Cars for Sale VALIANT Pacer, silver with black trim. The best available. $7499. Paul Chaney Motors, Ltd (Carlton branch), 12-14 Papanui Road, Christchurch, Ph. 556557, 554-146, a.h. 596-045, 327934, LMVD. VALIANT Ranger 1972, automatic, 93,000 miles, Immaculate original condition, compare our price, $2995 or $lOOO dep. John Sergei, 301 Lincoln Rd, ph. 381-654, a.h. 585-612, LMVD. VALIANT Ranger XL, 1974, white with parchment trim, automatic, $4499. Paul Chaney Motors, Ltd (Carlton branch), 12-14 Papanui Road, Christchurch, Ph: 556557, 554-146, a.h. 596-045, 327934, LMVD. VALIANT VG Auto, 1971, great condition, $2995. Trevor Crowe, 160 Ferry Rd, Phone 797-963, MVDI. VALIANT VH auto, 1973, Heml, copper bronze, immaculate condition, now $3499 at Challenger, 168 Ferry Rd. Ph. 63-101 a.h. 885-148, LMVD. VALIANT VJ manual 1973, look genuine one Chch private owner, 65,000 miles, finished in mexico brown with fawn trim, very few fussed over, one owner, Valiants left for sale, compare $5695. Miles Ltd, Cnr High and Ashley Sts, Ranglora. Ph. 7928 a.h. 8372 LMVD. VAUXHALL Chevette estate 1979, metallic gold, bone trim, lovely condition. Look only $4899, $1225. Kalkanul Motors, 82 William St, Kalapoi, ph. 27-8185, LMVD. VAUXHALL Cresta PC, as Is where Is or sell parts. Phone 388-355. VAUXHALL Viva 1969, 4-door, good order, $875 0.n.0. Phone 849-436. VAUXHALL Viva, 1968, 2 door, In good order. Apply 15 Concord Place, Burwood, between 12 and 2 p.m. VAUXHALL Viva 1975, 1800 CC great little car, only $2995. Sydenham Park Car Sales, cnr Lincoln Rd and Moorhouse Ave, ph. 799-199, a.h. 596-529, 582-069, 371-428, LMVD. VAUXHALL Viva, One two door, only 85,000 km. Priced at Only $2995. Sydenham Park Car Sales, cnr Lincoln Rd and Moorhouse Ave, ph. 799-199, a.h. 582-069, 596-529, LMVD. VIVA 1971, 2 door, In nice cond. Drives well. Only $1750 0.n.0. Ph. 884-753. VOLKSWAGEN car, mechanical, electrical and body repair specialists. Randall Panelbeaters, 3618 Tuam St, ph. 66-473. VOLKSWAGEN Passat, 1974, sunroof, etc. An extremely tidy, roomy, popular car, $6999. Gary Cockram, Ltd (Durham Court), LMVD, cnr Tuam and Durham St, 60-261, a.h. 298-786. VOLKSWAGON Golf, 1976, blue, 2 pvte owners, just arrived, exceptional condition, $5990. Amur! Mazda, Durham St, ph. 798-180, a.h. 799-228, 382-047, LMVD. VOLVO 1445, 1973, Mk 11, manual, exceptional condition In white, cloth trim, prestige motoring, $6995, $2334 dep. Mecca Mtrs, 826 Colombo St, next Town Hall, ph. 7999-575, a.h. 69-893. VW Baja, 1400 motor with receipts. In excel cond. $3200 0.n.0. Ph. 797-351 VW Dormoblle camper, 1500 motor fitted, this unit has just had engine and gearbox overhaul, In excess of $lOOO, be quick and buy for Christmas because It won’t last, look only $6499, Kalkanul Motors, 82 Williams St, Kalapoi, Ph. 8185, a.h. 23-7166, LMVD. VW for sale, not going, as is where is $5OO 0.n.0. Please phone Lynette 243-302. VW for sale, 