Personals SPIRITUAL healing available weekdays and Sundays from 12.30 p.m.-2 p.m. Good positive results being achieved for all health ailments. Inquiries to Mr and Mrs Chapman. ph. 833-818. All healing services are free of any charges. STRIPPERS, male and female professionals, for your private function, from the Regal Lounge, Ph. 662-422,24 hours. TALL, attractive, well dressed, non smoking, non drinking working mother of 3, wishes to meet Tom Selleck look alike. If you’re in to sports and the great outdoors, write and include photo to: “Press” ZP1424, Private Bag, Chch. TWO ladies in middle-age prime, need sincere gents’ company. Genuine replies only for our laughter and friendship. P 4092, "The Press,” Private Bag, Chch. WOULD Mrs Williams or her son or her son’s guardians get in touch with me at 18 Avonslde Drive. Approximately $40,000 at stake. F. L. Renwick. 39 year old quiet, average, 6ft guy, no ties, enjoys all outdoor activity, wining, dining, boating, seeking lady for outings, companionship. Reply “Press” P 5304, Private Bag, Chch. EXPECT THE BEST FROM AN ACCREDITED I.S.A. MEMBER AS an accredited member of the N.Z. Introduction Services Association, we comply with a strict Code of Ethics and Standard of Practices: providing a genuine service with a money back guarantee. If you wish to meet a sincere person of the opposite sex, a brochure is available for $2. ARGUS INTRODUCTIONS, P.O. Box 2310, Christchurch. STRESS HELP for personal relationships, adolescents, marriage problems, depression, lack of confidence, grief, Insomnia, job stress, agoraphobia, weight, smoking etc. Blofedback in conjunction with psychotherapy enables one to cope with stress related ailments without medication. ROSS EATON Registered psychologist MA. (Hons) Post Graduate Study in U.S.A. PH. 516-689 Trade Personals DIRTY deeds done dirt cheap, paint and varnish removed from doors, furniture, fittings. Ph. 793-083. DOLL repair service, agents, Teddy’s Toybox 656 Colombo St. Antique and modern dolls, teddy bears, toys, prams. Complete restoration includes dressmaking, wigs, eyes, shoes etc. One week service. Ph. 585-454 Rita Browne. FEMALE vocalist requires pianist (Blues Soul) to jam with view to performance. Phone 811-910. FREE valuation on your old paintings. Ritchies Fine Arts, 70 Gloucester St, ph. 795-710. MARKET stall sites $5 Grenadier markets Sat. 9-3 p.m. 60 Tuam St, ph. 669-058 Thursday. OLD photographs copied to any size, black and white or colour (bring in your old album). Ken’s Camera Shop, B.N.Z. Building, 137 Armagh St, Ph. 790-682. PALMISTRY and tarot cards, accurate results. Ph. Mrs Maureen F. Ellis, estab. 30 years, 890-566. Law States Entertainment. PALMISTRY, psychometry and cards by Psychic Christine Broetzman, accurate, ph. 892-730. Law States Entertainment. PALM reader and clairvoyant Sladjana. Consultations by appointment only. Please ph. 661-963. SILK drapes. We now specialise in the making of silk drapes. Excel, silk range avail. See us now at Oriental Crafts, 7 Chancery Lane and Countdown Centre, Rother-< ham Street, Riccarton. VIDEO service. Weddings, Birthdays, Sports. Overseas messages. Tape editing and copy service. Personal taping. Mirror Image Products. Ph. 485-311 or write Box 8187, Chch. A PERSONAL ASTROLOGY AND TAROT READING THIS is not a computerised printout but is a comprehensive personalised astrological and tarot guide. Write in complete confidence to: Chloe, P.O. Box 37-107. Parnell Send no money now, just your time, date and place of birth and return address. FIX YOUR OWN CAR SUPERVISED by experienced mechanic, fully equipped workshop hire, M hour from town - transport avail. Come and check us out we will do a deal. Open Saturday, ph. Kaiapol 27-6027, a.h. 27-7631. Exchange AUSTIN 1300 S.W. Tidy cond., runs well, plus cash, swap for a later S.W. around $2500. Ph. 277CORTINA 3 litre V 6 1974, Mklll, facelift model, mags, spoilers, scoop, new paint, new tyres, receipts for motor rebuild, sell $3200 0.n.0. or exchange. Ph. 665-863. FALCON XR SW reg. and w.o.f. for smaller station wagon and cash difference or car and cash difference $l2OO 0.n.0. Ph. 552-035. FRIDGE freezer large, for medium fridge. Ph. Kaiapol 278HILLMAN Hunter, regd and w.0.f., good runner, value around $550. Exchange what have you. Ph. 653-171 or 794995. MAZDA 808 1975, regd and warranted, very reliable car, sell or swap value $3OOO 0.n.0. Ph. 388-422. MORRISON rotary mower, good cond., swap for reel mower, ph. 886-769. SECTION In Twizel, fully serviced in best location, valued at $5500, swap for car or boat, ph. Klrwee 884. TRANSIT van, powered by Falcon motor, mag wheels, new reg. and w.0.f., exchange for whatever or sell, $3OOO 0.n.0. Ph. 651-276. VW off roader professionally built, swap for car, 6 or 8 cyl. (053) 27-180. WANTED good long base towing vehicle, swap for Rover, cash either way. Ph 35-657.