AUSTRALIA Stocks pushed higher
NZPA-AAP Sydney Australian share markets closed higher, pushed up by renewed, interest in industrial stocks and continued support for gold and resource issues. An improved December current account deficit figure, which narrowed to sAust64B million in December from an upwardly revised sAustB94M in November, reversed previously nervous sentiment in the market. Brokers said media stocks also enjoyed new support on speculation, of further takeover activity in the sector. National turnover was a high 122.2 M shares worth sAustl76.3M, with rises outnumbering falls 367 to 260. Gold stocks were well sup-
ported as the bullion price 1 hovered around the SUS42O an ounce level. Gold Mines of f Kalgoorlie put on 110 c to r 1860, Poseidon 14 to 650, t Kidston 10 to 840 and Whim I Creek 14 to 630 c. 1 Heavyweight miner CRA t was 22c higher at 746. 1 i Resources leader BHP fin- f ished 2 down at 918 after a low of 912, while CSR rose 8 to 368 c and North BH 6 to * 268. \ , Elsewhere among resource ‘ stocks, Peko Wallsend shed , 16 to 600 as industrial unrest { involving the company y showed little sign of clearing. / Bell Resources gained 10 to j 480 while its parent Bell Group lost sto 1030 and Bell 1 subsidiary J. N. Taylor shed i
10 to 840. Media stocks finished firmer on balance on renewed speculation of another take-over in the sector. John Fairfax shares soared 85c to 1190, taking its gains so far this week to 100. Advertiser Newspapers put on 16 to
■ Closing quotes Last Industrial Buy Sell sale ACI 410 415 410 AGC 351 356 355 ANI 305 308 305 ANZ 566 568 566 AWA 700 706 700 Adel Stm 1415 1420 1420 Ad’tiser 624 630 630 Alpha 38 — 39 Opt 22 ■ — 22 Amatil 880 890 890 Amcor 410 416 416
Ampol 275 280 275 Argo — 460 —— Ariadne 328 330 328 Arnotts — 570 — AFound 275 276 275 AustOvrs 65 70 65 opt 22 25 25 BHP 916 918 918 BankQld 275 280 275 Barwon 78 80 80 BellG 1025 1030 1030 pref — 3300 ——- BondCorp 292 293 293 Boral 450 454 454 Brambles 778 780 778 Brierley 390 395 390 Bundaberg 250 255 250 BumsP 920 924 920 CRP Tr 55 — 55 CIG — 495 495 CSR 368 370 368 Cadbury 245 248 245 Carricks dd — 380 380 ChaseCrp — 530 530 Claradeen — 140 — Clyde 160 170 160 CoalAll 530 —— 530 ColesM 604 608 604 Comalco 255 .258 255 DeakMorg — 130 130 EDunlop 420 — 430 Eastcourt — 80 75 Elders 488 490 490 Email 272 275 272 Equitcorp 140 — 140 Euro-Nat dd 410 440 — FAI 930 940 940 Fairfax! 1200 1205 1190 FeltexNZ — 340 — Fletcher — 470 — Fortuna 230 240 235 GPT 272 280 272 Goodman 450 465 .465 HDFI 145 150 — Hanimex 135 140 140 HardieJ 460 465 460 Herald 1460 1470 1460 Hitek 95 100 105 Hooker 320 325 320 Humes 300 305 305 UProp — 1950 1950 ICI 345 — 345 lELIncme' 95 105 ■ — IndEquit 558 560 560..., Jasco 190 200 — Jennings 180 190 180 JonesDav 1430 — 1440 JonesRbt dd 230 240 230 Jonray 420 422 420 Kern 252 258 255 Lrchhill 250 260 250 opt - 130 — — , Leighton 102 105 105 LLease 1040 1045 1040 Linter 750 760 750 MayneN 405 420 405 McPherson 282 285 285 Memtec 500 514 510 Monier 230 232 230 NZFor 320 325 320 NZICorp 185 188 185 , NatAust 566 570 570 NatCons — 330 —— . NewsCorp 1720 1725 1720 OPSM 355 —■ 355 Oakbridge 56 57 56 PacDunlp 395 400 400 J Parbury 190 — — .■ PetersSl 235 245 245 PioneerC 305 310 305 Pioneers 150 155 150 QBE' 900 — 900 Renouf 220 225 225 Rheem 420 430 420 Rothmans 1280 . — 1280 , Rothwells 360 365 364 SmithHwd 490 504 500 Sunshine 280 285 280 TNT 380 385 385 ' UnionC 610 630 620 UnityCip 299 300 300/ Vapocure 240 245 245 Vestcorp 90 95 95 Viking 80 82 80 i Walton 31 33 33 Wattle 530 560 WfieldHl 3350 3450 3400 Westmex 220 225 225 Westpac 473 475 475 1 Woolworth 370 375 370 Wormaid 400 410 410 Aberfoyle — 1250 1200 Ashton 265 270 265 AustDevl 400 410 410 BellRes 478 480 480 Bouganvle 352 353 353 CNGold 1720 1730 1720 CRA 746 750 746 CarrBoyd 160 165 160 ConsRes 8 9 9 ConsRtle 690 700 — Coronet 206 208 208 Dominion 108 110 no ERA 180 185 180 Emperor 640 — 650 GMKalg 1830 1880 1860 H11150 105 no 106 Kidston 840 850 840 Kitchener 80 — 80 MIM 250 252 252 MetalsEx 112 114 112 NorthBH 265 270 268 Otter 70 — 70 PancontM 325 — 325 Paringa 280 285 280 Peko 600 610 600 PlacrDev 3800 4000 3800 PlacrPac 275 278 278 Poseidon 650 680 650 QldCoal 156 160 159 RGC 1030 1040 1040' SthnPac 20 21 — Technomin 35 38 35 WMC 638 640 638 WestSand ' 265 270 265 WhimCrk 610 650 630 AOG 260 — 260 AmpolExp 395 400 395 Beach 69 70 70 Bridge 103 105 104 Claremont 98 100 100 Crusader 198 200 200 Hartogen 325 335 335 Magellan — 175 170 Magnet 9 10 9 OilSerch 112 115 112 PancontP 17 19 17 PekoOil 122 124 124 Petroz 8 9 — Santos 468 470 470 Vamgas 315 320 320 WeeksPet 900 920 —— Woodside 165 — 165
AUSTRALIA Stocks pushed higher
Press, 21 January 1987, Page 26
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