Livestock FOR sale at 38 Cardrona St. on Sat. morning, in garage sale, horse gear, inci. 2 covers, halter, riding boots, martlngdale and new hack bridle. ~♦ ♦ ♦ ♦” FOR sale 4 year old 16.1 h.h. grey thoroughbred, good to shoe, clip and handle. This is an unspoilt horse, has lovely rhythmical and balanced paces with quality presence and an exceptionally easy temperament. Turned away to mature, now back to work ready to bring on. Will make top class competition horse, $2500. Ph. evenings (0513) 6326. FRIESIAN cows. 30 empty for sale. Ph. 254-212. FRIESIAN cow with 1 week old Murray Grey heifer calf at foot. $450, ph. 251-091. FRIESIAN steers (6), 20 months, in good condition. Ph. 478-164. GELDING, 9 year old eventer, dark bay, 17 h.h., $2OOO 0.n.0. Phone (069) 83-903 Levin. GIG excellent cond., full harness included. Phone Oamaru 49-869, a.h. 46-522. GIRTHS leather, in excel, cond. 53 Inch and 43 inch, $5O each. Ph. 428-746 or Klrwee 884. GOATS graded Angora does, in kid, to Moorpark buck, $25 each. Phone 478-235. GRAZING wanted for cattle (30). Ph. Amberley 48-543. GRAZING wanted in the country for filly. Phone 842467. GREY TB gelding, 16.2 h.h. excellent dressage ladles hack, ODE, good to catch, shoe, float. No vices. Ph. 328253. GREY tb gelding, 16hh, 12 years, eventer/hunter, has been hunting well this season, chestnut gelding, 13hh, good all rounder, no vices, great 2nd pony, ph. Omarama (02984). HACK, 15.1 h.h. bay mare, 10 yrs. Done PC, ODE, good all rounder. Excell, temperament, no vices. Sound. $BOO. Ph. 427-166. HANDY dog bitches, excel, lambing, good all round 5 yr old, $350 0.n.0. 7 mths, intelligent and working $lBO 0.n.0. Ph. (0516) 38-730 Sunday after 12.30 p.m. HAY, second cut clover hay, top quality, shed stored, $8.50 per bale. Ph. 227-894. HEADING dog pups, black and white, $5O. Phone 23-8170. HEREFORD Friesian cross calves (9), quiet, good condition. Ph. Rangiora 5978. ♦♦ ♦ ♦ HORSE and pony feed, top quality lucerne chaff, pony meal, pellettes, crushed barley, crushed oats, bran, pollard, molasses, epsom salts, calcium, Danish mineral salts, available at Cover Services, 77a Briggs Rd off Marshland Rd. Shops open dally Mon to Frl. 8.30 to 5 p.m. Bank Card and Visa accepted. Plenty of easy parking. HORSE COVERS BUY direct from the manufacturer - the firm with over 75 years experience in making and fitting of good quality horse covers. If you want the best there is no other choice. The cover that fits and lasts. At McKenzie Saddlery, 402 A Main North Road, Chch, ph. 525-536. HORSE covers, neck covers, direct from the manufacturers, at competitive rates, Quality Covers, ph. 35-576 any time. HORSE covers. Prompt repairs, all saddlery. A. McNeill, 11 Grlmseys Rd, ph 528-636. HORSE float, double, with single axle, needs work $250, ph. 229-179. HORSE float hire, new double tandems with rubber mats. Phone 229-462. HORSEFLOATS for sale, secondhand, single and dble floats, trade In or sell on behalf. Allan Orange Manufacturing, 499-090. HORSE float, single, excell, cond., $lOOO, ph. 843-338. HORSE floats manufactured, single, double and treble, trade-ins accepted, floats repaired and hired, phone Kaiapol (27 ) 8678. HORSEFLOATS, new dble tandem, 2 models, the tops in horse transport. Allan Orange Manufacturing, 499090. HORSEFLOATS, new dble on tandem axles, phone 380-314, a.h. 665-017. HORSE float, 2-3, semi trailer, standard ball fitting, 2 yr old, great to tow. Phone 487-766. HORSE truck wanted, good condition essential. Phone Ohoka 508. HUNTAWAY dog, black and tan, 12 mths, keen with sound bark. Ph. Cheviot 391. HUNTAWAY dog, 12 mths, B and W, beardy, very keen, sell, phone 863 Glentunnel. HUNTERAWAY, good on hills and yards, 2 years old. Phone 39-436. . JODHPURS, beige and navy, top quality N.Z. made, adults 549.95, Childs $45. Ph. 889-973 or available at Cut Price Fabrics, Barn Mall, New Brighton, Cut Price Clothing, Church Corner. KUNE Kune weaners sell, $5O each. Ph. Oxford 24-662. LARCH rails, suitable fencing, jumps etc, available now. Ph. 594-124 bus. 597-125 a.h. LEASE or sell, 13hh grey gelding Welsh Mountain, a real gentleman, excellent show or hunter, does pony club, suit competitive rider, owner outgrown. Ph. 882-287. LIMOUSIN capacity tested bulls for sale. Apply T. J. McKeown, No. SRD, Ashbur- | ton. Ph. (053 ) 36-389.| ♦♦ ♦ ♦ LUCERNE chaff, oat and oat ; straw chaff, barley, oats, bran, pollard, pellets, : molasses etc. Free bag of carrots with purchases over 1 $2O. Open 7 days, 172 Malrehau Rd. MEADOW hay for sale, $6 per bale. Ph. Amberley 48719. MERINO ewe lambs wanted approx 500, 18-20 microns. Phone (053 ) 27-345. MILKING machine, single cow plant, as new cond. $550. Ph. 831-115. MUST sellstandardbred mare. 14.3 h.h., 8 yrs, no vices, good to float, $lOO 0.n.0. Ph. 820-789. NEW Zealand Riding Clubs AGM, Chch Showgrounds, 8, 9 July, Weekends entertainment includes side-saddle demonstration, Quadrille, Grade 111 Seminar, videos of Nth and Sth Teams event. For registration ph Anne 370-370 or Sue 290-823. OAT chaff, 3 bags only, $l5 each. Phone 899-612, 894-473 or 598-163. POSTS suitable for livestock, concrete $lO each, tanallsed $5 each, ph. 899-692, 894-473 or 598-163. QUARTER draught mare, very quiet, Ideal breeding, or hack, must be kind, approved home. Phone (0502) 6595. REAL gentleman with a lot of potential in dressage and Jumping. Chestnut gelding. 15.2h.h., 12 yrs old. Completed novice dressage and eventing very successfully, $l2OO 0.n.0. Ph. Ohoka 677. RETIRED dressage horse, to lend to approved country home, quiet but sensitive. Ph. 496-916. RIDING hat and jodhpurs for sale, suit 9-11 yr old, Ph. 429552. RIDING jacket, blue, size 32, as new, $l6O. Ph. 886-291.