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Properties for Sale < Your backyard can be your ' Retirement Fund You're not getting any younger, and rent the new Profile home, or vice that Backyard of yours is not getting versa, any smaller. In fact it's getting harder Because a Profile home is the most and harder to maintain. affordable new home on the market We can show you how to turn that today, and because of our very backyard (or frontyard) into a financial competitive finance package, the windfall. rental you receive could totally fund It's as simple as this: the interest payments. Your backyard (or frontyard) can be When you're ready to retire you fenced off from your existing home simply sell either your existing home and on it we build an attractive Profile or the Profile and enjoy the capital home. You then choose whether to gain that comes from making the stay put in your existing home and right decision today! Ph nn p or see Pr °fil e 1 iiuiie 2-bedroom home on display at 488-704 5S S^ M<i After Hours: Wigram Dave Scott (Rangiora) 26-755 Weekend Hours: Ross Campbell 427-811 Saturday 10 to 5.30 Display Open Sunday 11.30 to 4.30 ANZAC DAY BUILDINGS HOMES » SLEEPOUTS • GARAGES « SHEDS Distributors: NELSON: John Cunningham, 5142 Richmond. BLENHEIM: David Price, 88-780. KAIKOURA: Stuart Abernathy, 6119. ASHBURTON: Hansen and McFarlane, 85-882. TIMARU: Pierre Coulter, 82-215. OAMARU: Colin Buchanan, 70-866. WESTPORT: Peter Lamont, 8366. GREYMOUTH: Neville Winter, 7205. HOKITIKA: Ron Heward, 172. WANAKA: Geoff McHardy, 7625.
RANGIORA, $73,500. Attractive very sound weatherboard home of 2 bedrooms and sunroom. Large kitchen with chip fire. Dual hot water. Roomy lounge with open fire, good chattels throughout. Single garage and large workshop. Trustßank finance approved. Coates, Turnbull, Nationwide, MREINZ, Rga. Phone (0502) 8022 or a.h. Allen Marsh (0502) 4057 or 5969 and 7064. RANGIORA $76,000, brick 3 bdrm home with sunny combined klt/dlning area, sep. lounge facing north, new coloursteel tile roof and guttering, quality carpets and drapes, single garage, large fenced section, a very warm cosy, low maintenance home of a sensible price, ph. Devlin Real Estate, MREINZ (0502) 8829, a.h. Russell (0502) 25-735. RANGIORA, $78,000. More like a house on a small section than an ownership flat. This delightful property has It all. 2-3 bdrms, sep. lounge, open fire, good sized garden with rural boundary, plus 3-car garaging. To view ph. Robert Orchard, 480-759 any time, Mainland Rea! Estate, MREINZ. RANGIORA $84,500, super 3 bdrm perm, mats home, open plan living, new bedroom carpets, both, sep. shower, freshly decorated, single garage and workshop, Ideal family home, well fenced section, Trust Bank finance approved, Immediate possession available, sole agents “Canterburys Own” Gillman Real Estate, Ltd, MREINZ, Rangiora 6811, a.h. 8668, 6254 and Woodend 27008. RANGIORA $93,000, sunny perm, mats 3 bdrm home in ' pleasant cul-de-sac, lovely sunny living with ranchslider to cobbled outdoor area, solid fuel heating (wetback), bath and sep. shower, tandem garage, established section, well fenced, close to shops, Trust bank finance approved, sole agents, Gillman Real Estate, Ltd, MREINZ, Rangiora 6811, a.h. 8668, 6254 and Woodend 27008. RANGIORA $98,500 BEAUTIFULLY presented 13 year old Summerhill stone home set on easy care section.. Features large lounge with Kent tile fire, attractive decore. Sep. living room/kitchen. Games room attached to garage. Inspection welcome. Heather James, Devlin Real Estate, MREINZ (0502) 8829 ( 0327 ) 7025. RANGIORA. An opportunity to build on or replace with three flats, close to shops, water, power, sewage connected to section, a must for builders, $48,000. For a prime section in Rangiora, exluslve agency. Ph. Harcourts, Rangiora (0502 ) 6158 or after hours Robbie Grieve (Cust) 649, MREINZ. RANGIORA. Historic stately convent to be sold by public auction on June 9 in Rangiora. Situated at 29 Victoria Street, this magnificent 2 storey dble brick building Is set on almost 44 an acre of sweeping lawns and features 7 bdrms, chapel, 3 living rooms, dining room, kitchen, bathroom upstairs and down, store rooms, plus built of kauri floors, staircase and doors. See Saturday’s auction column for photo and more information. Devlin Real Estate Ltd, MREINZ, Rangiora phone (0502 ) 8829 a.h. Les Hampton 8066. RARE opportunity to buy, a 10 acre bare land block, with building permit, 20 mlns north west of Square, good access, house water on. Ph. (0502) 26-684.
