Ownership Flats ST ALBANS FIRST day offered. Reqqulre a unit close to St Albans Park? shops, buses? This tidy perm mat unit has own street frontage. 1 of 3 with attractive bathroom. Lounge with open fire. Sole agents for $43,500. Ph. 796-521, Michael Nleld, any time. ST ALBANS FRONT 2 bdrm unit of contemporary design with large living room (Cathedral celling exposed beam etc.), sunny kitchenette, excel, bathroom and lockup garage. Note - sliding glass doors from living room and master bdrm to private enclosed outdoor areas. Price $57,500 Including auto washing machine, clothes dryer, refrldgerator etc. Please phone 60-212. Sole agent ST ALBANS, Holly Rd, $49,950, 2 bdrm cb flat, roomy, ideally suit young couple or single person, has own courtyard. Ph. Ray Mercer, 797-534, a.h. 588-785, of Geo. Anderson, Smiths City Market, MREINZ. ST ALBANS, ideal perm. mat. upstairs 2 bdrm Investment flat, recently redecorated, also ideal for business or young couple, garage, $51,000. Jarvis Real Estate, ltd, MREINZ, phone 886-199 a.h. Peter Franlcevic, 517-906. ST ALBANS, near new architect designed town house with spacious living, fabulous kitchen, main bdrm with en suite and walk-in dressing room, sun all day, park outlook, $129,950. Ph. John Kerkvllet on 480-966, Packard Real Estate Ltd, MREINZ. ST ALBANS, $114,000. First day offered. Delightful 2 bdrm town house designed for easy living and In perm, mats. Spacious lounge, sep. dining, up to the minute kitchen, Internal access from garage, and with the added bonus of a tranquil park outlook. Fully landscaped. View today with Anne Richards of Stephens Real Estate, MREINZ, 794-784 any time. ST ALBANS, $39,500. Completely refurbished one bdrm unit being one of two facing street with own sep. entrance. New carpets, vinyls, paint and paper. Private garden area, handy to city. Real value. Ph. Peter Ellis 820-043, a.h. 886-738, Harcourts, MREINZ. ST ALBANS, $43,500. Well maintained perm. mat. front flat, sunny spacious loulnge, large kitchen and double bedroom, handy to city. Phone Terry Huggins, 480966, Packard Real Estate, Ltd, MREINZ. ST ALBANS, $49,950 sole agents. Excel, opportunity to purchase a very tidy 2 bdrm front unit with sunny lounge, nice bathroom, sep. toilet, single garage. Ph. Paul Karabassis 794-120 any time. Kent Prler Real Estate Ltd, MREINZ. ST ALBANS, $54,000. Immac., 2 double bedroom unit in block of 2, beside shops and transport. Highly recommended. Phone Geo Anderson, Smiths City Market, MREINZ, 797-534, a.h. Ray Enser, 598-703. ST ALBANS $62,000. Excel, front flat, perm, materials, 2 dble bdrms, large lounge, family size kitchen, sunny and bright with small garden. Handy shops and bus. Details Judith Haslam, Ford and Hadfield Ltd, MREINZ, 797-830 a.h. 588-946. ST ALBANS, 2 wall appointed 2 bdrm flats. Many extras, first class workmanship. Ph. 429-353. ST MARTINS, $129,500. Brand new and brilliantly designed. Berber carpets, 2 bdrms, one of 2 on corner facing all day sun. Ph. Bryan Dobson, 792-120, Sherris and Robertson, MREINZ, a.h. SOSOS. Auctions AUCTIONS SALES by auction, contact a member of the General Auctioneers Association of New Zealand Inc. MGAANZ. CLEARING SALE ENGINEERING PLANT AND EQUIPMENT On Account: Electrical Engineering Services, Ltd (who have ceased trading) BY AUCTION TOMORROW (THURSDAY) Commenlng 11 a.m. on our premises 85 Montreal St. MAIN PLANT Colchester 6'A In lathe, 481 n bed 121 n swing complete with tooling, Myford ML7 lathe 20in between centres, 71n swing on stand complete with tooling, 10 ton hydraulic press with foot operated pneumatic controller pump, metal cutoff saw with Ilin H.S.S. blade, Tanner lOin tilting arbor sawbench, John Heine vertical punch press, sheetmetal guillotine 18 gauge 361 n, sheetmetal folder 301 n, Win drill press and stand, floor mounted spot welder 201 n throat, Isolate dual 200/400 amp welder, 161 n D/E disc sander, 71n and 61n D/E bench grinders, Oxyacetylene set complete, Ohaus 20kg metric balance scales, Trinder 1401 b balance scales, Whitney punch W-Win on bench, undercutting lathe, parts wash. EQUIPMENT: Drills, reamers, taps and dies, wheel puller, pinch bars, socket sets, hand tools, DeSoutter H in high speed drill, 10mm Toshiba drill, DeSoutter 44 In 2 speed drill, 4in angle grinder, Stanley Jigsaw, Mitutouo Vernier calipers, hand calipers, micrometers, dial guages, Kamoden multimeters, testers, voltmeters, 1.5 KVA transformer, Allen battery tester, engineer’s vice. INSPECTION: Wednesday, January 21, 12 noon-5 p.m. and morning of sale. Terms of Cash. Smiths City Market Ltd, General and Commercial Auctioneers. Ph. 798-100. MGAANZ. i I