For Sale WEDDING gowns including imported styles, bridesmaid’s, flower girl’s dresses, hats, head gear and veils, for sale or hire. Ph. Neroll 381724. WEDDING photo albums, see our wide range at affordable prices. Mak’s One Hour Photo Lab., 564 Colombo Street. Phone 668-780. WEIGHTS. Zeus weight training equipment for sportsmen who want a little extra. Ph. Canoe Supplies. 489-321. WINDOW frames, colonial style, 2 large bays, four 2 lights, all excel, cond. Ph. 598-895. WINDOW Market Place. Specialists in used windows. French doors, alum, joinery, glass, sashes etc., all at 215 Waltham Rd, Sydenham, (near overhead bridge), 8-5 wk days, and Sat. morning. Ph. 796-159. WINDOWS house lot, wooden, good cond., offers, ph. 229-168. WINDOWS, something to suit all, many shapes and sizes. CRC Salvage, 123 Orbell St, 662-514, 210 Moorhouse Ave, 662-063, open 6 days, 8-5 p.m. WINDOWS, wide range styles, types. Musgroves, 333 Wigram Rd. Ph. 227-922. WOOD and coal burner, free standing, old style, good condition, $125 0.n.0. Ph 388-709. WOOD baskets, all shapes and sizes, priced from $2O In willow and cane from Thyme Cottage, 809 Colombo St. near townhall, open Sat. 10.30 a.m. to 1.30 p.m. WOODEN chest, lovely classical style, 1 large storage area with llft-up lid and 2 bottom drawers, $lBO. Ph. 810-220. WOOL underlays, from only $B5, all bed sizes, best prices in town. Rusa Sheepskin Factory, 31 Battersea St, Sydenham. Open Mon.-FrL 7.30 a.m.-5 p.m. Sat. 9 a.m.noon. WROUGHT Iron gate for sale, 6 ft high x 1 m wide, price negotiable, call 47 Plcton Ave, Riccarton. WROUGHT Iron gates and approved pool fence system at competitive rates, free quotes. Ph. 523-906. Dinka Products Ltd. 2-SEATER settee plus chair, $250. Dble bed with padded headboard, $75.4-light stainless steel celling light fitting, $4O. Singer sewing machine, $5O 0.n.0. Ph. 894-379. Machinery Gen. Sell AIR equipment from Hindins, compressor, air brush and spray gun range to meet the needs of the hobbyist or industry. Ph. us or visit our showroom at 90 Fitzgerald Ave to talk over your requirements. Ph. 798-680. AIRLESS Sprayer, sell $B5O. Phone 820-500. AUSTIN’S Aluminium Welding Ltd, 25 Gasson St, Sydenham. Specialists in Argon arc welding repairs of aluminium alloy cylinder heads and motor cycle crank cases. Ph. 667-291. AUTOMATIC metal spinning lathe, Denn model R.P.A. 290. offers required. Ph. Mike Flynn 666-787. BAND SAW heavy duty, $450 0.n.0., ph. 34-810. BOBCAT 632, tidy condition, 2 buckets. Ph. 65-429 Tauranga. BUCKET elevator, 38ft 71n, in good working order, $lOOO 0.n.0. Ph. Hill 497-202. CAT D4D, power shift, angle and tilt. Very good order. Ph. (024) 897-455. CAT D6C, power shift, angle tilt, rippers, bush canopy, cargo-F-wlnch, overhauled track gear, excel, runner, spot on, $39,000 plus GST, ph. (0288) 56-949. CAT 941 track loader, 4-ln-l, 14 ton, 1972, power shift, pedal steer. Ph. 896-139. CHAINSAW, McCulloch 310, 14 inch bar, good order, $135 cash only, ph. 6851, Rangiora. CHAINSAWS, sacs, Dolmar 221 n bar, excellent cond. Poulan 3400, 201 n bar, Just sell. Ph. 812-286. CHAINSAW, 900 EVL Echo, large professional saw, very little used, bargain at $550. Ph. 27-796 Woodend. CHAIN trencher on rubber tyres, Wlscomsln motor, goes well, $lOOO. Clinton motor, large model 422 10 h.p. approx., done very little work, $250. All prices plus GST. Phone Ashburton 88-061, a.h. 89-947. CIRCULAR saw blades, secondhand, ranging In sizes from 6H In to 151 n dlametre. Good selection. Musgroves, ph. 227-922. COMPRESSOOR, 8 cfm pump unit, brand new, $4OO, Includes GST. Phone 844-500. COMPRESSOR a comprehensive range of Precision Air Compressors are available from Rayphil Holdings, 22 Sheffield Cresent (off Wairakel Road). Ph. 588-493. We welcome trade-ins. COMPRESSOR air tools, and machinery sales and service. Pneumatics and Spray paint equip, repairs and sales. Hydraulic and Pneumatic Services, 51 Durham St, enr Wordsworth St, ph. 662-920. COMPRESSOR (divers etc), Williams and James, three phase 10 h.p. 3500 PSI 285 litres, P/mln, ex-worklng order $12,000 0.n.0. Please phone 652-989. COMPRESSOR Hleff, 3 yrs old, 12 cf, 2 h.p., gun, hoses and accessories. $l6OO 0.n.0. Ph. 856-242. COMPRESSORS, brand new, 8 cfm, $770,13 cfm, $1045, incl GST. Ph. 844-500. COMPRESSORS, best quality, lowest prices, cash or terms. Grafra Industries, 31 Laing Cres, Heathcote, ph. 844-500 seven days. COMPRESSORS new and 2nd hand, trade In your compressor for the latest available Precision Air, Rayphil Holdings, 22 Sheffield Crescent (off Wairakel Road) Phone 588-493. COMPRESSORS. Sale at Hindins of 6.7cfm displacement direct drive automatic stopstart compressors. Compact carry anywhere package with integral panel mounted gauges and pressure regulator. Suitable for low consumption touchup spray gun, air brushes, and staple guns. $465 plus GST. Hlndins, 90 Fitzgerald Ave, ph. 798-680. COMPRESSOR, lOcfm pump only, air receiver and spray gun, $250 the lot. Ph. 820-250. COMPRESSOR 9 cu ft, plus 30 ft of hose, $7OO 0.n.0., ph. 34-810. COPY lathe, vertical with 2 heads, 500 dla. swing x 400 long. Phone Auck 276-6473, fax (0942) 761-500. CRANE 30RB, crawler, full air, 1975 model, excel, cond. Ph. 896-139. CYLINDRICAL grinder, Landus, 12in swing x 24in, phone Auck. 276-6473, Fax (0942) 761-500. C.I.G. Profile cutter, 4x4 table, twin head, template type, $lOOO 0.n.0., ph. 667-507, a.h. 489-472. DAIRY equipment: Bft icecream freezer, 4ft Icecream freezer, double door Skope cooler, 3-ln-l fryer with extractor, Sharp cash register, 30 station, and sundries. Ph. 297-853. DENBIGH Drill, 114 in, auto feed, $5OO 0.n.0., ph. 667-507, a.h. 489-472. DIESEL tank and stand, 500 gal. excel, cond. Phone (0516) 88-045. DISCOUNT Engineering Supplies, 309 Cashel Street. Open Saturdays from 9 to 12 noon for your trade and handyman supplies. Contact Allster Boal on 799-664 of fax us on 792-104. DRILL press - Tauco, excellent condition, $5OO. Ph. 371928.