RANGIORA. Reduced $5OOO for urgent sale, modern 1 bedroom ownership unit situated In favoured nth west amongst quality homes, huge lounge, sep. kitchen dining area, private easy care section. This represents excellent value and the owner Is very keen to sell, $50,000. Gillman Real Estate, LTd, MREINZ, "Canterbury’s Own”, Rangiora 6811 a.h. Rangiora 6254,8668, Wdnd 27008. RANGIORA. Ist time offered. Beautifully presented modern perm, material home on neat easy care section, feature kitchen with pantry and an abundance of cupboards, lounge exposed beams, kent log fire, new conservatory opening to outdoor living area, 3 family sized bedrooms, double garage. This is a lovely home and priced for Immediate sale, $88,500. Glllman Real Estate Ltd, MREINZ, “Canterbury’s Own”, Rangiora 6810 a.h. Rangiora 6254, 8668,' Woodend 27-008. RANGIORA opto 15 QUEEN ST $68,000 11 a.m.-12.30 p.m. SATURDAY, MAY 27 SUNNY spacious 2 bdrm split level ownership flat. Large lounge kltchen/dlnlng room. Very tidy throughout. Excellent chattels. Handy to all amenities and overlooking park. 7 GEDDES ST $116,500 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. SATURDAY, MAY 27 ATTRACTIVE modern home, bounding rural land, and featuring huge lounge with tile fire, opening by slider to private terrace. Dining area and lovely large kitchen plus 3 dble bdrms and quality chattels throughout. Set on a beautifully landscaped 1346 sq m section of trees and lawns plus double garage. This property Is the buy of the week at urgently reduced price. Heather James, Devlin Real Estate, MREINZ, (0502) 8829, (0327 ) 7025. REDCLIFFS BUYERS LOOK LOOK LOOK VIEW today any or all of my listings: 3 bdrm character $189,000 4 bdrm character $199,000 4 bdrms perm. mats. $215,000 4 bdrms, perm. mats. (Clifton HUI) $230,000. Ring Anne Harris, your “Extra Effort” person, Harcourts, MREINZ, 820-043, anytlme. REDCLIFFS, $120,000. Popular Beachvllle Rd. Delightful character cottage. New kitchen In character style. Sep. living and sitting rooms with open fires and french doors to private gardens. Single garaging. Inspection will impress. Ph. sole agents, Stephens Real Estate, MREINZ, Jan Dally 844-179 or a.h. 842-369. REDCLIFFS, $133,000 0.n.0. Immediate possession avail. 4 bdrms plus study, perm, mat. family home. Private section. For details ph. Stephens Real Estate, MREINZ, Jan Dally 844-179, a.h. 842-369.
