Good crowd at successful Mayfield Show
Fean that counterattractions and the drought would jeopardise the success of the Mayfield Scow largely failed to materialise on Saturday There were certainly counter-attractions in the form of the Hororata Trotting Club’s meeting at Ashburton for the first time, and televised and club sports competitions in Mid-Canterbury. Yet they failed to decrease the attendance at the show. Some, however, attended tn the morning and left for afternoon sports engagements. The result was increased gatetakings of $3265 up on last year. The crowd was more than reasonable during judging in the morning. It swelled about mid-afternoon and remained relatively constant until well after the grand parade. There was plenty to entertain all tastes Stock judges almost all expressed delight at the condition of animals they judged, particularly against a background of drought. Most noted an even standard of competition with no marked drop-off between top and bottom entries. About the only exception was Mr R. W. Wakeiin who judged the coloured sheep He said the entry lacked the high standard which would have resulted if bigger breeders had entered, and the dry season showed in the largely local entry. Lambs, however, were of good standard. Some judges lamented the smaller entry this year, but all
were prepared to accept that the drought bad bad an impact in the Mayfield area.
Horse judges cocsidercd that all entries were presented well with manner largely settling platings. Competition was strong in all divisions, with entries standing up well against other years. The official opening was made by the member of Parliament for .Ashburton. Mr Ptob Talbot, who told farmers the time had come to speak out on the Government's policy on the nuclear issue. He said the farming industry could eventually be killed if the policy was not changed. The policy posed an unnecessary threa't to agricultural trade, he said. Horse championships Pony. 1375 cm to 1475 cm: C. Harris"'! Mony Musk Tito, reserve. 5. Bowden and Clifton Stud's Ptosevean Eagle’s Isle. Pony. 127 cm to 137.5 cm: J. Wakelln’s Snerie: reserze. Miss C. Watson's Dragonwyck Gem's Legend. Pony, under 127 cm: Miss F. Rainey’s Black Cherry, reserve. Miss K. Shaw’s and H. I. Richards. Kuriheka Footman. Supreme hade Mrs D. McPherson's High Court, also champion hack; reserve. W. D. Phiskie’s Bayard. Harness pony C. H. Cooling’s Burnham’ Park Recruit; reser/e. Mrs J. E. Syme's Lewis Five. SADDLE HORSES A RING Judge: Mrs A. L. Dunn. Timaru) District hack (5): Mrs I. M.
Howden 1. Mrs D. M. Donaldson 2. Miss J. A. Burton 3. Maiden hack over 157.5 cm 122 k Mrs V. Breading 1. Miss C. Chalmers 2. Miss J. A. Burton 3 Hack, mare or gelding, up to 70kg (12): Mrs D. McPherson 1, Miss J. Tuck 2. Miss C. Chalmers 1 hack to 33kg (11): W. D. Phisfae 1. Hutton and Waterscc 2. Miss J. Chamberlain 3. hack to 95kg (10): Miss S. Brown 1. Miss J Moore 2. Miss V. Breading 3. Lady’s hack (21k Miss J. "Tuck 1. Mrs D. McPherson 2. Hutton and Waters 3. Pair of hacks (12): W D. Phiskie and Miss J. Chamberlain 1. Miss J. Moore and B. Breading 2. Mrs J. F. Ross and Miss J. A. Burton 3. Best mannered and paced hack, over 157.5 cm (24): .\iiss S. Brown 1. Mrs D. McPherson 2. Miss J. Tuck 3. B RING (Judge: Mr Peter South. Geraldine: Maiden hack 147.5 to 157.5 cm (11): Miss N. Crosses 1. Miss B. McKendry 2, Miss S. Bishop 3. Hack 147.5 to 152.5 cm <l4i: Miss S. Creelman 1. Miss M Ellis 2. Miss S. McLean 3. Hack. 152.5 to 157.5 cm (10): Miss K. Brown 1, Miss J. Morrish 2, Miss K. O'Connor 3. Best mannered and paced hack. 147.5 to 152.5 cm (15): Miss Creelman 1. Miss Ellis 2. Miss McKendry 3. Best mannered and paced back. 152-5 to 157.5 cm (9/ Miss Brown 1. Miss Morrish 2, Miss Crcssen 3. Lady's hack 147.5 to 157.5 cm (23): Miss Brown 1. Mrs I. M. Howden 2, Miss Crossen 3. Pair of hacks (11): Miss Brown 1, Miss C. Mackenzie 2, Miss O’Connor 3.
