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Cars for Sale ADVERTISEMENTS WITH i LMVD OR MVDI ALL advertisers carrying these letters are members of the Motor Vehicle Dealers Institute of N.Z. j ABLE Auto Groom, 50 Tuam Street for a full and professional Job, open 8 a.m. A great second car, Toyota Corona, 1969, excel, cond. motor and gearbox covered by transferrable Total Cover ‘ guarantee, only $2200 0.n.0. Phone 553-493. ALFA Glulleta 1.8, 1981, 5speed, twin overhead cam engine, factory alloy wheels, ' travelled a genuine 78,000 km. Attractively finished in metallic blue, $18,490. Archibalds, 24 Oxford Tee. Phone 796-980, a.h. 31-553, 325-930, ‘ LMVD. ALFA Romeo Glulietta 1.8, 1981,5 speed, tinted glass, alloys, cassette, stereo, etc., Just 78,000 km from new, superb in navy blue with tan velour, magnificent Italian sports saloon at only $18,495. i Phillip Mills, Ltd, 42 Manchester St, ph. 50-182, a.h. 327-827, LMVD. ALFA, Romeo GTV 2000, Bertone 1975, the very last of this fast appreciating sports car, - travelled a genuine 28,000 miles, by two owners, receipts, and history available, finished In Alpine white, $19,990. Archibalds, 24 Oxford Tee, ph. 796-980, a.h. 325-930, 31-553, LMVD. ALFA Romeo 1983, 33 1.5 Zender full Zender body modification kit fitted, only 2000 km, stereo, finished in Alfa red, stunning appearance and performance. $34,990. On display at Archibalds, 24 Oxford Tee. Ph. 796980, a.h. 31-553, 325-930 LMVD. ALFA Sprint, 1980 to 1986 required urgently at Archibalds, 24 Oxford Tee. Ph. 796- i 980, a.h. 31-553, 325-930, LMVD. ALFASUO 1975, 4 door model, 57,000 miles, attractive blue. For something a little different call Steve at Wrlghtcars LMVD, 47 Moorhouse Ave, ph. 798-530 anytime. ALFA Sud 4-dr, 1978, 5-speed. A superb car, rebored engine ' Just completed In our workshop, $12,490. Archibalds, 24 Oxford Tee. Ph. 796-980, a.h. 31-553, 325-930 LMVD. ALFA 90 2.5 V 6, 1986, N.Z. Alfa Romeo Importer’s own vehicle which has travelled only 13,000 km. As new in dark silver metallic. Thousands under replacement cost. $49,990. Ph. Archibalds 796-980, a.h. 31-533, 325-930, LMVD. ALL cars cleaned to perfection, delivered and returned for fee of $22. Ph. 559-497 or 33-292. AN Escort 1300 L, 1974, 2 door, very tidy, runs well, finance avail. $3250. Ph. Karen 61-270. A.S. Sales, LMVD, enr Antigua and Dlsralel Sts. ANGLIA van, good cond., recond. Cortina motor, $2OOO. Ph. 587-405, after 6 p.m. AUDI all models required urgently at Archibalds, 24 Oxford Tee. Ph. 796-980, a.h. 31-553, LMVD. AUDI Quattro, 100 CS brand new, 2.2 fuel injected, 138 bhp, 5 speed, power steering, high performance suspension, air cond, sunroof, central locking, alloy wheels, permanent all wheel drive, 2 year unlimited kilometre warranty, $112,728. Call Michael O’Brien at Archibalds, 24 Oxford Tee, ph. 796980 a.h. (26) 6512, MVDI. ”♦ ♦ ♦ ♦” AUDIS, all late models buying now, Phillip Mills Ltd, 42 Manchester St. Ph. 50-182, a.h. 327-827, LMVD. AUDI 100 CD Avant 1986: only 6 . months old and Just 5500 km from new, automatic, power a steering, electronic climate control, tinted electric win- ■ dows, sunroof, rear child's I seat, central locking, alloys, I electric mirrors, pack rack, I rear spoiler, stereo system, I etc., finished In Titian red I with grey velour Interior, ab- I solutely superb and a huge I saving on replacement at I $84,995, Phillip Mills Ltd, 42 I Manchester St. Ph. 50-182, I a.h. 327-827, LMVD. I AUDI 100 C.D. Avant, 1984, I only 15,000 km, by Chch , owner, auto., power steering, air cond., tinted electric windows, sunroof, c/lock, rear chllds seat, the worlds best station waggon, thousands under replacement, $69,990. Archibalds, 