Fruit, Plants, Produce STRAWBERRY plants, Red Gauntlet, Tioga. 10 for $3, $2B per 100. E.H. Bellingham, 685 Hills Rd. STRAW for sale, well rotted, for gardens. $2 per bale. Ph. Ranglora 6219. WALNUTS, top quality, washed and graded, can delivery in ChCh. $3.20 a kg. Phone Akaroa 7371. APPLES and pears. Full range of eating and cooking varieties. Bargain prices. Special small eating apples 10kg $3.50. All other fresh fruit and vegetables- Ouruhia Orchard, 676 Marshland Rd, Ph. 23-8137 (open 7 days). APPLES AT 50c PER KG COX’S ORANGE, Granny Smith, Golden Delicious and Sturmer $9 per large case, only when you fill your own case from our bins. Small cases and bag lots available ready peked in our shop Including Splendour, Braeburn and Red Delicious. WILLOWBURN ORCHARD, ASHLEY BRIDGE, RANGIORA. APPLES Braeburn, Splendour, Red Delicious, Granny Smith, Rome Beauty. PEARS Winter Cole POUNDEROSA ORCHARD, POUND ROAD, TEMPLETON END. Closed on Monday. APPLES SPLENDOUR GRANNY SMITH BRAEBURN GOLDEN DELICIOUS HAWKES BAY RED DELICIOUS (Above also available In blns at 80 cents kg) PACKHAM PEARS FRESH eggs, fresh chickens, tomatoes, potatoes, lettuce, pumpkin, onion, carrots, celery, cucumbers, local honey and local pottery. TRAM ROAD ORCHARD T. J. HOLLAND 100 yards from motorway, taking Oxford turnoff. Open 7 days. APPLES SPLENDOUR BRAEBURN RED DELICIOUS GOLDEN DELICIOUS BALLARAT GRANNY SMITH STURMERS PEARS RUA POTATOES Open 7 days. BRIAN STEAD, 760 Marshland Road. APPLES TREE RIPENED OF THE FINEST GRADE SPLENDOUR RED DELICIOUS COXS ORANGE SWEET DELICIOUS LORD WOLSELEY STURMER BALLARAT GOLDEN DELICIOUS GRANNY SMITH BRAEBURN WALNUTS All at last year’s prices Cheaper grade apples, $6 large case BLACKCURRANTS Please bring containers OPEN ALL DAY SATURDAY AND SUNDAY 384 Sawyers Arms Rd PAPANUI Carnations] CARNATIONS AND OTHER I FLOWERS j DRIED FLOWERS COTTAGE GARDENS EXCELLENT variety, excellent quality, excellent prices. Open Saturday and Sunday, 11 a.m. to 4.30 p.m. Follow signs at West Melton Tavern, off Main West Coast Road. RIVER TERRACE NURSERIES WHOLESALE GROWERS OF QUALITY FRUIT TREES CITRUS TREES: Healthy young container grown trees. Available for planting now. Oranges, Lemons, Tangelo, Mandarin, Grapefruit. Orders taken for: NASHI TREES: Large amount of strong branched 2m high trees. Discount available on large orders. PEAR TREES: on BA 29; Beurre Bose, Winter Neills, Doyenne du Cornice. APPLE TREES: Fuji on 106. PEACH: Blackboy, Fayette, Flamecrest, Golden Queen, Springcrest, Sprlnggold. NECTARINE: Fantasia, Fairlane. APRICOT: Sundrop, Moorpark. ALSO Almond Trees, Blackcurrent, Gooseberry, Giant Black Passionfruit and Tamarillo plants and native hedging. Full catalogue available. Contact: River Terrace Nurseries. R.D.I Brightwater, Nelson. Phone (054 ) 23-317.
Page 34 Advertisements Column 7
Press, 27 May 1989, Page 34
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