Maiden cob to 155 cm (4): Mrs P. J. Wright 1. Miss G. Mather 2. Cob 132 to 147.5 cm (2'r Miss B. Keen 1. Cob 1475 to 155 cm (11): Mrs Wright L Mrs P. M Denholm 2. Miss P. Ray 3. Best mannered and paced "cob. 132.5 to 155 cm (Up Mrs P. M. Topham 1. Miss Ray 2, Mrs Wright 3. Rider under 21. mount of 1475 cm (30): Miss Brown 1, Miss Creelman 2. Miss McKendry 3. HARNESS HORSES (Judge: Mr R. L. Bennetts. Darfield) Best turnout in harness (4): C. H. Cooling I. Mrs J. E. Syme 2. Best actioned (5): C. H. Cooling 1 and 2. Mrs Syme 3. Pony mare or gelding to 137.5 cm (2): Mrs Svme 1. From 1375 to 147.5cm' (2): C. H. Cooling 1. Horse, mare or gelding over 1475 cm (2;: C. H. Cooling 1. SADDLE PONIES GROUP A (Judge: Mrs R. Tapley, Ashburton) District pony. 137.5 to 1475 cm (sj: Miss S. Watson 1. Miss K. Sheppard 2, Miss N. Rogers 3. .Maiden pony. 1375 to 1475 cm (19): Miss rf. Ward 1. Miss W. and Mrs Tod 2. Miss N. Kingsbury 3. Pony, 137.5 to 142.5 cm (13): N. Bowden and Clifton Stud 1. Miss L. Anderson 2. Miss L. Weil 3. Pony. 142.5 to 147.5 cm (27n C. Harris 1, Miss V. Wall 2. Miss N. Brown 3. Best mannered and paced pony, 137.5 to 142.5 cm (16): Miss E. Langrell 1, Miss L. Storrie 2. Miss S. Watson 3. Best mannered and paced pony, 142.5 to 147.5 cm (28): Miss S. Koster and Clifton Stud
1, Miss W. Harkness 2, D. Sandford 3. Riding Classes Best boy rider, 14 to 17 (4): D. Sandford 1 and Sutton Cup, W. Tuck 2. Best girl rider, 14 to 17 (26): Miss L Wall 1 and Sutton Cup. Miss N. Glassey 2. Miss S. Koster 1 Best distinct rider, under 17 (9): Miss S. Watson 1, Miss C. Watson 2. Miss K. Sheppard 3. Harewood Cup: Kellie Oliver 1, Wendy Harkerss 2. Heard and Lloyd 3. Group B (Judge: Mrs J. Harkerss, Brookside) District pony. 127 to 137.5 cm (3k Miss Carmen Watson 1. Miss F. Smeath 2. Maiden pony 127 to 137.5 cm (11): Miss M McMillan 1, Miss D. Pawsey 2. Miss Smeath 3. Pony. 127' to 132.5 cm (13): J. Wakeiin I. Miss C. Watson 2. Miss V. Lund 3. Pony, 132.5 to 137.5 cm H2;: Miss S. Caird 1. Webster and Jenkins 2. Miss M. Loader 3. Best mannered and paced pony. 127 to 1325 cm (9): J. Wakeiin 1. Miss A. Loader 2, Miss L Donaldson 3. Best mannered afid paced ponv, 1325 to 137.5 cm (Ilk Miss M. Loader 1. Miss S. Caird 2, Webster and Jenkins 3. Pair of ponies. 127 to 137.5 cm (12): Miss A. Loader 1. Miss M. Loader 2. J. Wakeiin 3. Riding classes Best boy rider 12 to 14 (4): N. Bowden 1. J. Wakeiin 2. Best girl rider, 12 to 14 (26): Miss K. Grassam 1, Miss S. Kingsbury 2, Miss A. Rainey 3. Best boy rider. 10 to 12 (1): G. Bishop 1". Best girl rider, 10 to 12 (21): Miss A. Loader 1, Miss J. Smeath 2, Miss C. Sinclair 3.