24 Oxford Tee, ph. 796-980, a.h. 325-930, 31553, LMVD. AUDI, 1981 200 turbo. Heated seats, cruise control, many other factory extras, 40,000 miles. Would consider cheaper car as trade, $35,000. Phone 820-265. AUDI 200 T turbo saloon, 1982, sold by us new. An absolute, immaculate car. Automatic power steering, factory, airconditioning, tinted electric windows, electric sunrof, alloy wheels, stereo, system, i etc. Most appealing In Lhasa metalic. Low miles and as nw. Inspect now. $39,995. Phillip Mills, Ltd, 42 Manchester St. Phone 50-182, a.h. 327-827, LMVD. AUSTIN Allegro Mk 2, lovely economical 4 door car, $4995. Trade or terms. Waynes Car, LMVD, 251 Colombo St, Ph. 371-076-8. AUSTIN Allegro 1979, red, beautiful condition. Medium miles warranty. $5299. Ray Woods Motors, 130 Ferry Rd. Phone 792-861, LMVD. AUSTIN Allegro, 1976, tidy cond., one owner, value here. $3495. Shoreline Motors, 237 Rlccarton Rd. Ph. 489-393, a.h. 599-907. AUSTIN Allegro 1978, genuine ' 58,000 km, radio and heater, smart little car, very good value at only $4995. Radcliffe Cars, LMVD, 171 Waltham Rd, ph. 797-773. AUSTIN Allegro 1979, low km, " cloth trim, very tidy little car, only $5195 or low dep. Mai Ormandy Cars, Ltd,-301 Lincoln Rd. Phone 381-652, a.h. 515-554. AUSTIN Allegro 1300 super 1976 mint condition, any Inspection $3999. Noel Dolamore Cars, 200 Ensors Rd, Ferry Rd enr, ph. 890-266, a.h. 525-034, MVDI. AUSTIN Allegro, 1979, 2 owners, 1 year warranty, mint car, $4995, dep. $l5OO. Integrity Cars, Car City, Cnr , Montreal and Moorhouse Ave, ph. 66-201, a.h. 325-438, LMVD. AUSTIN Allegro 1300 Mk.II, 1976. Just 42,000 kms. 2 local owners. French blue, cloth seat Inserts, HRW, $5999 or low dep. Manchester Motor Co, 64 Manchester St, Ph. 66379, a.h. 484-942, LMVD. AUSTIN A 30,1956, w.0.f., reg’d. $5OO 0.n.0. Ph. 820-464. AUSTIN A4O Ute 1952, 1500 CC recond. motor, new wooden flat deck, repainted, $lOOO, ph. 483-823. , AUSTIN A 55, 1957, 60,000 mis, I $1650. Doug Drake Motors, 281 Ferry Rd, LMVD. Ph. 891121. f . . AUSTIN Maxi 1973, 5 speed, runs well, very tidy, be quick, $2499 or terms, Auto City, 217 -Jerry Rd, LMVD. - p
Cars for Sale i COMMODORE Calais, 5.0, VB, air cond., all electrics, fac5 tory mags, finished In dark brown metallic- with cloth i trim, a lovely car, $34,999. Ray Lockle Motors, cnr Moorhouse Ave and Durham St, i phone 65-638, a.h. 487-773, LMVD. . COMMODORES buy, SLX > wagons, cars, 6 cyl. and 4 cyl., * let us offer you the best ■ price, Bert Govan Motors Ltd, 40 Oxford Tee, Chch. Ph. 50-397, a.h. 278-575, LMVD. ’ COMMODORE SLE 1981, a genuine 60,000 km, arriving. Brent Hodder Motors, Ltd, • 393 Ferry Rd, ph. 898-082, a.h. ’ 886-936, LMVD. , COMMODORE SLE auto, p/ steer, 1981. Red. 88,000 km, , stereo, LPG. $18,995. GST incl. Team Hutchinson Ford, LMVD, 290 Colombo St, Sydenham Division. Ph. 33171. A.H. Alex 524-214. .’ COMMODORE SL S/W 1981, 6 cyl. auto, p/steer, 92,000 km. .’ Radio stereo etc. $16,999, Noel Dolamore Cars, 200 Ensors ' Rd. Ferry Rd. Cnr. Ph. 890266, a.h. 525-034, LMVD. ‘ COMMODORE SLX, 1982, 5 i speed, bronze metallic with j cloth Interior, radlo/cast sette, $13,499, Brent Hodder , Motors Ltd, 393 Ferry Road. Ph. 898-082, a.h. 529-471, . LMVD. t COMMODORE SLX, 5 speed, 1984, one owner, exceptional condition throughout, 1 $13,999, Brent Hodder r Motor’s Ltd, 393 Ferry Road. ■ Ph. 898-082, a.h. 529-471, 5 LMVD. > COMMODORE SL4, 1980, 1 89,000kms, wire spoke mags, ■ very tidy, $ll,OOO. Ph. 256-549. ’’ COMMODORE SL4, 1981, VC - model, excel, cond., 90,000 ? kms, dark red, $11,500. Ph. 1 588-881. ’ COMMODORE VK Berllna 6s/ ’ w auto, late 1984 one owner, 40,000 km, power steering air s conditioning stereo $26,495. 1 12 months warranty, , Blackwell Motors, Ranglora, ’ ‘ Ltd, Ranglora, Ph. A. Smart i 8237, a.h. 48-742 Amberley, . LMVD. - COMMODORE 1981, 4L, an at- , tractive car finished in pas- ,, tel yellow, med km, 12 month warranty, $10,999, Brent 1 Hodder Motors, Ltd, 393 Ferry Rd, ph. 898-082, a.h. 886-936, LMVD. i $14,990 ’ SUZUKI ALTO ! 1 I 1 Only Manual Immediate Delivery 1 i $15,490 Automatic ! 1 only r Immediate Delivery i r Limited Offer 1 Manchester Fiat ; 47 Manchester Street , Phone: 799-470 ‘■«™
