Auctions Wnghtson NMA Limited CLEARING SALE AT HAWARDEN ON BEHALF MESSRS WOODGROVE FARM MASONS FLAT THURSDAY, JUNE 8 COMMENCING 1 p.m. DUE to the Property being sold, Wrightson have been favoured with Instructions to offer the following plant and sundries: 1981 John Deere tractor 3140, 4500 hrs with factory cab and air conditioning David Brown 990 Selectomatic, 3800 hrs (white model) 1986 Suzuki LT 230 4 wheel motor-bike Duncan 700 Seedliner drill (20 run model) Clough 4 furrow plough 847 International baler Hay sledge Kuhn 4 disc mower Kuhn hay rake 10ft Cambridge roller Bft Duncan discs 11 tine grubber Mole plough Harrows and bar 12ft leveller 20ft grain auger plus sweep John Deere No. 9 mower Set of drill harrows 3 point linkage carry crate Set of big bale forks Motor-bike trailer 90 gallon fuel tank Pressure pump plus 30 gallon tank 6ft hay speed mower Quantity of 22ft sheets of rolled Iron (suitable for grain silo) Plus numerous sundry Items. GST exclusive. BUYERS MUST REGISTER PRIOR TO SALE. TERMS STRICTLY CASH. Outside entries accepted by contacting: Murray Colson 44-475 HAW John McKone 48-266 AMB Wrightson , Auctioneers CHRISTCHURCH Wrightson NMA Limited CLEARING SALE OF STOCK, PLANT, IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT AND SUNDRIES ON ACCOUNT ESTATE L. R. FEUTZ, Mainwarings Road, DORIE TO BE HELD ON THE PROPERTY I WEDNESDAY, May 31 COMMENCING 1 p.m. STOCK 200 Corriedale Annual Draft ewes S/Suffolk ram, February 1, 1989 DOGS 2 Hunterway dogs, Lass 4 year old, Kate, 6 year old. PLANT AND MACHINERY 1973 International 766 tractor with Rollmaster cab, 4225 hours 1975 International 474 tractor 1965 Fordson Super Major tractor Old Bedford truck 1987 Suzuki 250 4 wheeler motorbike Motorbike trailer 5 tonne bulk trailer Farm trailer Duncan 701 seedliner 19 tyne grubber Duncan rotacrumbler Cambridge roller 5 Furrow Clough plough 6 leaf harrows 2x3 leaf harrows 4 tonne bagging off bin Grader blade 2 x 40 tonne portable silos 45 tonne portable silo 50 tonne mesh silo 30 tonne mesh silo Klrwan auger (older) 30 tonne cone base silo Post hole borer Kuhn 4 drum mower Winstone boom sprayer with 8-6 metre boom Water tank on trailer 500 gallon diesel tank and stand 3x5 bay lambing motels 3 bay dog motel Single bay dog motel Vlcon spreader IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT 1 sideroll Irrigation unit comprising approx. 50 lengths of 12 metre, 41n pipes complete with hydraulic mover SHEARING EQUIPMENT 2 Wolsley shearing machines Donald woolpress Wooltable Fadge holder SUNDRIES Hen lay cages Bagging off bin Electric fence standards Electric fence reels OUTSIDE ENTRIES 7 Furrow 131 n Dunhill plough with draw bar (very tidy) Clough flexltyne, 18ft with folding wings Terms are cash on the day of the sale, unless prior arrangements are made with _ the auctioners. t Sale to be conducted GST > exclusive. 1 All buyers must register prior to commencement of ' the sale. Inquiries: . Contact Michael Buchanan Phone (053) 27-331 WRIGHTSON ■ AUCTIONEERS ASHBURTON ;■ NEXT WEEK’S AUCTIONS TUESDAY, MAY 30 12.30 p.m.: Receivership * auction of office desks, chairs ' and equipment. ? WEDNESDAY, MAY 31 12 noon: Builder’s Supplies, . plant and machinery, lawn- - .mowers. < FRIDAY, JUNE 2 * 12 noon: Cycles, handyman's * tools and equipment, sporting “ goods. i? 12.30 p.m.: Household furni- £ ture and effects, appliances, k TERMS: Cash, all purchasers « must register prior to sale.' J Cartage arranged if required. *' Refreshments available. Smiths Auctions 88 Montreal St ph. 798-100, MGAANZ
Page 67 Advertisements Column 1
Press, 27 May 1989, Page 67
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