Group C (Judge Mrs L. Spence. Christchurch) District pony to 127 cm (7): Judy Smeath I, Melanie Smeath 2, Caroline Robins 3. Maiden pony to 127 cm (Uh Judy Smeath 1, Helen Watson 1 Elizabeth John 3. Pony to 117 cm (9k Matthew Reed'and Mrs Tod L Candice Miller 2. Melanie Smeath 1 Pony, 117 to 122 cm (14k Kristy Shaw and Mrs H. Richards 1, Jane Honeywell 2. Damon McDonald 1 Pony, 122 to 127 cm (9k Fiona Rainey 1 and champion. Tania McDonald 2. Hadey Smeath 3. Best mannered and paced pony, to 122 cm (22): Kirsty Shaw and H. L Richards 1. Matthew Reed and Mrs Tod 2. Candice Miller 3. Best Mannered and paced pony, 122 to 127 cm (Ilk Tania McDonald 1, Miss T. Stapleton and Mrs Jenkins 2. Shaun Sandford 3. Pair of ponies, to 127 cm (12): Caroline ’Robins 1. Glennan Ross 2, .Angela Rcoke 3. Riding classes Best rider, under eight Damon McDonald 1. Elizabeth Reed 2, Elizabeth John 3. Wakeiin Cup: Rachael Middleton 1, Chantal Miller 2. Rachael Bedford 3. LED PONIES (Judge: Mrs J. E. Hutton. Hororata) Pony stallion, to 147.5 cm (3): Mr and Mrs J. W. Armstrong. Pony brood mare with foal at foot' 132.5 cm to 147.5 cm (2): Miss T. Arps 1. Pony brood mare with foal at foot to 132.5 cm (1): Misses M. and W. Fouke 1. Pony brood mare, to 147.5 cm (9): Mr and Mrs J. W.
.Armstrong 1 and champion. Mrs R. J. Grenadier 2. Mrs RBallagh 3. Yearling pony, to 1325 cm (2k Mr and Mrs Armstrong 1. Yearling pony, to 147.5 cm (5k Mrs R. J. Lee 1 and champion. Mr and Mrs Armstrong 2. Mrs J. C. Wooding 3. Pony filly or gelding, two vears to 147.5 cm (7) Mrs J. D' Tod 1, Mrs A. Lane 2. Mrs Tod 3. Pony filly _ or gelding two years, to 132.5 cm (4k Mrs R. J.'Sandrey 1. R. W. Wakeiin 2. SHEEP Romney (Judge: Mr W. M. Robertson. Gore) Ram. two-shear and over (2): Quigley, Esler and Scott 1. Ram, 'one shear (4k Quigley Partnership 1 and champion. W. J. and M D. Symes 2. Ram. one-shear, shorn (3): B. G. Alexander 1. Shorn ram lamb (9): K. W. Donaldson 1. Quigley Partnership 2 and 3. Shorn ram iamb, natural (8): Quigley Partnership 1 and 2. D. A. Wylie 3. Shorn ram lamb, pa'ired (3): Quiglev partnership 1. Romney ewes (Judge: Mr E. W. Ottrey, Heriot) Ewe. two-shear and over, had lamb, sbom (4): B. G. Alexander 1. Quigley Partnership 2. Ewe, two-shear, reared lamb (9): Quigley Partnership 1 and 3. B. G. Alexander 2. OneShear. shorn after January (11): D. A. Wyllie and G. G. Woolley 1 and champion. Quigley Partnership 2, B. G. Alexander 3. Shorn before January (11): Quigley Partnership l'and 2, D. A. Wyllie 3. Shorn ewe lamb (12k K. W. Donaldson 1,2. and