Cars for Sale ’ BMW 2002 coupe, 1972, excellent condition, FM stereo, , mag wheels, low mileage, be ' quick at $10,999, or low dep. , Merv Moore Motors, Ltd, cnr , Colombo and Sandyford Sts, ph. 65-895, a.h. 852-451, 324- ; 548. I BMW 3181A/2 1985, one Chch : owner, 11,000 kms, 4 stage overdrive, auto, p/steerlng, alloy wheels, sunroof, stereo. Zlnnoberrot Red. As new. $47,990. Archibalds BMW, cnr Moorhouse and Montreal. Ph. 63-052, a.h. 891-432, LMVD. , BMW 3251, 4 door, 1986, 1 Chch : owner, 4 stage automatic, • switchable transmission, • power steering, central locking, electric windows, sun , roof, alloy wheels, 4 speaker stereo, electric mirrors, boot . spoiler, Zlnnoberrot red. ( , $70,000. Archibalds BMW, corner Moorhouse and Mon- , treal St, ph. 63-052, a.h. 891432, LMVD. ■ BMW 525, 1977, 4 speed, power ■ steering, tinted glass, radio, > immaculate in metallic chestnut. $21,990. Archibalds BMW, corner Moorhouse . and Montreal Sts, ph. 63-052 a.h. 891-432, LMVD. ! BUICK Skylark, 1978. This low • km vehicle Is In first class ' condition, sunroof, 8 track power steering and windows, etc., look only $23,995 or low dep. Shoreline Motors, 237 > Rlccarton Rd, ph. 489-399, I a h 440-001 CAMARO Z2B, 350 cl auto- ■ matic, rare opportunity to > buy this sought afer model ■ . In such perfect condition, 1 low miles, radials, stereo, only $32,000 0.n.0., ph. 555-756. 1 CAMIRA SLX auto., 1982, good family car. Sensibly priced ; at $9995 trade or terms. ; Waynes Cars, LMVD, 251 ' Colombo St. (opp. Kentucky • Fried.) Phone 371-076-8. , CAMIRA SLX, auto, 1982, ! 42,000 km, warranty, superb [ Torquay sand, $12,995. Kevin ! Ford, 438 Tuam St, ph. 60-350, ' LMVD. ; CAMIRA SLX sedan, 1984, fully reconditioned engine just completed, 5 speed, excellent condition. Ring Steve, Wrlghtcars, 285 Cashel St, 798-530 any time, LMVD. . CAMIRA 18 1984, 5 speed, 40,000 km, silver, new tyres, as new, $15,995. 12 mths warranty, Blackwell Motors ,’ (Rga) Ltd, Ranglora, ph. A. ' Smart 8237, a.h. ' 48-742 ’ Amberley, LMVD. CAPRI 3 litre hatchback, 1974, ace condition, $11,795. >’ Sydenham Park Car Sales, f Llncoln/Moorhouse Cnr, . 799-199, 24 hrs, LMVD. ' CAPRI 3.0 XLGT 1970, mod. miles, very tidy in paint and panel, silver and black, ’ drives very nicely, compare ’ ■ $5999, $l2OO dep., Canterbury 5 Cars, 319 Lincoln Rd, 382-661, > a.h. 483-596, 881-081, LMVD. i CAPRI 3000 GT, 1972, 1 year , warranty, look $7495, dep. i $2OOO, Integrity Cars, Car City, cnr Montreal and Moorhouse Ave. Ph. 66-201, a.h. 325-438, LMVD. I CHARGER 1972 VH 265 auto, ; 54,000 miles, Immaculate, genuine Inquiries only. Ph. , 35-688. 1 CHEVETTE Hatchback' 1979, , tidy car, $4995. Trevor Crowe Motors, 458 Moorhouse Ave, Ph. 797-967, MVDI. - CHEVETTE 1977, 4 door sedan, $4499. Horrells Mazda, LMVD, Ashley St, Ranglora, ; ph. 8355, a.h. Jim 6383 Rangi--1 ora. ’ CHEVETTE 3 door S/W 1978, popular model, $5695, dep. , $1600,1 year warranty. Integl rlty Cars 1984, Car City, 171 r Moorhouse Ave, Chch. Ph. . 66-201 LMVD, a.h. 325-438. i. CHEVETTE 3-door hatch, 1977, metallic blue, immaculate, look $5495. Mark , Brownie Automobiles, 265 Colombo St, ph. 39-119, LMVD.
