers were safe, but the money wa9- all gone. - The thief is undiscovered.
Wβ understand that a few of the energetic ladies oflnch Clutha are subscribing towards a handsome gold chain and locket, to be competed for by the Tnch Clutha Volunteers at an early date. It is anticipated that a ball will commemorate the presentation. We congratulate tha Tnch Clutha ladies on their praiseworthy •effort to instil a more lively interest in the volunteer movement in the locality.
Whilst at Inch Clutha recently, we were highly gratified by .seeing and listening, to the chattering of pome of. tbe 'Australian magoifs turned ont-eome time since in the vicinity; To those who have spent any considerable time in Australia, tbe Bipht of one of "these birdslswill recall many old associations and happy memories We congratulate the Acclimatisation Society on the success which has hitherto attended their efforts in acclimatising these bird p. quail also]; plentiful at Inch Clutha. The Main South Road, or as it might more properly be called, the main south track from PopotnnoaTto the Mataura Bridge is in a very bad state of nepfcir. Taking tbe road as a whole, it is almost in its natural state. There are a few culverts, cuttings, foot bridge*, and here aud there a heap of metal of about five or six yards in length over what we suppose baa been more marshy on the surface than the, general line. The culverts are in a very bad state of repair, one in particular, a little beyond the Otaria Hotel, having a large hole, which, if a horse were once to get its leg in, a broken limb would be tbe result. Owing to recent rains, tbe road is almost impassable, which is a great inconvenience to the settlers and travelling public generally. The Popotunoa Gorge is also very dangerous in consequence of the road bting too narrow to admit of two vehicles passing eoch other without iuuning the risk of one being capsized over the embankment. It would be well were the Government to look into this matter, and have the road put info a thorough state of repair before another winter comes round. Mr. Miixan, together with a man from the Crydur Station, were lately out on the Hakanui ranges washing sheep, when a, wild pig made: its appearance on a hlli dope by. The man made after it with a stir.k, intending to kill it, but as he was about to give the fatal blow, he was rushed upon by the pig and knocked down. Fortunately, however, as the pig rushed upon the man, the latter had the presence of mind to seize the animal round tbe neck, and thus present any serious damage from its tusks. The two rolled down to bottom of the hill together, and lay there in each others embraces until such time as Mr. Millan came down and separated the happy pair by killing the pig. Whiting upon matters in Fiji, the Auckland correspondent of the ' Daily Times ' says..:—Sugar is of course still the absorbing theme. Excellent samples have been produced in considerable quantities, and Captain Bairicb, a well-known settler, is about to take some of them to Sydney to form a large Company there. Messrs. Maitland and Elphinstone, of Otago, have also received their sugar machinery, which is to be put upon their fine estate at Taviuni. The days of cotton are gone. Wherever the land is rich enough for sugar, the capital for the machinery can be obtained. Every one is waiting for annexation, and confidently relying on. its speedy accomplishment. In the meantime, prospectors from Victoria and New South Wales are everywhere through the group, and everywhere expressing the highest opinion of its resdurees and prospect?, of which, indeed, under a stable government, sliere cannot be a moment's doubt.
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Clutha Leader, Volume I, Issue 2, 16 July 1874, Page 2
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2,427Untitled Clutha Leader, Volume I, Issue 2, 16 July 1874, Page 2
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