1966 Beetle 1300, $9OO 0.n.0. Contact Rex, ph. 67-830 after 4 p.m. VW Golf 1975, disc brakes all round, a good driving car, $5750 or low dep. Phone 69-475, Chch, a.h. 854-381, Sports Car Centre, LMVD. VW Kombl, 1958, new W.O.f. $ll5O 0.n.0. Ph. 582-248. VW Kombl, 1964, fair cond. must sell today, $6OO. Ph. 50-821. VW Kombl, 1973, 1800 c.c. automatic, camper, $6900. Call Storer Motors, 583-371 or 888-808, MVDI. VW paint and panel repairs. Storer Motors, 430 A Tuam St. Ph. 60-411 or a.h. 888-808. VW repairs and motor reconditioning. Call the experts. Storer Motors, 196 Walmairl Rd. Ph. 583-371, a.h. 888-808. VWS buying or selling phone N.Z. Classic Co. Ltd, at 799742, a.h. 266-571, LMVD. VW Service, Mechanical and Body Repairs. Try Randalls, 25 years VW experience, 3618 Tuam St, 66-473. VW Sirocco, 1978, 1600 cc. Exciting European sports hatchback, factory alloy wheels, tinted glass, cloth trim. Rear wiper etc, outstanding condition and rarely available, $15,999. Simon Odium Motors, 407 Ferry Rd, 894-467, MVDI. VW 1965, very good condition, fully reconditioned motor, new w.o.f. radio, $2500, 33 Burnside Cres. VW 1967, 1300, excellent cond. $3OOO. Phone 497-257. VW 6 day service for mechanical, paint and panel repairs. New and secondhand parts. Storer Motors, 430 A Tuam St. Phone 60-411, a.h. 888-808. V.W. 1965, 1200, runs well, $l3OO. Ph. Sue 50-357. V.W. 1969 1500, German assembled, 1600 cc motor, auto, radio etc. Really tidy, $3995. Ph. Storer Motors, 585371, or 888-808. ZIP out for used Datsun and Nissan at Rhodes Nissan, LMVD, 334 Rlccarton Road. Ph. 485-099 any time. Open Saturdays. ZODIAC Mk 3 maroon paint work bucket seats, recpts for motor overhaul, $1999. DAve Diggs Motors, cnr Hill and Shirley Rd LMVD. 1954 Vauxhall, current w.0.f., very tidy, offers. Ph. 596-990. 39,000 readers of “The Press” have bought a secondhand car In the last 12 months. It pays to advertise in “The Press,” the No. 1 Medium for Car Listings. 68 Morris 1100 auto, tidy cond, $9OO. Ph. 62-351. Cars Wanted A bank cheque or cash for your car now. Contact Roger Moffat at Select Auto’s Showroom, 211 Moorhouse Ave. Phone 60-596, LMVD. $ ♦ $ ACCORDS, Lasers, Mirages, Starlets. Civics etc. Desperately wanted now!! Good prices. Smithburn Mtrs, 27 Moorhouse Ave, ph. 61-046. MVDI. ACCORDS, 78-82 wanted urgently. Archibalds, cnr Moorhouse and Montreal, Ph. 63-052, a.h. 598-787. LMVD. ALL makes and models of cars, utes and vans required urgently. Top prices paid for top vehicles. Paul Chaney Motors, Ltd (Carlton), 12-14 Papanui Rd, Phone 556-557, a.h. 596-045 or 327-934. ♦♦ ♦ ♦ APPROXIMATELY $lOO-$5OO more for your car from Economy Cars, 538 Moorhouse Ave. (opp. Blue Star). Ph. 60-440, LMVD. ♦♦ ♦ ♦ AT Canterbury Cars, Ltd, we pay top cash price for good used cars, pay out existing H.P. and will sell on your behalf. Ring John Hay at 488-043. a.h. 582-079, or call at 97 Main South Road, Upper Rlccarton. LMVD.