Cars for Sale CHEV 1934 sedan, tidy, runs well, 11 Dawson St. CHRYSLER Alpine GLS 5 door, 1978, one owner, 62,000 km only. Very tidy in orange. $6995. Southern Subaru, 100 Fitzgerald Ave, ph. 799-711, a.h. Kevin Kenneally, 887-396, LMVD. CHRYSLER Avenger, 1979, only 58,000 km, red with cloth trim, $5999. Ray Lockle Motors, cnr Moorhouse Ave and Durham St, phone 65638, a.h. 487-773, LMVD. CHRYSLER Ranger auto fitted with LPG, 1 year warranty, $5995, dep. $lBOO. Integrity Cars 1984, Car City, 171 Moorhouse Ave. Ph. 66201 LMVD, a.h. 325-438. CHRYSLER Regal 770,1974, all factory extras. Value at $5799. Don Mattlngley i Motors Ltd, 13 Nursery Rd. (just off Ferry Rd). Ph. 68877, a.h. 388-603, MVDI. CHRYSLER Regal, 1975, auto, power steering, exceptionally tidy, great towing car, only $4995, Trevor Crowe Motors, 458 Moorhouse Ave. Ph. 797-967, MVDI. CHRYSLER Regal, 1970, V.F. Aust assemb. Factory black, in Immac. order. $3999. Don Mattlngley Motors Ltd, 13 Nursery Rd (Just off Ferry Rd) Ph. 68-877, a.h. 388-603, MVDI. CITREON Ll 5, 1951, a beautiful collectable classic, best example around, $6700 0.n.0. Ph. 65-162. CITROEN BX 16TRS, brand new, 5 speed, manual, power steer, electric sunroof, electric windows, central locking etc. A brilliant French assembled car, $42,000. Call Andrew Simms at Archibalds, 796-980, a.h. 518-718, LMVD. CITROEN BX 19 GT, 1985, 5 speed, sparkling silver with charcoal cloth, Interior, travelled only 19,000 km, power steering, factory alloys, electric windows, sunroof, rear spoiler stereo, as new. $39,990. Archibalds, 24 Oxford Tee. Phone 796-980, a.h. 31-553, 325-930. LMVD. CITROEN BX 19TRS, brand new 2 litre, 4 stage automatic, air conditioning, central locking, power steering, electric windows, etc. A fast, fabulous French saloon. Compare at $55,990. Call Andrew Simms at Archibalds, ph. 796-980, LMVD. CITROEN GSA required now, must be low mileage, Archibalds, 24 Oxford Tee. Ph. 796980, a.h. 31-553, LMVD. CITROEN 1220 GS club 1975, an Immac. car, seldom available, see It now, only $5995 at Radcliffe Cars, LMVD, 171 Walthom Rd, ph. 797-773. COBRA Coupe by Ford, Australian assembled, V 8 auto, P/S, 151 n wheels, 4W discs, ultimate looker, $24,995. Sydenham Park Car Sales, Llncoln/Moorhouse Cnr. 799-199, 24 hrs, LMVD. COMMODORE, Berllna, s.w. 6 cylinder E.I. motor, 5 speed p.s. Sept. 1985, 1 owner, 40,000 km, as new, finished In red, $24,000 or $BOOO dep. Cashel Car Sales ph. 68-425 or a.h. 557-936, LMVD. COMMODORE Berllna 6 cyl. Choice of two, brown, auto, P/S, green, 5-speed, Both one owner and low kms and on display today. Palmer and Doak In Ranglora, 7058 Rga, 27-8690 Chch, a.h. 6411 Rga, LMVD. COMMODORE Berllna S/W, late 1984, 60,000 km, radio/ cassette, roof rack, copper metallic with matching cloth trim. Luxury and comfort for only $16,999 or $4249 deposit. Kea Cars, 86 Moorhouse Ave, 799-705 a.h. 516895, 857-413. LMVD. COMMODORE Estate 1980, beige, cloth trim, roof rack, i etc. Look only $12,495. Shoreline Motors, 237 Rlccarton Rd. Ph. 489-393, a.h. 27-6115.