: REDCLIFFS ; OPEN DAY 2 CELIA STREET ! SUNDAY, MAY 28 1 p.m. - 3 p.m. OR BY APPOINTMENT , CHARMING 3 bdrm plus study home with character, ) lovely private section, $139,500 . for definite sale. Sole agents I Stephens Real Estate , MREINZ, 844-179, a.h. 843-386 . Patricia Van der Bent. ' REDCLIFFS, $215,000. Do you ’ need space and privacy for a ; relative? This unique mod- , ern 4 bedroom home with 2 full bathrooms and spa pool will Just fit the bill. Has l . formal and leisure living ■ rooms. Anne Harris, Harcourts, MREINZ, 820-043, any time. DflYl REDCLIFFS, $233,000 MONCKS BAY 242 E Main Rd Sunday 12.30-3 p.m. SEA and alps views from a level park-llke setting, superb 4 bdrms, family home on private, well established section, 2 ■ living areas, 2 bathrooms, ‘ formal dining. Inspection • welcomed. Ph. Steve Hodgson ■ 796-280, a.h. 833-317. I UVINGSTONEb H. G. LIVINGSTONE LTDuntioz ' REDCLIFFS, $315,000, magnificent, 4-5 bdrms, 3 levels, kltchen/dlnlng, large lounge . plus second living room, 1 probably best views In the i area, appealing Scandina1 vlan style architecture, Intimate atmosphere, attractive • grounds, easycare property. Inspection strictly by appointment with owners’ I agent, ph. 529-147, a.h. John i Robinson 382-330, Whittle Knight and Boatwood, ! MREINZ. : REDCLIFFS. About time you views this superior town ’ house/home. Totally on Its own section, own driveway, sunny and warm double garage, room for caravan etc. Two bedrooms plus lovely sleepout/studlo. Call Cunningham Real Estate, MREINZ, 266-119, a.h. 266-273. REDCLIFFS. Superb waterfront building site (1 only) with direct sea access on 21.1 p. Good shaped section allows flexible building dei sign to capitalise on superb views of estuary and past Shag Rock to open sea. Direct access to deep water channel at all tides. Price $150,000 0.n.0. Ph 516-145 or ■ 849-276. ! REDWOOD, brilliant 8 year 1 old, Summerhill stone home, quiet cul-de-sac, spacious comfortable lounge, separ1 ate dining, modern kitchen, ’ three double bdrms, double 1 garage, cobblestone drive and ■ landscaped section, ■ $119,750. Phone Terry Hug- : gins, 429-888, Packard Real 1 Estate, Ltd, MREINZ. REDWOOD ■ Character with rural outlook, • three bedroom, could be four, ■ large living areas, inspection a ■ must $90,000: Peter Brether- • ton, 522-602, a.h. 891-512, Canterbury’s Own, Glllman Real ■ Estate, MREINZ. REDWOOD, Dunbarton St, $129,950, built of natural Summerhill stone with Monier tile roof, 6-year-old, aluminium joinery, 3 bdrms, attractive lounge with J ranchsliders to sundeck, I sunny kitchen dinette with • walk-in pantry, backs on to ; rural land, 709 sq m beautifully laid out section, double garage with power, handy to I bus stop. Papanui Estate Agency Nationwide, 522-629 I Trevor Holden a.h. 519-173. REDWOOD $124,000. Excellent perm. mat. 3 bedroom home, ■_ tastefully decorated, sited .for sun, double garage. To ' view ph. Bev Smith, 526-166, > dr a.h; 26-5875, Harcoitf-ts MREINZ.
CENTRAL OTAGO DO YOU DREAM OF ESCAPING escalating pro- ’ perty prices, to your very own realistically priced home, in the centre of the stone fruit capital, beside the newest lake, in an area that boasts the warmest summer temperatures in the country? We have for sale, a beautiful 2 bdrm, open plan home, with single car garage, situated on the traditional kiwi W acre, with its own apricot, plum, and apple trees. Interested? $65,000 - and it’s yours. For more information, contact the owners, P.O. . Box 29, Clyde, Central Otago, op ph. (0294) 51-325, evenings or weekends. ; u."i
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Press, 27 May 1989, Page 75
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1,611Page 75 Advertisements Column 4 Press, 27 May 1989, Page 75
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