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sa*a education exPress E"" ■■■■■ ■■"■■" * 1 1 1 1 fMMMMT —I!EJMML^i~-’' ~rT 2LZaBBBBjMMB! ' - r7 -nKIBBMnBBBHBBMBBMBBHH K33MMFTSI^h^F |r ' rr J - -Tm'l'Tirrwii in WiML mber 10 is Human Rights Day. This day draws attention to the rights that all jgj e should have. Today “Education exPress” looks at some of these rights and ® what they mean. CT^!g B 4HW^^E TflA THE UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS what IS THE Here are some of the and residence within the Work out which one people have not been Pacifists, Women, . UNI VERS AL most important of these borders ol each State. (or more) ol the allowed full human Otlldren Mague vrencH AOATinw nr articles. (2) Everyone has the rights mentioned in a rights. What rights tims, Untouchables, EFtSak? mruTCP ° F ARTICLE 1. All human right to leave any coun- particular article have they been Refugees, Christians, ?h U e“mve™clara. S TJ ' fJS)M S WhC " 51 Kyour own De- gri tion of Human Rights £ hte 6 country. ways they suffered Slaves, Gipsies, Jews, claration of Rights |y says that all people, article 2. Everyone ARTICLE 18. Everyone because a govern- Trade Unionists, for class or school. f* whoever they are and . entitled to all r j ghts has the right to freedom ment did not uphold Lepers, Aboriginals, •-* wherever ‘hey live, and f reedoms without of thought, conscience one (or more) of the British suffragette move- into me stomacn, ana a should be able to live dist j nction O f any kind, and religion .. . articles in the de- » L ment, which worked 0 caused great pain and , safely, in freedom and s i ch as race, colour, sex, ARTICLE 21. (1) Every- claration. MfUj get women the right to vomiting. Later, Mis peace. language, religion, politi- one has the right to take 3. In groups, select one F'-* * vote in national elec- Pankhurst went on a ||gg WHy WAS IT c a io r other opinion. . . part in the government of the following n gF T tions. In 1903 she started St ttnrst strike. refusing all WRITTEN? ARTICLE 3. Everyone of his country .. . people and research ' 1 3EK the Women’s Social and W fisher On the out W People were shocked has the right to life, (3) The will of the his or her life. When /Tl//7 7Z ' I »■ «• Political Union killed her. On the out- t liberty and security of people shall be the basis you have done this, .v/( ////7/V/T A/7 k(W.S.P.U.). Members of InS IP world waS and, in par- pe£on. of the authority of gov- answer (2), . above, C// / U/V/T/V th s or B anisation spoke \ 1914, Mrs Pankhurst and gii h ticular, by the murder of ARTICLE 5. No-one ernment; this shall be about this person. .« , on street corners, inter- J7 r .irp P Sith m/cowr? FM millions of Jews by Hit- shall be subjected to tor- expressed in periodic Socrates, St Paul, yOaof cacfi M rupted political meetings > a truce with the Govern- |ip t J . h d genuine elections Galileo, Joan of Arc, qf tfese rtOrtte ? ” and heckled politicians. -f” Many people wanted San or degrading treat- whictTshall be by uni- Thomas Moore, - J y^ en , no a ctlo J? was 0? members l of the Sin wS? JivSi ?he t 0 make sure that ment or punishment. versal and equal suf- Madame de Stael, TXrtrfrtfaatfon ' CoaKl'enee . taken by the Govern- « membera of the of 30 were given the nothing nke jt would ARTICLE 9 No . one frage and shall be held Tolpuddle Martyrs, ' WWCZenee’ i ment to meet these de- w.o.F.u. bne was con vote. In 1928, another hannen again shall be subjected to ar- by secret vote .. . Sojourner Truth, e - fit -sl. mands, the suffragettes stantly arrested and im- i aw was passed which ggf ha PP en ?g” mber 10 arieit detention Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Ml' (as English women who prisoned. When in prison gave the vote to women g|||| renresentatives of or exile ’ artiriAc nf Anne Frank, Rosa ' Secret &&& 1 ‘Kt S 2 JaX S (tne ® n, Every. Parto (Montgomery HBP boiSs anght burned eat. The Government New Zealand women W Unite > iOnS Tn one charged with a Human Rights carefully. bus boycott). ... ... slogans into golf courses was afraid that the gained the vote in 1893. #||L u P on a Universal De- penal offence has the Discuss what each 4. Individually, or in . Lt k - and damaged Sic women on hunger This country was the M claration of Human right to be presumed means . groups, pick one of ' , |g Dfaces Mrs Pankhurst strikes would die, so Mrs first in the world to give MO Rights. innocent until prov d jln groups, re-write the following, do — ■M 2 Xe? of the org?n- Pankhurst and the Sen this