1 Pair shorn ewe lambs, natural (Ik Quigley Partnership 1. Ewe. one-shear, natural shorn before January (4k Quigley Partnership 1 and reserve, and 2. Corriedale (Judge: Mr P. J. Hoban. Hawarden) Ram. two-shear and more (Ik C. P. Wright. 1 and champion. One shear (2): E. M. and D. M. Donaldson 1 and reserve. Ram lamb natural (3k C. P Wright 1. Ewe. two-shear and over, lambed this season (2k C. P. Wright 1 and champion. One-shear (3): E. M. and D. M. Donaldson 1 and reserve. Ewe lamb, natural (4k C. P. Wright 1 and 2. English Leicester (Judge; Mr A. L McKerchar. Waimate) Ram. one-shear (1): Findlay and Thompson 1 and champion. Ram lamb (4): Findlay and Thompson 1 and reserve, and 2. Ewe two-shear, having reared lamb (2): Findlay and Thompson 1 and reserve. Ewe one-shear (2k A. F. Brown 1 and champion. Ewe lamb (4): Findlav and Thompson 1 and 2. BORDER LEICESTER (Judge: Mr A. L. McKerchar. Waimate) Ram. two-shear and over (1): T. H. and R. H. Lemon 1. Ram. one-shear (3): T. H. and R. H. Lemon 1 and champion, H. M. and D. H. King 2 and reserve. Ram lamb (2): T. H. and R. H. Lemon 1. Shorn ram lamb (2): T. H. and R. H. Lemon 1. Ram lamb, natural (2k T. H. and R. H. Lemon 1. Ewe, two-shear, reared lamb (2): T. H. and R. H. Lemon 1 and champion. Ewe one shear (2): T. H. and R. H. Lemon 1 and reserve. Ewe lamb (2k T. H. and R. H. Lemon 1. Shorn ewe lamb (2): T. H. and R. H. Lemon 1. Ewe lamb, natural (2): T. H. and R. H. Lemon 1. SOUTHDOWN (Judge: Mr L. A. Christey, Southbridge) Ram. two-shear and over (1): D. A. Wyllie 1. One-shear (1): D. A. Wyllie I and champion. Ram lamb (1): D. A. Wyllie 1 and reserve. Ram lamb, natural (1): D. A. Wyllie 1. Ram lamb shorn, natural (1): D. A. Wyllie 1. Ewe, two-shear and over, lambed this season (1): D. A. Wyllie 1 and champion. One shear (1): D. A. Wyllie 1 and reserve. Ewe lamb (1): D. A. Wyllie 1. Ewe lamb, natural (1): D. A. Wyllie I. Ewe lamb, shorn, natural (1): D. A. Wyllie 1. SUFFOLK (Judge: Mr D. J. Smyth. Ashburton) Ram. two-shear and over (Ik R. W. Seaton 1 and champion. Ram lamb (8): G. C. L. Harper 1 and reserve. R. W. Seaton 2. W. H. McConnell 3. Ewe, twoshear and over, lambed this season (4k G. C. L. Harper 1 and champion, and 2. Oneshear (8k F. Howard 1 and reserve, N. L. and G. M. Carr 2, G. C. L. Harper 3. Ewe lamb (8): G. C. L. Harper 1, J. T. Miles 2, Mrs C. A. Martin 3. SOUTH SUTFOLK (Judge: M. L. Talbot. Temuka) Ram. one-shear (1): H. M. and D. H. King 1 and champion. Ram lamb (5): S. J. Sinclair 1 and 2, J. A. Brown 3. Ewe, two-shear, lambed this season (1); S. J. Sinclair 1 and champion. One-shear (3k S. J. Sinclair 1 and reserve. Ewe lamb (5): S. J. Sinclair 1 and 2, P. G. Wilson 3. Ewe lamb, natural (5): S. J. Sinclair 1 and 2, P. G. Wilson 3. DORSET DOWN (Judge: Mr J. Scott, Rakaia) Ram. one-shear (3): Leyland Pastures Ltd, 1 and champion. Ram lamb (4): D. M. Letham 1 and reserve, W. H. McConnell 2. Ewe, two-shear and over, lambed this season (3): W. H. McConnell 1. One shear (2): D. M. Letham 1 and champion. W. H. McConnell 2 and reserve. Ewe lamb (4): D. M. Letham 1 and 2. SOUTH DORSET DOWN (Judge: -Mr G. J. Scott, Rakaia) Ram, two-shear and over (1): R. W. McConnell 1 and reserve. One-shear (6): M. I. and K. J. Donaldson 1 