KNITTING machine, Brother 830, ribber, stand, wool winder, $3OO, ph. 851-523. KNITTING machine. Brother, ribber and lacemaker, good condition, $2OO. Ph 27-6931. KNITTING machine, Brother KHB2O and ribber, $2OO. Phone 496-823. KNITTING machine, Brother 820, excel, cond., with lace maker, ribber and many extras, $250 0.n.0. Ph. 27-7318. KNITTING machine, Singer memomatic with ribber and winders, good order, $250. Phone 522-907. KNITTING machine and stand $150; bench high fridge $120; single bed $25; radiogramme $5O; 498-423 (after 8.30 a.m.). KNITTING machine, Singer, Cardmatlc 131, excel, cond., ribbing attachment, radar, accessories and wool. Only $2OO. Ph. 516-914. LADDER wooden extension, 16 -30 ft. Phone 894-482. LADY’S coat, navy, size 8/10, Designer, excellent condition. Bargain. Ph. 228-183. LAWNMOWER, Masport Ambassador, self propelled rotary, very tidy, $395. Ph. 34-676. LAWNMOWER motors, new, from $299. Cyclone Cycle and Mowers, 245 Colombo St. Ph. 39-573 or 39-588. LAWNMOWER rotary, only used twice, cost $595, sell $450 o. Phone 496-698. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦” LAWNMOWERS new and recon. rotary mowers from $199, reel mowers 14 Inch - 26 Inch from $250 - 21 Inch self drive rotary from $395, elec, mowers, line trimmers from $199, handmowers from $79. Rotoclean leaf machine $649, soil shredder, elec. $249. Commercial mowers, chainsaws, new lawnmower engines from $289. Over 100 mowers In stock, all overhauled and guaranteed., Denis Payton Lawnmowers, 456 Ferry Rd. (opp. Portstone Nursery) Ph. 891-896 open Saturday. LA-Z-BOY genuine recliner rockers, 40 to choose from starting at $499. Great colour choice. Furnitureland, 103 Stanmore Rd, by Gloucester St. LAZY-BOY, new, cocoa brown colour, scotchguarded, new price $lOOO, sell $5OO, also 6 year old lounge suite, mint condition, suit large lounge, $4OO 0.n.0. Phone 298-645. LAZY boy rocker chairs, 2 at $95 each. Phone 881-609. LEATHER and suede jackets, unbeatable prices, buy direct from 31 Battersea St, Sydenham. Ph. 796-578, Rusa Sheepskin Factory, open Mon.-Frl. 7.30 a.m.-5 p.m., Sat. 9 a.m.-noon. LEATHER clothing, Jackets, skirts, etc., off the rack or made to measure, direct to the public from Leather Specialists, 516 Wairakel Road, Mon.-Frl., 8.30-5.30. LEATHER garments made to order, jackets $495, dresses, skirts, vests, etc., leather alteratlons/repairs. Top quality at M-Deslgns, ph. 27-8936. LEATHER jacket (40), black, Immac. cond., $4OO 0.n.0., ph. 834-683. LEATHER Jacket, mens, black, 36-381 n, removable sleeves etc., $l5O, ph. 665-339. LEATHER Jacket and skirt, brown, 12-14, $4OO. Phone 834-343. LEATHER jacket, collectors item, used in WWII by German tank commander, good condition, $250. Ph 651-480. LEATHER Jackets, pants, skirts, Docs, etc. Huge selection. Lay-by okay, buy, sell and trade. Hunters and Collectors, 177 Manchester St. Ph. 653-751. LEATHER Jackets, made to measure from $299, at Leather Specialists, 516 Wairakel Road, Ph. 597-920. LEATHER Plus: importers, wholesalers and manufacturers of leather garments now selling direct to the public. Open Saturdays 9-2 p. Ph. 653-007, 34 Fitzgerald Ave. LEATHER skirts off the rack or made to measure, from $99. Large sizes in stock, up to size 20. Leather Specialists, 516 Wairakel Road, Ph. 597-920, Mom.-Frl., 8.30-5.30. LEATHER soft calf full length coat, classic style, size 12, beautiful condition. Phone 859-223. LEATHER Specialists - Direct to public for leather gifts, souvenirs, clothing and furniture. Factory prices. 516 Wairakel Rd, Mon-Frl, 8.305.30. Ph. 597-920. LEATHERWEAR by Classic Skins factory shop open now at 459 Papanui Rd, next Avon City Ford, skirts from $99, Jackets from $330, open 5 days 10.30-6.30 p.m. Come out after work for the best priced leather gear In town, also bags and belts. Ph. 521-070. LEATHER white outfit, Jacket and skirt, 10 - 12, never worn, $lOOO, sell $5OO, ph. 256-772. LEATHER. Mens Jeans patched In leather patches, 3 black pair, 1 browm pair, $lOO each. Phone 326-925. LEGO small set, also large Brltains toy farm set, established pot plants. Cheap. Ph 372-348. LOCKERS for sale. Ph. 652-956 and ask for Mr Davies. ~♦ ♦ ♦ ♦” LOG baskets, strong and sturdy, all shapes and sizes from $2O In willow and cane, from Thyme Cottage, 809 Colombo St. near townhall, open Sat. 9.30 a.m. to 1.30 p.m. LOG fire, Woodsman, complete unit (clean air approved), including hotwater booster, $BOO. Ph. 583-116. LOUNGE chairs, 4 x gold tones, Hamburg, excel, cond. $75 each. Ph. 853-225. LOUNGE, living suite, two seater couch and two chairs, all convert to beds, $250. Stainless steel laundry tub, $5O. Rotary clothes line, $l3O. Ph. 521-082. LOUNGE settee, 2-seater, Dralon, lovely fawn, as new, $4OO. Ph. 881-139. LOUNGE suite, brown draylon, 6 piece comer modular, $450 0.n.0. Ph. 523-466. LOUNGE suite, chesterfield, green, $BO. Phone 831-504. LOUNGE suited vinyl, $lOO. Phone 527-398?