right. § W WHAT DOES IT SAY? one article in simpler some research and JP lotion was held re- others were force-fed. The Declaration has m a public trial . . language. write up your find- MBS; ———— ■ — xS 30 articles which cover ARTICLE 13 (1) Every- 2. Read the case ings to show how at 1 ® J - v -'-z- ' x ‘ ' ‘ n 1 • - all the different rights one has the right to studies. Pick one of certain times and in . , . j ypl EBB'Ni people should have. freedom of movement the people featured. certain places these jL v ! MOHANDAS KARAMCHAND (MAHATMA) GANDHI- Ur" ■ 1 ! —' W W ifF ’ <L ' ■HI ' \(J v 1869-1948 - INDIA -Jz—- - : : '■ ■ ■———— Gandhi was an Indian- : from the sea. Gandhi »K D „i_ di„,, +>.«+ y born British-trained and his followers il- HH Role Play . > j WOTUS tudt WOUIIu lawver He moved to legally made and distri- TO 1. A doctor works at a tor for treatment. If and other peaceful Human rights give people the The group should be encouraged to ss South Africa in 1893. buted sea salt. Gandhi Ju3 clinic for poor -he is not attended demonstrations but right to express their feelings but discuss: ■ Shortly after arriving was imprisoned by the b? people in a country to immediately, he is no further to- this does not mean the right to • Why might the hurt person ■j. there he was thrown out British many times and ' . where the Govern- will probably die. wards achieving its hur t, insult or stir up hatred have felt so bad about what was fflgfej Hof a first-class train car- \ went on a number of ment is a brutal .. , scene §9 al - Finally it de- towards others. . said? riage because he was fasts, refusing to eat for jjfg military dictator- “ Act out me scene to attack pub- Have the class sugg est a list of ® Should people be allowed to say not white. This incident da V s on end - *J e was rTJ^L dO rv? r « be ‘ and the revolution- niX P tn P< c »7h five or six hurtful comments (e.g., such things, regardless of their pg, was a turning point in always concerned about lieves the Govern- . What are the FhTq J?“ You look weird with that hair.”). effects? ***"' his life and from this -s the injustice of the caste ment is cruel and choices the doctor e «rJTn Break the class into groups. Some- • How the group might explain to time * onwards he began system in India, particu- W unjust, but wishes to choices the doctor dows, set fire to one in each group reads the first someone who said a hurtful working to change lhe larly as it related to the VjL stay out of politics. no vnn boxe ?’ dis^ pt statement. The group must simply thing that he or she has done IBM Xag£ln d d“ SCBxKced'K d&s Tclslo®? Khaßy Xut this' Sente's firt sXbody Tent S d ‘”"a e nffir KSSe’S Planning the world community free themselves of Brit- ample of this method in Gandhi called them ing such a group group to act out group. What Ask pupils to imagine that they these circumstances. They will not i [ ■ttgMl ish rule and Gandhi action was the salt tax harijan (children of ( to P the what m W happen arguments are put have been given the job of plan- know until after they have com- |k i joined the struggle. He campaign. The British God) and work«Tto help hor ittS if wu the next day. Dis- forward? Who do ning a new world 'community. pleted their plans, and these have did not believe in vio- Government had a tax G and J‘ ffP come acrO ss them) cuss the follow-up. you think is right or Though they are the planners, they been put into practice, where in ' | lence and developed a on salt which made it smated m January 1948. ih<> serious offence 2 - A woman in a coun- wrong? Invent a do not know who they are going to the social scheme of things they method called sa- too expensive for many aki oeoole tr V which forbids follow-up scene end up as — whether, that is, they themselves will be. i tyagraha, which was one Indians to buy. Indians imorisoned women the vote a ft er the “action” are going to end up male or This is really the same as asking . of non-violence and non- were also forbidden to ggid P j Oins a grO up whose has taken place. female, young or old, rich or poor, what sort of things members of a A. , co-operation. An ex- make their own salt moured) tortured. aim is t 0 § et this disabled in some way, part of a class think it is right that they i V One nieht a seri- The B rou P particular race, ethnic group, reli- should have as human beings — BSSX; 4 s * OUS 1 V 8 wounded has aiready spent gion, or culture, or whatever. what is “wrong” to do to someone, ißti H M revolutionary is y ears organising Ask what they would