and 2, R. W. McConnell 3. Ewe. twoshear and over, lambed this season (2): D. M. Letham 1 and champion. One-shear (4): M. I. and K. J. Donaldson 1, R. W. McConnell 2. Ewe lamb (6): M. I. and K. J. Donaldson 1 and reserve and 3, R. W’. McConnell 2. POLL DORSET (Judge: Mr A. Copland, Ashburton) Ram two-shear and over (1): T. P. Lowe and Company, 1 and champion. Ram one-shear (1): T. P. Lowe and Company, 1 and reserve. Ewe two-shear and over (2): T. P. Lowe and Company 1 and champion, 2 and reserve. Ram lamb (3): T. P. Lowe and Company, 1 and
1 Ewe one-shear (2k T P. Lowe and Company 1. Ewe lamb (2k T. P. Lowe and Company 1. HAMPSHIRE (Judge: Mr R F Gould. Pleasant Point; Ram, two-shear and over (lr M. E. Lay 1. One-shear (3k J C, and D. J. Ingold I and champion, M E. Lay 2 and reserve. Shorn lamb (4p A. K. Linton 1. J. C. and D. J. Ingold 2. Ram iamb, natural (5k M. E. Lay 1 and 2, J. C. and D. J. Ingold 3. Ram lamb (3k M E. Lay 1. Ewe two-shear and over, lambed tins season (4): .M E. Lay 1 and reserve, J. C. and D. J’ Ingold 2. One-sbear (6k J. C. and D. J. Ingold 1 and champion, C. V. Saunders and Sons 2, M. E. Lay 3. Shorn ewe lamb (3): M. E. Lay 1. Ewe lamb (2k M E. Lay i. Natural (4): M. E. Lav 1 and 2. PERENDALE (Judge; Mr C. G. Clelland, Pleasant Point) Ram two-shear and over (3): Mrs C. H. Gallagher 1 and reserve. One-shear (3): I. N. and J. M. Evans 1 and champion. Ram lamb (8): Mrs Gallagher 1. 2 and 3. Ewe twoshear and over, lambed this season (9): Mrs Gallagher I and champion and 3, A. H. Robinson 2. One-shear (5): Mrs Gallagher 1 and reserve, I. N. and J. ,M Evans 2. A. H. Robinson 3. Ewe lamb (8): Mrs Gallagher 1. 2, and 3. PUREBRED SHEEP Best woolbred lamb (5): Quigley Partnership 1 and 2. Findlay and Thompson 3. FLOCK SHEEP HALFBRED OR CORRIEDALE-CROSS (Judge: Mr R. B. Pawsey, Ashburton) Three ewes, two-shear or over, lambed this season (5): O. L. Donaldson 1. D. A. Earl 2. E. M. and D. M. Donaldson 3. Three ewes, one-shear (6): D. A. Earl I. O. L. Donaldson 2 and 3. One ewe, one-shear (7): O. L. Donaldson 1. D. A. Earl 2 and 3. Three ewe lambs (if. D. A. Earl 1 and 2. ROMNEY (Judge: Mr A. N. Chamberlain) Three ewes, two-shear and over, lambed this season (4): J. T. Miles 1, G. A. Matthews 2. Three ewes, one-shear (4k M. and W. F. Bell 1. G. A. Matthews 2. One ewe. oneshear (6): B. Matthews 1. M. and W. F. Bell 2. G. A. Matthews 3. Three ewe lambs (2): G. A. Matthews 1. Three shorn ewe lambs (3k M. and W. F. Bell 1. Three ewes, oneshear, shorn after January (4): G. A. Matthews 1. D. C. and D. M. Sauer 2. BORDER LEICESTER-ROMNEY-CROSS OR COOPWORTH (Judge: Mr L S. Darling, Cave) Three ewes, two-shear and over, lambed this season (3k A. P. Holmes 1. One-shear (Sr. C. V. Saunders and Sons 1. A. P. Holmes 2, D. C. Cooper 3. Oneewe, one-shear (9k A. P. Holmes 1. C. V. Saunders and Sons 2 and 3. Three ewe lambs (5): A. P. Holmes 1. C. V. Saunders