Cars for Sale COMMODORE, 6 auto, 1980, blue, motor recond., mags, spoilers, run It in, $13,499, $3375 dep. Moorhouse Autodrome 1981, Ltd, 219 Moorhouse Ave, ph. 797-304, LMVD. COROLLAS, from 1973 to 1986, wanted urgently for top prices, contact John at Wright Cars, 285 Cashel Street, ph. 798-530. COROLLA van 1975, runs well, high kms, good condition, $3500 0.n.0. Ph. 389-082. COROLLA 1.3 5 door hatchback, 1985, 1 owner, radio cassette. $19,495. Team Hutchinson Ford, Tuam St, LMVD, ph. 793-440 a.h. Brian 856-315, Tony 27-8742. COROLLA 1.6 GL 1983, 4 door sedan, luxury trim, stereo, low km. For further details call Steve at Wrlghtcars Ltd, LMVD, 47 Moorhouse Ave, ph. 798-530 anytime. COROLLA 1.6 Liftback 1984, 1 owner, 19,000 km, automatic, attractive mushroom paint, our price $20,995. Call Wrlghtcars LMVD, 47 Moorhouse Ave, and ask for Steve or phone 798-530 anytime. CORONAS, all model urgently required for a top prices, contact John at Wright . Cars, 285 Cashel Street, ph. 798-530. CORONA. I.BGL, 1984, 5 speed, latest shape, one owner. $14,995. Team Hutchinson Ford, Tuam St., LMVD. Phone 793-440, after hours Brian 856-315, Tony 278-742. CORTINA automatic, minor repairs, reasonable condition, $BOO, as is. Offers accepted. Ph. 380-187. CORTINA Estate, 1966, good body work, clutch and gears done recently, 2 new tyres, Dec. w.o.f. motor needs attention $650, Ph. 517-975. CORTINA Ghla Mk IV, 1978, low km, dark metallic brown, superb order, $9500 or low dep. Auto Service Centre, Ltd, ph. 370-821 326 Colombo St, opp. Sydenham Park, LMVD. CORTINA Ghla 1977 2L, new steel belts tyres, louvre, tow bar, radio, Immac. cond. $7OOO, urgent sale. Ph. 8914 Ranglora. CORTINA Mark IV, 1977, two owners, low 43,500 miles, metallic blue, radio tape, economical 1.6, one year warranty. $7999. Ray Woods Motors, 130 Ferry Rd. Phone 792-861, LMVD. CORTINA Mk 111 2.0 L auto 1973, 1 year warranty $4495, dep. $l6OO. Integrity Cars 1984, Car City, 171 Moorhouse Ave, Christchurch, Ph. 66-201 LMVD, a.h. 325-438. CORTINA MK 111, 1976, automatic. Lovely In aqua, all extras, value here, $4999. McKay and Dean Ltd, 223 Moorhouse Ave, ph. 68-795, a.h. 883-959, 65-907, LMVD. CORTINA, MK 111 1977, 2000 auto, XLE model. Rarely available In such immac condition. $5999. Gardner Cars, (Chch) Ltd, 236 St Asaph St, ph. 50-379, a.h. 39900, LMVD. CORTINA Mk, 11, 1970, mechanically sound. $l6OO 0.n.0. Ph. 228-488 or 791-398. CORTINA Mk. 3,1976,1.6, auto, 90 miles orlg. $3500 or $1440 dep. Doug Drake Motors, 281 Ferry Rd, LMVD. Ph. 891-121, a.h. 886-801. CORTINA Mk 4, 1979, extremely tidy. Any inspection, $6299. Barry KUkelly Ltd, LMVD, 175 Waitham Rd. Phone 54-388, 66-894. CORTINA, MK 5, 1.6 1980. Lovely 2 owner vehicle In splendid original condition. 100,000 km, be quick! $7999. McKay and Dean Ltd, 223 Moorhouse Ave, ph. 68-795, a.h. 883-959, 65-907, LMVD. CORTINAS, Mk 4-5, buying all models. Top cash prices. Euroland Car Company Ltd, 275 Colombbo St, ph. 327-672 a.h. 66-193.
