PLAYERS PLAYBOX Dirsctod by Robert Smith JAN 17 — 31 In the Mill Theatre, Wise St Weekdays 6.30 pm Weekends 2 pm Bookings phone 384-699 One hour prior to performance 33 for Bvsryone Properties for Sale WOOLSTON, first day offered. *53,500. Tidy weatherboard home on wide frontage garden. Two bdrms plus sunroom. Lounge with electric built-in heater. Garage, car port and shed. Contact Ralph of sole agents, Daniel J. Visser Ltd, MREINZ, ph. 68-853, or ah. 553-286. WOOLSTON, St John St, sparkling 3 bdrm family home, cosy lounge, sep. dining, situated handy shops and transport, 745 m sq section, excel, value at *64,950, Ramsay Real Estate, MREINZ, 517-141, ah. Malcolm Ramsay, 588-411. WOOLSTON, *39,750. Ideal investment or suit single person. Character home on 40 perch section. Easily subdividable. Good buying. To view contact sole agent, Sue Briggs, Harcourts, 820-043, ah. 886-514 MREINZ. $78,000 0.n.0. Attractive part of Papanui. Stained weatherboard home comprising 2 bdrms plus sunroom. Lounge and dining. Sunny corner site. Contact Ralph of Daniel J. Visser, Ltd, MREINZ, ph. 68853, any time. Businesses Sell ART florist, attractive shop, close to centre of the city, and town hall. Good turnover with potential to increase. Ingoing approx $12,000. Ph. Ann Millar Westside Real EsTate, 480-796 ah. 56-190 MREINZ. BUTCHERY business, retail shop, well set out plant, situated in an excellent family neighbourhood, turnover and price may be discussed on appointment Phone 382606 bus. 480-324 pvt CHURCH BAY store. This nicely set up family shopping centre, grocery-dairy-fruit and veg-hardware has become available owing to ill health. Operating from this popular peninsula location, the clientele is largely permanent residents plus an Influx of weekenders and holiday makers. Turnover Is excellent and consistent Freehold Is also available. For full details phone J. Thiele of H. G. Livingstone, Ltd, 796-280, ah. 855-745 or 294-773, MREINZ. DAIRY, excellent location, T/O *BOOO p.w. Long lease, top plant sensible rental. Details from Simmons Real Estate, MREINZ, 488-366,558-408. DAIRY, seven day with 3 bdrm accommodation. On very busy main road. T/O *7OOO p.w. Excellent location, $72,000. Long lease *136 per month, 20 year ÜBS home finance available. Phone Ann Mead, 799-646 any time, Drewery’s Estate Agency, MREINZ, Member United Realty World. DAIRY with attached 2 bdrm accom. T.O. *5600 p.w. Total price . approx. *45,000. Finance avail, to approved purchaser. Phone G.UJS. Real Estate, 495-619, ah. 482649, MREINZ. DAIRY, 7 day lock up, large bright shop, T.O. *BOOO p.w. First time offered. Northwest area. Finance avail, to approved purchaser. Details, phone G.uS. Real Estate, 495-619, ah. Joe BegeJ, 482649. MREINZ. DRAPERY Redcllffs. Sound profitable business, ideal family situation etc. Excel, main road location. For details ph. 844-178, Stephens Real Estate. MREINZ, 95 Main Road, Redcllffs. FISH and Chips shop on main road, walk in walk out, *45,000, phone Jack, Manchester Homes, 795-060, MREINZ, 528-559, ah. FISH and Chips. Excellent family business. T.O. *12,800. Price *75,000. Further details, sole agent, 62-428, Glass/ BlackweU, MREINZ. FRUIT and Vege shop on busy main road. Good size shop with comfortable 4 bdrm accom. Walk-In cool store. All plant In first class cond. Good T.O. with plenty of potential. Be in for the fruit season. Immed. possession if required. For further particulars ph. 855-079 or 857-035. GROCERY, 5 day operation, north west area, turnover $ll,OOO p.w. easily managed and operated, priced for urgent sale. Further details phone G.UB Real Estate, 495-619, ah. Joe BegeJ, 482649, MREINZ. HAIR SALON. Urgent sale. Reduced to *27,000 om.o. Excellent N.-W. salon. Ideal owner operator. M. B. Cook and Co. MREINZ, ph. 68-334 Jeff Vesey. KNITWEAR. habadashery, gifts, inner city arcade, catering for locals and tourists, reasonable turnover with great potential for enthusiastic person. In-going could be as little as $12,000. Phone owner, operator 598476 evenings. LAWNMOWING round, 55 established customers, $7OO plus per fortnight for 3 days work. Very compact and willing to split. *11,500 neg. Includes trailer, mowers and tools. Ph. Grant, 498-414.
HERE IS YOUR GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY FOR 1987 A NATIONAL COMPANY is looking for entreprenueral people who have a desire to earn in excess of $40,000 nett per annum for a very small outlay. Based on figures from existing franchise holders, it Is very possible to earn in excess of $BOO nett for a 35 hour week. The products we have to offer are of exceptional quality and design and are sought after by tourist outlets, clubs, hotels, motels, retailers large and small, craft shops, garages, shoe shops and many many other outlets. Finance could be available to approved purchasers. If you want to make 1987 your year, then phone Christchurch 559-124 after 4 p.m. on Tuesday and ask for Mr Bedford.