decree in or not to give to someone, or stop u hrnnoht hv his letters, petitions, advance as anybody’s due under someone from doing as a person. -Mfr, BI ■ fiends to the dJc- protest meetings ft : r-i iSfti Acknowledgements SHEILA CASSIDY — 1943 — CHILE frig “WORDS THAT Pettman, Hodja Educar— ”i sidy was released and 7*ol — WOUND” and “PLAN- tional Resources Co-iT-2 J Sheila Cassidy is an allowed to return to Ik- « T Ki xiffl NING THE WORLD operative, Ltd. We are English doctor who went England. It is estimated L ]|i< ni • Mt: ./ ,• ' COMMUNITY” are grateful to Ken Bye, to work in a shanty town by the human rights or- ML wJlwk ! activities abridged Linwood High School, ; clinic in Santiago, Chile. ganisation, Amnesty \ T-• i from ‘‘Teaching for f° r his advice on this ■ Since 1973, Chile has International, that more ’*l 'jp Human Rights,” Ralph page. S2? ; been ruled by a military g than 93 countries still i'ubt B dictatorship under Gen- use torture. It is thought WKa . wß' eral Pinochet. At least Ft <*»■ *Bk that j n jq ew York city |E|k ■ „ - , , J I 30,000 people are said to U alone> there are 8 000 k 1 IHhw ■ .■ -- I have been killed by this victims of torture who 'it' 1 " • I /■WI ' I regime. In November bav e fled from their ' - - 1 ■■■■ ■T, - J »L'rW . g'^wl^aMiyJl ■ I 1975, Dr Cassidy was own countries to the SM TTr nTT-in te m I asked to treat a united States. Centres to A C’TT B wounded revolutionary. treat f Or t ure victims Uf IWy >JLV X X X-LuO ni t ® |<" _ a. Ik. l k • She did this and shortly have now been set ud in VHh ua-ififfimt - r < afterwards was arrested Denmark Canada and ,411 Discrimination for A.I.D.S. under rights act. ; by the D.I.N.A. (Chilean j he united States Dr secret police). She was Cassidv said of the tor- “The Press” November 16 from both sides of which was going to, , stripped naked and sav- “I see them as Parliament had led the make it illegal to dis- .. —-?7 agely tortured with elec- was detained in a I . By OLIVER RIDDELL commission to believe criminate a B a,as * ill WS* L,<-’>•> trie shocks. She was women’s prison. Finally, "J®" J? 0 . . d in Wellington there would be strong someone with A.1.D.5.? •_.«.> IB tftJM fcMdk- then held in solitary because of diplomatic ™ odu cte of an evil sys- » The Human Riehte support for the inclu- Why? Why not? j, ' : Wj.X ■EN confinement for three pressure from the Brit- fe® in a veT s7ck H rJLE ™n sion of disability in any 2 . In a recent case, a JOMBfflWfcKl weeks, after which she ish Government, Dr Cas- soSety.” Sderine The best way amendment to the leg- p re -school child carryW* nf hrineinp discrimina- ~• ing the A.I.D.S. antibo- 'V | V ' — 1 M nor? asShist A?DS B , ut ~M s Julian , said dies was refused the /L \ '' W Jk • pH wittiinlto ambit protection against dis- right to attend an Aus- Jg ACx. \ 4\ll 1-a“ Member- of the crimination of A.I.D.S. tralian kindergarten. cW'< >-■ told a qpminar e tne A.i.u.b. ami- One half represents the 1f // /YSMilft on linS d in bodies, did not cover par ents whose children If //[ Ylj "Tr Kn tha?ie simpHe ‘ a !dS SKriXtlon e °J O !J e “SS?"S If V\ \ Lis I Famous Faces to £ MtdSds'K -6, ' W' Wgfato HMH who are these two // 1W MS? form of discrimination “at risk” oarticularlv nnU* X J// I3V\| II ■ | . people? Which coun- £ A gon the grounds of m V ’ ho P £Xa£ S S put for” SSSHMMEI •- N \\ R I’‘ J ■HE t rie \ do they come || * QQI Ph y s ,cal disabi ity. whether or not they group put lor « WKiW/J ' J from? How have they W‘s?» •"< <3 Such discrimination had AIDS or carried W ' 9 '4 X \ Z / Wik suffered for what they > was not covered by the antibodies 3. Using “The Press,” • ___. ; X I links jaOwß believe? Which particu- H Human Rights Commis- . ' ' ■’■■-— find an article either \Z ■BBfl 'W lar human rights do the SdfliiiMA E sion Act, 1977. P 1 P art of a P on someone who has governments of their R| The Government had article that appeared been discriminated // ■ :• EHE countries not allow? 3sked the Commission recently in Ine a g a jnst or whose h rr - / ■ • t 0 review the legisla- Press. human rights have : S .-'^SkiSBBBIB^S^ 7 .- Eh tion, she said. 1. If you were a politi- been violated or a v- i ‘ ‘ ' BB Informal communi- cian, would you vote country where human A**" j yf ;■ Kd cation with politicians for or against a law rights are not upheld. i “Tlje Newspapers in Education, 146 Gloucester St — Ph- 790-940 e# 783. a

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Press, 7 December 1987, Page 31

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