Public Notices APPLICATION FOR LICENCE UNDER THE PRIVATE INVESTIGATORS AND SECURITY GUARDS ACT 1974 TAKE NOTICE that I Aileen Gall Cooper, of 61a Grange Street, Christchurch 2 have applied to the Registrar of Private Investigators and Security Guards, (c/o District Court, Auckland) for a Security Guard's Licence. Any person wishing to object to the grant of my application must give written notice of his objection to the Registrar so as to reach him not later than one month after the date of the first publication of this noUce. No objection can be made otherwise than on one of the grounds set out in Section 23 (2) of the Act. A copy of the notice of objection must be served on me, at 61a Grange Street, Christchurch within seven days after the notice is filed with the Registrar. This is the first publication of this notice. A. G. COOPER Applicant APPLICATION TO THE INDECENT PUBLICATIONS TRIBUNAL I, Maurice John Belgrave, Comptroller of Customs, give note that I have applied to the Indecent Publications Tribunal for a decision as to whether the books described below are Indecent or not or for a decision as to their classification. 1. Title: Adam Vol. 30 No. 11. Publisher: Knight Publishing Ltd. 2. Title: Oul Vol. 15 No. 11. Publisher: Laurant Publishing Ltd. 3. Title: The Girls of Penthouse NovZDec. 1986 No. 21. Publisher: Penthouse International Ltd. 4. Title: Glamour Girls Issues No. 5 and 13. 5. Title: Sex Love in Action. Publisher: Verlag Sllwa. 6. Title: Private, No. 60 and No. 61. Publisher Private International. 7. Title: Flair, No. 17 and No. 19. Publisher: CPI Verlags Gesellschaft MBH. 8. Title: Teenage Sex No. 18 and No. 19. Publisher Color-Climax Corporation. 9. Title: Inches, Vol. 2 No. 7. Publisher Mavety Media Group Ltd. CHRISTCHURCH CITY COUNCIL TEMPORARY ROAD CLOSURE OXFORD TERRACE PURSUANT to the powers vested in me, I Hamish Grenfell Hay declare that Oxford Terrace between Willow Street and Bangor Street will be closed to vehicular traffic from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Saturday, January 24, 1987. During the period of the closure the Avon Loop Carnival Committee will be holding its annual carnival. Provision will be made for access for emergency service and residents’ vehicles. HAMISH HAY, Mayor PUBLIC NOTICE OF AN APPLICATION FOR REMOVAL OF MOTOR VEHICLE DEALERS LICENCE In the matter of the Motor Vehicle Dealers Act 1975 TAKE notice that COCKRAM MOTORS (CHRISTCHURCH) LIMITED, 4-18 Manchester Street, Christchurch, trading under the name or style of COCKRAM NISSAN, has applied to the Motor Vehicle Dealers Licensing Board for approval to remove Motor Vehicle Dealers Licence No. 876 issued on the Ist day of April 1986 at Wellington, from premises situated at 515 Colombo Street, Christchurch, to premises situated at 4-18 Manchester Street, Christchurch, with a view to conducting business as a motor vehicle dealer pursuant to the licence at the lastmentioned premises. The application will be heard by the above Board after one month from the 21st. day of January 1987 being the date of first publication of this notice. Any person who wishes to object to the granting of this application must give notice of the objection to the Board within one month after the said date of the first publication of this notice. Appropriate forms for making objections are available from the Registrar of Motor Vehicle Dealers, P.O. Box 9341, Wellington.
RELOCATION SALE THE COS SHOP, cnr Armagh and New Regent Streets will be RELOCATING TO LARGER PREMISES AT 210 OXFORD TERRACE as from JANUARY 26, 1987 The relocation specials include: Pocket calculators from $8.95 Credit card calculators from $17.95 Limited number of Sharp 1607 printout calculators reduced by $5O Good quality pens, Cross, Papermate, Parker, Sheaffer, all reduced These and many other bargains too numerous to mention At the: COS SHOP Cnr Armagh and New Regent Streets
VALUATION PRACTICE MERGER TELFER, HALLINAN, JOHNSTON AND CO have much pleasure in announcing the merger of John A. Ryan and Associates with their partnership, effective from January 1,1987 and still trading as Telfer, Hallinan, Johnston and Co. We see the merger as being of benefit to all clients in that it will meet our ongoing objective of providing a complete range of prompt valuation services. BOX 2532, x TELEPHONE 797-960
Page 35 Advertisements Column 4
Press, 21 January 1987, Page 35
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