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: < : •? ? wr V xZj K '* T •■ ■ -■ : - : ;.? : ;: :: x;:-:J >• >:? . : -::r (:/:s■< v.:3. "..!.1..' .1..' 1 [I.. 1 I XLLL!.I. II 1 _ . ._x_^—• x. %• •"■$ ■■ w\ ’ I • - "• ' ■ \.' • „J. - — / •v z' ■’L-JsSs. —feBS Local Government shake-up Mayoral candidates I PUBLIC LIBRARY . 1. Here are some of the candidates standing Next month elections will be held for local District and city councils for the mayoralty in several South Island M r s l/'*MIf* x tZQTIZD bodies. These elections are particularly import- New Zealand will also be divided up into areas. Give the name and party for the people /OPERATION MOBILITY PARK ULvUvEOI tn ant. Following them, a whole new system of areas looked after by district or city councils. standing in your area. 4- —--vr'i "f "q local government will be put into place in New These councils will have many responsibilities. 2. Make a list of the sort of qualities a mayor vleo — Zealand. The old borough, county and united They will provide such things as water, sewage M°wkh h L P 5 J 1 tdaffit ’ 1 A councils will no longer exist They will be disposal, rubbish collection, libraries parks, ™ t€ a^ a yS candidates S your area in PRQPQSED TR^f FIC IS £ AND replaced by regional, district and city councils. an d community centres; Dog control, building terms of the qualities on your list? The 600 different local authorities will be an d health inspections and. district scheme 3 pick a candidate for the mayor elections. PEDEBTRIANS reduced to 94. These will be made up of panning are some of their other jobs. Gathe r all the information you can find on T I T IL_I_IIL_IJIT T regional councils, district or city councils and this person during the next four to six weeks. ' snecial authorities Compile your material as a project or poster I | ~ — special aumuni eb. MEMBERS OF THE COUNCILS titled “Presenting ’’(name of the Activities Regional councils candidate). Mcuviuea New Zealand will be divided into 14 regions. Elected members make up the regional, Pick someone who is standing for the council Local bodies at work Each region will take over the work done by district and city councils. The numbers vary representing your school area. Invite this Diagram ' people play there before school, after school and what are called “special-purpose authorities.”, from small district councils, such as Hurunui candidate to come to speak to your class or This diagram shows a proposed traffic island most of the week-end. They make a great deal of These include harbour catchment, pest and which will have nine members, to the Christ- school. . which the Council intends building in Gloucester noise. The neighbours complain to the council al°so iO make look after resources and be responsible for will have a Councillors will represent ... (b) What d 0 think the fish cartoon (left) ? he place where the traffic island is to be (a) Write a “pretend” letter to the council as if you civil defence. different wards or areas. says about the new system of local located.) were t he neighbours making the complaint. Cnmnihrl kv a 4. IL. government? (2) Why would such an island be built? What will qr. iX. r\ r i \ X a i ktl &Y be its advanta B es and disadvantages? ( b ) Write a “pretend” letter to the council as if you \ Deryd Williams v Al Nisbet (») A family has built a skate-board ramp in the were the family saying why you have built the V\ Coral Broadhpnt v\ garden for their children and their friends to use. ramp and why you feel you have the right to do it. TS\\V-X viMuenr \ * The area is very popular as there are no other (c) Read out some of the letters and decide what you z suitable skate-board places in the suburb. Young would advise if vou were.a member of the council. \ \ r Christchurch City Council Crest