and Sons 2. D. C. Cooper 3. Three shorn ewe lambs (9): R. J. and M. J. Bush I, A. P. Holmes 2, D. C. Cooper 3. Three ewes, one shear, shorn after January (3): C. V. Saunders and Sons. PRIME SHEEP AND LAMBS (Judge: Mr A. L. Pierce, Methven) Three shorn lambs (2): R. E., W. R, and B. A. Blair 1. Three long-wool lambs (2): R. J. Cooper 1. Three Down-cross lambs (1): R. J. Cooper 1. Three lambs for export (Ik R. J. Cooper 1. Three butchers lambs (5): A. Lane 1 and 2, R. J. Cooper 3. BLACK AND COLOURED SHEEP (Judge: Mr B. Anderson, Albury) Ewe or wether "lamb (8); Mrs E. M. Harper 1. Mrs Y. Matthews 2. Hamish Lane 3. Ram, one-shear or over (2): Hamish Lane 1 and champion. Ram lamb (4): Mrs Matthews 1. Hamish Lane 2. Ewe. oneshear or over (8): Hamish Lane 1 and 2, Mrs Harper 3. Wether, one-shear or over (2): Mrs Harper 1. SHEEPDOGS (Judge: Mr W. H. Dobbs. Maronan) Smooth-haired working dog (1): E. Bennett. Smooth-haired working collie slut (4): E Bennett 1. C. A. McKay 2. Longhaired working collie dog (2): R. Kane 1. Long-haired working collie slut (1): Mrs L. A. Geddes 1. Sheep dog, under six months (2): D. G. Reith 1. Sporting dog (1): Miss C. Moore 1. Pet dog any breed (4): G. Bedford 1. McMillan familv 2. BEEF CATTLE (Judge: Mr A. J. Darling. Geraldine) Shorthorn heifer, calved
after June 1- (lk C. J. Ebbett 1 Limousin, bull calved 'V. before June 1, 1983 (Ik T. S. 3 Chappell 1 and champion. Bull calved after June, 1983 (Ik T. J and D. M. McKeown 1 and S reserze. Cow or heifer, calved X before June I, 1983 (6t T. S. Chappell 1 and champion, also -S best beef animal, and 2, T. J. and D M. McKeown 3. Heifer, 2 calved after June, 1983 (4k T. 5 S. Chappell 1 and 2. Heifer, calved after June. 1984 (3k T. J and D M. McKeown 1. DONKEYS (Judge- J Irwin; In-hand jack, two years and 2 over (3k I. S and R. E Cameron 1 and champion. Jenny (6): H. J. and T. M. ""M Gardiner 1 and reserve and 3. Mrs P A. Beil 2 Gelding (4): 25 Mrs P. S. Stewart 1. Mrs Bell 2. Best child handler (4k H. J. and T M. Gardiner 1. Miss T. ? Arps 2. In-band jack, jenny or « gelding under two years (4k r Mrs Bell 1. Mrs Stewart 2. Three years and over, with child rider (5k Miss D. Arps 1. Mrs Stewart 2 Miss E Cameron 3. Ridden jenny or gelding, over three (4); Miss Cameron 1. «) Mrs Stewart 2. Donkey over ■? three, in harness (6k Miss 'J? Cameron 1. Mrs Stewart 2. Ji GOATS ? (Judge: J. P. Rooney. Timaru) Maiden doe. under 12 months (11> Mrs M. L Prattlev ’’ I. J. W. and J. L. Arscott 2 S. A. and J. K. Attwood 1 Maiden -i. doe 12 to 30 months (5): S. A. * and J. K. Attwood 1. T. J. and A. L. Rouse 2, Mrs Prattley 3. Kidded doe in milk, under three yeara (5): Mrs Prattley 1 ■< and champion. T. J. and A. L Rouse 2 and reserve, Mrs K A Robertson 3. Best uddered (5k- -? .Mrs Prattley 1. T. J. and A. L. ’■ Rouse 2, S. A. and J. K. 5 Attwood 3. Wether (6;: J. W. and J. L Arscott 