IMAM!HPL> 1W IJMBU I the worid’s favourite video-taping equipment- F^^IFT wW | fp¥| — .._. 'jaasmaT wrapping. JMftn'fTa ® il ' Have your Smiths City I▼BW>■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■MBr J A —■ Market Christmas 1 /O n VL w s MA '■TO'ITBT v-'jfc sßj ° —mW-TxvJElj Jwß I fltafl nationalX’meiaiV ■EJ3^^ V^V- es I $ jhwJt ».«,< N«»> -««< Ji™ § I* V 4 vhs VHS >»WB<R^WB^4rW^w"»^» * « video ? B video w St | out performs many loads of features g FAR MORE EXPENSIVE VCRs WITHOUT A HIGH PRICE TAG g When you demonstrate the National NV-450 to your friends you might have True value for money! Here's just some of the features: • Rock & to lie about the price with its first class features, as these. They won't steady super-still freeze frame •14 day programme timer • Picture search IUATiriMAi ocn & 7? believe the NV-450 could cost so little. forward and reverse • Single-touch recording • One-touch timer recording NATIORIAL 850 VHS VIDEO • Super still for a rock steady freeze frame •27 mode infra-red remote con- with standby • Still advance slow motion • 16-station quartz synthesiser • Full stereo Hi-Fi sound • Multi-funrtinn fluorescent disolav £ trol • Single touch recording • One touch timer recorder with standby tuning, etc. Put these outstanding features beside Smiths City Market's , 14-dav 8 orooramme timer • cjunpr «till and suner advance P Y & J 7 • Picture search forward and reverse • 14 day programmable timer FREE list below, the NV-250 adds up to one of the best video buys aroundl ay, o programme timer buper Still and super advance • 16-station quartz synthesiser tuning. FANTASTIC VALUEI • 2 7 mode infra-red remote control • Tape programme search | EVERY V.C.R. ■s jsKieas: »■■ | ■ gNWfIIBR § Technics <|fc\ jfew I | I when you're serious about High Fidelity & & TECHNICS SA2O3 AM/ FM NOW V 1011 murAnTA ? tuner amplifier 11 Mll ■ r 30 watts RMS per channel! Power range vyi UIBJ OR to display "854.53 Wk T T^!i Dics & NATIONAL 14" 1 1 PORTABLE CTV A A. '~ •“ /S price ♦1099 Wfficjgfjsijy § I v> o1 1 MSB MB t It! Ehyll n I I SI I * £ ' national 26" M I rW H * & ? CONSOLE CTV WITH REMOTE |||g! M : lfeJ fl £ & new Mjaak ■■Sr jflfliSi mH H ! fl § flflf fl & |X E our price *1579 W 2 Mmhmml rllf IBallll . IBB I r I k technics slb2io 'WflsSB & y ■ J turntable £. H Automatic return. it ™bif t™ L X Automatic stop. ViLA * IS TABLE TOP CTV M Belt drive. TECHNICS & & NEW Slimline design. SGB6OO SPEAKERS g IllMiirrflM 111 PRICE JU«■*»«*■"> S9M Ridiculously low price 3 way, large 35cm *7 $1159 OUR PRICE $ 1035 Wk woofer. 150 watt power! %■ national 22" I ♦ 2# * NOW ONLY *199 Wk $899 NOW ONLY $699 | consolectv & — S |B W,TH REMOTE £ ll IHW. WTOirr—. W An ideal Christmas £ I ■MITMmIWMM W ,amlly9,ft I g *"«’ E our price *1299 * | . | I 'wßflk CONSOLECTV technicsslbsot technics 4? Pay only $11.15 weekly J FULLY AUTOMTIC SLP-10 2 ..., NATIONAL 18" & WssH\sk TURNTABLE A state of the artplayer. £ W TABLE TOP CTV & ' i Belt drive Hearing is ij WITH REMOTE J ■■KjQJ 3 Slimline design. W Check the saving. Ihl new f & Itx *T*lbu3 ■ $1239 E OUR PRICE *1139 sl w” I i S NOW ONLY *259 «895 NOW ONLY *1595 $,4 wk 7 B s MkiMiß 10 I k I « r ■ -».■ « ? MjfflW H 1Q MYS I ’ OMp.. S »_'FWr- T| ! gCHRiSTMASS« Aw bBIsSiIEw I vtX ' Hill Z B S frwr fl 2 technics slq-i Ijrxß r if 2rMkSia optional r .11l r « EXTENDED CHRISTMAS SHOPPING g LINEA turntable Ik. JW & Si ft W $59 EXTRA J _gjYMPff\ ' t Thuradav.Decß Rlcearton Mall 1 «M DueJ drive 'JF nn» a? Friday, Dec 7 Colombo Street « Front controls. fCliwflFJa 7 » J NATIONAL 20" CTV ft NA IL O Armagh Street & WEB** R NEW WITH REMOTE £P TABLE TOP m Northlands h± WAC A _ ._ & PRICE * nf Oft $10.79 A C , ? Saturday ? S 5? 55.43 W TECHNICS V 303 SYSTEM 3 $1325 OUR PRICE * 1189 Wk Pay only $9.97 wk Morning, Dec 8 All stores Nvw ONLY Ywvv Wk Top of the range. Incredible soundl FREE CUSTOMER PARKING AT ALL STORES fIMHHHHHHBHHHHHMHBMHHHHMIMHHHHHMIHMHBHMHBHMH where we will oav ourchasers’ Dorking meter or parking building costs! ■ —■ PRODUCTS AVAILABLE AT OR THROUGH... 6 MONTHS FREE CREDIT On purchase apply I >a»CTDEET DU* 9ft A to refrigeration, drvers or washing machines). Free Accident & Sickness ■ ■ WVLVniDV 3 I KKK I • "as® #IFO"iVW Insurance cover. Hurry, this offer finishes December 29th ■ V ■ W ■ aniIAAU CTDEET DM® AO CECO THREE YEARS TO PAY From No Deposit with payments budgeted up to ■ k k ■ ■ A<KIMIA%Ma« 3IKEKI* ■*■■• UT’OJO three years. Free Accident & Sickness Insurance cover. ■ ■ k A ■ ■ MftDTMI AMftC DM* C9A ftKLA MONTHLY CHARGE ACCOUNTS Buy now — pay later. By the 20th of ■ Mfl D A ■ W ■MB M A I «•« ■■ * — the following month. Call or phone our friendly credit office to open an account. ■ m D|££ A IMI All DM* ARR-A 9Tf TRADE-IN AND SAVE You can any saleable on ■ H Klw w Smiths City Market. Phone and arrange a FREE home ■ i ’ . a “ A ■ LAY-BY from only 10% deposit regular payments, ■ B safely stored up to 3 months until final payment, at no extra charge! ■ ■ Hr. W | |'j * A faM ■ |1 3 # .l*wgßsggjD WE WELCOME VISA AND BANKCARD I f—— j f y M *>l AlgJjj ff-LJfIQB FREE HOME DELIVERY we new BHH^^^^BMHIDBBBBBBBHBiMHBHBBHBIBi^BHM||B, in value) free to yqjr home within the city and slurbs. ~ _________L___—__—j— —
Page 5 Advertisements Column 1
Press, 5 December 1984, Page 5
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