KSv rS’Cd* A cs. n ' W 'wF The official Christchurch City Council crest is shown (2) Find out what the motto (Fide condita fructu beata /5J\ /I z’-x. 7j (‘ n the banner ) above. spe fortis) means? £IW <Soy © J i I Canterbury students Design an alternative crest for the city. t( V v G P V VK J V (1) What are the various things shown in the crest? (Students in other areas. Find out the crest of your Why do you think they, were chosen? nearest city and then answer questions 1 and 3 above.) I Myjobisto z. v W' B I Activity I - If the big fishes (above) are the new regional, of the “little fishes” (see above). In your work w* lx ß I \ v_- ‘-/ ( A district and city councils, what do the little books redraw and name the big and little f ( ) V: \ J fishes represent? Find out the names of some fishes. W x . F | y V 7 — "7 —: V \ Local body officers New South Island local government districts /-■ yy city councils and district councils „.. /ff \v\ Research and fill in the /n / Zlf I\ ■ ' information needed to cor- z II I \ / ) o . - z - /U I \ rectly complete the speech /II I \ \X NELSON- WX. A y^/L—J\\ "U" d sl “ ln y Z/L——l \k To»>ssr" (O I £ x> n /flb I /I' C am a Councillor. WV My job is t 0.... MB 22. J 5. CANTERBURY MB WEST COAST i REGION k . ... J / / <^ 7, tll 1989 Politics in action (New Zealand and the World) / / V Ar AUG UST \9» 9 - / J f rida v - .rtis 1 a ’ z» New Zealand * Ttie National Party passes a ton High School has a special Union. People in communist J 1 TWO firct twn weeks in Aueust remit acknowledging the Treaty student news comment section countries throughout the world f / '. / navid *-“**» -ruES 0 The first two in Aug of Waitangl New Zealand - S in its assemblies, where ideas want their leaders to give them / ( Ml nZ 7eaianX founding document. about current issues are pre- more political and economic X ) national nolitics On Aueust 3 August 15: Air New Zealand, sented. freedom. Non-communist coun- / / 11 \lO. / . inhour caucus (weekiv the Engineers’ Union and en- Leader writing tries, such as Japan, have seen /oi rZ ( KEY TO DISTRICTS r „ ST , 1989 mleti“ll “rty’S Kia ora teacher, interesting politicai deveiopz - I .a. x. . Monday, august 7. is . Parliament) voted to Anzac frigates. Here is an exercise, based on ments. / jy I \ ] Complete this key with the correct 4-rtrro nrisis return Mr Douglas to Cabinet August W:’Winston Peters ac- leading articles or editorials, Poland / i \ z 12 \ number beside each name. (Note: 1 and 13 < n/lirlrllp KaSt llOStclge Lila (the J 9 Ministers who head cuses the toveramen_of crony- you may wish to ty. ; The countries of Eastern / ( I J \ have both a and b) Minnie Government departments such * Divide P u P ils into B rOU P s of Europe, which were invaded by / J Uv.' „ .ncirern 1989 38 finance, police, education Jobless down by 4bb in Christ- fi ve . Nazls Jn World War n> TX / (L'J' ’-x Z/ Ashburton Queenstown Lakes SATURDAY, august 12, wsb. and soclaJ welfare) chwch. 7oalonrf • E 3Oll S rOU P appoints an under communist control after / 1/ ft / Xurf/ \Z» 1 7 „ o, „ KTofinnal On August 7 David Lange A “-New Zealand in editor, whose job is to get the Soviet dictator, Josef Stalin ( I 14 Xl3b. Buller Selwyn Pressure OH WcltlOliai ended five years as Prime Smw/E the group t 0 reach a con ‘ replaced the German invaders. > U ( « A S X t , nfooo ricwuiv V 7. • Minister by resigning. He indi- »f sensus of opinion. The Communist Party has ruled /IV ' 5 - J Central Otago South and West Otago august h, 1989. cated that the state of his “ s P® nds < ba!ance of pay- • The group should see if Poland for 45 years. In June 2 k ”7 . monda . xl_z» T 1 Q health played a part in his » CQ _, no their opinion reflects the elections were held. These saw A /v /4e L Christchurch City Southland nnlmpr Hlld tilO V.O. decision. Mr Lange also em- Augu s 1 8. Farming leaders v le „ s of the community. solidarity, formerly a banned /> M X /vU / I • 7A ’ n /NToicnn/ iVIl* I? <lllllOl <*** phasised that the battle had L, o,,ii ■ Perha P s pupils could test trade union movement, gain A— x-»/' y v I j Dunedin City Tasman {Nelson/ Ivl been won over the forces of the £® ri ? r e y buy the Rural their views on their parents. significant support. JI I—•••..