1, ,N. Donaldson 2, Mrs Robertson 3. Angora 3 doe (3): D. A. and S. M. Crow 1. | GRAINS AND SEEDS 3 (Judge: J. Vucetich, Ashburton) w 10kg Rongatea wheat (5): W. 7 W. Thompson 1. K. J. and G. F. Nicol 2 H. J. and T. M. » Gardiner 3. Oroua wheat (2k T. * J. and D. J. Corbett 1. Other * varieties (Ik K- D. Mackenzie « 1. Partridge peas (Ik W. W. * Thompson 1. Other varieties * (3k T. J and D. J. Corbett 1. * Seed oats (2): G. A. Painter 1. , Malting barley (9t K. J. and G. > F. Nicol 1 and 3. B. W. Stonyer 3 2 Feed barley (7r M. K. -j Donaldson 1. M.' T. Wallace 2. G. A. Painter 3. White clover (1): H. J. and T. M Gardiner 1. Lucerne hay (3): A. K. Linton 1. -j Meadow hay (3): K. J. and G. ■ F. Nicol I.' j FIELD ROOTS 4 (Judge: Mr A. F. Smith, Ash- -•> burton; -* Three swedes (2r A. A. Hall • 1. Three turnips (2k A. A. Hall 1. Heaviest turnip ilj: A. A. Hall 1. Heaviest swede (1): A. A. Hall 1. Heaviest mangold, ri foliage left cc A. A. Hall 1. Root of fodder beet (2.1: A. A. t Hall 1. Stalk of choc moellier J or kale ! 2): A. A. Hall 1. Collection of field roots (Ik A. ■ A. Hall 1. WOOL (Judge Mr E Andersen. Christd-srcc) Biacx cr cc’.ccred hogget • fleece, fine <;s.r Mrs R. W. ‘ Wakeiin 1 and reserve, A. K. « Latimer 2 and 1 Strong fleece • (2k A. K. Latimer 1. Ewe or ‘ wether fleece, fine <3k Mrs E ! M. Harper 1. Strong (3t Mrs { Stewart 1. White fleece for i spinning i3’i: C. J. Harper 1. ' Gift fleece (8k EM. and D. M. } Donaldson 1 and champion, O. ; L Donaldson 1 V. C. Latimer I 3. Merino ewe (2k G. A. i Painter 1. Halfbred or Corrie- ' dale ram. skirted fleece (2k L. • F. and G. R. Chisnall 1. Ewe (3t M. D. Howden 1. Ewe or i wether hogget (3): EM. and D. • M. Donaldson 1. Romney ram ‘ skirted fleece (Ik G. A. P’ainter ‘ ( 1. Ewe (3k Quigley Partnership , 1. Ewe or wether hogget (4k A. ‘ T. Begg 1. A. D. and M. K. ; Bean 2, Crossbred ewe skirted fleece (71 Quigley Partnership < 1 and 2R. J. Cooper 3. Ewe or ; wether hogget (5k A. D. and M. ; K. Bean 1 and 3. A. T. Begg 2. , Premium Drysdale fleece (J): : Helen Heddeil 1. Merino ewe ' (lk L. F. and G. R. Chisnall 1. Medium Halfbred or Corrie- •. dale ewe i 4): O. L, Donaldson 1. 1 D. A. Earl 2. Fine Halfbred or ) Corriedale (1): D. A. Earl 1. •’ Medium Halfbred or Corriedale woolly ewe (6): O. L. Donaldson 1. L. F. and G. R. 1 Chisnall 2. P. G. Heddeil 3. I Fine (1); D. A. Earl 1. Crossbred ewe (5): Miss N. Morrison ' 1, Miss K. Morrison 2 R. J. , Cooper 3. Crossbred woolly ■ ewe or wether hogget (7): W. W. Thompson 1. A. D. and M. ‘ K. Bean 2. R. J. Cooper 3. I Crossbred, shorn (Ilk Miss K. 1 Morrison 1. D. F. Morrison 2. ; A. Morrison 3.
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Press, 11 March 1985, Page 14
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4,098Good crowd at successful Mayfield Show Press, 11 March 1985, Page 14
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