- To Let HANDY town, coay one bdrm, allows pats. $BB many more, ph. 790-333, Dial-a-Home. HANROW ST, 1 bdrm unfum. vary tidy clean flat $M> persons over 23 years. Ph. 89-%5. HEATHCOTE. renovated, superb, 3 bedroom house, suit child, pets. $l3B Featuring P«*tty «w»«. ptanned kitchen. Access rant)) 799-201. HEYWARD TCE, 3 bdrm, very tidy house, sl3# p.w, ph. MS--171. NOON Hay. throe bdrm $llB kids pets ok. has parking, ph. 790-338 Dtal-a-Hoeae. NOON HAY. 3 bdrm house suit child, pets part fum. with auto, washer, fridge/freeaer, $llB in good location. Access 790-Ml. 9LAM 3 bdrm, accepts pets, has garage $l4B many more, ph. foo-333, Dlal-a-Home. ■BNER City, 1 yr old 2 dble bdrm ownership flat 1 of 8 one-tone carpet, curtains, designer decor, off-street parking, long term tenants preferred, $125 p.w. Ph. 582517. ISLINGTON 4 bdrm fenced house, kids or pets ok, has double garage. Ph. 798-333 Dlal-a-Home. UNWOOD, Tancred St 12 months, charming fully furnished 2 bdrm villa, dble garage. $125 p.w. Ph. Cowdy and Co. MREINZ. 553-397. UNWOOD. Two bedrooms, $9O p.w. Ph. 68-151. LN4WOOD. 1 year old. superb 3 bedroom home, featuring large balcony, airport $llB Access (6377) 799-201. UNWOOD. 2 bdrm modern flat $llO p.w. Avonslde 3 bdrm house, $llO p.w. Sult group. Linwood 2 bdrm flat $llO p.w. Bedsitters $55 p.w. Ph. Lisa, 811-001. UNWOOO. 3 bedroom house, large rooms. $125 p.w. No bond. Phone 555-548 UNWOOO 2-bdnn dwelling, $7O p.w. Phone Mr C. Hamilton, 797-638 bus hrs. LOWER Cashmere, superb, 3 bedroom house with garage, suit child, pets. Access (6567) 799-201. MALE flatmate wanted, 25-30, to share 3 bdrm flat Contact after 5 p.m. 525-392. MALE flatmate wanted for four bedroomed furnished Rlccarton flat to share with three females. $36 per week. Call at Flat 3/19 Newnham Terrace after 11 am. TuesMERIVALE, Papanul, Redwood, Fendalton, large small, modem and older call Access MERIVALE sunny modem flat fridge and caroort, $B5, ph. 790-333, Dial-a-Home. MERIVALE Tudor-styled gentleman’s residence with garage, auto, washer, spacious home. $llB Access (6598) 799-201. MERIVALE 1 bedroom, fully self-contained home, $5B includes carport Access (6625) 799-201. MODERN very livable 2 bdrm flat garage, suit children $lOB (6343) Access. OLDER style 3 bdrm home with garage, suitable pets, children $lOO, 6351 Access, 799-201. ONE bdrm flats, an excel, selection of 40, new and old, Access 789-201. OPAWA fenced 3 bdrm with garage, $l2B many more too, ph. 790-338 Dlal-a-Home. OPAWA, sunny, 2 bdrm house on charming section, $l2O p.w., ph. 515-171. PAPANUL 3-year-old, super, 2 bedroom, red brick home with garage. Access (6611) 799-201. PARKLANDS, Immac. 3 bdrm, safe children, has garage, ph. 790-338 Dlal-a-Home. PETS ok, character 3 bdrm $lO5, many unadvertised too, ph. 790-338 Dlal-a-Home. PRIVATE sunny semi fum. flat by amenities, Just $7B ph. 790-338 Dlal-a-Home. QE2 area, older 4 bdrm home, newly redecorated, $l2O p.w. Drewerys Estate Agency, MREINZ, 799-648 QUEENSPARK. Modem 3 bdrm, private, fully-fenced home with private yard, garage. Access (6607) 799-201. RAHGIORA, very mod. 2 bdrm, wash. mach. and carport $95, ph. 790-338 Dlal-a-Home. MCCARTON, large 6 bdrm house, unfurnished, suit 2 families or mixed working group, $155 p.w. Ph. 480-548 MCCARTON, modem 2 bdrm with garage, $llO, others, ph. 790-333, Dlal-a-Home. RICC ARTON, sunny, private, 2 bedroom home, $BB Access (6575) 799-201, 192 Manchester St MCCARTON. 1 to 7 bdrms, still available from $6B Access 799-201. 192 Manchester St MCCARTON 3/4 bdrm, partly turn, house, safe pets, $l3O, ph. 790-333, Dlal-a-Home. RICHMOND, modem. 2 bdrm home with carport, sunny, clean, secure home. $9B Access (6582) 799-201. RICHMOND, 2 bdrm carport fridge, washer, $9B others, ph. 790-338 Dlal-a-Home. ST Albans house, kids pets ok, $lOB turn, optional too, ph. 790-338 Dial-a-Home. PRIME retail space to let In Rangiora Main Street and back access to le In Rangiora Main Street and back access, own carpark, plus council car park. 600 sq ft in total, could be prepared to let it smaller areas. CHRISTCHURCH REALTY FLATS UNFURNISHED Brighton, 2 bedroom $7B Sydenham, 1 bedroom $45 Linwood, 1 bedroom $6O Richmond. 1 bedroom $6O Linwood, 1 bedroom $9O Linwood, 3 bedroom $9O Rlccarton, 3 bedroom $l3O Spreydon, 1 bedroom $6B St Albans, 1 bedroom $7O Linwood, 2 bedroom $lOO Linwood, 1 bedroom $6B Linwood, 1 bedroom 70 Linwood, 1 bedroom $75 City, 1 bedroom $75 City, 2 bedroom $65 Merlvale, 1 bedroom $75 St Albans, 1 bedroom $77 St Albans, 2 bedroom $llO City, 1 bedroom $BB St Albans, 2 bedroom $72 St Albans, 3 bedroom $95 Waltham. 2 bedroom $lOO City, 2 bedroom $75 City, 2 bedroom $lOO Waltham, 2 bedroom $l3O HOUSES UNFURNISHED South Brighton, 1 bedroom $BO Rlccarton, 4 bedroom $lBO Avonslde, 4 bedroom $l6O Woolston, 3 bedroom $125 City, 1 bedroom $7O Somerfleld, 5 bedroom $l6O A FEE IS ONLY PAYABLE WHEN A FLAT OR HOUSE IS RENTED PHONE 890-105 368 STANMORE ROAD Hours 9 aan. to 5 pjn. Professional Accommodation and Collection Agents WE ALWAYS REQUIRE CLEAN HOUSES AND FLATS Christchurch Realty