•■'" y „ Marlborough region) ,_ oS r 19 . “New Right," represented by 0 PP““8 Editorials seek to persuade j n the past the Communists I '/ Gore /uLt Mr Douglts. others ' 1116 group should be have been responsible to their 10 17 J z. Tasman (West Coast TUES 6100 His declslon to leave the Minu^ C sure that their end product party ra ther than parliament. R? 18 ‘ 17 ‘ A OTAGO Grey region) . Prime Minister’s job came just SL 1 ?"?; to based on facts and has a has been exercised I”/ )19a f ncrizMi ,a 1989. as polls were showing that the ~ 8 t YH rnOr 33 beginning, middle and end. through radio, television and -\ ) REGION Invercargill city Timaru v aUQU 5,1 1 ■ Government was at last making a “ r? m fv Se <;^ fe uomi=h w»v That is ’ be issue should be newspapers. \ J Waimakariri — ■ £ us ‘ 2 *' If fully explained. Solidarity and the Catholic (J Kaikoura Waim k ' Party. The Wellington News- 3p!.f th mayora race ’ ct 8 • 115 . may 2 n . e !7^ w . Church are two large groups in \ .r-J'Vb '-xz-x Waimate <!•«»« VVll” 1 ~ papers in Education Depart- “ aaltb ; ... r „ lln x_, hncnl#alq perts to see that their facts polish society that have pushed V—7 s' Mackenzie u/nitaki (Canterhurv ment has produced a resource £ par , p hpn ‘ lth rtl f l q l ? Y p hoSp ‘' are correct Opinions must for change. Pope John Paul, a 44 - ' Marlborough «glon) S ' 6 „r„ o xr. *W n »; SyWESS?: southland Neteon waiiaxi (oiago ro- : Solidarity’s chance SilffASS REGION A/ North canterbury *”> “ SK-’ASS TV"” .TWi ’ Westland TUESDAY, $1.50 postage and packaging) » cSUSe v Ander . T^ e . h PreSS ” PupilS . T different political parties) be- , 4.S««c with France for orders of 10 or more. August ». COMtable v Ander- start the group exercise by Solidarity and non-Com-L—— ————— DnHnr rPlfltlOnS wl» u * ton for Sydenham. placing themselves on a line mU nist narties He has also Better reidiw After Mr Lange August 35: Anzac frigate agree- between "strongly like" and Offered the cSrmuniste“tenor Lazer’s 20 questions Skills 4. Treasury The political processes and ™ ent * n Australla SlOOM.per " str ° n^ y dlsllke ” < action and defence ministries. Conces1 Name the mavor of vour closest town or citv OKIU R P^trUCtUT lUg 1TC«1 J debates continue after the de- annum - method). sions (the art of yielding) to the 3‘ Wha^ar^the’are^mat'cowncinore'represent'called’ 6 Pa^e? oVwTld M^your‘“scropS Wednesday, august 23,1989. ff s re ra ° f t c three to five sen- iXTevision wrestling. 4. Name a board, apart from councils, voted for this year. War n was marked . map . gj r HaHliSh StepS USIdC summa^ng 3 ’ Mr "Land’s KeKu&%tove) X ' ZTcrSUS’ movement 5. September 3, 1989, is the fiftieth anniversary of what? ' Although World War II 3. Next month the page will Qfav on hncnifal rhfinp] :rt leadership concluded - "Mr further. < v? nB noRR? 956) and 6. Which large New Zealand company recently bought the Rural happened 50 yean it had have .the theme »tay OU llOSpital CtiapC « Europe by ¥ SS A traUS-TaSmaU dollar? fe (SVStME ZeamXews ent ThL n courn I: ™e e off^yTalmeV EtteCt 10 Zealand i? e the O < t^ S mean’ S^c e a^ e wErinttla y different cul-, MOSCOW’S Baltic dilemma S ‘bt 1 WhoisiS 0 in toe National economic and poiitical initla- tures and societies. Write IVIUbLUW 8> Ddlllt uuv g fundamentally the sort of hveen two people involved highly personalised, individual- allies. Poland faces severe 11- Who