Public Notices Public Notices | Electricity Corporation of New Zealand Limited j ELECTRICORP production, south island hydro group y r ! LAKE COLERIDGE POWER STATION AND SCHOOL 75TH JUBILEE NOVEMBER 25/26, 1989 r ALL-interested persons are invited to register their i. interest for this celebration by contacting the 1 Station Supervisor, g Lake Coleridge Power Station, s Private Bag, “ Darfield. 0 y e e ; CHANGE OF NAME 1 ‘ FROM MAY 22, 1989, the Christchurch Teachers’ College has become the ? CHRISTCHURCH COLLEGE OF EDUCATION r Our postal address remains P.O. Box 31-065, F Ham, Christchurch, our telephone remains 482-059 i and our facsimile remains 484-311. 1 T. G. GREGG, r Registrar. s ; THE POST SCHOOL EDUCATION AND i TRAINING WORKING PARTY ON EMPLOYER CONTRIRUTIONS TO THE FUNDING OF TRAINING J HAS BEEN REQUESTED by the Government , to recommend, subject to feasibility and desirability, a scheme or schemes that enable a greater employer contribution to be made to the costs of post-school training. The working party has prepared a consultative document which is available to interested parties on application to: The Executive Secretary Working Party on Employer Contribution to the Funding of Training P.O. Box 822 WELLINGTON PAINTERS UNION COVERAGE BALLOT ■ THE REGISTRAR OF UNIONS is conducting a postal ballot under Section 103 of the Labour Rela- - tlons Act to determine whether workers in the mid . and north areas of the Canterbury Labour District y currently belonging to the New Zealand Painters, Decorators, Glaziers and Signwriters Industrial i Union are in favour of being Included in the memi bershlp coverage of the New Zealand Building 1 Trades Union. i A provisional roll has been compiled from a list s supplied by the New Zealand Building Trades Union - and is open for checking and amendments from 9 i a.m. May 25 to 4 p.m. June 8 at the Office of the , Registrar of Unions, 6th Floor, Charles Fergusson Building, Bowen Street, Wellington, phone 737-800 extension 8719, or may be viewed at the Office of the s Labour Inspectors, Level 2, UIG House, 115 Kilmore i, Street, Christchurch, phone 657-635. 1 Please note that only those persons who are ; currently members of the New Zealand Painters, t Decorators, Glaziers and Signwriters Union in the s mid and north area of the Canterbury Labour District are eligible to vote. Voting papers will be mailed out to all those on , the finalised roll about June 15 for return by July 6. ! R. PLIMMER, Returning Officer. V [IreTURNED SERVICES|| r t I WELFARE ASSISTANCE r - THE NZ RETURNED SERVICES’ ASSOCIATION ' are the Trustees of a number of Welfare Trusts □ established for the benefit of necessitous and dlsi tressed returned service and ex-service personnel s and their dependants. Applications are welcome at any time from . eligible persons who should write in the first .in- - stance to the undersigned at P.O. Box 27248, Welling- *• ton. In all cases a financial need must exist and it Is v expected that all normal social welfare avenues will t have been investigated prior to application. 8 NZRSA has a policy of not assisting on a con- ' tinuing basis but prefers to make grants to meet 3 specific areas of need. Membership of the RSA is not a prerequisite but c applicants must be prepared to have their appllca- - tlons investigated by a local RSA representative. D. B. QUIGLEY B Chief Executive > — j WAITANGI TRIBUNAL ’ INQUIRY UNDER THE TREATY OF WAITANGI ACT 1975 ! CLAIM BY HENARE RAKIIHIA TAU AND THE NGAI TAHU MAORI TRUST BOARD (WAI 27) " THE TRIBUNAL will begin Its next hearing at 9.30 5 a.m. Monday, May 29, 1989 to hear further submis- , slons and evidence from the Crown on ’ (1) The Crown Fisheries case continued: Mafflsh i (2) Archaeological and Historical evidence on Ngai r Tahu Sea Fisheries Submissions and evidence from (1) New Zealand Fishing Industry Board and New Zealand Fishing Industry Association ■ (2) Federated Mountain Clubs of New Zealand Inc. ? The venue will be: The Chateau Regency 189 Deans Avenue Rlccarton ; CHRISTCHURCH : The hearing is open to the public and further * information can be obtained from: , The Registrar Waitangi Tribunal . Waitangi Tribunal Division P.O. Box 100-44 ' The Terrace WELLINGTON PH: (04) 721-709 > Dated at Wellington this 15th day of May, 1989 ; L. M. FUSSELL for Registrar WAITANGI TRIBUNAL ■' 177/84
Page 82 Advertisements Column 7
Press, 27 May 1989, Page 82
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