Cars for Sale CORTINA stationwaggon, 2 litre, 1983, 54,000 kms, immaculate, radio, towbar, $13,000. Ph. 855-034. CORTINA S/W, 1975, burgundy, popular s/w, be quick, look $5495, deposit $1350, 12 months warranty, Small Car World, Ltd, 31 Moorhouse Ave, Ph. 790-004, a.h. 889-239, LMVD. CORTINA s.w. 1983, auto 2 owners, 74,000 miles, sweet cream, cloth trim, excellent condition, $9495. Bill Mills Mtrs, High St Ranglora, Ph. 7928 a.h. 8372 LMVD. CORTINA 'S’ 1983, 51,000 km, this is a genuine ‘S’ finished in stunning sunburst red with all ‘S’ extras, $14,995, Palmer and Doak In Ranglora, ph. 7058 Rga, a.h. 6411, Ranglora, LMVD. CORTINA 1.6 MK4 1978, 1 owner, Just 67,000 km, a lovely car, be quick, only $7995 at Radcliffe Cars, LMVD, 171 Waltham Rd, ph. 797-773. CORTINA 1.6, Mk 5 1982, I owner, immaculate, warranty, $8995. Kevin Ford, 438 Tuam St, ph. 60-350, LMVD. CORTINA 1.6 s.w. Mk IV, 1980, • 90,000 km, white with tan trim, Ideal holiday wagon, In exceptional condition, $6990, or low dep. Manchester Fiat, 47 Manchester St, Ph. 799-470 LMVD. CORTINA 1600 1977, manual, very tidy cond., only $4995, Sydenham Park Car Sales, Llncoln/Moorhouse Cnr, 799-199, 24hrs, LMVD. CORTINA 1975, 2.0, 2 owners, Aqua paintwork, beige trim, stereo and other extras, $4299 full price. Metro Auto Court Ltd, 24 Fitzgerald Ave. Ph. 63-373. CORTINA 1977, Mk 4, 2.0 L, S/W, above . average, $6699. Don Mattlngley Motors Ltd, 13 Nursery Rd. (Just off Ferry. Rd). Ph. 68-877, a.h. 388-603,' MVDI. CORTINA 1978 Mk IV 1.6, a lovely car. Great value at $5695. Trade or terms. Waynes Cars, 251 Colombo St, Ph. 371-076-8, LMVD. CORTINA 2.0 L auto, 1976, burgundy metallic, cream Interior, lovely condition (receipts available), $4995. Trade or terms. Waynes Cars, 251 Colombo St, Ph. 371-076-8, LMVD. CORTINA 2.0 L s.w., finished In every popular sweet cream, 1983 model In extremely tidy cond., only $11,995, Palmer and Doak In Ranglora, ph. 7058 Rga, a.h. 6411 Rga LMVD. CORTINA 2.0 L Station Wagon, 1978. Popular model, excellent condition throughout. Priced to sell at $7995 or low dep. 12 months warranty. Johns Auto Plaza, Ltd, 376 Lincoln Rd, ph. 382-082, a.h. 831-109, LMVD. CORTINA 2.0 L 1983, LPG, am/ fm radio, towbar, extra tidy, $11,995, Palmer and Doak In Ranglora, ph. 7058 Rga, a.h. 6411 Rga CORTINA 2.0 L 1978, Mk IV, Just two owners, a very sound car, $7595. Motorcorp Ranglora, ph. 8334, or Chch direct line 277-460, a.h. 8020, 8217 Rga. LMVD. CORTINA 2.0 Mk 111, 1974, 94,000 km. Harvest gold, 12 months waarranty, look, $4995, dep $1250. Small Car World, Ltd, 31 Moorhouse Ave. Phone -790-004, a.h. 889239 LMVD. CORTINA 2.0 s/wagon, manual, 1983, one owner, $11,499. Ray Lockle Motors, cnr Moorhouse Ave and Durham St, phone 65-638, a.h. 487-773, LMVD. CORTINA 2.0 S 1983, only 52,000 km, gold metallic, superb cond., a must to see at $14,499, $2900 dep., Canterbury Cars, 319 Lincoln Rd, 382-661, a.h. 483-596, 881-081, LMVD. DAMAGED 1969 Austin, see Tenders, Wednesday 21.
Cars for Sale CRESSIDA GL16,1983-1985, required urgently for one of our valued client, for a top price. Contact John at Wright Cars, ph. 798-530. DAIHATSU Charade XTE Hatchback 5 speed, 1982. One owner, many extras. Guaranteed mint condition. $9495. Top Cars Ltd. 110 Lincoln Road. Ph. 382-494. LMVD. DAIHATSU Charade, 1983, 4door auto, red, mint condition, $8495. Sydenham Park Car Sales, Llncoln/Moorhouse cnr. Ph. 799-199,24 hrs, LMVD. DAIHATSU Charade XTE 1982-83 38,000 km 5 speed mint, two years warranty, look! $9995, deposit $2500. Small Car World, Ltd, 31 Moorhouse Ave, phone 790004, a.h. 889-239, LMVD. DAIHATSU Charade CS, 5 door, 1984, 29;000 kms, 1 owner, immac. cond. $12,990. Amur! Mazda, Manchester/ Cambridge Tee cnr. Ph. 798180, a.h. 559-476 or 859-427, LMVD. DAIHATSU Charade, 2 to choose from, both 1984 with low kms, 1 owner, from $11,995. Southern Subaru, 100 Fitzgerald Ave. Ph. 799-711, a.h. Perry Byrne, 276-877, LMVD. DAIHATSU Charade CS, 5 dr hatchback, 1984, only 10,000 km, 1 owner, and finished in red metallic, looks and drives superb, cloth trim, push button radlo t $4OOO below replacement; at $14,500 (Includes GST), complete with 2 yr free warranty. Graeme McVicar, Ltd, 55 Rlccarton Road, phone 488969, a.h. 523-688, 519-317, LMVD, ♦ ♦ ♦ v~ DAIMLER Series II and 111 buying now, Phillip Mills Ltd, 42 Manchester St. DAIMLER Sovereign 4.2 1967, only 91,000 mis, metallic maroon, $9999. Merv Moore Motors