is the most popular member of Parliament in the National Uves such as the E.E.C. and a brief (five sentences) T occ nnc from World WaFS people they were, with the sort in the event. isUc and show plain writing (if economic problems, including a 10 Whirh RriHkh river claimed the lives of more than 30 neonle in Gorb achev .seeking an summary on one of the IuCSSUIIb ILUIII TVva iM TV • of society they could still feel presented as an editorial) or scarcity of food. Its leaders WMch British river cialmed the lives of more than 30 people in underst anding with the West. articles. Monday, September 4.1989. comfortable in.” Activity plain speaking (if presented as seek aid from Western Europe 13. Which co-educatlonal school is establishing a special class for The delated nations. Ger- Research — Look at the CfHldidfltPS and plppfnrc G) Events in our Politics Kia ora student, news comment) and the United States. girls? ’ ™ a “y and i”’ hav i 4 ‘ mternaUonal headlines in VHUUIUdieS 311(1 eiCCIOTS g August 8: Mr Geoffrey Palmer As you look at people and p o |jti C 8 in Ch,na 14. Who is the Australian Minister of Defence? come economic Super international headunes n Tuesday. September 5, ibss. becomes Prime Minister, with, issues in the news, with your J" The Chinese Government has 15. Name the Linwood High School student whose second placing Powers. mu ■ Ms Helen Clark his deputy. current events programme, you ACtiOn (World) sentmanyofitsyoungeduin the Pan Pacific Games makes her a Commonwealth Games j j 0 ffi b j araciw abow mem PaVlDg IOF the GaUICS O August fc Games boycott will develop ideas and opinions Although today’s page con- cated city dwellers to work in medal prospect? tn Xnmniie liste I? Tb e . press - e a * & Q chances minimal. about them. centrates on local body politics, the country. This measure was 16. Name the two radio announcers who have been suspended for " co ">P" e story under one of the IV/I nrp nnwer tO CODSUDierS ... JS August Ifc Mr Palmer’s new Viewpoints on the news are our monthly current events used before in 1966 (during the alleged inappropriate behaviour on the air? uSo?nf war „ headings. iVIUIC pUWVI LU VUUDUiuy ... — Mf Roger part of a 10ng pag e seeks to update informa- Cultural Revolution) to quieten 17. What difficulties face the 1990 Auckland Commonwealth *eage or worm war 11. Discuss whether religion fJTiri mntml Ml TTIOnODOIV CA) Douglas (Police) and Ms An- tion of newspaper and radio tion on the ways that different me demand for change. A Games? 2 Role olav or write an beliefs and customs brine *** <tllu LUllltui via J nette King (Employment), the comment. In fact, the first societies organise themselves prominent student leader, Wang 18. Many Christchurch Council candidates have used "Going for 2 - P |ay . ° r aa ““ClKtoms bring z..-' third woman in Cabinet Issues of “The Press” were and undergo change. Dan, is reported to be still ...” to help their election chances. vJn ce’eZvents in rnm the Right dCCISIOII OH friRRtCS August II: Mr John Collinge produced to express the opinion So far this year we have seen alive. The 24-year-old history 19. Which tribal group is in conflict with Coalcorp? betas taterStaonal nTs« Higlll UCCISIUH Uli LilgdlCS replaces Mr Neville Young as that the Lyttelton rail tunnel dramatic 'movements for Xdent has received beating 20. What is the latest news on the frigate? China or Japan being re international pages. — -— ... J National Party president. would be too expensive. Riccar- China and the Soviet from Chinese authorities. “The Press” Newspapers in Education, 146 Gloucester St — Ph. 790-940 ext 783. .C ■ f *■ 17 . ■ r - ■ j ■ 1A /' —j. X a 1

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Press, 11 September 1989, Page 28

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