Cars for Sale I ""'▼7 /""i/ , mrv / "7*7 Fl We have man y more /X/IJ A w 07 xl 'A*/ I vehicles due to arrive, fa—fc—i a te model, low /""V fnh rF n 1 mileage cars from /ill Ji Fl ~1 Fl I** I both Japan and local sources, let us know f cnr cashel & madras sts your requirements. PH 795-500. OPEN SAT 9-3 J £ 82 COROLLA GL 83 COMMODORE SLX 4 82 BLUEBIRD GL 1500 cc, ciuto trons, Auto Irons, stereo, ißnncc rnnnijril sir cond 41,000 km, radio, 99,000 km (62,000 miles), & radS 24 000 km gleaming white. an excellent example. metallic silver 12 months warranty 12 months warranty 12 months warranty NOW ONLY NOW ONLY C7QQ«; $6995 $8995 or $1750 deposit or $2250 deposit 81 MAZDA 626, 2 owners, manual, 56,000 km, radio, save $5OO. N0W58995 84 C/DORE VKSL4, 5 speed, 71,000 km, stereo, 2 owners, save $5OO. N0W512,495 81 GEMINII.6, 60,000 km, manual, one owner, save $lOOO. N0W55995 84 CAMIRA SLX, 5 speed, 58,000 km, one owner, radios999s 88 SIERRA 2.0 S/WAGON 5 speed, 15,000kms, stereo, one 0wner,522,995 83 TOYOTA STARLET 5 door, 43,000km5, 5 speed, save SIOOO NOW $7995 82 COROLLA GL, 1500, manual, 46,000 km, air cond, radio, manual, save $lOOO. N0W 57995 82 COROLLA 1300, 5 door, hatch, 43,000 km, stereo, red, 4 speed, save $lOOO. N0W 56995 82 NISSAN BLUEBIRD GL, manual, 24,000 km, air cond, radio, save $lOOO. N0W57995 82 COROLLA GL, auto, 1500 cc, 41,000 km, white, radio, save $l5OO. N0W 56995 86 MIRAGE GL, 24,000 km, one owner, manual, radio, red sll99s 83 TREDIA GLS, auto, 1600 cc, one owner, 60,000 km, metallic silver, save $lOOO, N0W 58995 80 COMMODORE SL4, one owner, radio, very tidy sB49s 82 CAMIRA SLX, one owner, 4 speed, 41,000 km, radio slo,49s 86 COMMODORE ROYALE 4, auto, 68,000 km, stereo sls,99s 84 COROLLA GL, 1600 cc, FWD, 43,000 km, 5 speed sl2,49s 84 BLUEBIRD 1.8 widetrack, 5 speed, p/steer, 25,000 kms ARRIVING 84 COMMODORE SLX S/WAGON, auto, 121,000 k 86 COMMODORE EXECUTIVE 6, 5 speed, air cond, stereo, 44,000km 519,995 84 CORDIA, 5 speed, 78,000 km, stereo, sll,99s 88 COROLLA GL, 1600 cc, 5 speed, 13,000km 519,995
DATSUN Sunny SGX, 1982, very tidy car, N.Z. assem. $7500 0.n.0. many extras, Ph. 497-836. DATSUN Sunny ZX coupe 1982 1.5 5-speed. Sunroof etc., value at $6499. Simons and Carey Motors, 209 Ferry Rd, 657-191, a.h. 372-377, LMVD. DATSUN Sunny, 1980, engine overhauled, $4600 0.n.0. Ph. 792-165 or (051668)831. DATSUN Sunny 1.5 ZX Coupe, 1982, luxury trim, electric mirrors. Lovely cond. genuine reason for sale, $7500. Phone 522-162. DATSUN Sunny 1978, new shape, 4 speed, economy, $5199. The Car Bazaar, 540 Moorhouse Ave, ph. 665-906, LMVD. DATSUN Sunny, 1979, auto (new shape), one retired owner, just 69,000 km, as new, economical, only $5499 or low dep. Merv Moore Motors Ltd, Cnr Colombo and Sandyford St. Ph. 665-888, a.h. 328-268, 595-256, LMVD. DATSUN Sunny, 1983,1.3 SGX, red metallic, radio and heater, excellent condition. $7995 at Sydenham Park, 144 Moorhouse Ave, ph. 665-798, 24 hours, LMVD. DATSUN Sunny 5 dr estate, 1981, blue with cloth trim, look $5495 or dep. Wheels, LMVD, 20 Manchester St, ph. 664-855 a.h. 556-926. DATSUN 120 Y coupe, 1974, runs like new, $3500. Ph. 327195. DATSUN 120 Y S/W, 1975, w.o.f. and reg., high kms, runs well, $2300 0.n.0. Phone 857-886. DATSUN 120 Y s/w 1975, motor Just recond, original white, tan trim, $4495 or dep. Wheels, 20 Manchester St, ph. 664-855, a.h. 556-926, LMVD. DATSUN 120 Y, 1974, stereo, excel, cond., $3400 0.n.0. Phone 831-862. DATSUN 120 Y, 1978, 4 door, motor and gearbox recently recond., tidy cond, radio, $2200 0.n.0. ph. 27-6037. DATSUN 120 Y, 1975, In good cond., very economical, w.0.f., 106,000 km, $2750. Owner going overseas. Ph. 489-115. DATSUN 1200 coupe, 1973, new w.0.f., tidy, cream, black interior, $2600 0.n.0. Ph. 855-420. DATSUN 1200, excel, cond., $3200 0.n.0., see to appreciate, ph. 599-004, after 12 p.m. DATSUN 1200 S.W., 1972, mechanically faultless, drives well, rough body, $1250 0.n.0. Ph. 820-499. DATSUN 140 J, 1974, Bluebird 1600 motor, new paintwork, excel, cond throughout, offers. Ph. 478-971. DATSUN 1600 Deluxe, 1970, excellent condition, $2200 0.n.0. Ph 857-742, 12 Mundys Rd. DATSUN 1600 de luxe, excel, cond., very reliable, $lBOO. Ph. 519-558. DATSUN 1600 O.H.C. engine, fully reconditioned $650 0.n.0. ph. 479-337. DATSUN 1808 auto, 1977, 107,000kms, tidy cond., $3OOO 0.n.0. Phone 798-268. DATSUN 1808 red automatic lady owner going overseas, excellent condition $3500 0.n.0. Phone 323-330. DATSUN 1808 SSS, mags, stereo, alarm, Immac. cond., $4600 0.n.0. Ph. 523-044. DATSUN 1808 SSS 1974, new steelbelted radials, front and rear shocks, recent valve grind, $4OOO 0.n.0. Ph. 497-774. DATSUN, 1808, SSS, 1975, 5 speed, 141 n wheels, all factory, $5499. Not an Import. Hatchbacks, Coupes and Minis, MVDI, 231 Colombo St, LMVD. DATSUN 1808 SSS Coupe 5 speed 1975. Only 107,000 km since new, a real performer at $4999. N.Z. Classic Car Co., 301 Main South Rd. Phone 499-298, LMVD. DATSUN 1808, s/wagon, 4 speed, 3 ChCh owners, runs very well, extremely tidy and orig. $3500 0.n.0. Ph. 844-660.
snnnuno7osi $19 f 550 Electric Windows Central Locking Xi 1300 CC, 5 . |