Ltd, cnr Colombo and Sandyford St. Ph. 65-888, a.h. 852-451, LMVD. DAIMLER Sovereign Series 111, 1981, British Racing Green metallic with tan leather, factory sunroof, air conditioning, drilled alloys, tinted electric windows, stereo, etc. $47,995. Phillip Mills, Ltd, 42 Manchester St, Ph. 50-182, a.h. 517-771, LMVD. DAIMLER, 1969, V 8 250, beautifully finished In regency red, reel belts, stereo cassette, 84,000 miles, receipts. Phone 63-619 business or 265-042 private, $13,500. DAIMLER 420 1967 auto p.s. an immac. example of these fine appreciating cars, $lO,OOO or $3OOO dep. Cashel Car Sales, ph. 68-425 or a.h. 557-936, LMVD. DATSUN Bluebird GX 1983, 1600 cc, 1 owner, only 45,000 km. Radio cassette, Metallic Grey with matching trim, Immac. car. $13,495. Motor Services Ford Walmate, a.h. 8444 and 8055. DATSUN Bluebird Venturer, 2.0, 5 speed, 1984. Just 50,000 km by 2 careful owners. Factory electrics, central locking. Crystal blue metallic. $15,995. At Cockram Nissan Corner, New Showroom, Moorhouse Ave and Manchester St. Phone 62-644, LMVD. DATSUN Cherry, 1977, IOOOcc, light blue, mechanically Al condition, slight rust on body. $3250. Phone between 8 a.m. and 11 a.m. and after 7 p.m. 553-518. DATSUN C2O 1.5 vanette, 1985, low km by one Chch owner, radio, bullbars, white, In as new condition. Any Inspection welcome, $15,495, at Cockram Nissan Corner, new showroom, Moorhouse Ave and Manchester St. Ph. 62644, LMVD.
Cars for Sale k AUSTIN Montego EFI 1986, i the latest model, 5 speed, 1m- ). maculate in sparkling white, I. luxury Interior, stereo, alloy r wheel, only 9000 kms, $29,999, Motorcorp, 87 Rlccarton Rd, . ph. 489-914, LMVD. i AUSTIN Princess, 1979, great - family car, $6499. Ray Lockle r Motors, cnr Moorhouse Ave 1 and Durham St, phone 65638, a.h. 487-773, LMVD. " AUSTIN, Princess 1978, 1 , owner, 108,000 km, mint cond. r $5BOO or $2OOO dep. Cashel Car r ’ Sales, ph. 68-425, or a.h. 557- , 936, LMVD. ’ AUSTIN Princess HL, 1979, only 2 owners, good buying at $7495. Wrlghtcars, 285 Cashel St, ph. John 798-530 1 any time, LMVD. AUSTIN Princess 1.8 HL, auto, f great condition, $5995. Sydenham Park Car Sales, <! Llncoln/Moorhouse Cnr, 799-199, 24 hrs, LMVD. I AUSTIN 1100, Mark 11, 1969, ; just had motor and gearbox i overhauled by us. Stereo. ’ tidy and great buying at $1750. Storer Motors, 196 Waimairi Rd, LMVD. ’ AUSTIN 1100, Mk 11, 1968, recond. clutch and new paint, ’ as Is $650 0.n.0., ph. 326-302. ■ AUSTIN 1100,1974, Mk HI. one owner car In lovely cond. Compare this, $2995 or $lOOO dep. Waynes Cars, LMVD, 251 Colombo St, Ph. 371-076-8. AUSTIN 1300 Mk 3, 1973, receipts for rebore, warranty, $2795. Kevin Ford, 438 Tuam St, ph. 60-350, LMVD. AUSTIN 1300 1968 model, drives really well, new w.0.f., check our price only $ll5O. Storer Motors, 196 Waimairi rd. AUSTIN 1300 1975, look 69,000 km (43,000 miles), 1 Christchurch owner, pimento red, with bone trim, outstanding condition, $5495. Bill Mlles Motors, High St Ranglora. Ph. 7928 a.h. 8372 LMVD. AUSTIN 1300, 1974, finished in powder blue. This wee car Is absolutely faultless and must be value for money at $lOOO and .$27.52 weekly. Hatchbacks, Coupes and Minis, 231 Colombo St. Ph. 371-402, a.h. 559-255 or 487803. AUSTIN 400 kg van 1978, best available at only $4995 at Shoreline Motors, 237 Rlccarton Rd, 489-393 or a.h. 276115. AVENGER Station Wagon, 1976, 130,000 km, $2995. Trade or terms. Waynes Cars, LMVD, 251 Colombo St, Ph. 371-076-8. AVENGER 1600 GLS, 1978, vinyl roof, cloth trim, value at $4495. Sydenham Park Car Sales, Llncoln/Moorhouse Cnr, 799-199,24 hours, LMVD. AVENGER 1600,1975, a beauty, warranty, $3295. Kevin Ford, 438 Tuam St, ph. 60-350, LMVD. BEDFORD CF custom J 972,186 holden motor and auto, blue metallic, deep buttoned drayion, $5999, $l9OO dep., Canterbury Cars, 319 Lincoln Rd 382-661, a.h. 483-596, 881081, LMVD. BLUEBIRD 2.0 L, 5 speed, wldetrack, 1985, Just 25,000 km by 1 owner, a very popular sports sedan in silver mist. Experience the new generation, $21,495 at Cockram Nissan Corner, new showroom, Moorhouse Ave and Manchester St, ph. 62-644, LMVD. BMWs buying now, all late models, Phillip Mills Ltd, 42 Manchester St. Ph. 50-182, a.h. 327-827, LMVD. , BMW. Archibalds for BMW, Christchurch's only authorised BMW agent, for sales, service and parts. Phone Archibalds, 796-980. LMVD. CHARGER fitted with LPG. Wayne Timms Motor Court, 175 Waltham Rd. Phone 66894, LMVD.
Cars for Sale AUSTIN Maxi 1750, 1976, 141,000 km, attractive French blue, beige trim, $3999. Motorcorp, 87 Rlccarton Rd. Phone 489-914, a.h. 266-263 or 324-835 LMVD. AUSTIN Maxi 1750,1974, moderate kms, mint condition, $4495, dep. $1600,1 years warranty, Integrity Cars, Car City, cnr Montreal and Moorhouse Ave. Ph. 66-201, a.h. 325-438, LMVD. AUSTIN Maxi 1975, trade-in special,. popular 5 door hatch, 5 speed. Look, $1995 or $lOOO dep. Waynes Cars, LMVD, Ph. 371-076-8. AUSTIN Maxi, 1975, excel, cond., 5-speed and towbar, only $3995. Mark Brownie Automobiles, 265 Colombo St, ph. 39-119, LMVD. AUSTIN Maxi, 1974, cholse of two, both simply beautiful , Just chose your colour. Best value In family 5 door hatchback, $3999, McKay and Dean, Ltd, 223 Moorhouse Ave, ph. 68-795, a.h. 883-959, 65-907, LMVD. AUSTIN Mini S, very original, many extras. Inspection won’t disappoint. $4999. Barry KUkelly, Ltd, LMVD, 175 Waltham Rd. Phone 66894, 54-388. GARY COCKRAM LTD OVER 60 CARS IN STOCK. WE COVER THE BLOCK FROM TUAM TO ST ASAPH ON DURHAM STREET. OPEN ALL DAY SATURDAY 9 a.m. ■ 5 p.m. Gary Cockram Ltd. JsbF WIOES 0U COMH Cnr Tuam & Durham Sts L.M.V.D. LATEST U SUBARU S/WACON GL, 5 Speed, 5000 km, as new $23,500 MITSUBISHI STARION TURBO, As new condition, low mi1e5536,999 85 SHUTTLE, low km.. 518,999 85 SICMA SE, 5 speed, low km $26,000 83 RX COUPE, 4WD, low km, as new 518,999 82 SUHHT ESTATE, 50,000 km $10,799 82 HOHBA CIVIC, Sedan, 5 speed, 30,000 km as new $12,999 n 323 Vanss299 n MIBACE5door$7999 79 COROLLA Vanss999 80 SICMA immaculate, bronze metallic.sB999 78 ACCORD hatch, 56,000 km $9499 77 SICMA 5 speeds 7499 72 2402,1 lady owner, 36,000 milesslB,ooo VANS 79 HI ACt $8999 81 1200 HAT DECK—S949O ONE AND TWO YEAR FORTRON WARRANTY WITH A. B AND C CARS PHONE 64-852 OR 60-261
is the month to buy FROM... CABLE PRICE TOYOTA! Jj” jgg,— *22,450 1 *27,200 Corolla GL Hatch CORONA«>AMON today s price $22 MO ™eJ’ sprice $ 29,580 Corolla GLUftback CelicaLGGT Corona CS Station Wagon 1 -6 Liftback " \ 20litre ™ay’ S p r, C e $50,995 today' spr ice $27,500 s£™ rSPRICE $ 26,995 • We pay top trade-in prices, • Act now, and save yourself thousands! • 2 year extended warranty at no extra * d:SX^° na/af/;O,ne •E.treme/ycempetltive finance rates! Aection of accessories available. !1 J m TOYOTA M MBH " Cnr Tuam & Antigua Streets Ph. 797-840 : ———— , ———
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Press, 21 January 1987, Page 50
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